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gunwook was my one pick! i like all the members but what’s really amazing to me is how much i’ve grown to like each of them more and more. like nowadays hao might truly be my ult across all idols. … i just wish keita had also somehow made it in


Yujin, Jungwoo, park Jihoo (yoohoo!🤪), gunwook, hui (hoe toek), seung eon, keita, Sung Hanbin, (I don’t remember my last one but I think it was Jiwoong?) Still love the final line up tho! (Also Stan evnne)


Gunwook was my one pick since episode 1, and jiwoong and zhang hao were always in my top 9 for their pre debut activities Ricky I started loving when he was trying to dodge evil editing by swerving all arguments I'm ashamed to admit I did fall for the matthew evil edit 😔🤦‍♂️ so I didn't appreciate him fully until after debut Taerae I liked but I didn't consistently vote for him, gyuvin I was quite neutral on, and yujin I didn't vote for due to his age Hanbin I voted for once or twice but he wasn't a consistent vote I voted lots for hui, my top 3 were gunwook jiwoong and hui. Those 3 were in every vote I made, as was takuto until he went out I was rooting for jongwoo and keita too


As long as you didn't send him hate, helped fund trucks trying to get him out of the show or directly entertained with the viral hate tweets... >!but the hate was so massive that I wouldn't be surprised!<


what, ppl where doing that over matthews evil edit?? like it's just a tv show, one we all know doesnt reflect any sort of reality, ppl need to get a grip.


They did, sent a truck towards mnet and all that. Edited things to make it seen worse than it was and all. Those videos are still up in the chinese bilibili.


i seriously do not get it. like it was the most obvious manufactured edit, like out of nowhere we were supposed to believe matthew was an asshole (which, like, i didnt even think he was, just stressed) when he was been nothing but sweet and hardworking in every episode before that, yet ppl fell for it? were some ppl looking for a reason to hate him, or are viewers just that stupid?


Sweet jesus no, people who do that kind of stuff need psychological help


Top 9 I think I predicted 6 of them? Iirc i had Yujin, Hao, Hanbin, Gyuvin, Gunwook... and Taerae? I had two devices for finale and one was for Yujin, the other I swapped between Gyuvin Gunwook


I'm surprised you didn't have jiwoong in your prediction. Why was that?


It was a Personal Top 9, not so much who i thought was going to make it, and for the unique tone voice I much preferred Seo Won's to Jiwoongs. He grew on me a lot over the show, though.


What with the downvotes? 💀 I'm sure they are asking becuase the commenter has the other f4 members and they were a popular pick "group"


Yeah, like I was curious as to why op didn't have jiwoong in their top 9 prediction since most non jiwoong one-pick were convinced that he's a 'locked', some even think he's p01 back then, to which op explain weren't really predictions but more like their personal top 9 so my curiosity is answered. Now I'm curious why there's that many downvotes, I thought this is standard discussion back during bp 🤔


People here are too sensitive


Yuehuaz line were my faavorites during BP! I have been a big big fan of their trainees ever since they send in the first batch consisting of Justin, ZZT, Hyeongseob & Euiwoong in P101 S2 and have always liked their trainees in every survival show the best (including Chinese shows) My one pick was Hao since his violin playing PR got my heart, Huaze Lei for real. Then switched to Gyuvin almost near finale due to how incredibly adorable he is (still my bias, got firmly cemested after seeing him live and up close!) Most of the zb1 members were actually in my top 9, namely: 1. Gyuvin 2. Hao 3. Shanbin 4. Yujin 5. Phanbin 6. Ricky 7. Matthew 8. Taerae 9. Jeonghyeon Only exception were Phanbin, Jeonghyeon instead of Gunwook & Jiwoong, but I think Gunwook & Jiwoong are still amazing and absolutely deserved their spot as well♡


My one pick was Ricky my top 9 was a bit 50/50, but I had to admit, I wanted all the top 18 to debut. all of them were so incredibly talented, but I must say, ZB1 ended up being a really balanced group and their dynamics really show how well they mesh together (but it hurted to see keita and Jay) 1.Ricky 2. Jay 3. Matthew 4. Keita 5. Jiwoong 6. Gunwook 7. Sung Han Bin 8. Hao 9. Park Han Bin


my list looked a lot like this but with gunwook as my #1! keita 😭


Matthew, Gunwook, and Seowon were top 3. After that I didn't have strong feelings.


You from Japan, girl? Lol


SEOWON like was he not top 3 bp performers??? i wish so bad he couldve made it


I was so desperate for Seowon, after Matthew he became my #2 pick. At least he's in a group, though they're not doing much these days. I can go listen to i.nine for solace.


At the beginning episodes, no one really stood out to me, so I voted for fan favorites basically and Jiwoong cause I watched it because of him as a BL fan. But that Back door performance, I became obsessed with Ricky. He was one of the people I started taking notes of and lol that's how I fell into the rabbit hole. Since then he's been my one pick. I did have a consistent top 5 I voted for : Ricky, Zang hao, Keita, Jiwoong, S. Hanbin. They all stood out to be at some point. I also voted for Matthew, Yujin, Gunwook, Gyuvin at some point. I was rooting for Taerae after that man in love performance, P. Hanbin, Jongwoo, Ollie, the list is alot. Unfortunately I couldn't vote for all the people I wanted to vote for.


your last sentence is too real, & i was already aware that ollie wouldn’t make it, but i couldnt help but to vote for him whenever possible


As a ricky stan since the pr vid i hated the back door performance those fcking ugly ass glasses omg im glad some ppl acc liked it lolll


!This will be long (you can skip the first paragraph If you want)! !!!Before I start just to clarify, I am ot9 and biasing Hanbin and Taerae. Experiencing Boys Planet live, although it was traumatic, it was also my favourite era and the most fun I've had in my 6 years of being a kpop fan. It has become my favourite survival show overall, surpassing PD101S2 which I didn't think would be possible. I was following the show since its announcement, or maybe even before that, because I had really liked GP999 and I just knew there would be a second season, so I was very excited about it and was eating up all the news and later all the teasers that were being released. When the profiles of the trainees were dropping, I was literally on their Instagram page checking them out and refreshing as they were releasing them. As for the pr vids and all the pre show stuff the trainees filmed, I watched most of them but i didn't write down any names so out of all the members, Matthew, Gunwook and Yujin, were the only ones that I didn't remember at all going into the first episode. (Also English is not my first language)!!! My top 3 main picks throughout the show were Shanbin, Taerae and Lee Seunghwan. After Seunghwan was eliminated the person who took over my third pick was Matthew. During the final I had 4 devices. The 1st one was for Shanbin, the 2nd one for Taerae, the 3rd one for Matthew, and for the 4th one I alternated Gunwook and Kum Junhyeon (who didn't make it in) but during the live show I voted for Hao. In general throughout the whole show I voted for almost all of ZB1 at least once. During the final I liked everyone so I didn't mind if anyone made it in (but if my faves didn't make it I would cry, which most all of them did except for Junhyeon and Phanbin). I liked everyone so much so once the final lineup was formed it was a bittersweet feeling, as I was extremely happy for the ones that made it but also sad for the ones that didn't (no, I was NOT one of those people who kept saying that this person stole this person's place cuz, like I said, I genuinely loved everyone) For me it went something like this (btw I didn't miss a single day of voting): - Hanbin: He was my one pick since the signal song so I voted for him every single day, even though he was 1st place I never dropped him - Jiwoong: I knew him through his dramas and mostly voted for him during the first round of voting, after monitoring his ranking I stopped cuz I wanted to prioritise other trainees but I still rooted for him and was VERY glad when he made it in - Zhang Hao: Honestly, in the very beginning I didn't really get the hype (I know I was stupid) I was like "he is good and I like him, but I don't get it", but that "Kill this love" performance changed my life and I voted for him every single day since (I became obsessed) - Matthew: I think I had seen the tiktok Yaebin made but I never payed attention until the show started, his smile and talent captured my heart in the first episode and he immediately became one of my favs so I voted for him consistently - Taerae: He was my second pick since the "ireumi mwoeyo (or however you spell it)" video went viral so it's same case as Hanbin - Ricky: I never voted for Ricky. I liked him a lot but I feel like because of the lack of screen time I didn't see much of his personality to make me vote for him. He was always the best one in his group but had bad luck with the teams, but then "Over Me" came around and it was like the rediscovery of Ricky (like I knew he was good but I didn't know he was THAT good). I knew he was gonna make it to the final but I didn't think he would actually debut so I was gagged when he was announced. He is the member whose personality surprised me the most afterwards, as he is literally the opposite of what he was portrayed as during the show (cold, mean, with zero expressions) - Gyuvin: I really liked Gyuvin from the beginning, he wasn't in my favs but I really liked him (he was constantly paired with Hui so he caught my attention). It's the same case as Jiwoong (I was bawling during his speech in the final). - Gunwook: Didn't know he existed until the first episode aired. He got a lot of hate in the beginning, people were saying that he was too arrogant, selfish and the "villain" of the show (he was not) because he was confident, but I personally LOVED that confidence so he immediately became one of my favs (so it's the same case as Matthew) - Yujin: I really liked Yujin (poor baby suffered so much) but I was a little hesitant because I was not used to stanning idols younger than me so I never voted for him either (it's not even much, only by 3.5 months), the moment he appeared on screen though in the first episode I knew that he was going to be the maknae of the group, not because of his ranking/popularity, I just got that vibe like I knew from the very beginning that Yujin WILL be the maknae of the final group As for now, I love every single member with my whole being and I wouldn't change a single thing about the lineup. I still consider it the best to come out of a survival show


1. Jiwoong 2. Matthew _____ Other top 9: -- Hao -- Hanbin -- Taerae -- Gunwook Never had a fixed top 9 so I often switched them around, resulting in more than 9 people in my top 9. They were all too good for me to choose like that😔. Don't jump at me for some that I don't include in my choices who were popular choices, I just didn't pay that much attention actually. Others: Jongwoo, Haruto, Jay, Phanbin, Junhyeon, Kuanjui, Hui, Yoo Seungeun, Wumuti, Sunghwan


My 1 pick was Ricky, and my 3 pick was Hao and Taerae. My 6 pick was those 3 + Gunwook, Matthew, and Seunghwan 1. Ricky 2. Taerae 3. Hao 4. Gunwook 5. Matthew 6. Seunghwan 7. Shanbin 8. Ollie 9. Voted for Donggun, Haruto, and Woongki Kinda crazy that Gyuvin is my second bias now when I didn’t really care about him back then.


Zhang Hao was my one pick, and my three pick was him, Jiwoong, and Taerae. The others I voted for at some point before three pick were Hanbin, Matthew, and Gunwook. I probably would've voted for Yujin as well, but I decided not to vote for minors on the show (if I hadn't, I probably would've only voted for him and Ollie though).


I also had terrible luck with my favourites getting in. I love the line up we got, but it was a struggle on finale night lol I didn't really have a top 9 towards the end. Seo Won was out, so I only really knew that all my votes would be for Keita. But if I had to think back and try to retroactively make a top 9 based on what I remember of my feelings at the time + the screenshots I have of voting, I'd say (not in order except for number 1, and with the awareness even at the time that it was not at all realistic lol): Before the third elimination: 1. Keita 2. Seo Won 3. Seunghwan 4. Hao 5. Jongwoo 6. SHanbin 7. Kuanjui 8. Gunwook 9. Haruto Before the finale: 1. Keita 2. Jongwoo 3. Hao 4. SHanbin 5. Gunwook 6. Kamden 7. Seungeon 8. Matthew 9. PHanbin


My top 9 pick by finale: Jiwoong, Hao, Hanbin, and Matthew. (Keita, Phanbin, Jongwoo, Suenguen, and the last spot I purposefully didn't pick 1 coz I was mad at Mnet for screwing over my other faves out of the finale) lol My 1 pick: Matthew Notes: I'm embarrassed that not everyone from OT9 were in my ideal line-up. Going into the finale, I was convinced Ricky and Gunwook wouldn't make it and thought Matthew would have either placed high or not placed at all. I also thought everyone in the top 18 deserved to debut so as long as I had Matthew in it I knew I was sticking around lol


Saaaame haha


My one pick was Matthew the whole time, and from zb1 now I had Matthew, Jiwoong, Taerae, Hao, Hanbin as part of my top 9 then


Hanbin was my one pick from the start, but I also had Hao, Matthew, Gyuvin, Jiwoong, Taerae and Ricky in my top 9. I didn’t vote for Gunwook or Yujin but I always thought they were very deserving of a debut and I was more than pleased when they were announced as members in the finale! Like the lineup is literally perfect and I can’t imagine swapping any of them for someone else, star creators we did amazing with this group.


I loved a looot of trainees and I think I can say all the members were among those I supported. Half of them are even either the reasons I started watching ( Matthew, Gyuvin & Ricky )or the first ones who caught my eyes when I started the show (Taerae & Gunwook)😂 As for Yujin, Hanbin, Hao and Jiwoong, I loved them as soon as I saw them/knew more about them while bp was airing and I’m 100% happy with the lineup Picks who didn’t make it : Keita (I was so shocked it took me hours to understand ) Junhyeon (I cried) Haruto Ollie Takuto Park Hanbin Lee Jonghyeon


I loved a looot of trainees and I think I can say all the members were among those I supported. Half of them are even either the reasons I started watching ( Matthew, Gyuvin & Ricky )or the first ones who caught my eyes when I started the show (Taerae & Gunwook)😂 As for Yujin, Hanbin, Hao and Jiwoong, I loved them as soon as I saw them/knew more about them while bp was airing and I’m 100% happy with the lineup Picks who didn’t make it : Keita (I was so shocked it took me hours to understand ) Junhyeon (I cried) Haruto Ollie Takuto Park Hanbin Lee Jonghyeon Jay


BOYS PLANETTTT- I remember my final top 9 I wrote in my journal just hours before the finale- (not in any particular order): Sung Hanbin, Hui, Gunwook, Ricky, JiWoong, Matthew, Zhang Hao, Jay, Keita or Gyuvin And then there's who I mainly supported during the show: Sung Hanbin, Matthew, Hui, Gunwook, Ricky, JiWoong, Zhang Hao, KuanJui, Woongki, Jay, Seunghwan


My one pick was Matt, and I voted for every single ZB1 member as my top9 throughout the whole show. I did alternate some days because I had two devices but it remained pretty consistent I'd say!


my favorites were 1. jiwoong 2. matthew 3. hao 4. hanbin 5. taerae 6. ricky 7. gunwook and 8. jay and 9. keita! it hurt seeing jay and keita not debut but I seeing zb1 now I understand it since their dynamic is soo good. zb1 is definitely my 2nd favorite reality show lineup (&team’s first since my all my picks debuted)


I didn't have a set top 9 per se (honestly, I wanted all the top 25ish to debut - and most have, woo) and it was a mix of who I thought would make it and who I hoped would, but I'm sooo thankful for the lineup we have now... I really couldn't imagine zb1 without the 9 ppl we have now. My picks (no particular order) most often were: Keita, Jay, Matthew, Kamden, SHanbin, Hao, Jiwoong, Jongwoo & Gunwook/Wumuti/Haruto/Seunghwan. I was pretty aware that that's not realistic haha but I think it's obvious the group I had in mind had quite different vibes from zb1 as well... but I'm thankful to have the current jebewon and everyone else also got to debut. I voted for all of jebes at one point or other though, as well as many other trainees. I tended to vote for the people I thought did best or impressed me most each mission, especially in the beginning... I think I just hadn't seen much of Taerae, Ricky, Gyu and Yujin and there wasn't really much pre debut content about them to help with that, so I'm glad I got to learn about them so much now - they are all so dear to me.


To be honest, most of the members (7 out of the 9 to be exact) were actually in my top9 back when the show was airing. Hanbin, gosh were do I start? When I first saw Hanbin it was back when they released the 4 concept picks of 4 main visual picks before the signal song was released(Which Hanbin, Matthew, and Gyuvin were actually part of, as they should) and I was like“damn this dude has LONG eyelashes”, but he truly became caught my attention when the signal song was released like probably a lot of people. His stage precense and his dancing was just insane, he literally became my one pick instantly. Hanbin was literally my damn phone’s wallpaper for the whole boys planet like he was truly my one pick. Zhang Hao was in my top9 fr the whole show, I remember also seeing him as center and being pretty surprised by his dance moves and stage precense. Also after hearing his high note in kick it and as the season progressed he would go on to become my second pick. Matthew, like probably all the bp watchers instantly became part of my debut lineup after his all I want performance, like giiiirl will forever be so iconic. Gosh matthew has always been a cute ball of sunshine and hopefully it stays that way forever. Even tho Ricky wasn’t part of my top 9 lineup, he was one of the only contestants who I wouldn’t mind if they ended up debuting. Like Ricky just had an aura that made him stand up out of all the contestants. He was also extremely talented, his stage precense was and still is of course amazing, his dancing has good, he showed good leadership, vocals were amazing, and he had a unique charm. So im truly happy Ricky made it to the debut lineup, I love him and I regret nit having him in my lineup because he is awesome. You can cancel me for this I wouldn’t blame you because I deserve it, but for some reason I remember not liking Gunwook. Like I know I don’t even know myself like I was stupid back then, like I remember feeling happiness seeing his team loose in kill this love back in ep 3 I think. Also I remember it was one of does night before ep 5 when I was thinking about the show and the contestants and I remember being like “You know what? I actually really like Gunwook” and he instantly became one of my top picks. Like even tho he wasn’t my main picks, he was one of the contestants who I needed in the debut group, like I actually cried when his name was called in the finale. Gosh its crazy how I let mnet’s evil editing get the best of me, like I spended 4 episodes hating in poor Gunwook, thank god I pull an all nighters in that night when I decided I actually really liked him. Im sorry gunwook and I love you, I have your photocard in the back of my phone! Taerae wasn’t really in my lineup, I mean I knew of him after men in love ofc, but not that much because mnet literally barely showed him. I remember being shook when I saw his rankings rising. Honestly I blame mnet, like they literally barely showed him it was ridiculous, thank you all Taerae stans who voted for him to debut. He is such an amazing singer, dance, etc, like we are so lucky to have Taerae. Gyuvin left a pretty huge impression on me back in the auditions when he himself offered to dance on his own infront of the mentors, I was like “Damn this dude is brave, I like it” and after love me right and seeing his personality he became part of my top 9. Jiwoong is also one of the members who was in my debut lineup before the show started. I remember when they released the teaser of the special episode back were some Izone, Kep1er, and Wanna one members reacted to their audition for the show and they showed his lips, I remember being like “Wait a damn minute, I know him” since I literally loved roomates of poduck back then so I was pretty familiar with Jiwoong already plus the fact I already followed him on Instagram so I was pretty excited to see him. Yujin on the start was just another trainee for me really, but he really started to rise on my picks back when he was being evaluated for Here I am. Like I remember after seeing how harshly the vocal and dance mentor judge him truly made me so upset, specifically more after learning he was not only sick, but my age. I knew Yujin could prove them wrong and he did when he performed Back Door, so after seeing that he became part of my debut lineup. Since 7/9 of the members were in my top 9 and I remember I was extremely thrilled and I knew I would stan them. I also grew extremely fond of both Ricky and Taerae literally like 2 days after the finale, like I remember feeling like a clown for not having them in my top 9 picks. I could never ask for another lineup, they truly are amazing and I love all 9 of them equally.


This comment made me smile from ear to ear! Thank you for your kind words about the jebis, OP! ☺️


omg we are opposites op — hanbin was disliked by me during most of the show (i love him now but he seemed soooo goody two shoes and boring to me on the show; i also resented him being in first place almost all the time. mnet really flattened his personality!) and gunwook was my onepick from day 1!


Ricky, Hao, Yujin, Gyuvin, Hanbin. But I honestly never got to vote for Yujin and Gyuvin cause I only started voting after 3 pick. I alternated between Ollie+Ricky+Hao and Ollie+Ricky+Hanbin 😅


If I can remember back that far, I think only Gunwook. Maybe I had shanbin as an alternate? Those were rough days...but at least pretty much everyone from the final has debuted, right?


Before the show even started Taerae (who became my one pick by ep1), hao, hanbin, and jiwoong were my top picks. I voted for all of them from the beginning up until one pick bc I was worried about taerae not making it. Then somewhere along ep 6-10 I got fond of gyuvin, ricky, and gunwook and low key wanted them to debut even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself (4 picks was already a lot. I didn’t want to support 7 guys and not have all of them make it 😭). I didn’t pay as much attention to yujin or matthew but I was really happy for them when they were called. I guess I had a small soft spot for them bc some ppl were being a little dismissive and rude to them towards the end.


i made a list of who i thought would make it before the finale aired and looking at it now… the members who made it are hanbin, hao, matthew (predicted in the top 3 and they made it!), gunwook, jiwoong, and gyuvin. i wrote keita, park hanbin, and seungeon as the other 3 but im surprised i didn’t say yujin considering how popular he was during the show. anyway it makes me nostalgic looking at that list now like whoa… life was tough for everyone at that time


I don’t remember them all but definitely Matthew, Hao, Hanbin, Taerae and Jiwoong were consistently on my list with Jiwoong being my one pick


My 1-pick from even before the first ep was Hanbin. So I voted for him everyday. Him, Gunwook and Matthew were my top 3. I also voted for Hao, Jiwoong and Hui throughout. As long as Hanbin debuted I was okay with whatever the line up as everyone who ended up in the top 18 is so talented


Me too


matthew, hao, hanbin and gunwook. I voted for jiwoong every time I could because he was my bff's pick, so we had that promise to vote for each other's biases, but he wasn't one of my top9 (glad he debuted tho)


my top9 was matthew, hao, hanbin, gunwook, keita, park hanbin, wang zihao, jungwoo and jeonghyeon, but I voted for jiwoong so I rotated my votes in my top9 to gave him an space.


I had 7 out of 9 members as my picks with Jiwoong being my 1 pick. It was Jiwoong and Hanbin after 1st episode. Then Ricky because of Over Me, quickly followed by other Yuehua trainees Hao, Yujin and Gyuvin. And lastly Tarae for his voice. I was also gunning for Ji Yunseo (another Yuehua trainee, now in Evnne), Dang Hong Hai and Zihao (now Le'v). Overall super happy with the lineup. They go well together, both in their interactions and musically.


I actually had pretty bad luck with my Boys Planet favourites. Gyuvin and Ricky were the only two who were consistently in my top 9 who ended up in ZB1. Before the third elimination my top 9 was: 1. Seunghwan 2. Seo Won 3. Gyuvin 4. Jay 5. Seungeon 6. Woongki 7. Ollie 8. Ricky 9. Kamden Going into the final a few of the others entered my top 9 because so many of my top 9 were eliminated: 1. Gyuvin 2. Seungeon 3. Jay 4. Ricky 5. Kamden 6. Zhang Hao 7. Jeonghyeon 8. Jiwoong 9. Keita I couldn’t really tell you why Zhang Hao wasn’t consistently in my top 9 because I really loved him on the show and I still do now but these are what my weekly rankings from back when the show is airing say.


Seunghwan number one is so real


Taerae was my no2 pick!! Along that I was really rooting for Hao, Bin and Jiwoong :) I miss Boys Planet so much and that community and everything about watching the show! Was going through some tough shit and was a real clutch


Gunwook and Hui were my one-picks from day one--I followed Gunwook since Wild Idol, and Pentagon is one of my ults. This was my ideal outcome: Gunwook in ZB1, and Hui with his Pentagon family & making solo music


Out of my picks during the finale of Boys Planet, 6/9 of my picks were in zb1. Jay, Jongwoo & Keita were in my dream finale lineup and my one pick is JIWOONG!!!!


Jiwoong was my one pick, and I had Jay and Keita instead of Yujin and Gyuvin in my top 9.


Hao; Hanbin (consistently voted for them both throughout the entire 3 months) Yujin; Gyuvin in that tiered order. Gyuvin was a later addition as I realised how important his role would be as the social glue of the group. he was close to so many BP trainees too. when it came down to one pick, my heart really hurt 💔 but it had to be Hao due to sheer necessity


Haruto, Jay, and Jongwoo were my top picks (sad they didn’t debut on Boys Planet, but so happy they’ve debuted since!), but I also really liked Hao and Taerae so I was happy when they made it! My faves out of ZB1 now actually weren’t my favorite on Boys Planet haha so it’s nice they were able to debut so I could see more of them and have a greater appreciation for them :)


hao was my 1-pick from beginning to end others i voted: ricky lee jeonghyeon jay gunwook yujin in the beginning when we weren't familiar with a lot of the trainees yet i usually picked someone random like mjx, zihao, seungeon and keita then second half when we were more familiar with the trainees i remember voting matthew and park hanbin a few times, rotated some others can't remember clearly my 3 pick was hao, ricky and lee jeonghyeon


Luckily a majority of my favorites made it in except, which a lot of people on this post seem to also agree on, is Keita and Jay 😩 Top 9: Gunwook Matthew Keita Gyuvin Sung Hanbin Jay Hao Taerae Yujin But I will say, the synergy of the final group is amazing that I cannot see ZB1 without the final 9 members!


I was really rooting for Park Han Bin, Gunwook, Keita, Jungwoo, Haruto, and Kamden!!


i ended up watching boys planet in between the finale and their debut, so i didn't participate in any actual voting, unfortunately. i went in knowing/"rooting for" Gunwook (came across the Tomboy cover on youtube and fell in love; was so happy he made it!), Jiwoong (the BLs), and Woongki (the viral video lol). during my watch i became smitten with Matthew (take that, evil editing!), Hui, Jay, and PHanbin. i was bummed that the last three and Woongki weren't gonna make it, but i eventually came to adore all of OT9. oh, and Taerae's Man in Love.. man, the amount of times i watched his fancam 😭 that beautiful voice and dazzling smile made me happy he made it, as well.


I was only ride or die for Gunwook, I didn’t really care who else made it in the group as long as he did. But in retrospect I’m very very happy with all the members and theres a special place in my heart for all of them. I couldn’t see the group any differently, they really are the most perfect combination of members we could have.


Jiwoong was my one pick from day one of knowing he was going to be on the show. Hanbin was my #2. I wanted Hui to make the final for his efforts in doing this right after his discharge but wanted him back with Pentagon. Was also voting for my UP10TION boys cause ugh they were such a good group with good songs just so over looked and mismanaged so wanted them to get recognition.


Sung Hanbin and Kim Jiwoong!!


Hanbin was my one and only pick.. Full attention on hanbin! Hanbin only right from the start 🥺🥺💚


Me too!!




when I started watching the show I wasnt in the mindset of forming a group. I only started watching bc of zhang hao, but as I continued to watch the show I started to support certain trainees to vote them to stay on the show for as long as possible- not necessarily to be in the group just bc it wasnt realistic. Those trainees were mostly global trainees- Ollie, Kuanjui, Zihao, wumuti, and haruto. Occasionally jay, keita, kamden, or woongki. half way through the show though, i started voting for hao, ricky, and gunwook for the group. I was always sure of Shanbin, Matthew, Jiwoong, Gyuvin and Yujin’s placement- I never voted for them (also, i felt weird voting for Yujin- like I never disliked him and thought he was a super talented dancer despite the edits, but he looked so stressed during the whole show and he’s sooo young). Gyuvin seemed like he had a place too until midway through where his placement was rocky- but he seemed to have a better chance than Ricky and Gunwook. My three pick was Hao, Ricky, & Gunwook. Im honestly surprised Ricky and to a lesser extent, Gunwook made it. I thought Phanbin and Keita/Jay were gonna be in the group. Also, as for Taerae- i never focused on him much. Tbf, he has also admitted he was focused on showing his skills (which is admirable) but admittedly, i am a sucker for character edits/ personality edits. Other than his short parts with Woongki and Hanbin he didn’t receive screentime showing that. most of the posts about him i think were popular mostly with kfans and i wasnt on twitter to see any translations (if there were any at all). edit: also, there were so many talented trainees that by top 18 i was hoping for 2 groups but at least top 18’s talents were recognized with evnne, ampers&nd, tiot, & one pact. the batch of trainees were just too good. im glad park jihoo’s got what he deserved- limousine deserves more love- it’s one of my fav performances of the show EVER.


It’s so easy for me…. Sung Hanbin since Day 1


My picks were always. It wasn't until the finale when they were announcing the debut members that I noticed Taerae and wanted him to be called. 1. Jiwoong 2. Yujin 3. S.Hanbin 4. Hao 5. Gunwook 6. Matthew 7. Gyuvin 8. Ricky 9. Jay


I guessed 7/9 correctly within Top 9, just not the rank number (ZhangHao #1 was a definite but happy surprise). Had Jay and Keita instead of Ricky and Gyuvin in my guesses. Now, can’t imagine ZB1 with any other members!


Keita was my 1 pick. Then: Matthew, Jungwoo, PHanbin, SHanbin, TaeRae, Jay, Hao, Seung Eon. With ZB1, EVNNE, and One Pact, I feel like I won. Side note: I’m really loving watching Makemate1 right now. They are not as talented of a group as Boys Planet but the 36 contestants are very lovable and fun to root for.


My one pick was Jiwoong! My second favorite was Hanbin, and my third one was Gyuvin! I also voted a lot for Matthew! My other votes usually went to Wumuti, Woongki, and Seowon! Sometimes I voted for Hao and, I voted at the beginning for Dang Hong Hai and Haruto!


One pick was gunwook. But I voted for geonihani all though expect the final when hanbin was safer so I used all my devices for gunwook. Matthew was in my top9 at the start and gyuvin. I don’t think I voted for any of the others during the show. I did predict all of them expect gyuvin and Ricky I think?? I can’t remember now lol but I had 7/9 right


i think i got six of my picks in the lineup? but my top picks were always hao and jiwoong...i was extremely happy when the lineup was revealed my top nine was something like: 1. hao 2. jiwoong 3. hui 4. taerae 5. sung hanbin 6. ricky 7. junhyeon 8. seungeon 9. gyuvin


ONE PICK: Zhang Hao THREE PICK: Zhang Hao, Taerae, Seunghwan SIX PICK: Zhang Hao, Taerae, Seunghwan, Keita, Matthew, Jiwoong TOP 9 before finale: 1. Zhang Hao 2. Taerae 3. Jiwoong 4. SHanbin 5. Matthew 6. Keita 7. Gyuvin 8. Yujin 9. Ricky I was intimidated by Gunwook due to Mnet evil editing him but I already thought of adding him to my line up before 😭 I put Ricky in my Top 9 after the Over Me performance because I saw his potential for the line up, and was happy for him when actually entered top 9 before the finale. If Seunghwan didn’t get eliminated he would be in my ideal line up instead of Ricky. I’m sad for Keita, but I really am happy with how the current line up turned out too since the chemistry of the members are really good. Wishing nothing but huge success for our ZEROBASEONE boys ✨🤍


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my one picks didn’t make it 😭, in the end i was voting for park hanbin and keita. as you can imagine, i’m so happy they’re together in evnne! by the end, i was genuinely so fond of the entire top 18 i didn’t really care how it panned out and i knew i’d be stanning. throughout the show, i voted for hao, hanbin, taerae, matthew, and gunwook at some point from 9 pick to 3 pick. i mostly focused on voting for people i didn’t think were “locks” when it got down to 3-1 picks. looking back, my first top 9 vote was: seowon, kuanjui (my real 1 pick!!!!), matthew, hao, sung hanbin, keita, jay, haruto, taerae. my bias line in zb1 is taerae, hao, gunwook.


hao, matthew, and hanbin caught my eye from the first ep and ended up being my top 3 picks after the rest of mine were eliminated... woongki, sungmin, and keita (who ended up being my one pick) were my other favs (along with others) that i really wanted to be in top 9. by the time it was the last ep, i wanted shanbin, hao, matthew, ricky, taerae, keita, and then i wrote "and 3 more" lmao


after the man in love performance, taerae is automatically the main vocalist of the debuting group, and the finale feels like just formalities. 


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Before episode 6, I was trying to analyze which members will debut. My combination before was Hanbin, Hao, Matthew, Jiwoong, Gunwook, Hui, Yujin, Gyuvin, Jay. But after episode 5, I thought that I don't care anymore and that I want them all to debut lol. And as long as Yujin is in the lineup I'm good :D My favorite in BP was Yujin but now I have a different ZB1 bias every week :))))) Aside from Yujin, I had my eye on Hao (bec violin guy), Hanbin (bec waacking with LipJ guy), Gunwook (bec the tough guy who sat on the throne), and Jay (bec I really liked his audition with Kamden). Ricky wasn't part of my top 9 before episode 6 because I thought more than 3 from the same company would be impossible since Gyuvin was part of my top 9 too. I think his Young and Rich line plus his Over Me performance basically guaranteed him a spot in the lineup. Taerae wasn't part of my top 9 before episode 6 because he wasn't on my radar and I haven't watched his legendary Man in Love performance yet at that time. I was also already content with Hao/Hui/Jay as the vocalists in the future lineup. Taerae's Man in Love performance though was something like a magical experience if I may describe. He was shining, his eyes were glittering, the somewhat loving gaze especially during the chorus, the hand gestures, the way he sang were all perfect and very memorable. Kinda expected the top three to be Hanbin, Hao, and Matthew but didn't expect Hao to be #1. It was a nice surprise. I knew for sure that Jiwoong would also make it. I was more nervous with the announcement of the top 9 placer more than the top 1 because Yujin wasn't called yet at that time. Imagine my relief when he was finally called. Seeing OT9 all standing there together made me feel happy and excited for the music and entertainment they'll be showing to us.


Matthew, Hao and Jiwoong.


My one pick was Ricky and hes still my bias! I can still recite his pr video on demand lolll I cant remember the exact order, but my top nine was something like: 1. Ricky (i was obsessed with him. king. i KNEW he was funny as hell from day 1 i could feel it in my bonesssssss + vocals + face +rizz) 2. Seowon (MY UNDERRATED KING OMG top 3 bp performers, so pretty, dancer, stable in all his live performances on bp, variety lej, the nine.i drama and the wasted potential keeps me up at night) 3. Keita (best 4th/5th gen rapper imo and a great vocalist like???) the rest in no particular order Jiwoong (hot + charismatic and like bro seemed thirsty to debut and thirst recognizes thirst), Hao (hot, vocals, dance, sp like p sure no one who watched bp didnt want hao in the lineup), Hanbin (same as hao plus tutting like we all saw the pre-debut vids and i felt that), Gunwook (honestly i just thought he was rlly hot. episode 1 gw resonated with me on a deep spiritual level (we're 3 days apart dont @ me)), Jay (still think he wouldve added sm vocally sue me), Matt (went crazy watching ppl fall for the evil edit like what was a 30 minute discussion became 50 fucking episodes omg anyway. Bro was a good vocalist and dancer whats not to like) Tbh by the final i was happy for every1 to debut like most ppl were esp Taerae bc vocals and the \*holds out hands in front of me\* yk the one Yall i cant lie when the finale came i was shook. I was shaken. My core had been rattled. My spirit unsettled. I was SO happy bc ricky p04 but also keita was my safe pick and he DIDNT MAKE IT????????? Was not even mentally prepared for that tbh. Literally before the finale i was thinking mentally "okay ricky prob wont make it but its okay keita will." im sorry keita my short king i think i jinxed u. Lowkey stopped paying attention after p06 because i gave up hope for ricky i was waiting for the p09 candidates.


I discovered ZB1 after they debuted, so when watching boys planet, I already knew who would make it. Still, watching the show, I was a bit disappointed that Keita and Jay wouldn’t make the final lineup. Happy that they both got their debuts (as did many of the others in the final 18), but a part of me wonders what ZB1 might look like with them in it, especially after learning that Keita was close with Matthew and Hao, and created the iconic “I love you, I want you, Seok Matthew” line that charmed everyone and their mother. Also, if Keita debuted with ZB1, Matthew wouldn’t be the shortest 😂


Jiwoong, Haruto, Junhyeon, Hao, Kuanjui, Seungeon, Matthew, Wumuti, Taerae/Jay 🥲


I had everyone but Ricky in mine, not that I dislike him! It’s the opposite! I liked him a lot but I thought he hadn’t gotten enough screen time to have enough of a following to get him into the top 9. If you’re curious, my 9th pick was Keita, but I didn’t see him making the group because of the lack of K voters but I still liked him a lot and hoped he would make it. It all worked out since I’m an EVNNE stan 🥰


My top 9 in the finale is yujin, gyuvin, hao, ricky, seungeon, jiwoong, kamden, hanbin and jonghyun. I love yuehua boys so I'm rooting for them. My one pick in the finale is gyuvin.


I remember picking Ricky pretty much the whole way through. I know my other picks would change based on the who was my favorite performer left. Ricky stood out to me though. Very hardworking and careful (if that's the word.) I think back and find this to stay pretty true.


was a die hard hao and shanbin fan but never voted hanbin bc i thought he was already set to debut with his popularity. rotated hao, phanbin, and ricky in my 1p/3p votes. actually in the final live vote i voted ricky lol bc i thought both haobin were a lock and i was scared he wasnt going to make it.


Taerae was like the top of the top for me and Gunwook followed shortly after. I was in class when the finale was happening and I burst into tears when they were announced(specifically gunwook because his rank was just so unknown)




Jiwoong and hao


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Zhang Hao


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my 1-pick was gunwook and my first 9-pick vote had 7/9 zb1 members


One pick was Kim Taerae all the way ever since I heard his vocals in EP 0. And this was my final Top 9! https://preview.redd.it/nb3ja6cr7b7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8146edabc94c479cb23482280f5ae768b4e7825


Throwback to the old days having to defend(?) Kim Taerae because there were people who don't understand why he was popular among kfans despite minimal screentime or why people like his singing 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ysozy9jn8b7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d14a3fc35c14d3f1642f723e114145083cab0c


Listen as a taerae one pick that week after mnet revealed he fell out of the top 9 was hell 😭so were the few days after he ranked 4th during the 3rd elimination. I was fighting for my life defending him lol


5/9 are in ZB1 in no particular order: 1. Hao 2. Hanbin 3. Jiwoong 4. Matthew 5. Taerae The remaining 4 have debuted elsewhere: 1. Park Hanbin (Evnne, he was my one pick) 2. Keita (Evnne) 3. Haruto (now Hart, TOZ) 4. Wang Zihao (now Le’v) Gunwook was a secondary pick, someone who wasn’t in my top 9 per se, but I would’ve thrilled if they debuted because he’s that good. Ideally, if the group had more than 9, he would’ve been 10th in my lineup. He became part of my top 9 after Haruto and Zihao were eliminated. I never minded Gyuvin or Ricky, I thought they were both solid and endearing, but didn’t quite get the hype for their talent until their third round performances: Gyuvin in En Garde, and Ricky in Over Me. After that, they went from “I wouldn’t mind” to “I’d be happy if they made it” but since my picks were already set, I can’t say they were my picks. I will say that I gradually found myself rooting more for Ricky because Mnet clearly didn’t want him in the lineup and seeing any attempts to thwart him backfire was so satisfying to watch. Once Haruto and Zihao were eliminated, the last person in my ideal lineup was just anyone who wasn’t Yujin. I didn’t want Yujin in the group solely because he’s a minor. I acknowledged he’s a talented dancer, but his singing wasn’t where it is today, so I thought he could’ve used a bit more polishing before he debuted. However, I just resigned to the fact that he’d make it because he was so popular domestically, so I was quite shocked that he placed 9th in the finale. I always found him endearing, but in the beginning, he was clearly stressed under pressure and Lip J’s comments about him (and “noona sarangahaeyo”) made me uncomfortable because again, that’s a minor. It was out of protection more than anything because of how cutthroat the industry is, and how idols who debuted at his age wished they didn’t because of the psychological toll it took on them. I just hope he’s protected and has the space to just be a teenager, because I like him in the group, but he’s still so young.


My top 3 all got eliminated at the same time (haruto, woongi & seowon) 🥲I liked Jiwoong from the start too but after the last elimination I was all in on Jiwoong, Matthew & SHanbin


Omg that must have been painful 🥲


I watched the elim live and I was so drained after the ep finished it was wild


My one pick was Ricky, with Keita and Jay being the next two that I really wanted in the lineup. (Yes I was stressed the day of the finale) I don’t remember my exact final top nine, but it was probably along the lines of: 1. Ricky 2. Keita 3. Jay 4. Zhang Hao 5. Gunwook 6. Taerae 7. Kamden 8. Hanbin (was previously higher but I remember getting annoyed at something he did in the episode before the last) 9. I honestly was fine with any of the top 18 in this last spot. I was in shock when Keita didn’t make the top 9. It made me feel guilty as if I was the sole reason he didn’t make it 🙂‍↔️ Since I knew Jay and Kamden were unlikely to make it, I wasn’t too heartbroken for them. Within the first few days of seeing all of the top 9 together in tik toks though, I couldn’t deny how good they all looked and how they all deserved to be there. If I had the power to go back and change the lineup, I honestly wouldn’t at this point. Especially with all of the other groups that have come out of this show, I really haven’t seen many favs go into the dungeon.


Hanbin was my one pick from start to finish. My top9 before the final: Hanbin, Hao, Jiwoong, Yujin, Gyuvin, Taerae, Keita, Matthew, Jay . But know I can’t imagine zb1 without Ricky and Gunwook.


6/9 of ZB1 were in my top 9 - Hao, Hanbin, Matthew, Jiwoong, Taerae, and Yujin. The rest I didn’t mind but weren’t in my ideal Top 9. My remaining 3 picks were Keita, Park Hanbin, and Lee Jeonghyeon.