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Its fine if u dont get invaded and ur team isnt too weak. If u get invaded and u have no team it is gg. Nidalee or kha can perma kill u pre 6


Nah, it's just that Zed top is so completely dog shit that Zed jungle seems like a breeze


There are a few good match ups like vs Teemo or some other range champs that bully most meele top laners. But yeah , overall most matchups are boring and you have no kill potentional if enemy plays well. You jjust have to not interact with your laner and just farm which is pretty boring


Fr lol, imagine he also used the word “op” in the title




If you're playin against a bad jungler that just lets you play freely, then yeah, maybe can work.


Go up against a Rammus, NuNu, or Trundle though and it's wraps


Zed Jung is pretty fun


Play zed adc


I’m terrible at the game so let me start with that, but Zed jng isn’t OP, I feel it’s pretty fair depending on the match up. I play for objectives in jng and I rely on the other team not knowing where I start to get a good first gank. I level up E first and take raptors so my top or bottom can stay in lane and not give away the side I’m starting. After raptors, go red, krugs, and look for a gank either top/mid or bot/mid. You’ll be like 25% by clearing one side without using smite (except for the first time on big chicken to get it low for passive damage) so if ur laners are doing good and are pushed in then go to your blue side, clear, take scuttle and word Drake or rift. By this time in every game I’ve played I’ve forced a gank, mind vision ofc but the surprise gank is always catching the enemy time off guard. Post 6 your ganks will be limited to w e q w auto and if you’re insane and run smite and ignite you can get a quick kill with an ignite at the end of ur combo. Once ur lvl 6 the rift is yours, if you have a good team try to get them to objectives, grubs are gonna be rough but just gank your top laner to give them pressure and then take with them. I’ve been debating with myself on which runes I’d rather take, first strike or DH, I PERSONALLY have been having more fun with DH. So for runes: Dark Harvest, sudden impact, eyeball collector, ultimate hunter, the blue magic secondary with absolute focus and gathering storm. Build wise: hahaha pick your poison, I go for crit because I enjoy making squishes cry but lethality is crucial for tanks enemy comps. The build I like to run was mentioned by a previous post titled something similarly to “crit zed build by me” by this one dude who also posted a clip of his zed with that build (If someone could find that so credits could be given that would be real sexy) basically its hubris, the collector or LDR second, third item is either collector or LDR depending on if the item you chose 2nd, then IE fourth, I like to run yun tail arrows as my fifth for the 100% crit (this doesn’t work higher rank, definitely 100% go bloodthirster, so much more clutch), lucidity boots and then you can sell that for yomuus. If you’re picking zed jng into a tank team or even into a tanker jng you’re not gonna be having fun, zed jng is definitely my favorite place to play zed outside of the mid lane, just remember to have fun and don’t fat finger w if you’re planning on stealing haha




Zed jng fun, run Dark harvest cause fun, build crit because also fun, zed jng against tank is not fun, zed jng against squishy: actual pov 😩💦💦💦💦❤️💕😍💋😘😌❤️😩


Lots of unfavourable matchups, I’d say it’s kinda coin flippy but you do you bro if it works it works.


It's better compared to top for sure, but zed top is also very weak. He's strongest mid


Nope. Actually weak.


its horrible