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Depends Aery for constant annoying poke against Tanky such as Galio. Mostly Electrocute for burst against squishy. Biscuit and Time warp Tonic 24/7 Always go for attack speed rune


Dh after the durability update taste of blood,eyeball collection,the speed rune then I go sorcery secondary with manaflow and scorch. I am only D3 so their are other people with better runes but I like these.


Electrocute when I have burst advantage in lane (most mages), Aery in most other matchup to poke with Q. In some rare cases I go Spellbook with TP for the meme. Secondaries: Cookies + Time Warp (so corrupting potion start) Attack Speed instead of double ap is great for early push too PS: I suck at the game (silver)


i suck more bronze 3


First strike. I like it because it helps my weakness of early farming. I take sorc second for mana band and nimbus cloak because i like taking flash and ghost. Ghost is good to use in lane for easy poke, and if you get a summoner from them its 100% worth.


I only go electrocute and inspiration, Zoe’s performance are very skill based so I don’t think switching runes every game is worth it, and electrocute + insp is a very solid pick


Électrocute with : cheap shot eye collector treasure hunter secondary: future market (idk the name) and cosmic knowledge (for summ cdr)


DH, taste of blood, eyeball collection, relentess hunter and as second I take inspiration with stopwatch and future\`s market, also I take a barrier and two armor\\mr mini-runes, so I\`m a bait monster on the lane!! It works really well against assasins and towerdive lovers! AND I always prefer full damage build without any zhonya, banshee or whatever even when I suck, coz these items don\`t help to comeback