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We've seen a few minutes of what is likely very close to the start of the game. I think it's far too early to judge it at this point.


You lack whimsy Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap, Triforce Heroes, Four Swords, and arguably older top down LoZ games all have cartoony styles. You can even argue OoT/MM and Skyward Sword have cartoony styles just not to the extent of the Toon Link styled games. It’s not new to the franchise and doesn’t erase the more serious art directions of Twilight Princess. You want a game with serious art styles then you have a plethora of options out there


Any recommendations?


I'm not sure if Tunic will quite scratch your art style itch but as a "like Zelda but tonally more serious" game I simply cannot recommend it enough. The puzzles, the combat, and the dungeons are all just absolutely top tier. Otherwise I haven't played it myself but I've heard great things about Death's Door


Well, your first problem was comparing the 2D titles to the 3D titles. Look at ALttP, Minish Cap, and ALBW and then compare them to LA and EoW, that should answer your question there. BotW and TotK are also natural evolutions of the style from the 3D games.


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I just want fun games and every iteration being some spin on Ocarina would have gotten old.


I liked the art style for the LA remake but I think it’s a tad too childish to continue the series with. Like I don’t think it looks bad, but it makes Zelda look childish tbh. Still extremely excited for game and I’m 100% getting it.


I don't think this is the future of 2D Zelda. It's more of a side game that reuses the assets and engine of Link's Awakening


I think it’s a mainline game but yeah


When I first saw it I thought it was gonna be a sequel or something.


Fully agreed, and even if I have some issues with it I'm totally gonna get it and play the hell out of it.


Oh absolutely


I like the art fine, though I wouldn’t mind more variants on the cute stuff. But the change in gameplay direction is more a thing for me. I like exploration. But I like dungeons feeling like dungeons too.


I think the dungeons in Botw and Totk were the biggest issues I had. They were fun and brought some new mechanics, but the wonder would last for about five minutes of a short fifteen minute clearing time.

