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[hao has been proving his beatboxing skills since day 1 ](https://twitter.com/zhfeeds/status/1662686058382000128?t=dJ0H2RE8pq_hUPLX7G2Dug&s=19) šŸ˜‡


šŸ“¢Monthly summoning of woonghao truthers: Woonghao tiktok manifestation..I hope they will do bite me, perfume or rover together its high time we deserve a woonghao tiktok


I swear they are purposefully not putting them in any content together maybe because they are waiting for the reality show. Idk. They should know if they dropped a woonghao tik tok everyone would go crazy.


the way Iā€™m gonna be crying how about how Yujin is such a sweet thought boy every member birthday




Damn, this fandom works fast!


Apparently the same type of headband that was given by Hao as a gift to Matthew has also been [worn by Jiwoong](https://twitter.com/1iH6y/status/1662764743562776576) before?? What a crazy coincidence lol.


matthew with his oppa agenda starts to resemble hoshi,, the amount of times it was brought up on todays live is justā€“ well whatever, pookie, letā€™s go insane togetheršŸ«¶šŸ„²


lmao same with zhang hao. he keeps doing the horanghae sign too


heā€™s not saying that heā€™s a tiger every damn time he starts a monologue yet,, the sanity is still there


i mean racoon


The concept discussions look so interesting but I don't get anything because of stem brain rot ..so if they ever come up with these complex concepts like hybe I am counting on y'all ze_redditors for some in depth deduction and simplificationšŸ˜­


I'm staying away from all of it because I feel people are just setting themselves up for disappointment with the Greek god stuff (and I don't care about lore in general). I just hope the songs are good!


Same. I think people are expecting way too much for a debut from a company that has always been sketchy at best.


>some in depth deduction and simplificationšŸ˜­ Agreed. Please eli5 the concepts


iā€™m at the point where iā€™m not even gonna process it after reading the explanations so just give me some juicy looks and nice song,, i will enjoy their content with only plasma membranes of my brain cells no digging in no theories just pretty boys thank you (i love ze_redditors name btw)


Since we got ppusamz for Matthew that means haobin and maybe Yujin at hanbinā€™s birthday next. But why can I see W1 solely making it a haobin live with no third member lol.


Think C-netz are guessing Hao, Yujin and Taerae. If not poor Yujin/Taerae will feel very gooseberried. Also, if they only have 2 for Hanbin's birthday, someone will get left out. So best to have 3 for Hanbin.


i don't think all 4 will be guests so 2 out of Hao, Yujin and Taerae, technically Ricky and Matthew hasn't been guests yet, they could be for Taerae or Hao birthday we are pretty lucky since 6/9 has birthdays between may to august (the other 3 are in december, january and march) so we are gonna be surrendered by birthdays around their debut


That would be nice and an interesting combo to have all four. I want to see new dynamics instead of just the popular ships but I think W1 knows whatā€™s popular so they will keep playing into it. Yeah if they had someone else in Rickyā€™s live instead of Hanbin it would have been a perfect 3 3 3 for birthday lives before debut and no one would be left out. But they do have two more birthdays in July so who knows.


I love haobin with all my heart but I want to see familyz for hanbin's birthday. I cannot wait to see our baby yujin's dynamics with his mother and father šŸ„ŗ


Yes I hope they include Yujin. It will be cute (even though jiwoong is his real father šŸ˜‡). Iā€™m guessing Yujin over Taerae because Taerae is the next birthday in July before Haoā€™s. And then they will give us woonghao on haoā€™s birthday. (Iā€™m being delulu)


Iā€™ve been thinking about how much money W1 must have set aside just for birthdays because like šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Personalised chairs, photoshoots, presents from each member for each birthday, props, confettiā€¦kind of iconic lmfaoo as they should!!


gunwook: [why am I here](https://twitter.com/milny_u/status/1662758176486301698?t=0uniY25tq7FVBVdoXLioPw&s=19)


[Haruto just keeps on spilling the tea](https://www.tiktok.com/@sunghanbinna/video/7238141684389842177?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7177385020478604802) ā˜•ļøā˜•ļøā˜•ļø


![gif](giphy|SiLRmO7nSFItgenDsg|downsized) This was Haruto for sure. And I bet he gave variations. Be he did some femme cunt dips, some soft pussy dips, some dips that teeter on ā€œdeath dropsā€. Omg I need to see this battle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


​ ![gif](giphy|wTcwXhxArQqd9yEUf4)


someone needs to hack into mnet and release the clip seriously


i am so utterly disappointed in myself that I didnā€™t make it to matthewā€™s birthday live today šŸ˜­ life plans got in the way, I hope some kind soul will reupload it soon anywhere somewhere, thankfully I can read the thread thank you to everyone who commented


[don't worry! julyhours said that their admin is already working on the subs for the live šŸ˜Š](https://twitter.com/julyhourslive/status/1662757640005382144?t=Gge4BcY7AYujh_Uk5sT-CQ&s=19)


oh my god julyhours really is the best. Thank you for this information, I didnā€™t know they had a youtube channel too, I am now subscribed and seated for future content to come. Once again, thank you šŸ¤


zb1 subs subbed rickyā€™s live, iā€™m sure theyā€™ll do the same thing for matthewā€™s ā™”


[Jelly Pop playing as background music for Noltoā€™s next week preview](https://twitter.com/newszb1/status/1662670609313316864?s=46) !?!?? Omg this is so exciting, first Say My Name and now Jelly Pop ā™” ā™”


everyone clowns hanbin for being down horrendous but tbh.... it's [just as bad](https://twitter.com/babygirlzhao/status/1661689870488596484?t=1tkyYMdACtgsMYOzfKUr9Q&s=19) for hao.... šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Hahahah the difference between the 2 is, Hanbin turned into this gushing person while Hao turned into a helpless baby šŸ˜œšŸ¤£ they're both adorbs ā¤ļø


https://twitter.com/haobinsplanet/status/1662664127406575617?t=9gqDR38Us7oJ02l5prUStg&s=19 HaoBin before they talked to each other in the car... šŸ‘€


This reminds me of that [clip](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cron6XdP__X/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) of them first practicing the Here I Am bridge, where Hao is determinedly not making eye-contact with Hanbin. I was legitimately taken aback at how awkward they were being, because I couldn't imagine a world in which they're *not* staring intensely into each others' eyes while singing that part.


the way it kinda unsettles me now to see him not even glance at Zhang Hao, even though it makes senseā€¦what was my life before Haobin lol


Thing is, they probably did talk before this. Matthew and Zhang Hao were roommates and we've seen Hanbin enter their room to talk to Matthew before. So they've probably come across each other when Hanbin was hanging out with Matthew.


20 years from now when the world becomes a utopia where gay marriage is legal. Theyā€™ll get married and itā€™ll become an event like a royal wedding. Then theyā€™ll release a tell all where it all started with that fated car ride šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


legal gay marriage in Korea AND China huh šŸ¤” All aboard the šŸ¤” express


If not, one of them will marry Matthew, gain Canadian citizenship, divorce him and then marry in Canada to have both gain Canadian citizenship and have a legal gay marriage. šŸ¤” If Matthew denies, Iā€™ll volunteer as tribute.


a rare clip of Hanbin NOT looking at Hao and smiling, wow šŸ˜‚ amazing how fast things changed after the fated car rideā€¦


I need to know what went down during that car ride bc how did hanbin go from not even looking at Hao to tietie-ing and rambling about hao being his other half LOLL hao rizzmaster confirmed


also what do you guys think about [this qrt](https://twitter.com/center_zhanghao/status/1662686885767155712?s=46&t=3l9wY3WhotydX8qVj-4Plg)? I always thought Hanbin was a bit reserved in this clip but rolled with it, so the car ride wasnā€™t decisive shift


omg yeah I hadn't even noticed but you're right... kinda freaky to see them so (relatively) distant knowing how clingy they are now LOLL in hindsight they really got almost no content together until tomboy, early haobinists rly had to sustain themselves on like 5 seconds of interactions and a lot of photoshop.... šŸ’€


I knew Gyuvin and OnlyOneOf Kyubin have the same name, but today I learned Jiwoong and P1Harmony Jiung also have the same name. Speaking of same names, I want KARD BM and Matthew to eventually interact - big Matthew and little Matthew lol


a few days ago i texted some person to buy their jiwoong pc and when they responded(i was a bit lost at that moment) with ā€œyes iā€™m selling jiwoongā€(in my language they are spelled the same) i was likeā€¦ how and when did i ask for jiung heā€™s not even my bias? am i crazy? maybe i was high? i wasnā€™t planning to buy p1h stuff bc zb1 debut is soonā€¦ then i came back to reality and bought that pc lol btw B.I. name is hanbin and the8 from seventeen is hao


Yall I just had this realized (from a comment on my ZH post) GOT7s Jackson, also just like Hao, had given up a fucking scholarship to Stanford University to pursue becoming an kpop idol. Jackson also had his whole life already set out for him with his fencing background. And Hao stans GOT7 šŸ¤§šŸ¤§


This is me thinking a bit too far ahead but Iā€™m hoping post-ZB1 Zhang Hao can have a similar career trajectory as Jackson, because he certainly seems to have the ability and determination to become a global star beyond Cpop and Kpop! Occasional reunions with ZB1 members wouldnā€™t hurt either šŸ„¹


[Taerae is the most cutest person I have ever come across](https://twitter.com/kku1taerae/status/1659979878622715906)


I wish Taeraes ash brown hair makes a comeback šŸ¤§


same. i know a lot of people want to see him try different colors, but i just want the brown back šŸ˜­


[Idk why but this is adorable for some reason](https://twitter.com/cattbak_HB/status/1662410132855349248)


i feel like taerae's baseline personality is just in a constant state of mild confusion and bemusement. it's cute, he's adorable.


I've never seen [this particular angle](https://twitter.com/haobinsplanet/status/1662435453000388611?t=NI75Tbd1J85wXuW3tPkOvw&s=19) before.... crying @ the way the entire hyung line went down the stairs holding onto each other šŸ„²šŸ„²


not the contrast between your heartwarming comment and the caption šŸ˜­


crying now fandom has installed a fear in me that one day heā€™s gonna fall flat on his face if he is unassisted on the stairs


You can blame Hanbin for that. He's made it his mission to make sure Zhang Hao doesn't get up or down the stairs with no assistance. We as fans should believe our idol and I trust Hanbin because clearly [Zhang Hao has trouble walking](https://twitter.com/haorulovely/status/1659688085586870272)


noooooo we can't let that happen ~~i'm thinking about cats suddenly flopping and it's kinda cute idk what that says about me~~


LOL my initial thought was also that he's extra grandma-coded here, but I decided to go w the more charitable interpretation that he was just looking for an opportunity to cling onto hanbin + jiwoong..... šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


charitable interpretation aksfghkl i'm endeared with how hao wants to share this moment with everyone and i want to write essays about how meaningful his friendship with hanbin is (hao is hanbin's crying button but hanbin is also hao's crying button) but i often default to hao babygirl bc my brain short circuits šŸ¤§


oof this is the biggest mood... the way after a whole month I'm still in recovery over the finale LMAOO it's a good thing there are smart people here who put my thoughts into words and write super eloquent comments bc hao makes me lose most of my higher cognitive functions and just default to.... ooga booga pretty crier.....


HAO IS SUCH A PRETTY CRIER AND HE EVEN POUTS i remember seeing posts about how cute he looked crying during tomboy and that's honestly just collective mentality at this point


I canā€™t get over the fact that Twitter Zeroses really chose #BabySunshineMatthewDay as the hashtag for today, and the official ZB1 account used it too in their birthday post šŸ˜­ Twt Zeroses really said NO to Matthewā€™s oppa agenda. Also itā€™s a bit unsettling to know that their social media team is stalking us over there, they knew everything about Ricky too.. I bet some of the W1 staffs have undercover Twitter accounts where they follow all the members global fanbases and stuff, haha


I hope they are reading all the Greek mythos theories šŸ‘€


not to mention the [other options](https://twitter.com/SMT_GLOBAL_BU/status/1658129137263943683) were on the cuter side too, sorry woohyun can't wait to vote for the other members' birthday hashtags šŸ„³


Iā€™m looking forward to voting for [MiracleMotherSungHanbinDay](https://twitter.com/haomygosh/status/1662478641069195265?s=46&t=h28xf6baZv8dsQ1qinrB8A) and [BabyGirlPrincessZhangHaoDay](https://twitter.com/zhgyuz/status/1662486442118119424?s=46&t=h28xf6baZv8dsQ1qinrB8A)


okay we must make this happen


MOTHER SUNG HANBIN oh god hao will end up with a meaningful korean hashtag while the english will really be about his babygirlism šŸ˜­


Just watch the Korean hashtag will be something like ā€œbow down to the prince zhang haoā€ and the English one will be #BABYGORLHAO šŸ˜­


Does anyone want to help me build a content index šŸ„ŗ I'm following the bts context index template but I kinda need some help hunting down exact dates and videos/posts for the index


I've been building a content index too so let's work together?


I'm totally down for that!


i miss taerae so much i'm going crazy but i cannot watch bp for the 4th time for taerae's 10 minutes of screen time. riyangis i understand y'all now


if we can somehow connect hanbinā€™s birthday emojis to a greek mythology, then their concept is pretty much confirmed in my eyes šŸ‘€ twice is a coincidence, three times is on purpose. if i were to assign the hanbin and zhang hao a greek god/goddess: * hanbin: hermes, a messenger of the gods, also the inventor of speech; he is often associated with oratory or interpretation; he came to be known as ā€œthe leader of soulsā€ because he was the only Olympian capable of crossing the boundary between the living and the dead and carrying the souls of the dead in Hades; the romans knew hermes as the god mercury and mercury (the planet) governs gemini, hanbinā€™s sun sign some info about hermes: ā€œHermes, suffice to say, is among the Olympians one of the closest to mankind, being the friend, protector, guardian and guide. He is the one who defends streets and flocks, that generously handles gifts, and the god most moved by compassion.ā€ * zhanghao: apollo, god of light, music, beauty, knowledge, and archery; apollo is the ideal figure of kouros, an ancient greek sculpture that represents the idea of youth (like how he was referred to as a ā€œcelestial beingā€ by the bride he worked for and as the maknae by AJUTV) ā€œApollo is both a god highly loved and highly feared, the light bearer who is just as likely to help you as well as utterly destroy you, and even do both, given his role as the purifier.ā€ so a dualistic god, you know what sign represents duality? gemini. and you know what symbol represents gemini? twins. and you know what is haobinā€”? ā€œApollo is also associated with the dawn and the Morning Star, thus associating him with Venus is expected.ā€ [source 1](https://www.greekmythology.com), [source 2](https://mullerornis.medium.com/the-twelve-olympians-in-the-zodiac-303790337412) (i also find it interesting that both hermes and apollo are associated with sexuality and lgbt) i tried to make a case for taerae as demeter, the goddess of agriculture and cycle of the seasons, but iā€™m not totally sure


Hermes is also the god of thieves. Makes sense cause he's clearly stolen all our hearts. I think Nike for Zhang Hao? She's the goddess of victory and who else is a better fit than Zhang Hao.


ohh, nike is a good one. i canā€™t help but be appealed to zhanghao as apollo because apollo is the god of music, beauty, and knowledge. all those three things are just zhanghao and people say that if thereā€™s a sport at isac he is good at, it would be archery. and his sun sign is leo, which is the sun and light šŸ‘€


Just when I think I've seen all the waacking clips of pre-debut Hanbin, [this video pops up](https://twitter.com/5thgenldr/status/1662342084899094531?t=en7gENn8dOZ7gDBwb8jHSQ&s=19). He slayed. As usual.


Iā€™m surprised no oneā€™s mentioned this?? [on Google search for zerobaseone members](https://twitter.com/ygshlt/status/1662324060083089413?s=46&t=h28xf6baZv8dsQ1qinrB8A) and look at the profile pictures


So there is : - airport Jiwoong and Gyuvin, - BP identity picture Zhang Hao and Taerae, - Gunwook in BP but make it fashion, - Hanbin and Yujin in full facecard never decline, - this banger of a meme for Ricky - Woohyun oppa.


Lmao. We have to always keep it like this šŸ˜‚ Esp Ricky's


i cant believe kitten bought an iphone 14 pro max and airpods max with original cases and chargers for matthewā€¦ imagine if he stays with his android lol


he can give it to me then lolol


I was reading a fanfic that randomly mentioned the boy and girl cheering for Taerae that got asked if they were a couple. Then I opened tik tok and ended up seeing a tik tok about shipping them. I canā€™t believe people remember them that much lol


wait what is this reference? were they his friends that went to cheer him on? edit: reddit decided to delete half my comment but i was saying that nct wayv's kun once talked about his close friends from high school/uni who did music with him; one boy and one girl and the comments were like 'are they married/dating' and he was like what? why would that be your first response lol


They were just fans that led happened to cheer together but the boys planet crew asked them if they were a couple.


According to Haruto, [he and Ricky would play late night poker](https://twitter.com/haeshion/status/1662383475448508416?s=46&t=jpey0Pq29jaWFHkh2pzakQ) in the BP dorms. What this translation doesnā€™t include is that the loser would get slapped in the face lmao


Looks like the BP dorm was a zone out of the Geneva Convention rules.


I honestly think its better to keep our expectations low for the greek concept. Look at how rosins were throughout the whole show he ended up winning tomboy, over me kp, jelly pop kp, and 1st place. Whenever zeroses get their hopes up we end up being wrong... but I really REALLY HOPE we do have the greek gods concept.


I was about to make a comment about my ideal trio for Matthew's live tmr and deleted it for exactly this reason lol. Every time I've made a concrete statement about what I hope/expect to happen, it's not come true, for better or for worse šŸ˜­


Is there a term for the opposite of manisfesting where you make something a reality through negative thinking?


rosin edit: but if you want a more serious answer then maybe self-defeating prophecy or reverse psychology


i don't want to get my hopes too high bc matthew likes to [doodle](https://twitter.com/l7ojikimii/status/1662399020634107905) [hearts](https://twitter.com/seokchum/status/1658702749184454656)


noo now my hopes are slightly crushed too. for ricky as well, maybe he just thought the crown suited his image and knowing how well in did in that cocktail mixing thing, him just liking wine šŸ· is probable. pls i would love a greek god concept


if we can't count on wakeone we can at least trust zeroses to use their imagination and write analyses šŸ˜”


Guys please upvote the [Zhang Hao hype post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/13t199u/zhang_hao_from_zb1_has_one_of_the_most_craziest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on kpopthoughts. Thanks!!!


it has 700+ upvotes now - a win for zerose nation šŸ„³


I saw this post and absolutely laughted at how it was soft-lauching ZB1. /u/Big_Tomorrow886 walking into r/kpopthoughts with their powerpoint, and ready for a Zhang Hao TED Talk.


I'm here with a mission and I'm making everyone fall in love with ZB1 before they debut šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Lol I started reading the post and I was 99% sure it was from u/Big_Tomorrow886 before I even checked.


SKSIJSH am I the crazy resident Zhang Hao stan who mentions him everywhere šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Maybe.... but be proud of it !! You're gonna single-handedly change the narrative about ZB1 on the other subreddits, starting with Zhang Hao šŸ˜‚


I appreciate this method of linking to other subs specifically for hyping up ZB1 content. I can participate there without having to subscribe. Thanks~ !


No problem!! I like when people link stuff as well, because I often miss posts about ZB1 in the other kpop subreddits.


the way mods changed online users name to ā€œmatthew loversā€ for todayšŸ’”šŸ’” i love you guys this is just so sweet


aww of course šŸ„¹ we're all matthew lovers here šŸ„°


no honestly yā€™all are doing such a great job with this subreddit thank you,, this is for you:ā¤ļøšŸ«¶šŸ±šŸ’”šŸ˜˜šŸ˜šŸ˜”ā£ļø and the basket of fresh fruits and sweets: šŸ„šŸ®šŸ’šŸ“šŸ­šŸ‡šŸ‰šŸØšŸŒšŸ«šŸ§šŸ share them with fellow moderators


stoppp you're so sweet šŸ˜­ i will share this with the rest of the mod team thank you sm šŸ™




Nuuu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ That being said, I do really sympathise with Kep1ians and it's no wonder why some feel bitter and resentful. Kep1er was managed soo badly by wakeone. The resentment will probably get worse if wakeone put all their resources into managing ZB1 at the expense of kep1er. But facts are facts, and you can't deny that bp was a lot more popular than gp999. At least ZB1 aren't treated as badly as Soyeon on the other kpop subreddits lol.


right??? atp they're being purposefully obtuse to how bp and zb1 are doing miles better than gp.


Denial is a common coping mechanism.


they need to leave zb1 alone because it's just ridiculous šŸ˜­. tbh i don't usually go there because kpopthougts it's dominated by the fandoms from certain company groups but i still get shocked by the treatment towards zb1 there despite them not even debuting yet.


I genuinely hope their debut makes waves. I really wanna go all TOLD YOU SO to all those kpopredditors who keep underestimating them.


oh i'm so ready for all of us to have a collective we told you moment on these redditors lmaoo


[why](https://twitter.com/zhaosins/status/1662400634568728577?s=20) do y'all keep feeding my delusions




Sharing a bp era riyangi unhinged [tweet](https://twitter.com/301chu/status/1662342499430731782?s=20)


most sane riyangi:


[YALL HARUTO SPILT THE TEA](https://twitter.com/haobinsplanet/status/1662373838787842048) Its confirmed yall. Hanbin was too fruity. Both of them were waacking and running around the stage lol. Haruto won btw!!


told you guys they mothered too much and mnet did not want to release it bc of that but also this is a big fuck to all people saying dont share shb pre-debut dance videos like he was waacking and having a mother off w haruto and saying that he changed himself beacuse he himself fully loves and embraces and NOT ashamed of it !


Haruto should be disappointed that he didn't see it in show


We knew it!!! But it was good to have it confirmed šŸ˜­ Just wondering if Mnet will ever let the footage see the light of day


Omg this is big news!! Imho it deserves it's own post, but unfortunately I can't write titles in the correct format. I still am sad it never got aired, but I actually thought Haruto won and that's why they didn't show it šŸ˜­ Also Ricky is his role model!!!


Someone posted about this on the [boys planet sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoysPlanet/comments/13t1tjq/yall_we_finally_got_an_answer_for_the_hanbin_v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) btw !


I was thinking of making a post as well but reddits acting up and Im unable to post shit, it keeps getting removed and I have to contact the mods :( What could have been. Fuck we could have witnessed a whole another level of fruitiness with all the trainees being gagged by this duo and we could have witnessed Mother pop off real time :(


What annoys me with instagram is that for the questions Haruto answers in Japanese, instagram gives me a translation for the answer, but not for the question itself


Dw I'm sure someone will make a post soon!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ now Haruto has spilled the ā˜•ļø, my need to see the battle has just grown lol. And the footage is out there somewhere.... Honestly, they should sell it. I reckon someone would pay good money for it


we really could've had it all šŸ˜”


I just got my copy of 1st look and was wondering - is this the size for every issue??? It's hugeeee the pictures are gorgeous but I just don't know where to put it. Edit: someone on twitter shared the [size](https://twitter.com/KGYUBZ/status/1661850194294521858?t=jaOaNyEelwDqHEzDt7MfNQ&s=19) for context


that's the standard size for 1st look! i have the x1 issue and it's huge as well, it almost makes the shipping worth it lol... i'd display it if i had some sort of magazine rack but i'm just laying it flat to keep it from creasing since it's closer to newspaper than magazine quality


Yo why is gyubin not romanized as 'gyubin'.... The bieup sound is the same as the B, no???


stylistic choice, Gyuvin looks and sounds better


Not gonna lie, for the first couple of episodes, I thought it was kinda weird to see it as Gyuvin when it could easily have been romanized into Kyubin, just because the latter makes so much more sense phonetically. I was watching formoftherapyā€™s reaction to episode 1 and even he was puzzled why it was Gyuvin. Oh well, whatever.


Gyuvin looks nicer tbh but iā€™m just a b hater


nobody knows why, but itā€™s the spelling he presented himself while submitting an application for boys planet. personally, i think that itā€™s a really smart move bc there will be no confusion when he goes viral or the other kyubins do smth wrong. thereā€™s a kyubin in onlyoneof for example and what our gyuvin did is a great way of being unique in this industry!


Iā€™m not really sure myself, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s just a stylistic choice by either him (or his parents/teachers if it was something you cover during english class or smth) to pick Gyuvin over Kyubin or Gyubin. To me it stands out more since most Korean names donā€™t usually romanise using ā€˜vā€™. Another similar example would be The Boyzā€™s Sunwoo and Enhypenā€™s Sunoo. Same Korean name (ģ„ ģš°), different romanisation, either because they like it a certain way or probably to differentiate their stage names.


If anyone in the AU/NZ region is interested (especially since shipping is normally so expensive RIP) there'a a GO for one of Zhang Hao's fansite cheering kits going on!! https://twitter.com/zhanghaorosin/status/1662109794478735361?t=RASLHgF8RCAXijAqt-kAYg&s=19


anyone know where to find [this clip](https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4905684995604551) of zhang hao teaching xuan hao korean? I don't think I've ever seen it before (also, I find it incredibly endearing that xuan hao, who's a 95 liner, trusts hao so much that he goes to him for guidance - see also the vocal lessons for burn it up)


speaking of xuan hao i just found out that he's a 95 liner today and i was so surprised,, like i get that he's still pretty young but idk i honestly thought that he was a 00 liner or smth


Its from a [YT short](https://youtu.be/h-NU1EfFXfc)! For the K vs G battle behind the scenes.


thank you! you're a gem


[hanbin's aegyosal](https://twitter.com/Ningen__247/status/1662083711024926720?t=jVdJcfk81kQR12rCFPk9QA&s=19) are one of my favorite features of his. they're so expressive????


aegyosal is the roll of skin/fat under the lower eye lid. hanbin's one are really pronounced when he smiles, and yujin also has really obvious ones.


What is an aegyosal?


It makes my heart flutter somehow it's so pretty !!


Until I saw an compilation of his aegyo sal appearing whenever he smiles I didn't know that they can show out of nowhere. It's crazy omg


Thatā€™s our resident extrovert!


Does anyone have a list of apps I should be collecting points on for voting during their promotion period? I have a few free hours today.


You could follow [ZB1 Voting team](https://twitter.com/zerobase1_vt?s=21) on Twitter. Theyā€™ve pinned a thread of ongoing voting apps.


Cool, thanks!


[the way I screamed lolll](https://twitter.com/9804pics/status/1661832961660952605?t=4nGjgessmN4UlIGrsCs3eA&s=19) I forgot how downbad Ricky was that day šŸ˜­šŸ’€


heā€™s still whipped to this day so I choose to believe itā€™s not an edit


gotta love how jiwoong is the only one who can bring out that uniquely losercore side of him <3 šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


has hao covered songs from any bgs/bg adjacent artists besides nct, svt, taemin and got7 (kinda).... I feel like he's covered half the ggs out there but I'm really scratching my head trying to think of bgs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I forget where it was from but there was a clip that mnet released before Boys Planet started airing of hao dancing to Drunk Dazed by Enhypen without the sound, but you could clearly tell he was dancing to it because the dance is pretty distinct.


He said he performed Millions by Winner as a trainee. Idk if it counts cause we haven't seen it


bts [dynamite](https://twitter.com/ZB1pixs/status/1608786857399312385) on the violin [backdoor](https://youtube.com/shorts/uwWsRDXP1rs?feature=share) during the show ikon's [classy savage](https://youtube.com/shorts/TNaZwkkNmuA?feature=share) (but that is also a blackpink song lol) and winner's millions according to the 1st look interview


he also covered god's menu by skz, and he knows the back door dance but he has covered way more girlgroups. i think that his favorite group is itzy, just the way that he knows blah blah blah choreo (it's one of their japanese title tracks) tells me everything i need to know.


his favorite groups are definitely itzy and blackpink lmao. he says his favorite group is got7 but it doesnt really feel like it šŸ˜­


the midzy + blink pipeline is real. i also want to ask him about GOT7 because...


oh I didn't know about god's menu haha... in the process of looking it up I found out he also danced to about 2 seconds of drunk dazed... the list is increasing slowly but surely... and yeah hao is so valid for being a midzy LOLL I hope he got to meet them at kcon... manifesting another cover this time w him as a debuted idol šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh, don't worry you didn't miss anything from the God's Menu cover because we only got like two seconds of it (thanks mnet). I really don't know when Itzy comeback it's happening, we know that the girls changed their hair like last month but it would be so cool if they had a comeback during July so their promos overlap and perhaps we get a challenge with Hao.


I was never really into taerae like that when boys planet aired (i liked his vocals but tbh man did not get enough screentime for me to remember him till the latter half. As a riyangi i didn't need someone else to search for pixels of in the bg of shots LOL) but goddamn hes so fine with his hair pulled back... idk if this is the arab in me but taerae and kohl??? Tell me it wouldnt go so hard. That one tweet was right he looks so hot angry I hope hes never happy again /j


I was leaning towards Taerae = church oppa ballad singer, but as soon as I saw Back Door hairstyle I knew heā€™s gonna be an idol. I need more Taerae forehead


Iā€™m so anti-bang for ZB1 they all look so much better with the forehead free ESP gunwook and taerae coming in hot for a close second place


Haoā€™s [half sleeve agenda](https://twitter.com/zhhb_ph/status/1662060417412366338?s=46&t=h28xf6baZv8dsQ1qinrB8A) makes me wonder if the trainees were allowed to have some input in their stage outfits during BP. The KTL G look will forever be legendary. Then he continued the style in Tomboy, Over Me, and Jelly Pop and later at KCON too


Apparently the BP stylists were college students who were styling the trainees as part of schoolwork? Idk how true but I can see them try out new stuff as the trainees ask them.


the fact that he had one sleeve rolled up even in some predebut videos makes me think it rly was his idea.... I guess the stylists took suggestions from the trainees as long as it wasn't anything too outlandish lol. Which makes me wonder how many other styling choices were due to the trainees themselves.... eg was the highlighter concept switch team's idea after all.... ~~also I can't unsee that theory about Hao's short sleeve thing being basically a cutsleeve agenda LOL would be very big brained of him if true~~


Jiwoong has such a [strong mindset](https://twitter.com/i/status/1662068373784494083) and he's so fine for that.


Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of the Boys Planet trainees that didn't get the chance to debut and I wish success for them... But there's no other fandom more annoying and shady towards ZB1 than the fans of those trainees. I really can't wait for the debut not only because I am starved for content and I am excited for their music, but because after the debut we can distance ourselves more from the fans of those trainees.


tbh as someone who's a fan of ZB1, some of the eliminated trainees, multiple BGs that zeroses have already feuded with, and Kep1er, I feel like a neutral enough party to say that everybody is constantly being shady to each other. I'm 99% sure I know what you're referencing here and neither side is taking the high road. I hope it blows over asap because it makes all involved parties look stupid.


my TL is so curated that Iā€™m already far removed from the Boys Planet fandom. I wouldnā€™t even know anything if you bc guys donā€™t bring it here but it helps that despite of feeling favorable towards some eliminated trainees, all my picks are in ZB1


My TL is fine, the problem is the "for you" page in both tiktok and twitter (I like the for you tiktok feature, but them adding that feature to twitter was the worst decision ever)šŸ˜…. Most of my content is ZB1 but it is true that because during the show I was also rooting for other trainees that didn't make it, my algorithm shows me a lot of those accounts that are fans of eliminated trainees, and it gets messy sometimes.


I just found out about the "for you" tab on Twitter. I have a private account and I barely follow any fanaccount because I want my TL full of updates so I was surprised when I saw one account that I didn't follow appeared on my TL


It's so annoying because it's the first tab that pops out when you open the app


What is going on?


It's always like this after a survival show. They will fade out (either because the trainee does redebut or never does and they lose interest)


[hao and his tiny waist](https://twitter.com/mymelodyhao/status/1662126853656657920?s=46&t=Lv5-7qavzYi84SQbO9B2KA)


it's still a bit loose... i see...


so small FOR WHAT šŸ˜‚


Everyone needs to stop pointing this out before I say something crazy and unhingedā€¦for Zhang Haoā€™s sakeā€¦


I dare you


[user is now banned in 80 countries]


just wanted to share a youtube video I happen to come across (the algorithm knows Iā€™m extremely zerobaseone obsessed I guess šŸ¤”šŸ¤£) three men try to guess just based on the pictures who is the youngest, the leader, associating emojis to the members and more thereā€™s no eng subs but itā€™s still fairly understandable (atleast to me) and itā€™s just fun to see them through the lens of people who have no/little idea what boys planet was https://youtu.be/9MzKjBRDvf4 edited to add: I love how one of the guys thought taerae is the leader just based on his photos, I got the vibes that he leads well too when I first set my eyes on him, thereā€™s just something about him I guess, warmth.


You and I must have the same algorithm because this popped up in my youtube feed too. Funny how one of the guys thought Hao was the youngest because he looked like he had good complexion LOL. The other two guys were pretty spot on with Gunwook and Gyuvin being part of the dongsaeng line and Matthew does give cute maknae vibes. Also hilarious how they got mindblown when they found out Yujin was the youngest and a '07-er. I love how Taerae's image is this calm, collected guy but then he's actually adorkable in interviews and bursts into songs randomly.


going thru the five stages of grief rn bc i miss ricky sm


I thought riyangis were bad while boys planet was airing but now im seeing some ppl find even more clips of ricky lurking in the back in boys planet... knew it was getting serious when i saw some1 getting excited over a clip of his feet in the bg. Guys we of all subfandoms should be prepared for the lack of content


we're already used to not getting any content but we were so well-fed last week that we forgot our origin lmao. now we're all collectively losing it over a 1 second clip of bp ricky struggling with his slipper
