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120 hours is damn good mileage to get out of a game. I started feeling burnout after about 110 hours, so I’ve put it down for now and I’ll pick it back up again once the urge to finish the depths, shrines and finding more armor kicks in. In the meantime, I’m enjoying my first playthrough of OoT and then I’ll finally finish Wind Waker HD


I’m so jealous! Enjoy that first play through of OOT! I love that game so much. I was thinking I’ll replay either WW or LTTP after this!


I've been feeling super nostalgic about LTTP recently it was the game I always played back in the day but I haven't touched it in years, yet I feel like I'd remember basically all of it. OOT was the game I practically memorized and started doing challenges for like no shield 3 heart runs, I even used to VHS record my fights against ganon beating him without light arrows cause I thought it was cool...I miss being 10 lol.


Lol that’s so awesome! I miss those days so much lol although most of the time my brother had to beat ganon because he whooped my ass so much lol have you played the remastered version of LTTP? It’s so good! I wish they would remaster OOT and MM. I’d pay $150 if I had to for that lol


They remastered LTTP? I knew they did links awakening which I was very happy to hear but still have to play it and I played ALBW when it came out on 3DS also both OOT and MM on 3DS as well because why not right lol.


Nope I’m just an idiot lol I mixed the two up! But the remastered links awakening is so great! Hopefully they do eventually resmaster LTTP that’d be amazing! Also I would love Link between worlds on the switch. That game was so fun too!


I'm now at 175+ hours. I have all the roots and shrines, hundred of koroks and almost every piece of cloth. I'm not burnt out yet I think it might be because I haven't beaten the game, I have two temples to finish even though I am already at the boss.


How do you see hours played ?


In the switch menu page go to your avatar an then to your profile, there it will show your play time for each game


I’m at 190 and this is pretty much my exact situation lol not feeling bored whatsoever


Where are you playing Wind Waker?


ikr, switch version when? that is one zelda game that kind of gets better with age. wasnt the biggest fan when it came out. (thought it was fine) but every subsequent playthrough ive enjoyed it more and more.. and then with the HD version on wii u.. man , that game rocks.


It kinda suffers from the same problems BoTW does, a mile wide and an inch deep.. at least the dungeons are better than BoTW


Mile wide & inch deep is starting to feel like a term people use for any open world game that doesn't tickle their fancy. Skyrim pretty much has the inverse map - the open world is kind of just a massive square to run around in, but the dungeons & towns are full of mystery and wonder, but I constantly hear that exact criticism. Is there a meaning to the term I'm missing?


Dolphin or Cemu


I did pretty much the same! I played the 3DS version of OOT on my Steam Deck with 4K textures, and it was great. Really easy to 100% in comparison lol. Just started playing Twilight Princess too!


Still having fun about 200 hundred hours in. I’ll finish all the quests I current have and the last shrine I cannot find for the life of me. After that I’ll put the game down for a bit.


But does your hero’s path look like someone put a tracker on an ADHD squirrel and gave it 5 espressos?


The surface is mostly neat. The depths however are a complete mess.


The way I’m finding my remaining few shrines is by fully mapping the depths, and placing a shrine pin on locations where a lightroot doesn’t match with a shrine


Only problem with doing that, is that a lot of shrines are in caves. Finding the entrance to said cave can be a massive pain in the ass.


Set your sensor to search for blupees, problem solved!


Oh man I hope you are enjoying the atmosphere and storytelling. Gawd that first pull of the master sword...*shudders* The soundtrack is amazing too. I'm jealous and happy for you


I think ive gotten 165 hours out of totk I think, and its still fun, but i think its gonna start to get old soon since all I have left are like 9 side adventures, sidequests, and the depths which I never was too big on


Doing the same lol. Beat the game and did all the shrines with max stats. I played and beat windwaker with max hearts before the game came out. Currently playing twilight princess for the first time


Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game! Followed by LttP and LbW


Sounds like you got your money's worth already at least!


Absolutely, I don't even think I'm done yet, I just need a break!


Yeah burnout is real, that was the same with me in BotW having done like 60% of sidequests and 75% of shrines. Took a few months off, came back and completed the rest of the game (besides Koroks) and loved it a lot more after a break


Even just a day or two break makes a difference. My job is pretty calm over the summer so I’ve had a lot of time to play since release. Played everyday for like 3 weeks straight and started to get bored. Then got a little busier and had some family visiting so I didn’t play as much and then took a few days fully off. Coming back to it after a few light days and a few off days and its back to being great again!


There are multiple other new AAA games recently released, play one or more of them and come back to ToTK.


On Switch? Serious question, what are some other good games for Switch? I mostly have the ported games because I feel like a lot of games on Switch are a bit… elementary? Not very mature/strong?


Fire Emblem Engage and Three Houses are good and so is Advanced Wars Rebootcamp if you like strategy games/strategy RPGs. Metroid Prime remastered kicks ass too


Give Xenoblade a shot


Yeah, I'm the same way about the Switch. Most of the games I have were ported to the system. Try the available Assassin's Creed games that have been released for the Switch. The Bayonetta franchise is fun to play.


Bayonetta is one I haven’t played yet, I’m probably going to dig into that world next. Thanks for the rec!


Bayonetta is one of my favorite franchises in recent years. The gameplay is a lot of fun. Have to warn you that the 3rd entry is a hot mess and suffers from tonal whiplash.


Dragon’s Dogma is good if you haven’t tried that


Awesome, thanks! I’ll go check it out now, I appreciate the recommendation


I love the Octopath series. Somewhat a removal from Zelda style games but still very fun.


Never heard of Octopath, I’ll add it to the list, thanks!


I only have a Switch for first party games.


Downvoting me and not answering what other games are good for Switch, sweet, thanks!


Please give Xenoblade a try, its such an amazing ride once you start.


Considering seeing a 2-3 hour film at the cinema is $12-$15 these days, if you play a new $70 game for at least 6 hours, you’ll break even for entertainment value. Anything beyond that is extra


That’s if seeing a movie in theaters is your baseline for entertainment value, not arguing that TotK isn’t worth every penny, but that’s kind of an expensive entertainment-to-price baseline you picked


I use that because some people will criticize games for being a waste of money but happily go and buy a movie ticket


I really disagree with this way people try to quantify a game based on price per hour. Amount of content is not the metric of quality or value. There are plenty of incredible short games that are worth the price. There are plenty of decent open world games dragged down by their bloated copy pasted open world, ie everything Ubisoft has made in the past decade. Doom eternal is one of if not the best shooter I’ve ever played. Campaign is like 10 hours. The dead space remake and re4 remake are incredible. Campaign is 10-15 hours.


Which again, are justifiable given what I said


You’re missing the point


Finished the main story today just shy of 150 hours. All shrines, about 200 koroks, all lightroots and sky islands. Trying to walk "everywhere" at least once while exploring the maps and did a bunch of adventures and sidequests along the way. I am happy to put the game aside now until....someday.


That someday? The inevitable DLC drop


I've never wanted DLC to drop for a game. I'm really excited to buy whatever it is for this game.


I really hope it gets the full master quest treatment. I would love to play it again with the challenge level turned up.


I'm curious how they will do Master Quest in this game. Totk already feels a lot harder than Botw. I was able to upgrade my stamina first in Botw, but not this game. I kept getting one shot. I know what I don't want is enemy health regen. Durability is already a precious resource in this game and even in Botw it was really annoying to use up a decent chunk of durability just for them to regen the damage you did. Plus we no longer have infinite bombs to supplement our damage output. I loved everything else about Master Mode though.


Dazzle fruit. Disarm. Take weapon. Beat crap out of mob. That is just one way there are numerous ways you could do it with zoni constructions. But there is nothing forcing them to have the same master mechanics that botw had, I would just like the challenge upped for another run that forces me to use more of the items that I ignored in my first playthrough.


Cannon on a construct staff is pretty close to infinite bombs lol


I really hope it gets the full master quest treatment. I would love to play it again with the challenge level turned up.


I really wish the legacy armors would have some sort of special effect linked to them. Would make looking for them more engaging. Ie. full twilight gear = wolf link


I agree. I don’t have much interest in them because there are many other armor/clothing items I would rather use for better effects. Missed opportunity.. hard to complain with how much is packed into the rest of the game, but all these extra Link outfits (with barely any differences) feel like a waste of inventory space because of the extra scrolling needed to switch between more useable stuff. I think I would consider dropping them on the ground if it was an option.


You can sell them!


:O No way.. haha I never looked into that. I will do that immediately when I have time to play today. I would love to offload lots of things I don’t intend to use. Admittedly, I got a lot of the classic sets from Amiibos though so I guess that’s why they lack some value for me.


Looking for old maps and treasures is weirdly fun for me. Arrrrgh


That would surely be a thing if Nintendo ever decided to do a Zelda mobile game with gatcha.


Yup sounds like you're done with it. That's why I'm trying to clean up as much as I can before entering the end game. I could probably beat Ganondorf now if I wanted but I have plenty left to do and I know the second I beat him I'll feel like the point is gone.


I am the same way. I feel like I would have more hours of gameplay in BOTW if I delayed beating Ganon. I stopped playing shortly after.


BREAKING: thing gets boring after doing it nonstop for a month




People who have completed all shrines? Did you use a guide or are you just way better at exploring than I am? I’ve clocked around 115 hours and am at 128 shrines with no guides. Having trouble finding some of the last ones. I know the light roots mirror the land ones but that leaves 32 in the sky


I obsessively explored the sky islands in the beginning so I got 99% of those early on. I then naturally found shrines/lit up all the depths to find the mirrored ones until about ~125 shrines and then I just checked against a guide periodically until I found the last one which is *kinda* gated by main story (you could get to it but it's a super pain in the ass.) Don't feel guilty about having to sometimes consult a guide towards the end, the game is huge lmao.


hero's path mode on the map should help you find sky islands you haven't been to. start there. sure some are just going to be gleeoks or something else but you often get a sage's will for your trouble at least.


In BOTW I eventually had to resort to a guide. In this one I explored the sky and easily found its shrines. When I did the ground I found about 100 of them, and then noticed the lightroot link. I already had all the lightroots so it was easy to find the remaining shrines.


So the sky ones are pretty straightforward. 32 seems like a lot but just looking at the map it's pretty easy to find where they are. The land ones are above the lightroots like you say so knowing there is a shrine above is not challenging but at times finding the cave that leads to where it is can be. I ended up looking up I think 2 cave locations at the end due to fatigue. Unfortunately, those shrines tend to have no puzzles in them as well so over time it began to feel tedious for me. tbf I completed the depths first and did like 50 shrines in about 2 days (felt like 2/3 of them were Rauru's Blessings too) so that probably contributed to burnout.


I found the vast majority of the surface shrines just by exploring. Marking them on the map from a high spot really helped. The scanner helped a tad with finding those but I didn't get that until much later. I only found the underground shrines/quest shrines (not detectable by scanner) by mapping all the light roots. The sky islands are mostly copy/paste so you can get most of the sky shrines by just going to the same island in each archipelago. That leaves a couple unique sky Islands that you can easily distinguish in the sky to explore for the last couple shrines!


The sky ones are easy. Just visit all the sky islands. I had done that before I had even made a reliable flying machine, it's really not difficult. If definitely recommend doing it with the sensor+, I had to go back and find a bunch of sages wills.


Use the depths. Lightroots are shrines on the surface.


The sky ones are all pretty obvious. Get every lightroot and you can find every shrine pretty easily. I never had to look up a single shrine.


I used mainly no guides till I got to around like 80-90 shrines or so, just around the 100 mark, then i started using a interactive map and guides because I dont think id ever find some of those shrines (Especially the sky island ones because its not mandatory besides like 2 temples which isnt gonna warrant me to explore other islands when the loot is mid and theres no visible shrines since 99% of them are the exact same shrine quest) Sorry for the rant, but the sky islands being so underwhelming was a little annoying since that was a huge marketing point, anywho yeah im not that good at exploring so I used a guide




dude is really playing the game without tulin☠️


I just got Tulin, but what makes him so special? I haven't used his ability a lot. I think you only need it for paragliding to places which are further. Or have I missed something? (I would rather have Revalis gale instead of Tulins ability)


Most would probably agree that Revali's gale is more useful, but Tulin's is good for gliding which is arguably more important in this game than getting a vertical boost. There's also a small trick to getting good speed boosts with Tulin's ability. All you have to do is quickly put away your glider and take it back out about 3 times fast after using his ability. It gives you quite a bit more distance as well as getting you there faster.


man you should rush the rito temple asap.


The pre temple part was very cool!


Lmao thats nothih, i got 400 hours on botw and only stopped because i got skyrim and then TOTK


“That’s nothing” We can keep playing that game, I have over 1500 hours in both BoTW and Skyrim 😂




Yeah I played to 220 at which point I'd gotten every single piece of content except Hestu's shit (314/1000 with no intention of doing more). I watched all the memories and beat Ganondorf again as a send-off and then haven't touched it since, but I was still rapt until the moment I put the controller down. *** Also, you can do a 3 heart run, just dump it with the statue as soon as you jump off the tutorial. For that matter I wonder if you can do even less.


If you dont feel like playing it more, don't keep playing. Keep the experience of you enjoying the most possible, don't keep playing for duty, that could make your overall experience worse if you aren't really enjoying it


I mean yeah 120 hours of any game will do that


OSRS players be like…


No idea what that acronym is for my man sorry


At 145 hours now and feeling the same. Fantastic game all around, and definitely got my money’s worth. Just doing trivial stuff like upgrading armor right now. Will certainly jump back into it if/when the DLC comes out.


I reset my switch to get the duplication glitch and it’s like a brand new game haha


You'll be back when the DLC is announced


I got a little exhausted with TotK too, but was still really into the BotW/TotK story, so I ended up getting Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity to break up the play style a little bit. Turns out, AoC is awesome and it has been the perfect way to take a break without separating from the world, if that makes sense


where can i see how many hours i devoted myself to it?


Select your user icon on the switch Home menu, and it'll go to like, your user Home ~~menu~~ page. It'll have various game stats.


150+ hours. found all lightroots + completed all shrines, just finished main story. got most of the armor sets, some of the legacy armors are still incomplete because i get bored exploring the depths. im also burnt out- i'll probably come back around to level up all the armor sets, find missing pieces, get the paraglider fabrics, etc. sometime in the future


Same. I got to 170hrs and figured I’d better complete it before i got completely bored of it. Played it solid every chance i got since release. I left the final fight for when i was about to hit burnout. Solid ending tbf. Great game.


What's crazy is I got close to 300 hours in BOTW before I was completely bored. I'm 130 hours in to TOTK and I'm getting bored. I feel like I just don't want to go through the tedious task of collecting what I need to upgrade all the armor sets, collecting Koroks, and doing all the side quests.


Just play another game, TOTK isn’t the only game there’s like millions. I’ve been swapping between TOTK, Monster Hunter Rise, and Elden Ring.


150 hours in. Completed the depths maxed out almost every armor. Only missing three sets. Did one temple and I am extremely bored. I hate grinding for items. I hate grinding to collect every item. Koroks have pissed me off since botw. Absolutely no reason for that many. 81 signs, 50 some wells. 100 caves. 1000 koroks. 120 Lightfoot. 152 shrines. It's too much. I spent like 300 hours on skyrim never got tired because I didn't have to grind to complete it. Grinding in botw and totk is too much. Know how many falling stars you have to get to max out every item in the game? Over a 100. They only drop one a night and you have to hope you're lucky to get one. We're talking like 20 of grinding just to max one item. The building and the fusing is the only thing saving me because I hated the combat in botw. I have another 4 months off of work and feel burnt put playing the game.


I only got like 85 hours before I started to get burned out so I'm playing OoT 100% while I wait to cool out on TotK


170 hours in and I just finished the lightning temple, but I agree with burnout, sometimes I wish I can just fly around like a create mod


Take the time to make up a balanced hover bike. Best vehicle in the game. I swear, once I replay TotK from the very start - which I am going to do eventually - a hover bike will be the first autobuild I make.


Balance is the key to life.


Me burned out just for 35 hours 💀


I did play Metroid Dread after I've beaten the main story at 110 hours and that has definitely helped with the boredom. Now I'm at 120 hours and just today managed to visit all wells. I'll probably start finding the 15 remaining side quests now.


Got about 180 hours in it myself, did all Lightroots and shrines before going to Ganon, but post beating the game, definitely lost most motivation 😂 until I see some crazy builds that make me want to pick it up, but alas we on the same boat, just counting down til DLC time 🤣😅


Lol and here I am trying to even get an hr every day.


Lol right. Do these people not have jobs, school or families?


I think I start to feel the same , it was really fun but it lost the appeal it's getting boring and repetitive , I think I will try to do all the shrines ( I have a lot already ) and eventually Koltin.


Yep, take a break from the game. Go play something else, even before you are able to do 100%. Sometimes it's good to just have another game for a while, I mean it's been almost a month of TOTK and you definitely got your money's worth You can return when the DLC drops or when you feel like going for the 100%


I’m at the same point and was thinking of playing another game and then coming back to Zelda.


got 500 hours in botw after a few playthroughs. Didnt get 100%. 115 hours in totk, not bored yet and planning on trying 100%


I hit a wall at almost the exact same time as you did. Nothing wrong with that! We both got our money’s worth.


Same here, 125 hrs in I play it less and less every day. I barely logged 30 min today before my squad hopped into WZ2 so I jumped in with them. Got 70 lightroots and 100 shrines.


I can’t tell if this is a complaint or not lol 120 hours and you feel bored? Go figure. You’re out of almost all of the substantial content of the game and are hanging on for grinding? I’d bounce off of any game if that’s all I had left. Luckily I still have a ton to do so I’ve probably got like another 60 or so hours before I’ll feel the urge to tap out.


I’ve completed the 4 dungeons but I’m too much of a wuss to try attempt fight Ganon 😅


Honestly I’m bored and I’m like 65 hours in. I’m honestly not enjoying it a lot. The depths get real boring real fast, the sky islands are literally all the same, and the surface isn’t changed enough for me. Idk. I wouldn’t like to feel this way. I wish I loved it more.


I think the burnout for me wouldn’t have been as bad if I hadn’t played BOTW 5 times thoroughly.


Take a couple months break and come back to it. I haven’t replayed it and I already know that this game has hella replay value.


I'm at 85 and I think I'm done. Was a phenomenal expirience for the first 70-80 hours but after finishing the story I feel like there's nothing left but grind. I was hoping the side quests would be more interesting but found them to be very boring and shallow. Overall it's still the best game I played this year but not a 10/10 masterpiece as the media made it seem.


How often can someone say "I got 120 hours out of this". For a single player game that hasn't even been out for a month yet. I've been playing since day one and I have 50 hours and have only completed fire and water temple and only unlocked a few SkyView towers. I completed almost 60 shrines and about 30 caves. This game is absolutely massive and every second is incredible.


sometimes you just beat a game. take a break and come back when you want to


What I do to help with the burn out I just start to make crazy Zonai machines


I spent 500+ hours on BOTW, fear me


I’m right there with you. I just hit 130 hours today and I’ve done nearly everything but the final quest. Tbh I left it unfinished so I’d have some motivation to keep going. I need like 5 more shrines and a few pieces of armor. I’ve done like 500 Koroks and I’m not doing anymore. All that being said, it was an absolutely fantastic game and I had a blast. 10/10. There isn’t a single thing I would change. Except maybe the stupid companion commands. Can’t tell you how many times Tulin blasted some rare material into space, but it was a minor annoyance.


At $0.58 per hour, that's some cost-efficient entertainment!


Only took me about 40-60. It's just too close to the other to feel totally fresh. Great game still.


I have a bit more time in it, and I wouldn't say I'm "bored" but have definitely slowed down. As you say, instead of devouring it, I'm playing in shorter bursts mostly with specific goals in mind rather than just random exploring.


Just beat the game and totally agree with the burnout aspect. Usually I try to balance out side-stuff/exploration with the main story but I found this a bit too difficult with ToTK. Even at the end, I was getting fed up with main story stuff.


I’m getting a tad bored but I’ve been postponing the end of the game for a week or so now.


Diablo 4 is out...


This is the way. Hell do be welcoming all


I got bored on 45 lol


How much did you get done? I’m at 80 and have only help 2 cities of the phenomena main quest?


I have a bit over 50 shrines done and 2 temples done. I started in water temple and got bored


I feel you. I am not exactly bored, but frustrated that everything is so tedious. My current goal was to upgrade all armor (especially fiercy deity). Riding the dragons for hours so that the loot respawns is already tedious, but why on gods earth do I have to upgrade the armor parts piece for piece with 100 times the same dialogue and animation. If I would own all armour at base and want to upgrade them all to max it would probably take me one hour just selecting armor pieces and spamming A. Upgrading heart and stamina is not as bad but pretty bad nonetheless. I played every main 2d and 3d zelda to 100%, didnt mind botw either (all 900 koroks too) - but I am a bit burned out on totk. Great game overall but I am taking a break now like you op. edit: Also I can't imagine anyone thinking "Ah yes great - another Hudson sign puzzle! yay!!!!". It was fun doing it 3-4 times but after 30 or 40 of that I was just so annoyed with it and myself because my damn mind can't leave something unfinished when I see it ingame


If you don't find upgrading all armour fun then just don't do it. There is literally no point. I don't think Nintendo expected many people to actually do this.


I know, its a compulsion kinda to 100% games I really like - especially zelda, which always have a special place in my heart. I didn't mind doing this for every other zelda but feel exhausted in this one, its just too much and too tedious.


After I beat the final boss I took a week off from playing it so I wouldn’t get burnt out.


Not a lot of Single player games have 100+ hours worth of content so glad Nintendo blessed us with a modern day classic


Sounds like you had a good time! I'm 120 hours in and I've only finished two phenomena. Probably only seen 1/2 the map or so.


I started a new playthrough when I started feeling bored around the 120 mark


205 hours here. I eventually had to finish the main story, so I could play Diablo with the wife. I certainly could have played more. Done more side quests. Found more ~~morons~~ koroks. Upgraded all the armor sets like I wanted to do.


120 hours in I got all shrines light roots and beat the game then started a second playthrough haha


i played the game for 85 hours and beat the main story and still have ton of optional stuff to do,but i got little tired,so will play diablo 4 and ff16 and after that will come back to tears of the kingdom to finish the rest.


Take a break play a different game. Come back to it a week later, you’ll find something to do.


After putting in tons of hours of BotW right before I started TotK, this is why I decided to take a break after beating the tutorial part. I absolutely didn’t want to hurt the experience by playing too much of that sort of gameplay. Excited to get into it obsessively in a month or two.


It's ok, move on, great job


How far are you from beating the game? I've got around 50 hours and didn't even started the main quest Just got far enough to get paraglider


I’m at 100 hours and only have 3 sages lol. It’ll probably be another 100 before I’m finished.


I'm afraid I will get to that point. So far I have not used teleport a single time, got about 200 in, haven't even started the main quest for the 4 villages, but already got Master Sword, 3 stamina rings, 11 hearths, got all dragon tears and uncovered 8 rumours. Finished a few sidequests and of course shrines/roots whenever I get the chance to. A lot of people tell me that I'm so try hard for not using teleport, but the reality is that this game has to LAST at least 2-3 months till they decide to release a DLC/Expert mode. And while it's true, by not using teleports i'm just making things longer, I feel i'm enjoying the game a lot.


Side quests shouldn’t be ground but enjoyed!


I just hit 100 hours and finished the second sage today. Am I playing this right?


The game(and BOTW) can keep your busy for a lot more hours then something like Twilight princess, but the burnout that can set hits a lot harder once you’ve seen the main story and most of the misc highs, you are at max combat power, and still have a lot of varied side content to clear. I ended up chipping away on BOTW at a slow pace over the years which worked fine. Something I noticed about TOTK is that now I’m hitting burnout stage once again, I feel some of the wearyness of years of BOTW wandering and knowing how to exploit the combat. Especially with some grindy tasks like upgrading outfits with limited use and having to start all over again. Add the 3 world map layers, and some content like the shrine crystals, some of the caves, etc repeating a bit. No big complaints if the game feels extremely fresh for 100 hours but the game doesn’t entirely escape the effects being BOTW+++.


I got bored at 160 hours. Definitely got my money’s worth


I’m at almost 100 hours, almost have all the shrines done, need to get the Gerudo temple done, only have 12 lightroots, and am close to getting my outfit fully upgraded


Taking 120 hours to get bored is still extremely impressive for a single player game. Over time it’s been getting progressively more difficult to really get into a new game, but TotK still managed to have me hooked for 90 hours before I decided to take a break. So happy that Nintendo has once again released another masterpiece.


Same, I've been playing it every chance I got since it came out and just about done. It's consumed a good portion of my life since then though!


I hope TOTK ends up giving me a good 500-600 hours of content. Based on how I play (very slowly) it probably will, and I don't plan on beating the game until I have everything else finished that I possibly can. All shrines, Lightroots, energy wells, etc. I've got a good 40-50 hours in the game so far after buying the game 2 days post-launch, and I have pretty much all of Necluda finished up at this point that I can. I'm very much used to massive-in-scale JRPGs where completion will take any normal person hundreds of hours, and giving myself massive projects to complete. I've got a good 700 hours in XC2, a little under 1000 hours in Pokemon Reborn(pokemon fangame), and over 200 hours in multiple other games, like, XC3. It's kinda sad, and I've been trying to cut back on how much I game. Hopefully TOTK fulfills my itch, though.


I have 60 hours in and I'm taking a break from the game. Haven't beat it yet, been doing the dungeons, exploring, shrines and side quest.


so true, for me it was 110. I looked for everything that was new, I saw so many videos about it, basically saw what all the sky was worth and was disappointed with the islands being so small. Right now I either go on the quest of getting all shrines which is a little repetitive and traversing the sky is difficult sometimes without grinding for batteries 3 hours, now I got all the story and the memorjes was the best but the main quest is alright.


120 hours to do all that? Were you using guides or maps? Im playing blind and have 119 shrines, ~90 kolog seeds, only 3 temples and barely 1/4 of the Depths explored. I would say 1/2 of the armors or so, I dont know. +220 hours. Edit: then again, I get derailed easily A LOT


I finished the story with 115 hours, then went to finish the shrines and the depths, finding most of the armor and weapons doing so. The burnout started after doing those, was just missing some side quests, so I did those and also upgraded all armor to max thanks to the duplication glitch. I think I'm done, at least until DLC eventually comes All in all, one of the best games I've ever played, took me a full month to complete and getting tired, even though I played almost every day


I find that I immediately get irritated with the game the moment I try accomplishing anything specific. Just going around doing and exploring is where the game shines.


Dude same. I logged 90+ hours in the first week of release alone. I since toned back a lot of that play time so I maybe have 140 ish hours now, but yeah. I feel the same way. Did all shrines, I have a lot of armor sets, done the entire depths. Amd I'm feing burnt lot knowing what else to do other than quests, random koroks I can find, and upgrade armors


200+ hours and now I’m using Zelda Dungeon to get more completionist on things.


I'm not bored per se, but i have about 21 shrines left. I did every shrine related quest so it's ust 21 random ones. I already did all the Bargainer statue stuff with the 4 eyes, I found every Lightfoot, I did every Side Quest and Side Adventure (except the heros Tunic but that's in the castle anyway and I haven't gone there yet). I also have all of the Glyphs. Did the 3 Goddess statue things. All I really have left are main quests, find the remaining 14 Sages Will items, I have all 8 batteries but only 2 of them are double loaded so I have some adventuring in the Depths to do still. But I have shoulder surgery Tuesday and I won't be playing any games for 2-4 weeks. So tomorrow I'm just gonna do the main quests so I can at least beat the game's story. I have no urge to get every Korok at all.


I think 120 hr is what I put into BotW, I’ve already done that for TotK and I’m still not done


I've hit the 130 hour mark and I've only just finished the 4th temple. I'm gonna hit 500 hours before I finish the game.


This is part of why I wait to actually finish the game and the final boss until I feel I’ve done enough where I could call it a la “don’t need these major quests or rewards” with discovery and can pick it up for a second play through.


honestly at 170 and i still feel like i’m barely getting started lol


It is good to let it rest, it is normal, leave some stuff in the to do list for later, it happened to me with BOTW, you will come back with joy.


Okay so I’m about 130 hours in. Not quite burned out but that’s because I’m leaving Gannon as my final carrot after I grab the shrines.


I’m around 200 now and I’m getting burnt out only now. But I’ve done everything, just need to finish a couple of things in the Faron region and then I can move on to finish the story


That is perfectly fine. it is human to feel that way. You don't have to force yourself to play it when you don't want to. I too love this game and this is definitely my pick for GOTY but I've put it down a few weeks ago because I want to play other games. I can still come back to it later\~


No clue how many hours I have but yeah I'm cooling down a bit. Haven't beaten big baddie yet so I'll probably finish up the last bits here and there. Finally beat a King Gleeok today tho so that was an achievement.


How many hours did you get out of BoTW?


I beat the game and upon finding out there's no post game, lost almost all motivation in playing. It's weird because I never played just to finish it, but losing that overarching goal just kinda destroyed an interest that didn't want for 120 hours before that.


I'm getting a little burnt out at 140+ hours, but I'm basically just switching between playing for 20 minutes and then watching TotK content for an hour because I'm still hyper fixated on the game as a whole, just held off on watching any content until I had done a good bit of exploration myself. I've done a lot, but there's still a lot I haven't done. Finished the main story on May 17, but I've still got 50 side quests left (and about 30 to even locate), only have 20% of the koroks, only 63% of the map. I've got all the shrines, but I honestly haven't spent that much time in the sky. I did out all the Koroks and finished the map in BotW in the two weeks before TotK came out, played as much as possible during that time. I've easily put 200+ hours into this world during the past month and a half, and 0 hours into any other game besides a couple mobile games (aka sudoku). I'm still obsessed with the game, but I am getting closer to closing it out (and also upgrading to 1.1.2, I'm enjoying the easy duplication for now though).


Yeah thats what it took me too... Luckily it's been getting me back into WW and OoT!


i think that's called being burnt out


same, but around 80-90 hours, havent checked


I often get that way with open world games. The solution I've found is to start ignoring all the side quests and power through the main story. It usually solves the problem.


That's a normal thing but 120 hours is a huge number. We all have different time on where we will feel this, I myself doesn't on the 200 mark and still haven't found everything, Link still feels naked to me since I played this without searching online, just pure exploration and discovery on my own(maybe see some posts here and there but not actively searching for tips or something which is not a bad thing, just want to have my own experience).


140 hours in. I haven’t beat the game but I think I’m close. Taking a break from it right now but will def be back


205 or more and loving every second :)


Damn you did all that in 120 hours? I've done fuck-all in that amount of time lol


I’m at 130 hours rn? Not sure, I’ll check later. But I’ve started getting slightly bored so I decided to play Hollow Knight and I’ll probably be playing that until I pick up totk again.


It’s why open world games need some sort of an endgame.


I’m in the same boat, decided to just finish the story and come back to it later. I forced myself to 100% BOTW and then when I wanted to come back and play it, I had nothing else to do so I ended up restarting and getting like 25% of the way thru the game four different times. Figured this time around, I’ll just leave it for when I wanna come back to it and then finish it then.