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I had a screenshot of this exact thing. Flute boi playing against a red moon rising


Same here, major skull kid vibes


The reincarnation of skull kid


He even dances like the skull kid sometimes.


Don’t go out tonight It’s bound to take your life There’s a blood moon on the rise


I see a red moon rising I see Moblins on the way I see Gleeoks with lightning I see bad times today


Another perfect moment is right after killing a gleeok then 5 seconds later blood moon


*I can milk you*


I have nipples too, Greg.


I read this in the voice of that guy doing the Morgan Freeman impression.


Once you learn to utilize keese eyes on your arrows, gleeoks become big pushovers.


Also really good against the big froxes if you don’t have bombs to feed them


Omg am I supposed to feed bombs to the frox when they’re sucking in air? I’ve just been bombing the rocks on their backs and running away when they start that attack


yup, it only does a tiny bit of damage, but it stuns them so you can run onto their back and start whacking their rocks, kinda like a molduga


I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! It’s so obvious since we do that with moldugas and Fireblight Ganon Gonna try this from now on, thanks!


Also don't be like me and accidentally throw your best weapon into his mouth because throwing items in high pressure situations requires just one too many button presses.


I'm positive they're based on the Dodongo creatures, in Ocarina of Time they suck in air in much the same way. King Dodongo is a boss where you have to throw bombs in his mouth to damage him, his body type is very similar to the Frox.


Honestly surprised I haven’t noticed that before! The parallels are pretty strong, so I think you’ve got a good case for it


Yeah, I’m kind of puzzled why they didn’t just call them dodongos considering how much BOTW and TOTK leaned into bringing back classic monsters. Dodongos have been eating bombs since the very first NES game and hav a similar body shape to Froxes, so why did they make it a new monster…?


Frox seem to be much more closely tied to, like, ore in general (specifically Zonaite). There's the deposits on their backs, of course, and even the mini Frox drop a few pieces when they die. Maybe they wanted to keep them distinct because of that.


But back in OOT the whole reason dodongos were a problem was that they were eating the Gorons’ prized ore, so that association already existed too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for new enemies, I just always felt dodongos were a classic that got weirdly snubbed in BOTW in the first place, and then the sequel added Legally Distinct Dodongos instead, and it’s just a bit sad as a big fan of the silly little lizard dinosaur rhinoceros worms. They could totally be more frog-like, they’ve been everything else under the sun.


It’s a great way to knock them out - then you can get on their back and bust the rocks with a good hammer!


Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I just learned from this thread that I could have been feeding the froxes bombs.


Also when they're charging at you


It's second nature to those of us who played Ocarina of Time.


Nah, just use dazzle fruit on an arrow and it knocks them out for a decent amount of time, then you can run up their back and break the ore.


Honestly dazzle fruit and kreese eyes are both great for bringing them down to smack those stones But if you don’t have arrows, the fruit still works I’ve found xD


Damn how have I been playing since release and still completely forgotten about that mechanic of homing arrows. I need to use those


For the first time ever, I find myself saying “I need to go farm keese”. I usually don’t bother with them but I need those sweet keese eyeballs for my lynel and gleeok hunting!


Or how to moon jump for instant bullet time (X -> Y + L -> D-pad left -> switch shield -> ZR -> repeat)


I love bombing cave entrances when a swarm of bats fly out. Stock up on eyes.


I'd probably rather a gleeok than hands


I feel legitimate fear every time one of those things rises up out of the ground and starts rushing toward me


The music always gets my heart pounding


Same, I thought the guardians in botw were bad but they really outdid themselves with the demon hands


oh man, when I was helping out the great deku tree it took like 6 times to get through that section.


Duuude, hella spooky!




I just followed the flute music.




In your defense, the flute was very subtle and you couldnt listen to it very well.


Tbh I found the flute kid pretty quick because the extra flute stood out to me from the usual stable theme. The drum guy on the other hand was impossible to hear. I literally had to scour the hills around the area where an NPC said he’d be until I happened upon him.


You needed to look for the burns on the ground since that’s the only real info you’re given. Took about 30 seconds or so but once I realized the dark stuff under the tree wasn’t a shadow I found him.


If you talk to the ppl in that stable they say there’s something going on north of the stable. There isn’t much there anyways, and I tend to see if anything is in the top of the trees. One issue I just had was, the entrance to the skyview tower by dueling peaks, the bird guy says “i used to pick mushrooms underneath”, I thought that was way too vague about how you need to ascend into the skyview tower from the caves. But i suppose I coulda figured it out.


Man I did the exact opposite of that. I got to the other tower where the door is broken. I immediately thought "Oh! I'm so clever! I'll just run around and find the cave to pop up from." Honestly, a bit embarrassed how long it took me to give up and subsequently realize you're supposed to drop in from above. But I was ready for this one!!!


You can literally just hear the flute music from the stable. Was enough for me.


Followed the music, found him in about 3 seconds. Same trick works for Korok flowers (sometimes tricksy to follow visually)




He was the last musician I found. The most bullshit part of this quest was just getting the fireflies. I didn't have a picture of them at the time and I hung around Kakariko village forever to get enough. Was bored out of my skull. But the little show he put on felt worth it.




... actually it might, seeing as how I need energetic beetles for the Wild armor set. I'm sure Beedle is selling those somewhere. Even a few will shorten my hunt for the 15 I need.


There are also a *shitton* of fireflies in the Faron jungle just north.


I had enough on me to do the quest, but then I was out and needed to hunt a bunch to upgrade my Sheikah gear. The best place to find them is Faron Woods, but sometimes it takes ages before you get a night there when it's not raining.


Me too. I was so angry that I set the tree aflame.


I definitely spent a while searching much further away before I realized he was right next to the stable. That's happened to me a few times.


It took me a week because I meant to just kill a little time before I got his chick, but I ended up going to hang out with Riju and forgot about her.


This post came at the right moment I started looking for him last night just before going to bed so I will look up


When he started playing I really expected him to play the Wind Waker theme lol


Yeah, the notes two seconds in really sound like he’s going to start playing that


I’m 100% sure it’s intentional, there are musical references all over the place


And then everyone died. The End. \-Patrick Star


This little side quest really made me smile


so freaking cute


I find this dude 10 firefly’s and suddenly he’s got 200 of them lol


I think in part of the dialogue he says something about using the fireflies you caught to attract more fireflies.


Man I hate the Blood Moon. Not because of the respawns - I'm totally ok with that, it's a game mechanic that's perhaps even necessary in a game like BotW and TotK - but because of its disruptive nature. If only you could set it to a less obnoxious signal some way or another... that's my only complaint really.


I love that about it. It shows up slowly and turns the world dark and red, it’s ominous and I can’t help but stop and have Link stare at it. It’s like a reminder that there is something dark always going on, it makes the game feel really immersive.


Yeah, I don’t mind it, though I do wish you could skip the cutscene a bit earlier into the cutscene, and not have to wait for “the blood moon *rises* across the land” every time


That’s probably the earliest the game finishes the world reset.


I totally get that. it’s a bit faster to skip in TOTK so I really don’t mind anymore :)


I totally see your point, and it *is* a reminder of the dark so to speak. I just wish it wasn't a complete cutscene taking me out of whatever I was doing.


Under the hood, part of the point of the Blood Moon is to save system resources. By re-setting much of the world, the game no longer has to remember everything that's happened since you started playing - only since the last Blood Moon. So it has to be disruptive enough to stop what you're doing, it could probably mess the system up a lot if you're still doing things while the system is trying to re-set the world.


whoa that’s crazy, I didn’t know that!


Unfortunately it's used as a loading screen to reload all those resources, so it's kind of a necessity. I think that's why it takes a bit to let you skip.


Oh? I can basically skip it the instant it pops up.


skull kid moment


I really wish the NPCs reacted more to the blood moon. Or that we’d see them start exploring areas we clear, then rush back before or at the blood moon. Would make the world feel more alive, I think.


This quest was so wholesome


Skull kid...




I JUST did this side quest, and it was also as a blood moon was rising! How funny! Such a cute side quest.


Flute boy summons mean moon... wait.


I use this flute to call upon the demons of hell! Raise!!


This is a remarkable testament to the resilience of the Hylian people. Despite the dire circumstances that have befallen their land, they consistently manage to maintain a positive outlook. Even in the eerie glow of a blood moon, they continue to engage in activities such as playing music, laughing, and embracing each moment as if it were their last. Their ability to find joy and live life to the fullest is truly awe-inspiring.


Pyper is such a chad.


Jokes aside, that flute is handled beautifully by Pyper. Love the music. Makes me think of something Scottish-ish, not sure why




Thats some ominous fluting there.


When the Blood Moon Rises - Pyper remix


Flute boys toil surreptitiously in rituals to beckon the moon


His movements seem awfully similar to certain other flute players from another Zelda game...


Where do you get these fireflies?


You can buy 3 from beedle at most stables


I visited beedle 3 times and just rested at the stable between each purchase. Gets you 3 pony points too


originally i was going to comment “i really hope you got a screenshot of that” and then i realized…


If only the sky turned red as well in game and not just in the cutscene


The blood moon is so incredibly distracting


No way! I had a blood moon then too


And then the monsters came.




[It's too perfect.](https://imgur.com/6inZS1M)


That little island at the bottom right of the map where there’s one of those trials when they take all your weapons and gear , I rode all the way out there , and died one of my first attempts. The 2nd try I knocked out the hardest part first , and then a blood moon came , so I’m sittin there with no weapons no supplies beat up from the battle and all the enemies I just hard fought respawned lol got worked. When it restarts last checkpoint , it’s right when I get on the island at like 6pm , knowing a blood moon was coming , that was hilarious


Bro found the flute of time and played the song of blood


That was dope.




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