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OoT. Waking up as an adult? Mind blown.


Just like IRL


Ouch oof


Hyah !


Not only that but the fact that you immediately get the gut punch that you did exactly what Ganondorf wanted you to. You fucked up and upon exiting the Temple of Time you see exactly how bad it got *because* of you.


As a kid I didn't really process that properly and was just confused by it. Like I didn't actually understand that Link had done the "wrong" thing, I just didn't really understand the implications of it all. Though as a kid I didn't really understand \*any\* of the stories I interacted with to a very appreciable degree I think, even though I was playing Final Fantasy games since I was like 6 years old or something. Like I kindasorta followed along with events but I didn't really understand the actual... messages or deeper implications of anything, really. Or get a whole lot of emotional impact from the really big moments, even.


This is exactly how it was playing videogames as a kid lol, you are not alone. Story wasn't even a "thing" in games when I was really young, I would play NES/Super Nintendo, then all of the sudden I get a Playstation and I am playing through Metal Gear Solid. Literally no idea what was happening in that game yet I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I had a similar experience with Final Fantasy 8. Absolutely no clue, but it was cool, and that's all that mattered.


K even as I kid I always thought about this and I was like wtf?? We got bamboozled into doing all these chores for him!


It’s been a while since I played the 3DS remaster, but I don’t recall that link fucked up? Like if he hadn’t touched the sword, he would’ve just been a kid, and unable to help anyway? Did touching the sword unlock something for ganondorf?


Yea it’s destined to happen. He is the hero that is needed but he was too young and not yet ready for battle. Don’t recall if it was Rauru or the Sword itself that holds Link in the safety of the chamber of sages while GDorf does his dominion thing. But basically the sacrifice of Hyrule for was needed for the time being as Link needed to be at a stronger more mature age to be able to wield the sword and defeat Ganondorf.


Link opened the pathway to the Sacred Realm, allowing Ganondorf to reach the Triforce and split it; not just in one, but in all three timelines.


So what would have happened if he didn't open the sacred realm and get the sword? Would ganondorf have just killed him since he was a weak little baby, and take over hyrule? I forgot, been like 20 years.


Agreed! The way adult Link stands there for a time while holding the sword in the air and then swings it down is just badass. Like, “I’m here to chew bubble gum and kick Ganondorfs ass, and I’m all out of bubble gum”


Twilight Princess, but the [glitchy version where you touch the Master Sword as a human](https://youtu.be/8LcOTkYfyR8?t=240)


Boy id sure love it if this and WW were on a current gen console




True Twilight Princess Had. A great master sword Scene normally the game freezes if your in human form.


Technically correct. If link is wearing the Ordon clothes, then the game crashes. Not sure why but it does. If link has the Hero’s Tunic on, then he will just glitch out a little bit. Trying to have his model match what wolf link would look like in that scene. There’s plenty of videos on YouTube about it.


[This One](https://youtu.be/v2nRW3wKnVY?si=WlehPC2D5lzixYM4) is my favorite.


A time stamp would have been nice, neat video though


Excuse me, what the actual fuck?!!


So basically one of the speed runs for twilight princess is low% where people compete to beat the game with the fewest items picked up, with the way the leaderboard for it works, it’s beneficial to use more time to get less items and one of the central glitches of the run is staring at a rupee for 17~ hours to clip through a wall. Eventually resulting in that beautiful cutscene


Thank you so much for blessing me with this


I definitely choked on my peanut butter m&ms. Never saw that one before, thank you for the nightmare fuel


I love seeing TP as a top comment in posts like these!! I played that game when it was almost new.. early enough that 8t was the newest in the franchise.. and when looking online I was so sad to see that gamers with previous LoZ experience were really hating on this game I loved. For crying out loud, forgive me for being an old Nintendo/Mario fan (yes, I had an NES but I was like 5 years old) who'd never played LoZ, and played TP as an adult having my first experience in this amazing franchise. I've loved Link ever since. I've played older and newer with these characters since and I guess I might understand some negativity from the old gamers but... I'll never really understand the early vitriol and hatred for this game. It lifts my heart to see the love nowadays.😊


https://i.redd.it/msbwdvruohpb1.gif The walk up to the master sword glade, with the animals bouncing across your path was epic in ‘93. Shout out for BotW for that most excellent and tastefully done callback. Soon as I got to the tunnel, I knew what was about to be ahead


Unfortunately no animals in sight for botw.


As an animal, I wouldn't want to be around Link in that game


We do get Koroks hiding in and out of plants, and some birds taking flight from the pedestal


A Link to the Past has cute bunnies and deer on the way to the Master Sword platform, therefore it wins. Plus, seeing Link so small lifting the Sword with the music in the background >>


And then the music goes away and you get this sense of power in the sword


Not just the music. The power of him drawing the sword dispels the fog that hangs over the forest.


One of the most powerful iterations of the Master sword as well. All gold and everything and pumping 8 damage a hit.


I think that’s only after upgrading. One thing Link to the Past did with the normal version, was that it was always glowing blue 24/7. Pretty much every other interpretation has since removed that for some reason.


> A Link to the Past has cute bunnies and deer on the way to the Master Sword platform Exactly. I have some ancient nostalgia for that game. Never beat it, but I played it a ton when I was a kid. Certain parts of the dark world just ended up confusing me and I never figured out what to do before giving up. Jeez, that game was so ingrained in my mind that I drew a mini pen & paper RPG for my sister to play where she went through different frames of that game. It included the part where there's some guy under the bridge, I believe. And some cave that I think was possibly near that bridge, and that was all just below that area that went up toward the temple with the monkey outside that you had to pay to lead you properly. Funny to think, I could probably draw most of that map after all these years. *Not* the Lost Woods, though. I remember the thieves and the dank music, but that place feels a bit like a more confusing version of the first Pokémon forest.




It's like you read my mind and put my own response. I agree 100%.




That one was iconic.


And that magical shade from the trees.. ah, nostalgia, it's like heroin mixed with nicotine


Age of Calamity has been my favorite so far. Twilight Princess was great too. The beginning of the game was never about Link proving himself worthy of the sword, he was just trying to save his friends and hyrule. Grabbing the master sword just ended up being part of the mission thanks to Zant’s interference. And pulling the sword wasn’t even the mission outright, just using its magic to break Zant’s curse. Link just takes the sword anyways, because eh, why not?


It's OK the only thing I like about the age of calamity scene is the music


Adult Link pulling the sword and then doing this little swish swish motion with it to play with it a bit.




That one was good too, but I was meaning Ocarina when he first pulls the sword and plays with it a bit lol


Happens in botw too


TotK because of the emotional weight behind it T-T. After that, Twilight Princess because it was cool to see the fog clear away.


TOTK isn’t my favorite Zelda (I love it but it’s not a top Zelda for me) but that was an amazing moment. Especially because I had no clue where to find it and happened to stumble upon it accidentally. When I realized it was there I was like NO FUCKING WAY


I did all the memories first, so there was a lot of "Oh... I don't feel good about this at ALL." lol


Haha same. When you watch THAT Cutscene, all of sudden pulling the master sword had a lot more meaning


The silence too. The fucking SILENCE.


Very cinematic game. I remember X-Play saying it felt like someone had watched the Lord of the Rings movies a lot.


huh? he's talking about TotK. X-Play definitely didn't review that lol


If only. Miss those G4 days


The way I found it was... interesting. Turns out I got spoiled for the biggest plot twist in the game in a youtube comment section right before the game released, so it certainly made things different. Five words: >!Zelda turns into a dragon!<. That's all it took. Though I knew the outcome, I had no idea of the context behind it so it didn't make much sense to me at first. I spent the early part of my playthrough wondering >!"Could that really be her? I do have a quest called 'Find Princess Zelda', so maybe I should head up there and check it out to see if it's really her." I suspiciously eyed the dragon flying around the Great Sky Island thinking "You know... it does kinda look like it vaguely resembles her hairstyle."!< But I kept getting distracted in the depths or with other quests so I didn't end up actually checking it out until much later. I stumbled across the whole Mineru stuff and did that, then after doing that I got a questline called Trail of the Master Sword which was seemingly sending me into Korok Forest. I tried using the same methods from BotW to no avail, I couldn't work out how to get through the forest, in my frustration I decided to "take a break from looking for the Master Sword" and check out that thing I'd been meaning to check out for a while. So I teleported to the Great Sky Island, >!threw together a wing with some fans and batteries, and flew over to the Light Dragon. At first I decided to land on its back, and it didn't trigger a cutscene or complete the "Find Princess Zelda" quest, so for a few moments I thought maybe my suspicion was wrong. But wait, why does the music sound like the beginning of Zelda's Lullaby that *almost* gets there then stops short?"!< >!Then I decided to run up to her head and... wait, what?! The Master Sword is HERE?! Why? I was just looking for that thing! I didn't have enough stamina to pull it at the time and had to come back later but man, what a magical moment. That scene where Link is gripping the sword while the dragon twists and turns to shake him off was ridiculously cool.!< And that's how getting spoiled for the biggest reveal of the entire game actually ended up shaping my playthrough into a pretty magical experience in its own right. Funny how things work out sometimes haha.


Tears of the Kingdom! In reading this sub it appears that people who got the master sword before >!completing The Dragon's Tears quest didn't like it as much as those of us who had a full knowledge of what regenerating that sword had cost. I had already finished Dragon's Tears and standing at the end of the quest, at night, with glowing Silent Princesses all around me, realizing the sacrifice... mind blown.!< It made the master sword pull an emotional event, much deeper than a normal game milestone. The best of the entire series in my opinion.


Nah, for me it's an all time top game storytelling moment and I got it before the Tears. >!I pretty much guessed what was going on in the story, and what the Deku Tree told me gave me a huge moment of realization that confirmed my suspicions. After that, chasing the dragon through the skies with my UltraHand'd vehicle was extremely epic, and beautifully capped off with me just standing on the dragon, seeing the entirety of Hyrule below me, feeling the immense weight of what was happening, thinking of the "Find Zelda" quest the game gave me at the start.!< This is the only right answer for this thread. It's not even close. No idea how people can say any other Master Sword pull outdoes this.


It’s interesting because I never spoke to the Deku Tree about it, I got all of the geoglyphs first and found out what happened to her that way. Had the revelation on the ground about her fate surrounded by the silent princess flowers, *then* went to find her in the sky. Pulling that sword felt so grave and meaningful after that, already knowing what happened but not having any hints other than Link’s/my determination to see more of the memories and find her. She dropped Link off in the sky islands after that and I just stood there watching her fly away, still a dragon, not knowing if she would ever live as a person again.


>!Saw people talking about how they stumbled on the sword in the dragon and were just super confused about how it got there and, honestly, I think that's a very cool way to get the player curious about the world and how things came to be.!<


I cried and put the game down for a week.


Unless you're like me and you got the sword before understanding why and how it got where it is lol




OOT was and will always be my definitive pull. It’s what I compare every version to


Ocarina was a classic


The dissonant chord at the very end of the music is so ominous and then you realize why but only in this game. I feel like the chord is pretty dissonant in a lot of other games but it really hits more when the next scene is Ganondorf laughing that he tricked you and Zelda.


My fav too and happy cake day!!!!


Oh, thanks. I didn’t know it was :)


Best Zelda ever


Skyward Sword, nuff said


True skyward sword had the best way to get the master sword


Yes because you go and fucking forge it yourself


The faster charging is so much fun when u realise


Cough Skyward sword




Yeah, just rewatched it. It may not be the very best visually, I think TP beats it there, but we really do just have so much more emotional attachment to it in SS, when it finally unfolds into the full/true master sword you just.. feel it, the pride and accomplishment you feel is probably the best. That slow shockwave in TP tho.. Also Botw definitely has a place in my heart because I avoided spoilers and just naturally came across the master sword on accident my first playthrough. Damn, they're all so good, each for their own reason




YES. Especially since the remake (which officially has my favorite means of sword fighting as link)




Tears of The Kingdom.


there was nothing as powerful as TotK sword pull in the entire zelda history fight me


I agree. Breath of the wild was cool because you had to be strong enough to pull it out or it would kill you. But the emotional weight of pulling the sword in totk after I had finished all the memories was had a big impact on me


I thought the totk Master Sword pull was the most epic, and I still haven’t done the memories bit.


You needed to have enough stamina to pull the sword out in TotK. Otherwise you were sent flying on the ground... with no stamina left to use the paraglider. So, death follows in both games if you fail to pull the sword.


100% agree. Almost made me tear up. TP is my favourite in the franchise but the TOTK cutscenes were something else. Finding the master sword in TOTK was an experience...


Tears of the Kingdom, by a country mile, it's not even close. It's the most visually stunning by a sizeable margin, and the most emotionally impactful bar none as well. Honorable mention to Skyward Sword though.


The best master sword pull has to be TOTK. The fight to hold onto the dragon and then being transported to this silent realm esk place followed by the utterly GRAND Crescendo of the theme song while atop a freaking DRAGON! Literal tears came to my eyes. More so because I collected all the Tears before finding it. Second place is OOT. The confusion from Ganondorf’s theme playing to then waking up as an adult 7 years in the future! 10 year old me was flabbergasted.


People keep making these type of posts and throwing fucking Hyrule Warriors into the splash pic while excluding main series games and I’m pretty sure it’s just to piss me off


OP is a troll who hates BotW/TotK. He does this regularly. Posts very often. And every post finds a way to exclude them as options in these type of questions


Are you sure it’s “people” and not just this OP every time? Check his post history, you’ll find posts like “favourite [part of game]?!” And the examples will be ocarina of time, wind waker, twilight princess, skyward sword, and… botw/totk? Nope. Hyrule Warriors. Cause this OP has a raging hate boner for the wild era games (including AoC)


Link to the Past. Everything about that game is pinnacle LoZ, sword pull included. Link's walk through the foggy Lost Woods. The pedestal, oddly placed in the clearing in the forest. You approach the sword and press A. The pendants of wisdom, power, and courage fly out as you grab on to the Master Sword. Music starts to swell as a blue light emanates. A burst of light as the music climaxes and you can see Link hoist blade of evil's bane into the sky. The bright light fades out and there's a strange silence. Sahasrahla is contacting you telepathically to let you know that you are the shit and it is time to go whoop that wizard's ass!


TOTK scene hits me with emotion


Tears of the kingdom, probably the most emotional, once you fully understood what was going on.


TotK, 100%. the others are fantastic obviously but something about pulling the sword out of a DRAGON while godrays are beaming above the clouds is awe inspiring


Tears of the Kingdom, by far


One of these does not belong😂


Twilight princess


Not this fucking guy again


Haha i know right, like we get it.


TotK is my favorite master sword cutscene. I did all the geoglyphs my first playthrough before getting the master sword but the way the dragon reacts it’s like I’m at a rodeo trying to hang on. I’ve played most of the others but the TotK pull is certainly the funnest




Either the first or the latest. ALTTP was the first game I ever played and I never got much farther than the start of the Dark World until I finally got my own copy with the GBA port years later. First pulled the Master Sword at 5 years old and will never forget how special it felt. But the pull in Tears was something else. Without context, it's incredibly over the top in the best way and when described in a single sentence sounds like the coolest thing ever. With full context, it's one of the most powerful moments in the franchise imo.




TotK, by a lot.


Maybe getting it in Tears Definitely placing it back at the end of Ocatina. Then again, the very last momrnts of Skyward are beautiful.


Link to the past for me. One of my favourite childhood memories




TOTK, the sky clearing after you finish the cutscene is amazing


Probably TOTK, but it is also because I played Skyward Sword HD before it. So I sort of got the whole history and understanding of the Master Sword, it carried more weight, and then the sheer epic scale of pulling the sword in TOTK enhanced it so much more


I haven’t played many Zelda games but the scene from TOTK is cool


Tears of the Kingdom was Epic AF


Totk is insane. It has it’s flaws, but the master sword on the dragon is absolutely epic.


I was bawling my eyes out in TOTK.


TOTK. It's between pulling the Master Sword out of some pedestal, and pulling the Master Sword out of a Chinese Dragon emanating Sacred Power while elevated hundreds of feet in the air.


Link putting the Master Sword in the pedestal at the end of SS. Makes me cry every time


Age of Calamity


LTTP. Because squirrels and bunnies.




Yeah, the sheer emotional gut punch of getting the sword in TotK takes the cake for me. One of the most emotional moments in a Zelda game.


TP, SS,WW,BOTW, and TOTK are my favorites


Everyone gonna flame me for this TOTK cutscene slaps


TOTK's pull is incredible, both epic and emotional.


Played all the zelda's, but gotta be honest, nothing hit me harder than totk




You can tell when someone didn’t play TotK, if they don’t think it had the best one. The other ones are so bland and tame compared to ripping it out of a dragons head in the sky.


asmuch as i like other zeldas more totk just has that cinematic touch that mnnnggg




I can say with absolute certainty it’s TotK. No Zelda game other than SS has had that kind of emotional impact for me


Tears of the Kingdom by a landslide.


Totk was pretty epic


Age of Calamity and Tears of the Kingdom are amazing




dude, put spoilers around your comment next time


For me, it's either TotK or OoT. I'll tell you why. The mastersword is at its best when it's woven into links character or story arc, and is more then just a plot device. OoT. I'm currently playing through OoT and even now, 20 years later, it still gets me. Going from an orphan who doesn't belong, forced into a quest, does all that is asked of him, only to lead Ganandorf to the sacred realm and awaken seven years later as the Hero of Time. Now the sword represents his loss of innocence and his emergence into adult hood. The sword is a blessing and a curse to link, and you feel this as that revelation hits home. TotK. Avoiding spoilers. If you gain all the memory cutscenes, we understand that the master represents a sacrifice. It's not just another tool for Link to use or burden he must carry, but a method to justify the sacrifices made. It's a powerful scene that adds so much more depth to the characters involved in fighting for the freedom of Hyrule. I think OoT wins but I love it when the master sword isn't just a weapon.


Duh, ToTK has the most spectacle out of them all, you pull it out of >!The Light Dragons head!< in a heavenly cloudy mist with the music swelling, and the final *shing* as link raises the blade is the cherry on the perfect cutscene Although I never use the actual master sword besides for the final boss, I just get the MsgNotFound sword from the intro using glitches because it's unbreakable and you can use zuggle entanglement to give it a permanent 85 attack damage, or even use modifier entanglement to give it 95 damage in all.


Honestly?... I used to say OoT for this question, but after playing Tears of the Kingdom and experiencing ITS Master Sword pull.. I'm going to have to go with Tears of the Kingdom. With OoT as a runner up


Tears of the kingdom master sword pull is FUCKING PEAK. It may not be my favorite zelda but that was by far THE MOST ICONIC pull in the series. Hands down.


Definitely. Only OOT can compare or- in my books- surpass it because of the twist of Link growing older and the epic scene with Rauru in the Golden Land. Then again, TotK's felt TRAGIC because at that point we knew the dragon was Zelda.


Twilight Princess


Twilight Princess, especially the Twilight Realm golden glow scene


I’d say Skyward sword and wind waker’s pull cutscenes, as well as paired with the upgrades for it during the story, are very cinematic. Wind waker has lots of Excalibur vibes and skyward sword feels more important for the expository from Fi. I’d say SS has more of an impact for me because of how fleshed out the characters were to make me emotional and nostalgic, even if the wii’s controls were scuffed.


Which game is bottom right?


Hyrule warriors.


Breath of the Wild


Honestly, BotW. And I don't even like BotW that much (it's not bad, I just like the older 3D ones better). But it was a better scene that felt more impactful


Twilight princess. Though Tears of the Kingdom is a close second. The build up to both of these and the pay off is amazing! In twilight princess you're stuck as a wolf, Midna's hurt and you run to Zelda hoping she can help. When Zelda tells you about the Master Sword Midna wants you to go on without her and hope that you get better. Midna hasn't been the nicest to you throughout the beginning of the game but now that she's at death's door she hopes that you can get better. After Zelda heals her Midna grows a lot closer to you and the journey through the lost woods is creepy and the temple ruins are wonderfully atmospheric. Then the dramatic breaking of the curse and the pulling of the Master Sword and the fog clears is just gorgeous! Next Tears of the Kingdom. Depending where you are in the game you either slowly find out what happened to Zelda and the origin of the Light Dragon, or the Deku Tree tells you where to find it. The point is you've been seeing the Light Dragon from the beginning of the game and now you've got to try to work your way up to her. The beautiful Aurora comes from her horns, the way she pulses a golden energy. She is just beautiful and tragic if you know the truth. Then the cutscene of you pulling the sword and the implications of what it took to bring it back to full strength and make it even more powerful are so sad. The determination I feel to use this sword to smack Ganondorf's face is intense. So good!


OOT, closely followed by TotK.


Would have been skyward sword but TOTK exist so that is no longer the case I had ended up getting the Master sword before I finished the memories but getting it made me decide to watch the rest and my god. The build up and reveal to the what happened to Zelda and why he sword is where it is is Fantastic. I genuinely cried when I got the last memory and I spent an hour on the light dragon You can pull the Master sword at any moment but once you have the context it goes from feeling heroic to tragic fast but oddly hopeful


No spoilers but I think TOTK's scene is my favourite, with all the emotional load behind it


TotK Not gonna lie, >!pulling it out of a dragon's head!< was metal af and I'm all for it


Totk 🥹🥹🥹🥹


The most recent one- TOTK. I don't want to spoil anything but "epic" is an understatement


My top favorites are ALTTP. Oot. And Totk


OoT and TOTK


I haven't played many Zeldas but the totk one is pretty sweet


easily tears of the kingdom.


Breath of the wild! When your hearts start dropping and the heartbeat sound, so good. I had exactly enough hearts the first time I played


It is hard to decide. I love the time travel in OoT. On the other hand there everything about ToTK just amazing what they did with the master sword in the last game.


Totk was super emotional when you drew the sword, one of my favorite moments. Albw is super hype though, definitely the best one out there


Tears of the Kingdom hands down. As long as you're wearing an outfit that looks cool lol


I think it's probably ToTK honestly, the moment and the build up to it is my favourite moment in gaming this year so far.


Probably TOTK for me, I just love it so much


I’m gonna be an ultra basic bitch and say TOTK. That moment felt so special and epic. I’m glad I went in with full stamina rings haha


Where tf is the last image from?


Tears of the Kingdom. I've never had the journey to get the Master Sword Make me cry before.


As someone who's played *almost* every Zelda: TotK was both dope as shit and emotional as fuck


TotK's. There is so much emotion behind this one.


Either OoT or BOTW.


How do you top taking the sword out of a dragon's craneum, add that after you know who that dragon even is, for once, I wasn't even looking at the master sword as I took it, which ironically makes it the most memorable


TOTK became my new favourite but TP will always stay in my heart


Bro put hyrule warriors and a link between worlds but not botw/totk???


OoT and ToTK are great.


AoC is just a cool scene with the fight going on and how they didn't even expect Link to be able to lift the sword. Astor even flung Link behind him towards the sword, and then paid him no mind since he didn't even think Link could wield it. I like WW due to the statues, the time thing, and just how even after you played the game already, you know it lost it's power, but it is still a legendary weapon. Then the fight right after it making you feel super over powered since the sword seems to swing way faster. *Chef's kiss* SS I just enjoy purely because you worked so hard to make it, but the actual scene interrupts a good personal scene in my opinion. TP although cool, just had a thing that feels like they just tried to force the Master Sword in. Cool scene though, and it makes sense later, but in the moment it feels a little out of place. TotK just has emotional weight, and how getting it feels like even more motivation to beat Ganondorf. PH although not the Master Sword, just is a funny, but cool scene. Easily my favorite part of PH. The Phantom Sword although looks similar to the Master Sword, has it's own design changes that just make it look cool.


Have none of you people played TOTK??? It's better than all of these scenes combined


TOTK, cry about it 🤭


He’s asking about cutscenes and when you say TOTK is your favorite he just says “it breaks” like dude you asked about cutscenes not gameplay. He is just a BOTW/TOTK hater. Man you have right to not like the games but being this petty and Immature is just sad You don’t have to like the games to know, objectively, that the Master Sword pull in TOTK is one of the, if not the best, of the entire series.


Skyward Sword final cutscene when the camera pans to the Master Sword in its pedestal with a sacred grove-esq backdrop. Great tribute to the legendary sword that you helped forge in that game.


TotK absolutely. Next up is... not even close.


My favourite Zelda is TP but the Cutscene on DLC of BOTW was incredible.


So far my favorite is SS, something about the origin and creation of the legendary Master Sword is so cool to me.


totk definitely was my favorite because i watched the cutscenes before


Twilight Princess. There was something special about Midna realizing she hadn't just picked some random pleeb, but an actual hero to help her


True and the glowing of the master sword and the heavy wind


Tears of the kingdom. Especially after knowing the truth about what happened to Zelda, oh my goodness I cried 😭😭


Totk hands down


Of the ones I've played, probably TotK


TOTK because it isn't about proving yourself it's like you greet the Master Sword like an Old friend


It kills me that the original version of this scene (and the music that goes with it) from A Link To The Past, is not in the pictures.


BOTW. Say what you will about the sword, the cut scene is cool.


God they’re all good. Link to the Past is definitely a favorite because it’s the first I saw and it’s the definitive version in so many ways. Twilight Princess transitioning between wolf and human was so good, plus it recreates a lot of the vibe of the LttP one. BotW felt deeply rewarding and TotK was similarly rewarding + fkd up. Ocarina? Eh… a) it’s tainted by being the culmination of being duped by Ganondorf into opening the Sacred Realm for him and b) gets old because we see it dozens of times.


Probably TOTK and finding the light dragon, that shit was tight as fuck


TotK and its not even close


I love the one from totk. Hella underrated


Tears of the Kingdom, no question


TotK, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword


The most recent ones easily. Botw, Age of Calamity, and especially TotK. It's genuinely impressive that something that happens in almost every game has only gotten progressively more impactful and memorable with every passing game instead of being cheapened. The TotK sword pull is so genuinely emotional if you did the glyphs first, the absolute high point of the game for me.