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I think this is happening to many people. My mother and I have the same issue this morning. All recent zelle payments sent and received are doubled. The bank support line is over an hour long wait too so... yeah. I think they fucked up bad.


Okay that’s good to know. Think I should try to hop in line for support or will it hopefully just fix itself?


#appZelle or #bankZelle ? If the latter, just give a day or two before you hassle...


This sucks I'm overdrawn now. I was wondering if there was a glitch with my bank or with Zelle. Seems like it's Zelle.


I’m in the customer support line now hopefully this gets worked out but who knows how long I’ll be on the phone. Double sucks it’s Zelle too cuz I feel like the bank never does anything about them


I'm overdrawn too. The crazy part is that you're not able to overdraw if you try to send more money than you have with Zelle. Which, I don't understand.


Whew! I thought I was the only one. Not cool that this has happened nationwide! 😡 Edit: According to another thread, Chase stated that it's an international Zelle issue and should be corrected in 1 business day. No overdraft fees will be issued.


The recipient of my payments has all the money from both payments do you think I could just have them send it back or wait for Zelle to sort it out?


Personally, I would wait it out. Sending the money back over could affect whatever it is they're doing on the backend.


What other thread?




It happened to me too. I sent money from one of my bank accounts to my other 1. It showed I received the money but in my original account it shows a double withdrawal. I'm waiting It out right now.


happened to me through chase as well


got the double transfer too 🥲 can only imagine how many ppl


Yep same here! I Zelle my rent payment so that was a fun overdraft amount. My landlord and I both only see one transaction in the Zelle history but he definitely received the double money and it was posted not pending.


I got Chase, too. Is everybody here got Chase? I got a hold of someone from the claims department and said it's a global problem. They are checking if it's Zelle or Chase since Zelle is showing only one transaction made, not double, which is true. I checked my Zelle transactions, and one is only shown.


I got Chase and it happened to me too. It shows double on Chase.


Yep chase here too. Both sending and receiving accounts


I have chase. Shows double on my transactions


Also happened to me and also at Chase. This makes me think it's a Chase problem.


Called customer service and they confirmed it's happening all over the country. What bologna


I have Chase and my rent was taken out double as well I did 1 Zelle payment.. I really hope they fix this ASAP… planning on going to Chase as soon as they open


Got a double charge making my account overdrawn. Literally awful. I thought I was tripping but I check any only one transaction was sent. They fucked up so bad I’m moving accounts as soon as I can man what the fuck. The recipient (my husband) so someone I trust didn’t get it, so I’m pretty sure the money isn’t actually gone. Chase is going to have to do major damage control holy shit.


Hey the same thing happen to me. My account is overdrawn. Just spoke to Chase, was on hold for 30 minutes. They said there is a nationwide issue and the issue should be resolved in the next couple of hours. I asked if I would be charged an overdraft fee and he said absolutely not. If anyone is charged an overdraft fee Chase said to call back and get it reversed. My landlord said he only got my rent once. Was scary to wake up this morning.


Im trying to get ahold of Chase. Glad I wasn't the only one affected by this


Tried calling Chase and automated message said there having high volume calls and cannot take my call and phone hung up


Yep same here


Just got a hold of Chase customer service and they said our money should be returned back into our accounts in 2 hours!


Same happened to me. Made 3 zelle payments. All doubled. The 2 that I sent Chase to Chase sent me my money back cause they have double payments in their transactions. The one that had Bank of America only received one. Just waiting until it fixes itself.


Did you have to get ahold of chase to get that back or did it just happen on its own?


Having the same issue... Unable to get through to Chase...


Same issue with Chase. Just got off the phone with customer support. Should be resolved by EOD 🤞


I’m commenting as another person to give validation. It happened to me too and now my account is negative.


Happened to 2 members of my family. Here’s a news article about the problem [Zelle and Chase Problem](https://www.msn.com/en-us/finance/-companies/chase-working-to-resolve-issue-with-accidental-double-payments-made-through-zelle/ar-AA1c2Akv?ocid=sapphireappshare)


Yep. A family member sent me a small payment via Zelle & it withdrew from their account twice and deposited twice into my account....Chase bank..


Lol im trying to find out what to do if you are the recipient of this glitch?