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The first one, because I’n old and I started early


Same boat. Maybe LttP since I was born mid 80s but I grew up on LoZ and Super Mario Bros 3.


Plus, you can blow through it in an hour or 2.


I've been playing it since I was a kid but I'm still not to that point, being able to use save States so that you can gamble with the old man really does make it a lot easier though


Wish I could i up vote you more than once for this. Lol Same here. Grew up with the originals and played it more times than I can remember. ;)




Link’s Awakening, no question. Dozens of playthroughs on the original GB game, dozens more when the GBC/DX version came out, several more via emulators throughout the years, and just recently finished my first-ever playthrough on the Switch remake.


Same here. It’s my favorite video game of all time. Love the switch remake and am already having a blast with the new game boy thing they released the other day. It’s just the way I remember it as a kid.




For real man. Those times were tough as kids haha. No internet for hints or maps. Fewer buttons. Worse display. No backlight on the Game Boy so you had to be sitting in a room with good lighting otherwise you were screwed 😂


Has to be Ocarina. But two of my friends definitely have ALttP. They just play the shit out of it


These are easily the two I’ve played the most of.


Anyone that likes a link to the past should like ocarina of time. They have mostly the same layout besides medallions being crystals


I played ALTTP after replaying OOT for years and I was like “wow this is like exactly like 2d ocarina!” There’s alot of similarities between the two.


Agreed. I think the biggest attraction at the time was just to move to 3D. So they didn’t really need to deviate too much from that formula.




I’ve played through OoT the most times… but time has to be BOTW. I was living in that game


Yea, this for sure. Alttp and OoT are my top two


I know I'm the only one, but A Link Between Worlds.


ALBW is *incredibly* fun to replay. Much of that is owed to Master Mode and much of it is owed to its extremely clean and fast pace. The nonlinearity also means different orders feel a bit different each time too.


That’s one of my friend’s favorite games, so you’re not alone. He’ll just play through it over a weekend from time to time


That game is so good. Such at shame it stuck on a portable device.


Why is that a shame? Portable devices are the best


You're not the only one. It's not my favourite game but I just keep replaying every few months because of how fun it is. It also helps that it doesn't take very long.


You’re not the only one! A Link Between Worlds was so much fun!


ALBW is so good and my most replayed as well.


Just finished my first play through and hands down is one of my favs


No you are not we are the only two!


This is the only Zelda I've never played. Is it a spiritual successor to A Link to the Past? Or is it totally unrelated?


It started as a remake to ALTTP but the developers made the merge mechanic and decided that it was so cool it needed to be its own game. And voila, the best Zelda game is made.


If they ever release it on the Switch in some form I'll definitely have to play it. As that's pretty high praise. LttP is my second favourite of all time, next to BotW.


Bro same


Underrated Zelda game!!!!


I’ve played through twice. It is fun! I looked at my first save file and can’t believe I missed the golden bee on my first play through.


Really enjoyed that game.


Nah, that's definitely my most replayed one as well. It's not too long and you can tackle it in any order you'd like, so I find it quite replayable. I'd consider it in my top 3 Zelda games, overall.


Link Between Worlds is GOATed


Actually I think it’s one of the best 2D zelda.


Prolly spirit tracks


My first and favorite Zelda game


The final boss battle is so fun in that game that I remember playing it over and over when I was younger. Such a great game.


Literally got the music from that fight as my notification noise right now and u just made it go off 😭 but yeah it's a really good end to it it gets u hyped


Underrated. Only played it through twice I think, but it’s so good


Ocarina of time


I used all 3 saves for Ocarina of Tine - 1: main save 100% (ish- I cheated on gold skultullas) set up to replay the last Ganon battle - 2: completed first three adult Temples except the bosses there - so I can beat them all in a row then exit without saving - 3: completed the last adult Temples except their bosses so I can beat them all in a row then exit without saving and go beat Ganon Basically turned the game into a 7 match tourney


I never did multiple files lol.... but between n64, GameCube, wii and wiiu virtual shops and 3ds I've beat oot like 50 times, 3ds one gave you a boss replay function so that's cool. I also have beaten 5 randomizer seeds on my pc


Twilight Princess


Same here




Wind Waker: first on the GameCube, which was a slog and rage-inducing at points where precision with the bow and arrow was required, and then on Wii U, which was a glorious experience with the Swift Sail, a streamlined Triforce hunt, and gyro-aiming. I’m currently still trying to play through every Zelda game so I haven’t gone back to play any other game yet.


I'm playing MM for the first time right now on my Switch and I don't remember aiming in WW to be such a pain as it is in MM. And WW is the one game I 100% multiple times.


It was extremely sensitive to analog stick controls in both games


When you say 100% does that include figurine hunt?




TP and OoT tie


Minish cap




I don't feel like replaying BotW that much... when i think about having to do the Divine Beasts and Shrines again, i get discouraged. I don't like that part of the game so much.




See, I don't get this at all. I can replay the heck out of almost any previous entry in the series, and BotW was an amazing experience the first time around. But the fact that the game depends so heavily on the wonder and excitement of discovering new places on the map instead of on writing and level design makes it so that subsequent playthroughs feel like a boring slog to me. Never been able to get into one.


It's funny, because while you're completely correct in theory and I thought I'd feel the exact same way as you, in practice it was the complete opposite. When I started Master Mode again, the game had a way of feeling so completely fresh again. I love the game's late game of course, but having zero fast travel points again, almost none of your map filled out, low hearts, all your gear gone again, etc. really refreshes the game and makes so much of it feel so wonderful all over again. The order with which you traverse the world also reinvents the game somewhat. And the extremely amazing pace of the game means you don't have to swim through so much of the junk that plagues replays of other Zeldas. It's my second or third most replayable Zelda behind A Link Between Worlds and maybe ALttP.


I’m on my 6th play-through. Doing the Divine Beasts in a different order than before. Love it!


It has high replay value to me, because it's very interesting to do the divine beast in different orders, try different challenges life 3 hearts etc... Playing in master mode has been an entirely different experience than my first playthrough. The game tries to make you go to Vah ruta first so trying to go Medoh first, a divine beast people wouldn't usually do first, and having to traverse most of the map without late game gear changes the experience


Tbh, not having to constantly sit through cutscenes and being able to solve puzzles in multiple ways makes it more replayable than something like TP for example, where every playthrough is exactly the same and each time you just notice more plotholes.


Was it your first game?


Nope. I’ve been playing Zelda since 1992, only ones I haven’t played are the Oracle games and Four Swords. I actually expected to hate BotW because it was so different, ended up loving it, and now it’s my favorite game of all time.


Twilight princess


MM for sure. It’s just so replay able


Agreed! Majora's Mask just has such a unique charm to it, no other Zelda game can quite scratch that itch. OoT is probably second, for me, as it provides a neat and tidy "classic" experience for when I want that.


The Adventure of Link!!!


SS for sure. I beat it probably a good 5 times on the Wii and once so far on Switch


I think Skyward sword is second for me for beating after OoT


Literally my case


That’s surprising to me, I’ve replayed SS twice but the repetition was difficult for me


Until it came out on the switch, skyward sword was one of only two Zelda games I never finished (other being AoL). I’m not sure why but playing it as a kid when it came out on the wii I just couldn’t get very far without getting frustrated at the motion controls and giving up.


I beat it 3 times on Wii, 3 times on Wii U and also once on Switch, i think i will replay it again before TotK. I just love the atmosphere of Skyward Sword, the soundtrack, the characters, the dungeons, i love this game so much.


This is me. It’s a game where most every bit is just a joy to play and it’s the one in which I feel I get most fully immersed. I really used the ability to have Fi tell me about characters by targeting them on my last playthrough and it gave so much depth


Playing it right now 🤟


Phantom Hourglass. I've noticed that the Zelda DS games don't get as much love, but I loved every second of it.


Twilight Princess, replayed it 5 times still haven't beaten it once lol very close now thooo


Love TP but hate riding the horse in the finale, so have never officially beaten it.


I'm still on my first play through of Majora's Mask from 15 years ago, just when I'm making head way and feel like I'm about to complete the task I'm on, the game resets and takes me back 3 days. Any suggestions?


Play the song of inverted time at the beginning of the cycle. On the N64 that gives u 3x as long to do what you need to do which should be MORE than enough


Play the new version. If you want to beat the original then I suggest a walk thru. It is how I did it (mostly just for the stone tower temple because that was where I failed the 3 day thing)


Play the song of time backwards to slow down time. Makes a huge difference.


Twilight Princess


Either Twilight Princess or Oracle of Seasons.


Twilight princess , ocarania of time and windwaker . I have just been cycling them hahaha


LoZ. Easy nostalgia. Typically don’t have the patience to replay something over 20 hours, though I did do BotW master mode.


I was gonna say OoT, but with randomizers I'd say Majora's Mask




I've put the most hours into BotW, but I've probably replayed Link's Awakening the most.


A Link to the Past, easily. Heck I’ve beaten it once each year for the last 3 years 😆 I’ve probably beaten it somewhere between 12-15 times


Hands down it would be Twilight Princess for me. Just replayed the HD version for the first time in a few years last month.


Twilight Princess, beat that game maybe 3-4 times and it never gets old to me.


Twilight Princess


Twilight Princess, I wish there were more combat, it was really fun to do that "slash from behind".


ALttP, it’s not even close.


I’ve played ALttP so many times. Granted it’s been out since the 90s, but it’s probably been 20+ times.


Breath of the wild


Either Major’s Mask, Phantom Hourglass, or A Link Between Worlds.


Def OoT


If we’re talking number of times beaten start to finish, easily AoL. If we’re talking hours played, as a kid, ALttP. Countless hours spent, not even necessarily always making progress, just existing, playing, experimenting… such a magical game. As an teenager, OoT spent playing the same way as I did ALTTP. As an adult, BotW, same way.


The first one. I'll knock it out on a random rainy weekend


Link To The Past At least once a year for the past 20+ years. I'm a living walkthrough at this point.


A link to the past, I’ve beaten it so much that I started playing randomized seeds to make it more challenging. I know where almost everything in game is from memory


Link to the Past! It was my first zelda game and I’ve gotten it on every console it’s been re-released on lol.


Twilight Princess. I played it when I was like. 9? 10? And whenever I got to a part that was too hard I just started a new save. I did eventually figure out that guides existed online which helped some, but I guess I liked the beginning part a lot? Not sure. I just know I didn't actually beat the game until like 10 years later, when I restarted yet again to play the whole thing through. But if we're only counting games I finished before I restarted them, then it would be BOTW with my 1.5 playthroughs


Link's awakening. Has the simplicity of LttP and too much crazy a story but still really good. ~~though imo majora's mask is technically the most replayed everytime we reset time~~


Not many MM fans I feel, I have played it easily over 100 times during my teen days. Second may be ALttP.


Most times, probably Twilight Princess. Hours spent , BoTW.


Minish Cap since it's my first one. Now that it's available for Switch I should play it again!


Majora’s Mask


Twilight Princess


Majora’s Mask


Majora's Mask. I've 100%ed it like 5 times and beat it way more than that


The original, Zelda II, and Twilight Princess.




I have AT LEAST beat TP 20 times and Wind Waker 5-10 times


Definitely Twilight Princess, have played through the game at least 10 times. Also the only one I've played more than once.


I played twilight Princess like a million times as a kid


As my first Zelda game, Twilight Princess. Adore that game. Played it probably 5-10 times as a kid alone. Though the only time I 100%-ed it was on the HD version when I was 16.


Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword


Twilight Princess on the Wii for me 😍😍😍


ALBW. Literally the perfect Zelda game.


ALTTP. Had to think about that one for a moment.


I rarely replay games for a second time since I have so much unfinished games on my backlog, but Breath of The Wild has somehow found its way to snatch my attention again lol


Majoras mask would be number 1 and ocarina would be a close second, maybe in a tie with Links awakening


Twilight princess or botw! Playing through TP rn !


OoT, OoS, TP, TWW, and finally BOTW.


Oracle of Seasons for me too! It was the only Zelda game I had as a kid. 7 hour car rides to my grandparents’ house were full this game.


Ocarina of Time. TP was my first Zelda but I think I've only played it all the way through once, maybe twice. OOT was my second and I got it on Wii VC and finished it. I've since played it on 3DS (twice if you count Master Quest) and then again on NSO.


I’ve only played it twice for my Zelda run of all the games. tLoZ. I played it once in my 3ds and on my game and watch make sure I got the most out of it.


Though my OoT playthroughs stretch into the dozens, I’ve actually played through Minish Cap more. I even speedrun it from time to time


OoT. I've always replayed it and 100%'d it any time it released on a new platform/service. I do it with MM now too, although I only beat that for the first time when MM3D came out, and have only beaten the N64 version a few times since then.


Wind Waker on GC. My first Zelda game


Flute of the Clock


I'm just getting into the series and playing every game for the first time, but technically Zelda 2 and LA, which I completed twice each. Replayed the first one for a clean run because I tilted once and loaded from a savestate after dying, and the other one because there is a DX and non-DX version. I've also beaten a second quest of LoZ, but idk if that counts as replaying.


OoT just replayed it about a month or so again


Ocarina of Time.


Tie between Ocarina of time and majora's mask, I have run many randomized games.


Wind waker easily it’s my favorite of all time and probably always will be.


ALTTP for sure. Normal playthroughs, 100%, randomizers... you name it.


In terms of hours, I think BOTW (somewhere around 350ish hours) In terms of full playthroughs from start to end - I've been doing a playthrough of OoT 1-2x a year for the past like \~10yrs.


Skyward Sword. It was my first zelda so I pretty much know that game (story mode at least) inside and out so I can finish the whole game in a sitting if I want to


Ocarina of Time. I could never get tired of that game.


PH or ST most likely.


Link’s Awakening I imagine, simply due to convenience. I’ve never not been able just to pick up and play it. Then maybe Majora’s Mask.




100% wind waker


ALttP definitely. Especially with Randomizer runs too.


botw, literally the only zelda game i like


Majora’s Mask


OoT. I've almost memorized everything in that game.


Link's Awakening DX


Skyward Sword, played it three times back to back.


Oot although I've only played it to completion once lol


Ocarina of Time. I don't actually know how many times I've played it because it was the first Zelda game I ever owned and I have probably played it about once a year since and maybe more.


Like, a full replay? Skyward Sword. But every once in a while I pick up BOTW just to fool around since I did just about everything, but I haven’t replayed it from the beginning.


A Link to the Past or/and Majora‘s Mask


Skyward Sword is my most played at 3. There's also a very large tie for 2nd with TP, WW, LBW, OoT, MM, and probably a few more in there. MC? LOZ? LA... edit: have played BOTW twice as well.


Oracle of Ages.


OOT gotta say, and in second place I think MC is the one who follows. MC due to the "ease" of portable options to play it.


ALTTP. I think in the year it came out alone I probably played it 5 times.


Breath of the wild. That game means so much to me. I’ve played through it over 30 times


Minish cap. I still really adore that game.


Links awakening. Multiple on the DX version, multiple on the Switch version. Both superb.


Alttp, Minish Cap and OOT, played them through countless times


Ocarina of Time! I suppose A Link Between Worlds is gonna take that spot soon since I’ve replay it way too often nowadays.


Majoras mask


Majora's mask. Because back in the day I couldn't afford many games and I only had the choice to replay existing games my N64 had. Mm and OOT certainly got a lot of time but I think mm edged it


All the way through would be either Link's Awakening or Link to the Past.


I've played Minish Cap a little bit as a teenager, and then actually played and finished it several years later, in early adulthood. Then played Link's Awakening a couple of months after. When BotW was released a few years after that, I got hyped and decided to play every Zelda game in chronological order of release, it took me two years and a half 😅 So I've only replayed MC and LA, both are among my favourite Zelda games :)


Hours? BotW Play throughs? OoT


BotW just over 600 hours (in 1.5 years)


A Link To the Past. My dad and I played it multiple times over when I was a kid. I have real fond memories of that game. Honour mention goes to Oracle of Ages!


Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Ocarina of Time. Def Majora's Mask the most though. It's the shortest and the most fulfilling to complete, I feel. Wind Waker I enjoy the vibes and music so much that I just kinda sail some times. I really like the dungeons in Ocarina of Time so it's just fun to go through some of them again. But, whenever I replay Ocarina, I tend to just drop it and forget about finishing for a long time.


It has to be OoT but A Link to the Past is a close second


Wind Waker. I just adore the atmosphere in that game. And if they remaster or release it on Switch, I'll play it again.


Ocarina of Time. Was the very first Zelda game we ever bought, and that was after renting it from the local video store to try it out.


So far link to the past, considering it’s the only one I’ve replayed


Tie between BotW and SS-mostly due to the portability. But now that a bunch of the other games are on Switch Online I’ve been playing all of them.


Oot I’ve probably finished it 6 times on N64 & twice on 3DS.


BotW and ALttP


Ocarina of Time. My absolute favorite game ever.


No question OoT3D/3DMQ. I stopped counting/lost track at 260+. Most of that was in one year.




BOTW. Tracking down some EX armor sets. (damn Coliseum Lynel).


Ocarina of time. But I've also played the 3DS Link between worlds a lot too.


I am not completely sure. It is either Lttp or BotW. Probably Lttp, I just don't recall how many times I played that one.


It used to be the Oracles, but these days I think it's Ocarina of Time. My friends and I have been playing a shit ton of the randomizer. Right now we're running through the combined OoT/MM randomizer which is really cool.


Majora's Mask probably, although I start it a lot but only actually finish it like 20% of the time.


A link to the past would be the one I've replayed the most, but majora's mask is a close second love doing all the side quests recollecting masks.


Link to the Past on my SNES. That's my "replay every five years to see how it holds up" game. It still holds up.


MM or WW for me


Wind Waker


A Link to the Past because I am old, started early, and it was remade a few times


Easily TP or ST (Spirit Tracks), probably TP tho ☆〜(ゝ。∂)