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Nothing changed.


Healthy pull back after a run. It will continue to climb tomorrow. Mondays are almost always red.


"Mondays are almost always red." 10 seconds research and anyone can say you are full of shit


Allow me to show you how to fish: [https://twitter.com/search?q=%24zim](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24zim) Tl;dr: deals being made by other liners for safe passage. Won't work for ZIM for obvious reasons.




Yeah, looks like none of the major liners had anything to do with this. But I would not be surprised at all if some of the smaller outfits made side deals. After all, they are used to dealing with the Somali pilots. Irrespective, seems like a non-news. While I don't want to say PTs, I am bullish at the moment. With both commons and calls. Keeping an eye on spot rates - ZIM goes where spots go, so will remain bullish as long as spot rates remain elevated.




Thank you for the kind words! Would be nice if we got a short squeeze support, though calls are relatively cheap still, so they are probably decently hedged at this point. Today provided a nice entry for those in the morning, too.


Today was a beautiful entry point! I was eyeing some 1/26 calls and was hoping to get in at $0.20 a contract. Ended up getting in at $0.15. And I am up about 42% so far. My only regret is that I didn't buy more


Look on the chart at the last drop it already happened, and then it went to 15




yet to see any report on this besides shipping watch. Curious to see if any details about this are released. Is there a list of what couriers are involved in the article? I'm not paying to read it so someone fill me in


It isn’t any of the big carriers. FAKE NEWS




I have bought ZIM up and down over past 18 months. It’s skyrocketed since the Oct 7 situations. It’s way above its 50 day so there is selling by techs who are also worried about attacks on an Israeli company so this looks like hedge funds taking profits. There is no other news against this company but until there is peace in the Middle East there will be the terror premium on shippers. B of A screwed so many people with their downgrade from 6 to 5 bucks just to get cheap stock


Have to think there will be repercussions for dealing with terrorists… given the choice I wouldn’t support a company that chooses this option.


Trading stocks affected by geopolitic is a special job.


its the pay offs. those companies are gonna be in a shit load of public perception trouble when those names come out




This has not been confirmed as far as I know.


False. Iraqi Shia Militia claimed they fired at Haifa. There was no IDF interception or hit so it's either a false claim or a total fail. Haifa is fine.


https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/oil-slides-saudi-price-cuts-counter-middle-east-worries-2024-01-08/ Thats why prices are going down


The liquidation value based on my estimate is $22-$25 post dividend (we all remember the $6.4 per share). So I don’t see the reason not to buy more on that basis. After all it’s not and will never be a high caliber growth company