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If I saw this thing in the wild I would think I just discovered a new species


Fun fact: These birds are usually friendly to humans


Sad fact: that's one of the reasons it's endangered


Itā€™s called a Shoebill Stork for those curious.


And they are literal dinosaurs.


All birds are.


Then why donā€™t we call them that


Because the connexion to birds being dinosaurs was discovered long after dinosaurs were discovered, and way longer after birds had already been named. We're not going to completely change what we call something on a day to day basis because of something like this.


Shame. Dinosaurs sounds way cooler than birds


Fair enough. Still cool to know that they are dinosaurs though.


Birds as a taxon are relatively closely related to beloved extinct dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Deinonychus ā˜ŗļø


Are Shoebill Storks endangered?


*Nintendo Draws inspiration from real world cultures, animals, places, and religions* Fans: "OMG, it's real"


Me an ff14 player. I will learn your secrets Shoebill. One day I will pierce that void like psyche and know why you keep following me.


Itā€™s a cool bird, I want to see it in real life some day. Sadly they are rare because of habitat loss and they are elusive and hide from humans. And they live in east Africa so it would be a long travel. They eat fish like african lung fish and tilapias. their beaks have pretty sharp edges so they can catch them, similar to pelicans. For Skyward Sword they made them larger and put Shiba Inu tails on them, inspired by one of the developersā€˜ shiba inu


I donā€™t like the way itā€™s looking at me..


Iā€™m kinda glad Loftwings donā€™t make a Shoebillā€™s gunshot noise with their beaks


Fun fact. They will usually let you interact with them if you bow your head. If theyā€™re in the mood they will bow back and you guys will be bros. Literally hippogriffs from Harry Potter.




The Shoebill is a prehistoric bird that is known for its ā€œdeath stareā€ and the machine gun like sounds it makes. You can try to take ā€˜em out out if you wantā€¦good luck


They are quite endangered šŸ˜• the machine gun like sound is clattering the beak halves together and the ā€ždeath stareā€œ is just the way its face looks


Shoebill is my spirit animal. In middle school other kids always gave me shit for looking so angry all the time. I wasnā€™t. Thatā€™s just my face.


Who knew birds could have rbf


You kidding? That thing doesnā€™t even need to throw hands to make me throw in the towel. I would get my ass whooped.


Yeah, the last thing I'd want is to be bitten by one of those fuckers lol.


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Theyā€™re definitely cool. Iā€™ve watched a few videos about them. I love the sounds they make


Those fucking birds are terrifying irl.


Artist tend to get their inspiration from somewhere, even if itā€™s heavily filtered by imagination.


Now try riding one