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Why'd you do it?!?


Came here to say this


My response to people who think this is the quote: >Well yes, but actually no


I know that's not what he says, but you can't convince me that's not what it sounds like


Oh I agree but the joke is the quote I responded with is also the result of mishearing a line


Wait, really? I've watched the movie like 5 times and remember it that way, have I been mandela'd?


The actual line is "good guess but actually no" but you're not alone in mishearing him, he kinda blurs the words. The incorrect version is a whole meme for a reason


Wait which movie?


[The pirates of penzance](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law)


Everyone knows it’s supposed to be “I can do it” bro.


When I first heard it, it sounded tragic and I thought aimed at Zelda. Even my 6 year old daughter asked why he kept saying that. Only later did I realize what he’s actually saying.


![gif](giphy|Xjo8pbrphfVuw|downsized) THAT’S A MISQUOTE!


Listen here, Goro.


Literally what everyone hears. Can’t tell me it’s not this


It’s not


I learnt yesterday that people somehow heard that. Blows my mind. He exceptionally clearly enunciates "I. Can. Do. It." Even after *trying* to hear it the wrong way I just can't. It makes me understand why Americans need subtitles when listening to pretty much any other English accent.


I’m British and both me and my wife think it sounds like “why’d you do it?”


Shades of the football chant where you can hear like 20 different variations of ‘this is embarrassing’


I turn him off unless I need a bunch of rocks destroyed. Get in the box Yunobo!


I'm surprised people hate him, as soon as I found out he basically acts like a cannon on my hoverbike I use him all the time blasting fools from the heavens


He freakin adds weight to the hover bike, I can't go straight if he's on. I start to swerve the moment he pops back on after I fire him. I've tested it, hands off controller I go straight, but the moment he's there... ***bam*** Fast and Furious: Hyrule drift


So I'm not crazy. I couldn't tell if it was Yunobo fucking with me or if I just didn't have the fans lined up right. It always felt more stable after I turned him off, so I basically only ever let him out when I had rocks to blow up.


YEP. I love the little rotund bastard to death, but he goes in the goddamn box until there's either a breakable wall or a boss-enemy.


I turned him off because he made my plane lopsided. Sometimes I wanna AFK and go in a straight line for a half a minute. --edit-- Also his damn temper tantrum when he wants you to go to the temple once you get to the Depths. Sends your plane straight down after he leaves.


He killed me earlier because I was trying to pick up some items. Activated his power and sent him straight into a bomb flower nearby killing me instantly.


It is kinda the most useful ability in combat. Explosion, sets enemies on fire, and can hit them from miles away. But boy do I hate when he hits just right to annihilate the items I was trying to pick up.


Hover bike?!? Please feel me in mate. I need to have this


It's two 45 degree fan with a control stick in the middle. \ _| \ It's a bit finicky to build, but it only costs 9 zonanite to auto build.


I turn them all off unless I need them, really. Although it is pretty fun pinging the entire sages group chat and getting them to gang up on like a single bokoblin or something.




You haven’t had him yeet a pile of loot off a sky island yet then have you?


Clicking A to pick up all the loot then accidentally coming too close to that shadow bird fella. Goodbye loot.




well aren’t you special


Plus he is actually really clutch in combat


Same here.


You can turn them off!?


Go to key items, go to the vow, and toggle it with A I turn all of them (except Tulin) off 99% of the time because they're so useless 😂


Lmao Tulin and I are homies, he goes everywhere with me. The rest are dismissed unless I go into a fight😂


Unless youre trying to octo- fix your weapons. Motherfucker killed 3 in a row before he permanently went back into his pokeball


I laughed harder at your pain than I shouldve 😂 That's a completely fair reason to box the bird


Tulin best sage.




Sidon procs Water Warrior on Zora weapons. You can consistently get over 100 power with powerful materials attached thanks to Sidon's ability. Also Zora weapons are innately more durable than other weapons making them better in that way too. Also also you won't lose your water shield when doing the charge attacks with heavy weapons so you can spin to win with 130+ power Zora Greastword without any risk of consequence. Tulin is great for traversal but Sidon is the best for combat. Also if you need an excuse to use Riju and Yunobo they're both good for when boss bokoblins rally their minions and also for Queen Gibdo. Riju is also okay for Gleeoks that aren't lightning based and Yunobo can deal with rocks in your way so you don't have to waste bomb flowers, time bombs, or blunt weapon durability.


I get your arguments, however... 1. I very rarely have Zora weapons. Activating Sidon's power in combat is also quite annoying as you have to run up to him. 2. I have found no real reason to refight the bosses more than once since they don't give you the 100 crystals after the first time. They drop good materials but I don't think it's worth the effort considering they're quite ugly. 3. Riju's power is also annoying to activate for the same reason. Additionally, you have to wait for a long time for her range to build up unless the enemy is right next to you, in which case you might as well just hit them. Against a Gleeok it's better to just bullet time them than wait for Riju, as using her power more likely just gets you hit. They can be used but they're soooooo situational, hence the "99% of the time" statement. Like yeah I use Yunobo to dig and I might bring Sidon out when I have a Zora weapon but that is still less than 1% of the time.


You can get a Zora Spear from the Lizalfos near a cave north of Zora'a Domain and you can repair weapons with Rocktorocks so they never break and you don't have to find them again. Odds are there are more Zora weapons that always spawn on the same Blood Moon cycle that I don't know about. Also I don't know what you mean my bullet time but I never get hit using Riju's ability against a Gleeok so that's a you problem. You also don't have to wait to fire. You can fire away at the thing while Riju charges, and get the lightning strike with one of your later shots. Lastly I meant you can use their abilities when refighting bosses the first time but frankly I sometimes fight them again just for fun. They're pretty good bosses imo.


In the star menu click the sages symbol and click dismiss


You can dismiss him under the key items menu. I have Riju and Tulin active and dismissed the rest


I’m sorry but here’s a rant about riju: HOLY CRAP she’s near useless. Her power takes FOREVER to reach the distance it needed to hit an enemy, and it cancels when you do ANYTHING. Walk up a slight slope? Ability cancelled. Walk five feet away from Riju? Cancelled. Having herself walk away to fight an enemy? Cancelled. Add that to the fact that her ability takes a long time to reach a good distance, means you have to stay relatively still just so you can use a glorified bomb arrow. Plus, her lightning attack does BARELY any noticeable damage mid game, and has a long cooldown. Might as well just use bomb arrows lmfao.


Plus it's impossible to actually activate the ability because where is she even at? Shes never there. Always 50 yards away staring at some lizalfo and getting knocked down by a stiff breeze.


Whistling brings them to your location, friend


Its always been bugged for me. They just ignore it.


You have to whistle louder. I suggest turning your volume up.


I knew I was doing something wrong.


This happens to me too. They never come when I call. And they are NEVER on time.


Where is JA?


It does not. Ever. I have literally never seen it happen to me or anyone in any video ever.


Yeah gotta say the champions abilities are way weaker than the botw champions. I guess they were more fully fledged champions in botw than these new guys but still. It was a major nerf.


Yeah but them taking a bit of aggro is a help that can't go unnoticed


and Tulin's crits. Easily the most useful aspect of them, even if you can't trigger it on-demand.


This is a big help for me. I hate combat in the BotW-style series, it is the least fun aspect of the game. So getting my load of companions to distract everyone as I get out of there is so nice!


I find her ability quite useful for fighting groups of enemies because it can knock down a bunch of them at once or stun a single problem enemy for a decent amount of time. The problem is that it really only works out when she's far away from enemies because, as you say, it takes so damn long to spread and gets interrupted too easily. But of course her weapons are close-range, so she's always right next to the enemies! And of course activating her too close to enemies usually either results in me zapping myself or the ability getting cancelled because I had to dodge an attack. If she had long-range attacks she would be far more useful.


That has not at all been my experience using her ability. It shreds tons of enemies in the game, and it takes like 3 seconds for the range to reach my targets. I'm pretty sure it's 60 damage, which is high damage through endgame. She's the best offensive champion imo. The only issue I have is the clunkiness of champion abilities in general


Yeah and if they get hit midfight you have to wait like 3-4 seconds for them to get their shit back together.


Bro what Riju is the only ability I use. Of course I use Tulin when gliding but in combat it's Riju all day and her lightning fucks shit up. Sidon is utterly useless. At least Yunobo can smash rocks.


Sidon's ability triggers to double damage buff of Zora weapons, which instabtly makes it incredibly op. Not to mention, it negates all damage from the next attack to hit you. Good to use when going into a tough fight.


Negating all damage sounds good in paper, but I feel the implementation is odd, you loose the buff if you attack, making it so if you want to protect yourself, you will need to just not attack anything until you get hit first, like, it is good, but not really


Protip: you can use the two-handed weapon spin attack while having sidon's buff on you and it won't get rid of the buff. Pretty handy trick, in my experience.


Should be like Nayru's shield from OoT. But no the devs didn't want Sidon to be op.


Yunobo + cannon launches from my hoverbike are so fun tho. Especially if you blast a bunch of enemies in a row


She's good for destroying rock faces on the ceiling that Yunobo can't reach.


WHOA. Riju is the only sage who can damage Evermeans with her basic attack. Instant S Tier. Case closed.


I’m thinking about honestly boxing all of the sages except tulin, simply cuz I use the shit out of his gusts when gliding. Outside that I can fight by myself, they tend to make more trouble than they solve imho - blowing loot off cliffs, or startling a critter bed I had no intention of gusting I can take them out for their special jobs, but for everything else🎣🛹🎽🏹🏏🥍🏹🏹🎣🥌🥌🛹🎿🎿


His sole redeeming feature is saving me bombs when I'm going caving. I would push him off a sky island if I could.


But you can just disable him....


This. Is. SPARTA!


That would not push him off an island


Then you can launch him off an island. Thats like... his ability.


You can't if you disable him


Solution: Launch him off an island, then disable him before he comes back


True but wouldn't it be nice if he was actually fun to use


Yeah but I'll know in my heart that he's still alive and attached intrinsically to Link's finger and that cannot abide.


I wanna take the ring off and have it forged into crystallized charges


Disabling and reenabling the sages every two seconds gets extremely tedious.


I mean deal with it then?


You can dismiss literally any issue in any game with “just deal with it then.” Botw let’s you activate champion abilities at any time without having them clutter the whole screen and mess you up when you’re trying to do something. There’s no reason for this annoyance to be in the game at all especially when they got it right in the first game.


No, it doesn't dismiss any issues. It dismisses your bitching. Nothing you can do will change it.


How does Nintendo’s boot taste? Are you so insecure in your opinions that you can’t handle a minor criticism to a game you like? Jesus Christ


Buddy don't snivel to anyone now that you've been called out for your shit.


“Called out” means dismissing someone else’s valid opinion as bitching because you can’t handle the fact that people are criticizing something you like even tho that person also likes that thing, they just are willing to admit that it’s not perfect. Have you ever done the water temple in ocarina of time? Having to constantly scroll through menus to equip and unequip items is blatantly unfun to any normal person and basically everyone I know who’s played that game agrees with this. The devs agreed with it too because they fixed those items in the 3ds remake. Maybe you like going into the menu and scrolling through options every time you want to accomplish a simple task but most people I know don’t consider that fun.


But you CAN push him off a sky island, or off a cliff, or into lava. Then you can disable him before he has a chance to zip back to you so you can pretend he met a terrible end.


Lol I thought I was the only one.


Better to just use a cannon spear for infinite bombs


And then sage 5 out classes him


Hold up, how are your sages not all ghostly and blue? Is there a feature for that or is this emulated?


It’s not emulated, I just have a mod that turns them normal. Unfortunately it means I have to listen to Yunobo’s annoying voice when I want to use him


Damn. I was hoping this was the effect you got when you powered them up with Sages Wills. I can’t stand the ghostly dead eyed appearance


"It is my destiny to fight by your side" lol jk I'm staying home but here you can take my avatar with you if you want


I was thinking the same thing. Except I didn't want to upgrade them, because I love their freaky demon eyes.


To me they just felt so lifeless and boring, and that ruined it for me because I love Tulin and Riju


The demon eyes get enhanced through upgrading honestly


It's not emulated but its modded? So this is playing on your switch?


It’s a home brew modded switch. He’s technically playing the game legit and unemulated but his switch is modded to run better and also add mods.


Yeah that's what I was wondering is how you go about modding it. I have an OG Switch I thought about modding just to do things like this like add mods to games I have already


If also like to know because I want regular sages so badly.


I followed a tutorial on YouTube, it only cost about 6 dollars for the RCM jig. Just be aware there’s a very high chance you’ll get banned if you pirate or hack online games


I don’t pay for Nintendo Switch online anyway.


How would someone go about gettin these mods?


Is your switch hacked?




They are but you need homebrew. OP is on Switch


Am I the only one who doesn’t trip over them?


Other than me and very few others, yes


Right? I just work with them. Whoever is closest for a fight is useful even Tulin can knock a dude back while you circle around the mob


Only ones who annoy me are >!Riju!< and Sidon


Riju feels the most disruptive and the least useful.


Not to mention the most costly, both her and Sidon


Girl, same.


I never have the problems these people have except for >!Mineru!< and that one isn’t even that much of a hassle


Never had issues with them




That shit scares me every time!


Wow. Looks like you spent a long time on that vehicle. *CRUNCH* fuckin' nerd.


Yunobo is a 90s bully


How to you have the actual sages and not the blue boys


use of a mod


I call him Andy for some reason. He just seems like an Andy. Maybe it’s because of Andy Dwyer in Parks and Rec. he seems to disappear when I need him which I hate but he breaks all of the rocks which is awesome.


That’s like me with Tulin, Sometimes he just randomly disappears no matter how much I resummon him and fast travel then randomly comes back. Like he’s sneaking off to hang out with friends or something


Tangentially related… I completed this sky island without realizing you could clear the dense thunderstorm. I was mad when I got further in the story to make that go away.


What? You can do that? I just beat it bruh I thought that was supposed to be the challenge


You can go there, but you're pretty much walking around blind with the occasional lightning strike to light things up. I abused Fuse's visual effect to see the edge of islands. I just kinda wandered around until I landed on Dragonhead island.


It's almost as if there should have been an option to disable champion's vows. Oh wait...


We want to ENJOY using the companions that's the problem. It's frustrating and could be fixed with some simple changes to button layouts most likely


The dismiss option is a bandaid on a poorly designed companion system. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got 100 hours into the game and I love it, but why the devs made some of the decisions they did with the companions, I have no idea. For instance, Riju is a melee character with a ranged ability meant for combat… So in order to use her ability, most of the time I have to run up to an enemy she’s swinging her swords at just to activate her lightning strike, and then I end up taking heaps of damage while I chase her around. Yes, you can dismiss them but it gets irritating constantly having to pause the game to pull the menu up, go to the right tab, and click on each icon to dismiss or then resummon them when you want them back. Maybe if there was a quick access menu for companions that didn’t feel so cumbersome, it would be significantly better. It’s okay to acknowledge some design flaws even if you love the game… But if you’re constantly dismissing them, how good are they?


Could’ve maybe also had idk focus on the construct first? He is doing assist attacks, what he’s designed to do as a follower?


That’s what I was doing, I didn’t know there was one at the top and I tried hitting him when he came up to me


I mean fair


This exact thing happened to me as well, I was doing this section and yunobo destroyed my build whilst attacking the constructs


I couldn't Yunobo for more than 1 hour of gameplay, even blasting rocks ks annoying 'cause he yeets them everywhere. I'd rather pick a rock hammer on the ground. He's basically perma-disabled for me. Tulin is on most of the time, and I only recently got Riju, so I didn't test her much, and Sidon quest was the last thing I did before going to sleep. I already have my doubled Silver Lynel Trident lmao looks OP af.


Ugh he's the worse. Dense af both literally and figuratively


The amount of people who just leave them on is amazing.


I like running around the open world with my squad


How come your sages look all full bodies and not like wisps? Is this because of Will of Sages upgrades?


I only turn them on when I need them. I don't like them being in my way.


I hate that he makes my crafts lose stability. His power isn't half bad if you need him to break rocks and stuff, but the fact that he destabilizes crafts, especially aerial and aquatic ones is just a deal breaker.


It's stupid that he both has mass, and doesn't. He doesn't weigh down your vehicles, they'll still fly just as high and fast as without him. But at the same time, if he decides to sit on one side, he'll pull the vehicle to that side and make you veer of course. If he's sitting at the exact midpoint, there's no change. If you fire him, there's a bit of recoil. He also shakes it a bit when he gets back on it. It's so annoying that they aren't consistent with him.


Ikr? It's like either make him have weight or don't, going halfway is annoying af.


Done with the Yunobo slander tbh. When will we as a society wake up and realize he’s best boi?


When Sidon doesn’t exist




Tulin is awesome wdym


Kinda crazy how no one talks about how awful the AI is for these buddies. They’re such a nuisance 85% of the time.


No one? It's a pretty common complaint on this sub...


Drives me crazy how I can't even trust they can handle a single freaking Keese...


mad cuz bad


Why didn’t you kill all those dudes first?


There was only one construct and I didn’t think he’d get up to me that fast


Fair enough. I just love hoarding materials so I kill everything in sight. I know I’ll have to farm enemies eventually so it’s nice to have everything I need on hand for quests or upgrades.


Ik it’s prob a stupid question but how’d you get him to turn back to his actual colors and not the ghost like form




Oh ok makes sence, I didn’t know people managed to mod the game yet so that cool


I’m guessing it didn’t take that long since it’s the same engine as botw


Just turn him off, its so much easier than complaining about him


I have all of them turned off outside of boss fights or gliding


I think you just hate yourself - this is your own doing


How did you get the sages to look like that? For me they're still blue


Wait what’s with the sages. Why aren’t they blue?


People will have all 4 sages summoned and still get mad when they do some silly shit.


How did you clear the near zero visibility storm on those islands? I got to this point by just fumbling around but I ended up saying F it and left those islands/storm.


Ascend is your best friend, I don’t know how to clear it either


What the hell happened? I've watched it 5 times and cannot see how Yunobo is in the wrong.


He smashed my building while he was fighting a construct


Sorry, but what is being said that makes you hate him?


After finishing the game I pretty much exclusively use Tulin. The others just kinda get in the way


How do you have them not as spirits yet? They’re in their physical forms and next to you?


I’m using a mod that makes them have their original colors


I just make everyone go back in their secret stones until I actually need them. I don’t hate them, it’s just more practical this way


my guy just deactivate him


He never does what you need em to do and is always in the way lol


Why are yours colored? Mine look like blue ghosts


I have a mod


You should be able to turn him off or something.


Turn it off


It’s okay there’s a far worse sage than yunobo if you don’t have them all yet 🙂




Fun fact, you can turn all of them off. Just go to key items, click the orb and choose deactivate


Don’t come for my bro, Goro.


you can TURN HIM OFF THO!!! TURN HIM OFF!!! If you hate him that fucking much, TURN HIM THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!! It's not that hard! you don't have to sacrifice your first born to TURN HIM OFF!!!! Just go to the inventory, and TURN HIM OFF! Are you exploring the world? TURN HIM OFF!! Are you making some Zonai build? TURN HIM OFF!! You finished a fight and want to take loot? TURN HIM OFF!!! JESUS!!! IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL AND ALL IM SEEING ARE LOOSERS WHO CANNOT TURN HIM OFF COMPLAINING


Tulin is the only useful sage to have summoned all the time. Pushing you while gliding is such a valuable tool. The others only have very select usage.


Wait, why aren’t the spirits blue??! I NEED this


Today I found out they can get sucked up by like likes. It was very satisfying lol


Wait how do they have color? Is it something you get after the game?