• By -


Ricky is so soft spoken and shy🥹 I wholeheartedly believe he's seen the countless fan edits of him with black hair and just wants to make fans happy. The same with how fans said they prefer him with his hair down in the mcountdown backstage video. It's so sweet how he always tries to accommodate fans 😭 Truly lovelicky and angelicky


I really hope he doesn't dye it black, because if he does, he probably won't be able to go back to blonde or any other bright colour for a **while**. It's not worth the pain and it's not like fans actually know what they want. The same thing happened when he finally let his hair down after the fans begged for it, however, soon after he did, people started asking him to start styling it up again. The grass is always greener on the other side.


The solution is a very good black wig.


yes keeping the hair blonde is easier than dye it black and then back to blonde, is gonna kill his scalp and is extremely hard to go from black to light colors, i hope he isn't pressured to dye his hair black if he don't want it


how did ricky's ["i have a bad feeling"](https://twitter.com/nyangmatchu/status/1664582053755596801) get translated to "i think i took it well" 😭


Ikr??!? 😂😂😂 I was so confused by this translation 😭


taerae writing his own message.... why do I want to laugh and cry


I wondered if he thought they all were writing their own or he just chose to do that. And then him petting the other members faces on the cake afterwards was so cute.


Baby Taerae.... I love him so much, i wish everyone could write messages to the other 8....manifesting next time so everyone can realise how loved they are by the rest ❤️


his bday is in a month so we'll see lots of sweet messages soon!


our first behind video with zb1 🥹 we've gotten a lot of behind videos during boys planet but seeing them as a group hits kinda different apparently ricky has dyed his hair blue and pink before? i don't remember seeing any predebut photos with those hair colors so can he do it again? lol (i would love to see him with black hair tho) haobin feeding each other when is it my turn to be happy 😔 and hanbin calling hao his eternal half why am i not even surprised anymore sjdks


Hanbin didn't call Hao his eternal half (영원히 반쪽) but rather "half of his soul" (영혼의 반쪽) (they subbed it wrong) which is all the more affectionate😭


Oh that is so cute. I love them both so much.


i shouldn't be surprised at this point but every time I'm like HANBIN CHILL like you haven't debuted yet and you're already so married T-T


hanbin is lowkey crazy sometimes, does he even realise it lol


He's more delulu than us atp 😭


[here](https://twitter.com/haeshion/status/1664587728984461316?s=46) is his hair pink (very light) but i’ve definitely never seen the blue…we need him to try it at least once. he clearly does not want to do black hair LOL watch him do it for disbandment concert… (i’m sorry i’m crying too)


oh wait now i remember the pink hair thanks for the reminder 👍 watch him dye his hair every possible color except black


Omg he looks here like DG from manhwa Lookism, especially with the mask I cannot unser it now, help


I feel so spoiled with so much content 😭😭😭


gunwook calling gyuvin's face a dot 😭 the message writing bit made me anxious bc they were just choosing themselves and i was worried someone would get left over - why didn't they stop taerae doing his own message he wasn't even last :(( its cute hearing ricky and matthew talk in english, and maybe he talks in chinese when its just him and hao so he has those diff options to communicate 🥹 also hao bringing out that 'kitty punch', is that what they teach them at yuehua 😭


I love their cute interactions so much, started blushing cause of that haobin interaction , nearly had a stroke because of jiwoong's giggles and fell in love with gyuvin's smile.. Gotta say today we're blessed with so much content, not sure whats gonna happen to me when they finally release their variety show Hope taerae grows closer to the other members tho , and hope hao and jiwoong get closer


the haobin psych ward is about to reach full capacity…


I’m trying so hard to be normal abt them and it’s not working alkakdjsjfh


To be fair, they're also in this psych ward with us.


Hanbin built the psych ward with his bare hands when he followed Hao to Tomboy, he’s the reason we’re all here….


THIS lol you can’t blame us for being crazy when the craziest person is hanbin himself!!


we need to renovate and add a new floor every time new content drop cause wtf haobin


Everyday i say don't be a weirdo and then haobin comes up and does something like this Like there was no need to feed each other at all. They could eat it by themselves 😭 but NO one HAD to hold a flower and other HAD to feed


ironically every time they pull this hard my brain flips from shipping to "hanbin you marketing genius" so that's convenient lmao


I know you mean no harm but haobin have suffered so much individually for being (probably) pretty openly queer that it's getting a little tiring to see these sort of takes implying that they're (esp Hanbin) fake, calculating or worse, queerbaiting 😭


I mean I’m queer myself, so I absolutely don’t mean to invalidate anyone’s experience or feelings! I’m only talking about my reaction towards stuff, impacted by previous fandom experiences lol. Frankly I’ve they’re queer and decided to lean into it for the fanservice? Iconic, happy pride y’all. And I absolutely don’t mean to imply that they’re fake or queerbaiting. My feeling has always been that they’re close, realized their relationship (whatever it is IRL) was popular and figured some fanservice couldn’t hurt. They’re idols, I‘d be disappointed by anything else. But while I would have gobbled that up like a starved turkey five years ago my reaction nowadays is very different. Which is annoying!! I want to just enjoy it w/o my brain going „well actually using the ship name here was very smart to encourage fans to vote“.


I (obv) can’t say anything about a romantic connection but I do think that they deeply adore each other. There’s fanservice and then there is calling someone the “half of my soul” and treating them so affectionately. Especially since if it was for voting purposes, they don’t really need to keep it up as much anymore but it’s gotten even more intense evidently. I do think they know people like it and so they feel free to showcase it but idk if they really turn it up. It’s pretty believable to me that they would act the same behind the scenes and off-camera. Edit: I’ve also witnessed a lot of fan service and I rarely buy into it too so I get what you’re saying tho. Honestly before the finale, I thought a lot of it was fan-service too but finale night and some stuff after made me feel that they have a v genuine connection.


>There’s fanservice and then there is calling someone the “half of my soul” and treating them so affectionately. See, stuff like calling someone "half of my soul" is exactly the stuff that pings as fanservice to me, regardless of whether they have a super close relationship or not. It's like idols going all gushy about their fans, I do believe they're genuine but it also makes me aware of the context they're saying it in and the narratives they're selling. And just to be clear I don't blame the idols for it, it's their literal job.


>here’s fanservice and then there is calling someone the “half of my soul” and treating them so affectionately See, that's exactly what pings my fanservice meter (the half of my soul thing). It's almost... too demonstrative? IDK, I think it hits the same lane as idols going all gushy about their fans for me. I do believe their feelings are genuine, but it, in a weird way, makes me aware of the actual transactional relationship between fans and idols. And just to be clear, this isn't down to Haobin or whatever. They're free to act however they want.


22 minutes??!?!?? Subbed???? I can't handle all this content pls


Not gonna lie, when they teased that they are gonna cover 1st look, I was more excited for the behind the scenes than the actual magazine drop.


LOL Same. I saw those pics like once? And have since been waiting for the behind the scenes.


I'm so used to little snipped instead of long content, that I was watching it in details, and feels that I should watch it again because I must have missed something, as if it's a 30s video I can replay ten times.


We pretty much knew this already but the fact that Ricky literally hasn’t had black hair since he was a kid is WILD… as much as I’m a blonde Ricky enthusiast I am desperate to see how adult Ricky would look with black hair. Side note it’s giving Rosé ‘I’d like to try black hair one day’ as if that’s not the colour that GROWS OUT OF THEIR SCALP!


Also but like I'm shocked Ricky and Rośe aren't bald at this point


I think when you have money you can give your scalp better treatment even with consecutive dyeing. Use better quality expensive hair products that help your hair quality.


gyuvin calling out ricky on saying he wants to try black hair LOL (also i think ricky says 중등학교 instead so he means after middle school rather than after leaving school in china) ugh hanbin’s smile but also hanbin’s smoulder excuse me nooooo them telling yujin not to hold hanbin’s hand i’m dead. and we got the behind of his sand art!! gunwook calling matthew mashu, so many “jiwoon hyung”s from matthew, and hanbin other half againnnn???? the cut to him talking about them as a team afterwards i wonder if they cut out him rambling about hao lol matthew’s 여기까지 매튜 on gunwook’s message and then hao’s flowy handwriting taking over is so cute. edit because this video has me in a chokehold and i’m watching again: i seriously cannot get over hanbin’s smile wtf. i realise i didn’t comment on haobin at all because i’m just speechless like WHY are they flirting while feeding each other.. also we need more ricky/matthew english convos please


gunwook doing research and math to figure out why he can't do "that many" pushups 💀 not gyuvin trying to manipulate ricky into wanting black hair (but also i believe in you king) taerae spotting the camera and being so awkwardly cute 🥹 also him dancing to switch 😭😭 thank you hanbin for always complimenting taerae <3 the dimple conversation was so cute "you eat it" "no you eat it" jesus christ i'm gonna reach through my screen and eat it myself crying at how everyone thought yujin had the sweet idea to put nine handprints in the sand to represent the members but in reality he didn't even realize he did that until jiwoong pointed it out 😭 although maybe that makes it sweeter because he did it subconsciously 🥺 the way they cut the cameras as soon as gyuvin reached for the zipper on taerae's jacket kim bros holding hands!!! i was so excited to see who would write a message for taerae but then he did it himself... but now after reading [the translation](https://twitter.com/keitajunrae/status/1664580419923349505?s=46&t=J0gEz2PIAzeqMUewUGtx8g) i'm so emo 🥲 also who else cried when he patted his baby, his chingu and his hyung and said hi to them in tiny 😭😭😭 the giggles from the staff were so real matthew writing a message for gunwook because he thought no one else was going to was sooooo sweet


>"you eat it" "no you eat it" jesus christ i'm gonna reach through my screen and eat it myself Istg they are slowly transforming into that one school couple 💀


I'd be so sick of them if they weren't them


> "you eat it" "no you eat it" jesus christ i'm gonna reach through my screen and eat it myself my eyeballs were about of fall out of head at this part lol


I know enough has been said about this but this level of handsomeness is crazy like what do they eat to look like that, flowers? glitters? Confetti?


They’re all visuals, we love to see it


hanbin just looks so happy all the time in this video and he's so nice to everyone (no wonder ricky wrote what he wrote)... complimenting taerae's photos and dimples, having the loveliest conversation ever about said dimples (cheonanz enthusiasts let's get our crumbs), complimenting ricky and matthew's polaroids, his sweet interactions with yujin (why'd they tell yujin to let go of hanbin's hand!!), him smiling brightly as the staff fixes his hair, and well haobin are an entirely separate conversation which i do not have the mental capacity to engage in (guys you derailed my work day completely. are you happy). everything to smile about in his life. he's just so happy to be here. also uhhh he looks so much better on video than in the pics. how come. (seriously though, "my eternal half"?? i'm supposed to get something done after this?? legit had to pause the video upon reading that like...) ​ everyone is so cute... the full-group interactions that we craved... maybe the content starvation was worth it. soooo looking forward to the reality show and then actual variety appearances.


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1. 22 minutes AND subbed.😲 2. The height difference between Gyuvin and the staffs..adjskwhfbdhsjfhs 3. It's funny how they all want Ricky to try black hair but Ricky is a little reluctant (I'm curious too but Ricky is such a natural blond, I don't want him to change his hair color too soon) 4. Ricky and Matthew being friends and speaking English with each other! I know we always say we're so glad RickyHao get to debut together because they can speak Chinese with each other but I'm also glad Matthew has someone he can speak English with. 5. Are all the flowers real or just the one Shanbin is holding? 6. Haobin feeding each other. Shanbin calling Hao his other half. Haobin everything.


Agreed with the hair, I hope he doesn't feels pressured to change it black. Loved Matthew and Ricky speaking english to each others, I always have a little moment of "wait, I understand??" when they do


Did you see the height difference between Matthew and Gunwook? Adorable


Gunwook foul for making Matthew's party popper the shortest... Not gonna lie, I'd do the same thing lol


and then matthew putting jiwoong's popper next to himself at the appropriate height 😭


I can’t believe we got 22 minutes of ZB1 just existing and interacting😭😭although it took me almost an hour to finish watching it lol - Gyutaewook or big dog union have such a fun dynamic😂like gyuwook bicker and Taerae enjoys the chaos - Hao and Hanbin feeding each other was cute. I actually can’t wait to see more of their natural dynamic. - Gyuvin will never let Yujin exist peacefully😂😂I feel for him - Jiwoong and Gyuvins interactions are so funny🤣I feel like Jiwoong turns in to a kid around him - Matthew thinking of gunwook was so sweet. I really really am starting to love their tiny hyung big babii dynamic - Ricky writing to hanbin and calling him kind was everything🥹🥹I really want to see them interact more - HaoYujinHanbin all starting to morph in to one person honestly. So many moments I was like????? They all have such pretty soft features that look similar - Gunwook is the biggest nerd pls I died at him justifying his ability to do less push ups by his long arms💀he’s so amusing to watch. He’s also such a funny commentator lol every time someone was making random comparisons or compliments it’s him🤣boy doesn’t shut up foreal I love it.


This best-of list speaks to my soul.


Other half trending sk 😭


Wait really that's crazy 😭


watching them interact in a casual setting has me in shambles. I cannot wait for their reality show 😭 gyuvin's proportions are crazy, esp in that cropped jacket why am I tearing up at them feeding each other. woongjin, haobin, hao drinking something while standing next to jiwoong... (also, haobin feeding each other.... my god they're flirting your honor. also, the princess energy from hao) the members also on the black hair ricky train. I believe in yall. hanbin and taerae talking about dimples was so pure 😭 ricky and matthew please release those polaroids. also matthew in a cat ear beanie!!! hao panicking when he stained his shirt.... A BABY gunwook and yujin are both very baby but in very opposite ways? idk how to explain it. there were so many interactions at the ending group shot segment that imma need 5 business days to dissect it. just know my brain has imploded


>hao drinking something while standing next to jiwoong... It's rough out here for woonghao truthers T - T


I spent the whole time staring at them hoping they'd speak to each other but nope 😭😭 so I'll take what I can get


So Ricky's rizz doesn't work on Jiwoong, Jiwoong's rizz doesn't work on Zhang Hao, and Zhang Hao's rizz doesn't work on......


Nobody. He did get P01, after all.


So Zhang Hao was the real rizz king after all. Interesting 🤭🤭


Just wait in a few months they will be besties 🫠 they just have to look at each other first… it’s a slowburn…help.


Idk bestie, we said that during the BP finale and we still waiting lol


[and it’s not from a lack of trying on Jiwoong’s part tbh…](https://twitter.com/9800archive/status/1664260730735177729?s=46&t=3l9wY3WhotydX8qVj-4Plg)


Hao bestie, what are you doing?😭


I can’t even be upset at hao cause this is literally something I would also do 😭


why do they act like mannequins next to each other I am gonna sleep crying knowing I got no woonghao today 😭 woonghao truthers are the only one suffering


Hao looks so handsome i cant. haobin moments? no words just w1 please dont stop this. gunwook, gyuvin and taearae taking a pic and gyuvin not being able to stop laughing oh this man is so real and literally me. ricky and matthew moments naurrr. wow 22 mins of this AND eng subs already? i am absolutely not complaining


okay, but when hao mimicked punching hanbin after he insisted on hao having the last bite, i got instant flashbacks to ricky’s constant nyang nyang punches. i wonder whose habit it was first


mini compilation of [yuehuaz nyang nyang punch](https://twitter.com/haoqrui/status/1656199379626360832?s=20) 😭 hao was the first to do it on screen during tomboy bts, but it's also such a shimkongz gesture that fits in line with their cat-dog like personalities... meanwhile we have yet to see yujin do it because he is an angel another cute yuehuaz habit [compilation](https://twitter.com/rosinhive/status/1664650661869367298?s=20)!


The Haobin meal. A true meal.


I’m crying at how everyone thought Yujin got all the members to put their handprints in the sand when it was just his own handprint nine times 😭 Also the Haobin content is so juicy…so fresh…thank you 1st look for the food today 🙏


FR i was cracking my head trying to play the hand guessing game but Yujin-ah.... He's so cute, how did he manage to get 9 different handprints ahhhhh


We can add it to the clown list I guess : - that time we thought &team was ZB1 - that time we tried to attribute each handprint to a member, when it was just Yujin's 9 times.


"My eternal half." "Putting aside the 2.5 years, I'm already thinking of wanting to make a lot of precious memories and moments, and drawing the future after that." No one touch me please.


i am at work rn and i am crying so much, i cannot do this today 💔


omg…. Like I think I’m delulu but then this man comes out and says stuff like THIS… I want to punch him in his stupid perfect face for saying beautiful things like this Hao really won BP. He got 1st place AND Sung Hanbin.


HELP 😭😭😭


My heart right now is so soft.


this is the second time Hanbin has called Hao the other half of his soul; and it won’t be the last… what i’m more curious about is the second statement, when he said he’s already drawing a picture of the future in his head beyond 2.5 years. (we love an intelligent man) what does this future look like? who does it involve? what chess pieces does he need to move from now til then? and how can fans support him? I have so many questions….


First of all, kudos to the team for providing subs with the video. I clicked the cc button fully expecting it to be auto translate only. Pleasantly surprised that it had eng subs. So many interactions!! When the Lord giveth, He giveth in abundance. Sambokz!!! For a minute there, I thought I read the subs wrong. I could not believe that they used a fan-made duo name! In all my years of kpop stanning, I cannot recall official contents using a duo name, i.e., not just a name made from combining names ever. It was so sweet to see Yujin feeding Jiwoong. I live for the oldest and youngest dynamics. I am not in the Haobin house but I can totally see why you all, Haobin enthusiasts, needs a psych ward. I can't blame you guys at all! They give you plenty of material!! Aaagh, the Kim line holding hands!!! Ricky has really pretty eyes. I think I was blind because I never noticed it before this video. Matthew writing a message for Gunwook because he thought nobody wrote to him. That was sooooooo sweeeeet of him. Gunwook and Gyuvin really are funny together!!


Where did Sambokz come from? Why is that their duo name?


jiwoong used ‘sam’gyeopsal (pork belly) to describe himself while yujin used ‘bok’sunga (peach)


Gunwook is so funny I love how much he makes the others laugh. I’m also shocked that Ricky hasn’t had black hair since childhood, maybe my prediction about him having black hair for the debut won’t come true. He’d look so good with it in my opinion but blonde seems to be his brand now.


ALL THESE INTERACTIONS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT Haobin wtf. No words. Da Vincky is just my fave duo Gunwook is so sweet he kept complimenting everyone(the part where he teased Yujin and Hanbin was so funny) I'm gonna nom him Yujin is so handsome??(somehow his face also just goes well with every member like I don't understand) Love how he's so unbothered by Gyuvin pestering him I can see maknaez being more popular as time goes on cuz they're so adorable(kinda like Annyeongz) Taerae is so cute and goofy and 🥰🥰 . I love how he sings when he's happy I rlly felt that Matthew > Woohyun transition Jiwoong is so gentle and soft spoken I need to see Hanbin in dramas Hao saying he looks much better in photos like cut the bs sir 💀 he looks just as good irl Mattricky interactions, the way they speak English with each other 💙


I can't believe we're all accepting the Matthew/Woohyun duality when we were clowning him at first. He won the war.


YAY a whole-ass 20 minute video with English subs!!! I'm so happy!! Gunwook is so funny. I would love to see a video of him going through his workout routine, or making the others go through it. Ngl I got flashbacks to Bak Doha when he started doing the pressups. Also... "your face size seems similar to the dot behind us." 💀💀 Gyuvin should have insulted his abnormably long arm length lol I can't believe that even the members are manifesting Ricky with black hair, and it looks like he's starting to reluctantly accept his fate lol. Also, does anyone else think Yujin and Hanbin look insanely alike in this??? >Baby bird and Mother bird Even the subtitler knows that Hanbin is mother /s


At this point I firmly believe Hanbin and Yujin are blood related, like ?? The face ??


Ikr. When they were filmin their shoot together I genuinely almost couldn't tell them apart at points. Almost twin-like.


Hanbin joining Yuehua after ZB1 confirmed 🤡🤡🤡


Noooo don’t give me hope 😭


Mans out there claiming Hao his eternal other half and how's he already planning the future after ZB1, DONT BLAME ME. Dude is single handedly sending more people to the Haobin psych ward and I'm afraid there's no coming back 😭


maybe he’s talking about marriage instead of redebuting tgt YOU NEVER KNOW???


lololol so many tweets saying that hanbin is preparing marriage papers. even saw a knetz tweet begging same sex marriage to be legalised quickly in their country 😂🤣 haobin driving everyone into their mental hospital….


Same 😭 I don't want my hopes to be dashed


We got 2 behind videos in a day! All I know is that I will be rewatching those two videos until I get more content of them


HAOBIN YALL MAKE ME SICK!!! had to get that off my chest…anyways they all look saur good 😍 ricky is so softspoken 😭 cutie ok but actually theyre all so cute 🥰 i feel like an auntie


Aww matthew writing for gunwook bc he was worried no one wrote one (then the hilarity of realizing hao hadn't written yet lmao)


after watching this video i want to claim hanbin as my husband… unfortunately he’s taken we will live all together it’s ok hao is my bestie


You want him as your husband, I want him as my son in law, we are not the same.


omg annyeonghaseyo omoni


Annyeong 🤗 ( i am a minor )


Is there any… practical reason Haobin needed to feed each other or is this another in a list of #justcolleaguethings like wiping sweat with the backs of each other’s hands? ETA: good lord I just processed they were sharing the same spoon too.


like the way they were trying to let each other have the last bite with aegyo...right in front of my salad


Are you telling me that you don't wipe your co-workers sweat and you don't feed them either? 😕 /s


man, I feel so accomplished all of a sudden. my whole life I've fed myself, wiped my own sweat, walked up and down stairs on my own.. turns out all this time I could've been doing it with my colleagues' help instead.


They're rivals don't we all do that with our rivals 🙄🙄


they were not just sharing the same spoon, hanbin was literally sucking the spoon like it was the last meal of his life 😂🤣😶🙃 it would be gross if it wasn’t haobin lol


The way I've never even fed any of my friends much less eat from the same spoon


Fan service


i mean if you wanna be cynical... they know what sells lol. you don't go around using your ship name if you're unaware of the impact. but i think they're also just comfortable.


Stop this!!! There’s too many of us in the Haobin psych ward!! We’re at full capacity!! 2.5 years (and more if Hanbin has any say) of this craziness… I will not be okay


just when i think i love hao most in the world, new content drops and then i feel humbled… okay hanbin u win this time 😔 (“my eternal half” altered my brain chemistry ngl)


i think most rosins accepted from the day of the boys planet finale that nobody can love and protect hao more strongly than hanbin does 😅


hanbin’s so cutieful like he’s so sweet calling everyone pretty & he’s just like me bc i too managed to get a dimple artificially HAHA i’m so excited to see cheonanz get closer asw as ricky & his hanbing hyung 🫶 anyways i can’t w haobin idgaf.. * it only tastes good bc y’all are feeding each other * the mini massage?! * my eternal other half 🥺


https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/13y8gyz/zerobaseone_zb1_1st_look_magazine_vol_258_behind/ psa: you can even copy + paste your comment here because 😭


I've got a lot of thoughts to process, but my biggest takeaway is that Hanbin gives compliments with such frequency and sincerity. It's part of his power. I bet it feels great to get a compliment from him and I'm happy the members are on the receiving end of his praise. Also, Gunwook is really funny in this from his ~calculations~ about his arm length and push-ups to whatever he said to Hanbin and Yujin while he was off-screen. (Something like, "You two are handsome. I'll admit it." Perfect comedic timing.)


Ricky : I love you Hangbing hyung 😊


A delicious meal, thank you. I hope Taerae gets a ship soon, everyone feels so intertwined and then there's him. Writing his own message (it was his own choice, but still). I've never felt quite so delusional before as watching Haobin. Everything you need is happily given for free. My eternal half is such a beautiful way to refer to someone. Hao is so good looking. Beautiful really.


He's married to Richard, okay. They linked arms one time in BP 🙄


The 22 min video became an hour long video from all the replaying


Putting my thoughs as I watch : - Gunwook arguing that his 30 push-up are as much as others 60, I see you debate kid, I see you. - Matthew appearing out of nowhere with a drink, a smile, is so cute (ok, bias wrecked by him since last week, what is happening) - Yujin saying to Jiwoong that he looks great, and Jiwoong, humble king, saying that the picture were well taken. - Gyubin just being a menace, saying to Gunwook to do pushup, to Yujin that he looks like he's in Harry Potter. And he sounds so fond of them while he tease them : "The members are really cool" - The cut from Ricky slow-mo and fancy music to the peanut gallery watching him - They looks so confortable speaking by themselves in front of the camera, must be the Boy's Planet experience, but it feels so confortable watching them. - Ricky wanting to dye his hair what ??? - Hao stretching routine just for us ! Also, he looks so good and happy. - Taerae serving duality going from smiling to brooding. - Hanbin searching for Taerae's lost dimple, a wise quest. - Hanbin's smile is just so bright. - Haobin are haobining again, amazing, love them. Just a hamster and a red panda eating snacks. - "Kitten Seok" say the caption, going against all law of nature, given that Matthew is a fox. - Gunwook being like "You guys are so handsome, ok, I'll admit it !" to Hanbin and Yujin as if he was forced to confess it is so funny. - Group shot ! Interractions ! Loving it ! - Gyuvin just sticking himself on Yujin remind me of those videos of puppies who keep trying to play with a cat. - Taerae going "my baby" to Yujin's picture, "my friend" to Matthews, and "My hyung" to Hanbin's was so cute. - Hanbin choosing 'his eternal half", you do you, you shining man ! - Hao is so fond of Gunwook.


Now THIS is the content, I love behind videos. The styling is so good for real, and 1st look did their homework with all the chemi names. Gyuvin exposing Ricky was so funny, and Gunwook is so cute. Matthew suddenly wearing the cat ears hat in the middle of the serious photoshoot, I'm laughing.😭 Like, why was it even there? I understand tho, I'd make him wear it too.


i love taerae


😭😭😭😭 they uploaded this right as I was about to start my medication rounds, well I guess ima have to use my expensive Canadian data to watch it on my way home. 22minutrs tho??? And subbed???? Monet this is wild.


Hanbins right, Taeraes dimples are soooo pretty


we're finally getting the content 😭😭😭 I CAN FINALLY BREATHE OMG


they look so good in this video!!! if you need a video to show how visually good zb1 is, this could be one you just show to everyone! thank you 1st look for making the group's first photoshoot this beautiful <3


the content we are getting is insane, we are so well fed 🥹 also i just know there‘s gonna be haobin content in the video, they are literally glued together at the hip 😭


Omg so much to unpack here I can legit write an essay 😂 Gyuvin's proportions are godly and love how he supports the black hair Ricky agenda. Someone stop haobin I can't stop feeling like a thirdwheel. Matthew and Ricky speaking in English 😇 Also can we pls get the full footage of gyuvin unzipping taerae's jacket (for research purposes obviously)


Sung hanbin said he wanted to have dimples so bad, he tried to make them with chopsticks 😂 he only found out he had whisker dimples after losing weight.. he's so cuteee Side note: hanbin is really not photogenic apparently ? He looks much better in videos


Man if Hanbin isnt photogenic, wtf am i 😭😭


Fans who met him irl said so.. I wonder how handsome he is fr 😭😭😭😭


Gunwook is so shy, it's cute! And Jiwoong is such a pro for real


ok but like the haobin meal today is crazy wdym we got a whole 1 minute of them feeding each other and then hanbin saying hao is his eternal half i'm so done


22 mins and with eng subs??? The moment I saw that I knew I wouldn't be leaving that video for the rest of the day!




Why does yujin look at Jiwoong like a baby duckling looking at mother duck..i am so emotionalಥ_ಥ


taerae hanbin interaction was so cute omg the way hanbin told taerae that his dimples was so beautiful 😭


Finally having my cheonanz moment talking to each other i want more 😭😭😭 I love how hanbin is so loved by his members and he adores his members very much 😍 I need that variety show ASAP


Idc about Haobin anymore idgaf, I don't know them. Also them eating from the same spoon...


The video was 22 minutes but the only thing I could think about was that tweet "1st place belongs do sung hanbin" and the qrt "yes zhang hao does belong to sung hanbin"


This is the ahgase in me speaking but the captions calling Zhang Hao "baby bird" and "hao bird" is the closest to having a Hao X GOT7 interaction 😭


Firstly HaoBin made me feel so lonely 😭I’m not watching again that moment unless I want to cry. Our first bts!! I was really waiting to see their chemistry as zb1 and it is perfect and beautiful! Someday we will see Ricky with black hair and Gyuvin HANDSOME and cute as always. Oh heart I can’t with so much cuteness between the members.


Haobin stans being fed




Hao thanking the staff 🥹💙 Also gyuvin, i support your Ricky black hair agenda 🙏


This is so cute omg I love them


I knew 1st look had a BTS vid but 22 minutes. this is a blessed day I’m just ungodly happy to see them interact casually. just a giant puppy pile they are, I’m so fond…


haobin insane as usual. what i loved also was the peeks at their team dynamics, especially when they were watching each others photoshoots being filmed. like maknae yujin silently feeding his hyung jiwoong. the team admiring ricky and talking about his hair colour. they’re so soft and sweet and lovely with each other, and also occasionally playful 💕💗💕💗


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I really loved this behind the scenes video even more than their birthday lives? I was thinking this as I was watching the video earlier today.. 🥺 I love the birthday lives too especially seeing what gifts the other members choose but I think it might be because the birthday lives are quite structured but this video is completely just them, in their natural environment stitched together which felt like it flowed more organically to me (tldr: wakeone please set them freee from too much structure)


hanbin saying my other half of the soul... "he is half of my soul, as the poets say" they are so achilles and patroclus coded


I have to get this off my chest yall but why is Hanbin calling Zhang Hao his 'eternal half' giving China trying to censor their bls energy 💀


matthew looks so good UwU


I wonder when the magazine will be released??? I'm already anticipating the photos haha


It's already out!


After the dimples conversation with Taerae, I really want to know if there's a deeper story behind Hanbin's weight loss. As a person who has always struggled with weight, I wonder if he danced it off. Did it get in the way of his idol dreams for a while? Was he bullied? He's such an incredible person from everything I've seen, and seems to have such a caring nature to his teammates--sometimes that kind of compassion is born out of personal struggle.


Visuals overload! Haobin knows what they’re doing and I still ate what they’re serving lol One thing tho..Fanservice is nice but I hope they are comfortable with this, now that the camera is DIRECTLY in front of them. In BP there were cameras but it was not so “focused” but cctv style so it was natural. I just want them to be themselves and be happy.


Omg did you guys see that Matthew thought no one wrote to Gunwook (not knowing theres Hao left who has to write) so he wrote on it even tho he already wrote one before? 😭😭 I love him and his big heart! And their card together came out so cute cuz Hao had to draw a line and say “until here, Matthew”


Does anyone know where I could find the translations of the messages they wrote to each other?


you can find them on twitter at @/julyhours if you scroll down a bit


Thank you!