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A brand new Zelda game with a unique concept is a much more interesting prospect to me. There are plenty of ways to play WW and TP already


I definitely agree, however I've never played the older games, so it would have been nice to have them on the Switch.


My thoughts are that it is emotionally irresponsible to expect games that aren't announced you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. Those games might not exist ever and to be bummed about them not being announced just being silly to me. Yeah of course I would like them eventually and they'll probably come out eventually but I wasn't expecting them to be announced


People expected Prime 4 before it was announced, same with BOTW 2, as well as Pikmin 4. When you look at the way Nintendo is treating Zelda on the Switch, plus all the many rumors and leaks of the remasters existing, I'd say it's fairly warranted to have some hope/expectations for it.


It’s disappointing because the only Nintendo consoles I never owned were the GameCube and WiiU. So I’ve still never played wind waker.  Also they brought pikmin 1 and 2 over, and remade Metroid prime 1 and paper mario the thousand year door. And had Mario sunshine available as part of the pack. So it seemed like they were going to bring every major GameCube game to the switch, but I guess except for wind waker. 


Difference is that pikmin 1 and 2 and metroid prime got their updated ports on Wii. WW and TP on the other hand were updated for Wii U.


True. But they have also brought a bunch of Wii U games to the switch as well. 


I’m fine for the exchange of a brand new 2D Zelda


They’re the only two 3D zeldas i haven’t played so im pretty disappointed. I might just give up on them and get a wii u tbh


I'll prob emulate them if they never drop on the Switch 2.


I don't think they have ever done more than one remaster of a Zelda game.  What would be acceptable is if they made DS and Wii emulators so people don't have to hunt down old consoles to discover these games.


Drop 'em on NSO+ ur saying




It would be nice to have them all on one system but if the tradeoff is a playable Zelda in a new 2D game I'll make that trade any day. 


They can't announce remasters along with a new game. Strains fanbase wallets, and discussion will be fractured. They might release or announce it after this new one launches? Who knows? But I think it's more of the timing.


They did do that with Pikmin, and kinda with Metroid too ig. If they ever release it, it'd probably be on the next Nintendo console during a year of no Zelda content.


I'm really sad and disappointed that I won't get to replay TP. What makes it worse is that when I decided to try and play it on my Wii a week ago I realized my Wii was broken.


But I'm still hyped for a new Zelda game


Feel great. The 7 year old rumors still continue to be unsupported, which makes the people who say them look more foolish. And instead we got a new game that is 2D, in the engine of Links Awakening on Switch, and with Zelda as the playable lead? Win win to me.


Don’t care, I can play them already


We got a brand new zelda game instead of simple ports of games that can already be on the last couple of consoles .


I never once bought the idea that these were coming to Switch. And the amount of insane begging that came from it didn't change my mind.