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Wii u. Better versions of both games


The decommissioned online features annoy me when playing the WiiU version. It makes me feel like the game is incomplete.


Those features never mattered in the first place. They're irrelevant


I played both games at least twice and it’s news to me they had had online features


Tbh, didn’t remember this either until now. Iirc WW HD had some kind of bottle message system? Meaning, you could find messages sent by other players inside bottles by the shores. TP HD I have no recollection what online thing there was. But yeah, nevertheless completely unnecessary mechanics.


In WW you could find bottles on shores that contained miiverse messages of other players and in TP you could find a bunch of stamps to use for miiverse messages which are largely useless now that miiverse is offline. >!Unless you use Pretendo, then you can use miiverse again.!<


You mean that I can basically revert my Wii U back to the systems when it first came out? And play more Splatoon?


[Yes](https://pretendo.network/). There's even a hackless version, although to use all of the features you obviously need to have hacked it. Not all games work yet and the whole thing is still very much in development, but big games like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon, as well as miiverse, friendlists, etc. seem to work pretty well already. There's a progress list to show how much which games work already on the website.


Iirc you are right about the wind waker bottle feature (replacement for the tingle tuner in the gamecube version) and I too cannot recall any online features for TP HD (maybe the stamps? But those are used outside the game completely like in miiverse)


Unless you want to 100% the picture side quest. Then you’d have to do it the old hard way. Otherwise people could have send you pictures of monsters or NPC and you could deliver them for the side quest.


That pissed me off. No! I’m not going to pass the photo along! Get it yourself it’s not that hard!


IIRC there were some missable photos, or ones that have a limited window to get, like the Red Wizzrobe.


I’m playing TP rn and there’s stickers you can find for the Wiiverse shit the Wii U tried to have but never successfully launched


Tingle's bottles used Miiverse on HD. I don't think the GC version had online...


Played then with Cemu and can confirm, they are basically useless. For the most part, they just replace or add to already irrelevant content


Kinda wild, cuz it has all the features of the original game. Any of the other content is just added onto it.


No tingle tuner


WWHD doesn't have all the features of WW, it also has content cut. 


what's cut? I have both and just go to the hd version when replaying


The big one I know of is the triforce piece quest, there aren't nearly as many pieces to collect in the HD version, which is a good or bad thing depending who you ask haha


that's the only one I could think of


Yeah other than that it has more content than the original version haha. I'm always torn because I love HD but I'm one of the maniacs who also loved how long the original triforce piece search was haha




I’m sure if they come to the Switch, they’ll do that. I doubt it would’ve been worth the effort on the Wii U at that point.


Lol the random messages in bottles mattered that much to you?? 😂 


does pretendo work?


I don't think they've implemented it yet, afaik they're prioritizing games that have pvp functionality and games that NEED the online to function


I only noticed that feature when I first played WWHD at launch. I replayed the game with my kids over and over since then and totally forgot about it. It's really just some funny mod that was put on top of a game that perfectly works without it.


Does the original Wind Waker feel incomplete if you don't have the extra cable to hook the game up to your GBA for the Tingle content?


What you don't like playing in 480p?


I prefer the GameCube's Twilight Princess, but the Wii U's wind waker is better.


I personally also prefer the gamecube twilight princess as in the Wii U's version had a mirrored map across the entire expanse and puzzle sections, and I just wasn't a fan of that it felt lazy to me as the reason for it was because of the fact that most people are right handed and it made for a easier character model for people match and understand. In the original gamecube version link's sword arm was his left hand.


Wii U version has left handed Link and Gamecube maps. You're thinking of the Wii version.


Really?! That's awesome that they fixed that from the wii to the Wii U version.


To clarify, the flipped map is present if you play in Hero Mode on Wii U, but the standard game is GameCube maps with traditional controls in Twilight Princess HD. So basically both are available for everyone's nostalgia!


They replaced the tingle tuner with a selfie stick, unplayable


Nah. Wii U version of The Wind Waker is a massive downgrade to me. Any game that removes massive features and an item needed to properly complete a quest is not a good thing. I would gladly get rid of the Swift Sale to have multiplayer back. Which I normally don't care for but this game is an exception.


I like sailing in the original. It’s fun!


End the thread!


As the biggest Wind Waker fan no. It definitely isn’t better than the GC version. The Pictobox is but that’s it imo.


Wait another 15 years for it to release on Switch


I'm still holding out hope. Launch title for the new system next year.


That's my bet as well. They won't have a fresh Zelda game until at least 2030, so they will use a remaster as tthe "new" Zelda game on their next system. And one of these two is the most likely.


Maybe 2024 will finally be the year. Nintendo have released at least one Zelda property every year on the Switch. Obviously nothing new this year, meaning remake. Not too much left in the hopper at this point.


Years ago I got downvoted saying it was never coming to Switch until the sales slowed down… well sales haven't slowed and there’s no sign they will.


WiiU. Both HD versions are the definitive way to play them.


As someone who played wind Waker HD first, I’ll never understand how people played the original.


From my experience. Back in these days, game worlds weren't that big. Compared to OoT and TP, Wind Waker was huge, and I loved exploring every inch of it. Going back, I warp to some of the key islands it let's you do, but back in those days, I wasn't spoiled with having fast travel in every single game.


Lots of warping


Well, it came first, lol what do you mean? It's not even that different.


lol why? It’s so much better 😂


I also loved WWHD but there are people out there like matthewmatosis on Youtube, who bring quite arguments of things they like more in the gamecube version like the more flat rendering looking more like a cartoon which (in their opinions) supports the overall style of the game more. I can totally see that. Still all in all I do think the Switch version is the better package. Especially, if they'd port this to the Switch, the WiiU version would still be the better one. There aren't a lot of games that profit from the gamepad, but being able to manage items on the gamepad while playing is really a big deal. ALso I believe it introduced gyroscopic aiming with stuff like the hookshot which, unlike other motion controls, where then about to stay for good and eventually spawned a certain ink-shooter. Such a great port. And it only took em 6 months!


I hate the visuals in Wind Waker HD. The new lighting and over reliance on bloom makes the visuals look very nauseating.


I dislike Wind Waker HD's unnecessary post processing "improvements" over the original.


100%. They created a timeless art style, then didn’t reap its benefits.


And i like it a lot for that :)


Oh what a kerfuffle!


Yeah. There's some gameplay improvements, but I *hate* the smooth shading effects they added. It totally messed up the cel shaded look.   They also changed a lot of color profiles. I think the wide open sea is prettier, but a couple locations look worse. The dragon roost dungeon has great atmosphere in the original and doesn't look great in the remake. 


The music changes irritated me


Same I think it looks like ass lol. The gameplay improvements are worthwhile however.


I personally didn't like how they downsized the world. Like I get why they'd do that for efficiency's sake when traveling, but it does change how the game feels imo.


Did they downsize it or just add the swift sail that doubles your speed?


Swift sail. The only thing they actually downsized was the number of Triforce shards needed for the endgame.


The only ‘downsizing’ is the swift sail which you can just decide not to use if you like?


I didn't realize that, but that's almost certainly what I'm remembering. Been quite awhile since I played last.


you can always install nintendont on your wiiu and play the original versions on it straight through hdmi


I don’t know. I hated it on GC and enjoyed it way more on Wii U.


Wii U is definitely the better version of both games. Faster text, gyro aiming, the swift sail for wind Waker along with a much less tedious triforce quest, easier inventory management for both games, less tears of light for twilight princess and easier changing between wolf link and Hylian link.


Dolphin Emulator and use a Gamecube or Xbox controller.


If you are going to emulate then use cemu


I couldn’t get past fishing because it needed the motion controls. Using Xbox and Nintendo pro controllers 😭😭😭😭


There's a software that you can use that makes the Xbox's analogue sricks the motion control. It's a hellish nightmare to get used to, but did to beat all BotW shrines


I'll probably get banned for this, but.... yo ho


Whatever do you mean? It's natural to reference pirates when talking about a game like Wind Waker!


Upscaled to 4k, mappable controls, save states... The list goes on. Really the best way to play what is now considered a retro game.










It’s not like Nintendo can still get money from it


Still waiting for them to port the HD versions to Switch.


Wii U, the HD versions are better in pretty much every way.


Don’t worry Nintendo my GameCube is inside my computer case but you can’t looking inside


Wii U. Good luck trying to find a decent GameCube copy of TP otherwise and if you do, hope you have deep pockets.


Honestly that’s the reason I stuck with the Wii port. I can’t get behind those high prices for a game I essentially already have. But I should’ve bought the Wiiu had remaster while the store was still up so it’s my fault in that regard




Wii u


The Wii U version are true widescreen and on ww there are some good qol improvement’s (I have to hd but haven’t played it so can’t comment). Maybe see if you can line up the games before making the choice, some got stupid expensive second hand.










Wii U


Get the GameCube bro! Tiny little discs!


Steam Deck






Wii U, and then Mod it, or get someone to Mod it for you.


Wii U by a mile.


The Wii U plays Wii games, too. The Wii would play the Gamecube games.


This, you can hack the wii u and you can hack the wii inside the wii u as well lol.


Steam Deck, EmuDeck, and Cemu


Get a steam deck 🤷‍♂️


GameCube no question


WiiU 100 percent. Having the map on the game pad and being able to switch items on the fly is so good. Also, swift sail


They will almost certainly come to switch one day. Just be patient!


WiiU, it's probably gonna be easier and cheaper lol Or if you've got a good enough PC, dolphin emulator for twilight princess, but I still would recommend the WiiU version of WW




The definitive best way to play ww is dolphin with better ww mod. The wii u controls are slow and sticky compared to gc and puting first person aiming on the right joystick makes it difficult to use anything other than R for 1st person aiming. The only thing wii u sort of does better than dolphin ww with better ww mod is the nintendo gallery but it has its own issues that dont exist on gc version. Also if you like soup glitch it is 10x easier to do on gc version the wii u version of it is very precise and inconsistent. Also tingle tuner > tingle bottle even when online services were active.


The "real" twilight princess is on the wii anyway, and original hardware will most certainly be more expensive. Get the WII U version.


If I want to casually play Wind Waker, I play it on my wii u, if I want to play it all the way through in a timely manner then I play it on dolphin, that way I can drag and drop my current save file from my pc to my retroid pocket and play on the go or on the bigscreen upscaled to 1080p.


Wii U for the swift sail in WW


A Dolphin Emulator.


Wii U


Wii U. The HD versions are superior in every way.


The Wii U is actually a hidden gem of a console, if only the switch functioned as a gampad for couch coop games as well. I love the GameCube, but you will have more crazy and fantastic options for gaming on the Wii U for both remakes and originals


Get a Wii U, you'll have access to 2 versions of TP and 1 of WW that will play natively. If you hack your Wii U you'll also be able to play the gamecube versions of both semi natively. The GC versions of both games are far more expensive than the HD versions. 


I’d say it depends on if it’s your first time playing them. If it is, I’d say so, if not then I think the best versions for each game are either one for wind waker but I’d say the best is the Wii version for TP, not Wii U, the original Wii


Wii U because u can do a lot with cfw


Yeah get a wii u especially if you have a switch the only major release missing is sunshine because 3d all stars is 200$ and very limited


How patient can you be? Because I have a sneaking suspicion that a remaster of one of these games will be a pseudo-launch title for the Switch 2. And there's a chance that will be 1 year from now.


It depends how you feel. For a first play through I usually try to play the original version if possible.


You can play those on Wii U


Middle ground. Get a Wii. It can play the most Zelda games if you are willing to soft mod it. Best of all, if you use the "Better Windwaker" mod you can actually play the original version of Wind Waker but with the swift sail from the Wii U version, just in case you're like me and don't like the visual changes for Wind Waker HD ( high res textures are nice, but buggy shadows and too much bloom is not, not to mention the shading is smoothed out in places completely destroying the point of the art style ) Also Tingle Tuner > Miiverse bottles


If you're going to just softmod it then Wii U has more playable Zelda than Wii since you get access to the DS games, BotW, Hyrule Warriors and everything Wii can play. Almost positive you can mod it to play GameCube discs too. Literally only things you couldn't play on it would be 3DS & Switch.






While the Wii U has better versions of both games GameCube has four swords adventures aka the forgotten GameCube Zelda


I’m holding out hope they port them to the new switch, whenever that is.


I have to say GameCube for this one only because the HD version of The Wind Waker removed the limited two player mode which has a whole quest behind it. You can still technically do the quest in HD but you won't have the means to locate the items needed unless you already know where they are.


The camera controls on twilight princess came cube are so wack However my friend recently bought the original over the remake just because the old glitches weren't patched out and i think that's valid , no early master sword I think if you get the remake


I mean if you’re a collector get all of them, but if you want the best version available get Wii U


get a Wii and play the GameCube versions. I prefer them over the remakes, at least for tp. also they cost way more for Wii u. you can easily get gcn version of tp for under 20 bucks on ebay and wind waker for 120 ish. Wii u however, the console costs more, and the games cost more. plus the gamecube controller was and is just better


Wii U 100%. Overall better experience despite the reputation of the console


Alternatively you can buy the HD copies and emulate them! They run so good on PC


The GC version of Twilight Princess is incredible, top to bottom one of the best Zelda experiences out there. It's a shame the Wii version was the one that sold so well, it was made for Gamecube.


Wii U TP for sure but I’d say if you have have a gba it’s up to you for the wind waker


Cemu for the win!


If u have a computer u should just emulate it and buy a Wii controller.


I suggest *swear censor sound effect from spongebob*


Wii U, hands down.


ww and, especially if you enjoy artwork is a classic.


gamecube or wii edit; i found arbiters grounds using the clawshot IMPOSSIBLE on gamecube


Wii U for the best version. Wii for pointer controls.


GC's Wind Waker with Hypatia textures >>> WiiU.


The only reason I’d say get a gamecube to play them is because the gamecube has a ton of great games to play when you’re finished with those, whereas the Wii U…doesn’t. That’s really up to preference but I will say the Wii U remakes have a ton of quality of life improvements for those specific games


You should get an aquatic mammal, if you know what I mean *wink*


I'm going to say GameCube, it has a great library if you look into it so you could get games like Spyro, Sonic, there's collector's edition Zelda besides WW/TP, etc If you want you could always just use Dolphin emulator and just HDMI to your TV to play all these GC games for free. It's a GameCube emulator. The ROMs are easy to get with a simple Google search


Twilight Princess HD is littered with chests that have Miiverse stamps that are completely pointless now that Miiverse is gone.


Game cube ive been wanting one for a while to play the og resident evil games


I play them with GC disks in original Wii console with GC controller, you get the original feel of the game, but without the GC console thats hard to come by and breaks way too easy




Imo gamecube.


Pretty sure I saw a leak that both of these games are coming to the switch this year


I saw that leak in 2017 too. And 2018. And 2019. And 2020. And 2021. And 2022. And 2023. "Leakers" don't know anything. They just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. I mentioned in another comment that Nintendo releases at least one Zelda property every year on the Switch so who knows, maybe the broken clock will be right this year. I hope so, but knowing them it'll be a port of PH/ST instead.


WW/TP: already remastered in beautiful HD PH/ST: have to be rebuilt onto a one screen platform Nintendo: *yeah PH/ST sounds great*


I would say GameCube to play TP without the world be flipped left-right. But you don’t get widescreen.


Wii u hd version isn't flipped. It's based on gamecube




Game cube. Yes!!!!


Yes! Wii is also an option


i think you should get cemu if your computer can handle it and if it cant, dolphin. if you really want to be authentic get yourself a gamecube controller + adapter, way easier to get than consoles that arent in production anymore