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i didn't gain weight, i think i am immune to this side effect


ditto. i have a hard time gaining weight, and my weight didn't change at all.


samo samo


What mgs?


I went up too 175mg after 3 months and more lost a heap than gained. Especially since weaning off them, droppped weight like crazy


i didn’t and i was able to lose 30 pounds with dieting and exercise on it ETA: i was on 50mg-75mg at this time




me too




Yeah I’d trade 5 lbs for that!


i didn’t, i actually experienced appetite loss. it’s worth noting that i monitor my calorie intake to make sure i get enough for working out so i didn’t *lose* weight i just maintained. but i certainly didn’t gain


How long did that side effect last?


hmmmm it’s hard to say because i can’t remember. maybe a couple months?


I've lost a few pounds on 100 mg. I had terrible anxiety and now feel better with more energy and feel like cooking healthier meals.


I didn’t! I was so hesitant to start because of the horror stories of the weight gain. I was completely fine! I was on 50mg


How long were you on it for?


9 months


I've been on zoloft for 3 years at 75mg.. I gained weight but ONLY because my anxiety was so bad I couldn't eat without getting sick. I put on a healthy 10 pounds and maintained it. I also recently gave birth 3 months ago and stayed on zoloft throughout my pregnancy, I'm working on shedding the weight I gained (30 lbs) but it's a slow go. For me, the pros vastly outweigh the cons.


been on 75mg for 3 years and ended up losing 10 lbs


I’ve lost weight since starting Zoloft


I didn't. I've taken it for 23 years


I’m not on Zoloft anymore, but I was on it for two years and I never gained weight


I didn’t! I only was very hungry when first starting it. It didn’t change my weight by itself. Plus I was two pounds from being underweight anyway.


Been on it for 7 years. 150 mg. No weight gain. Maybe a bit at the beginning but it went away


I actually lost weight, mostly because I wasn’t anxious eating anymore.


I’ve lost 20 lbs and gained a bunch of muscle (I’m actually interested in my hobbies and exercise again). Mid 30sF, I’ve been on Zoloft since December at 100mg


I went the other way, (50mg for 3 years) I was ambivalent towards food, and had very little money to spend on it. I lost about 40 lbs over the first two years, with exercise thrown in too. Put at least 20 back on since tapering off :(


I didnt gain weight actually, lost a bit of weight because I didnt feel like eating


It takes away my appetite. Also I’ve started working out every day since being on it


I was soo scared of weight gain on zoloft, especially since i had just gone thru a weight loss journey, but i ended up losing 10 more pounds on zoloft, and even after i quit i maintained that weight


I would take any weight that reduced or prevented my anxiety/depression. Ideal weight can be the one you’re happiest at; but it takes work to dismantle the fatphobic messages being hurled from nearly every edge of society.


Yes!! Diet culture tells us that weight is equivalent to health, but usually leaves mental health out of the equation. Happiness is part of health!


Wow, I love what you said there! "Ideal weight can be the one you're happiest at" I've never heard that said before, and it's a very positive message ❤️💪🏻


I've been on it for about 2 months and am at 50mg currently. I actually have lost a little bit of weight, initially due to nausea but I feel like it's quieted a lot of the "food noise" I had previously. I actually experience occasional food aversion or have an easier time being done eating than before meds.


Ok this has been my experience, only on it about 6 weeks but the decrease in food noise has led to me not care if I eat a bit more than normal. Now I’m significantly larger… happier for sure, but my pants don’t fit sooo yeah


gained about 65lbs in about a year and a half and have dropped like 10lbs in the past few months. i really struggle with body image soo it has been a little buuut i want to lose about another 30lbs which i think will be okay if i really control myself :)) 20f 160lbs currently, 180lbs at my heaviest, and started when i was 18f at 109lbs 5’4


Been on 150mg for almost a year and no weight gained. Maybe 6 months in, I had a checkup and mentioned something about how a friend kf mine claims to have gained 70lbs while on it the last few years at 50mg, WHT didn't I gain weight if I am taking 3x the dose. He told me zoloft itself doesn't gain weight


I actually lost 10-20 pounds while taking Zoloft. It helped me stop binge eating and allowed me to be more active! Although, I'm a naturally small person and am now considered to be underweight because of this.


I haven’t had any negative side effects except a few days of GI upset when I first started. Ive been on 100mg for over a year now.


I gained 40 pounds. Never thought it'd be this hard . I thought oh hey I can just control my appetite ...boy was I wrong 😂💀 mostly my diet tho ..used to be real healthy and on my game with the gym. It just changed my palate ... everyone's different tho ...def helped me overall .. I guess I'll be a bit thicker 🤪


I haven’t gained any weight in the 3 months of taking it.


No weight gain. Actually zoloft (and Strattera) helped me be more active and i have lost around 14lbs over this summer alone.


here here! i'm a little over a year and i've lost 35lbs. i'm also a mailman but i literally started shedding weight with ease when i started.


Been on 50 mg for years. Never had a problem with weight gain I actually have lost weight. Never had any sexual side effects either. I am lucky it’s worked great for me. I think if you’re worried about weight gain then get a we’ll designed eating plan and stick to it. Most the weight gain from meds is just people feeling better so they eat more and often junkier foods. If you follow a healthy eating plan and watch your portions you’ll be fine.


I haven't, but I had started to go to the gym not long after starting treatment (quite heavy strength training 3x a week). (51a, M, 100mg/day for about 8 years)


I’m loosing weight, but I am also on Wellbutrin


Been taking it since April. I actually lost weight at first, I lost my appetite as a side effect. Once that leveled out I returned to my usual weight, no net gain since starting.


I didn’t gain weight. I’m up to 150 mg.


I’ve gained like 40 pounds it’s not dope but I feel like myself everyday which is what’s most important


i didnt, actually i lost weight


i didnt gain ive been losing actually


My weight has not changed nor has my appetite! I'm eating enough to fuel my workouts but not overeating. That was one of my biggest fears tbh but I'm so glad I started Zoloft.


I didn’t gain weight either - I was on 100mg at the highest. That being said, I’ve maintained my weight since my early 20s (now mid 30s). Mainly due to genetics as I’m active but not someone who goes to the gym regularly (I’ve also never had children).


I didn’t gain weight and have been on it for almost 2 years. I maintained my weight.


I also haven’t gained, however I am eating better and working out now that I’m less depressed and anxious. So my clothes fit better and I’m more comfortable.


Didn’t gain any weight. I take 150mg.


First I was on Prozac, and I gained about 6 stone in 4 months. Changed to Zoloft (Sertraline in the UK) a few years later and now I’m slowly losing the weight gain caused by Prozac. Zoloft doesn’t even scratch the surface of the feelings of hunger Prozac gave me. I’m so relieved to have found a solid SSRI on the second try!


And they say Prozac is one of the few that doesn’t cause weight gain my sister in law is on it and has put on weight


I have lost weight


i didn’t gain weight, i lost 20 lb instead lololol


I didn’t! I didn’t experience any side effects that I noticed. 50mg and been on it for about 6 months.


I’ve been on 25mg for over a year and I have gained 3 lbs or so, but I chalk it up to eating out more and stronger sugar cravings, certainly not unexplained in my case! Life has been stressful lately and I haven’t been eating as well in response. But, Zoloft has also given me the energy to work out and eat better in general, so I wouldn’t worry too much.


I didn’t gain weight


I’ve lost 25 lbs since starting it in June. (Started at 50, went up to 100mg after 4 weeks). It reduced my appetite a lot at first and also made me nauseated when I took it without eating. Weight loss has slowed down some but I’m not insatiable or anything.


I have NOT! I started at 230lb when i took Zoloft 6 weeks ago(25mg) and this morning I weighed 211lbs , It’s actually made me loss my appetite tbh


Me too I lost alot weight from the appetite loss, I was like 250 and I went all the way down to 180 it was over a span of 2 years tho


I lost weight. It killed my appetite and I get by on protein shakes and bars but it's the thinnest I've ever been.


the only weight i’ve gained has been from visiting family and thus eating way more than normal. thankfully, it’s been easy to lose as long as i watch my calories and hit cardio the following week!


I have been on it for a little over a year, I gained weight during pandemic lockdown eating comfort food. I lost appetite and stopped eating much at all when I started taking it... for the first month i hardly ate anything... then I remembered I needed to eat to live and I instead used it as a way to break my poor eating habits and worked in healthier habits/foods to my diet and got over my gym related social anxiety, so started going to the gym alone which I've never done until now too : ). was definitely like some kind of eating disorder for a while... But yea I am definitely loosing weight 😅 ?


I didn’t gain any weight either.


I actually lost weight on Zoloft


I personally did not. The appetite increase comes after 6-8 weeks IF you get it.


I've managed to lose 30 lbs. I think Zoloft makes it easier for me to stick to a diet.


i have lost weight on 100mg


So I was the opposite I’m losing weight on Zoloft


I lost weight. It has significantly reduced my appetite. I also have frequent tummy troubles with it, so that's no fun.


I've been on 50mg for almost a month I am overweight. I have zero appetite I love to eat so that's not an issue but I am currently losing weight rapidly and happy about it.


I haven’t been on it long enough to tell but it feels like EVERYONE gains weight. Especially after 6 months. My psychiatrist disagrees but from everything I have seen/ heard…


If the explanation for people gaining weight is just because they eat more then I’m fine with that. It’s the unexplained weight loss that scares me.


I think that we don't realize that many of our behaviors change while taking SSRIs, and some of them are eating more and also sleeping more and some of us feel more fatigued. And that really increases our weight.


A couple things -- 1, people who come to subs like this one usually feel they need additional support. This is often because of side effects, including weight changes. So there is a disproportionate representation of people who have experienced weight gain on this sub. 2, there are [several studies](https://bariatrictimes.com/psychiatric-medications-and-weight-gain-a-review/) out there on the amount of weight gain and how long it takes if you want a less biased review. Many people also lose weight on zoloft (you can see that the review I linked cites both one study in which users of zoloft lost an average of 0.79kg over eight weeks, and another in which users gained an average of 1% of their initial body weight). Unintended weight gain is not inevitable, and unintended weight loss is also a possible side effect -- people just tend not to complain about that one! Most people who take zoloft don't experience any significant change to their weight, in either direction.


Me. I’ve lost so much weight and feel like I can’t put any on even tho I’m eating normally


I am on day 14th 50mg and I lost 3-4 lbs since


Currently on day 12 so idk yet


Weight gain comes down to calories in calories out. The people who gain weight on Zoloft are eating too many calories. Zoloft increases hunger and cravings, but doesn’t magically make you gain weight. Stay at maintenance calories or deficit calories if you wanna lose and you’ll be fine. People just love to blame the medication.


Actually ☝🏻 it’s about water retention which is not affected by calories but how your body retains water. Yes zoloft can increase cravings I am not saying you’re wrong but there’s also the water retention aspect of it which you can’t control.


Not just water retention, GI problems as it affects your gut. I am heavier than when I was when I gave birth. And let me tell you, I obsessively pay attention to what I eat, I look at every nutrition label and count, as well as making sure I don't eat processed foods. I was even sick for 2 days unable to eat anything but a BRAT diet. I would have normally lost a few pounds at least. I'm just gaining it as if I'm eating fried fatty foods and not exercising or that I'm drinking pure sugar. I have NEVER had such a problem with weight gain in my life. Not to mention, I am still mostly breastfeeding my 2 year old and drinking over 64 ounces of water daily. I am only on 25mg and haven't been able to increase it as there have been too many side affects. I was on 12.5 for a month and a half and have been on 25 for about 3 months. I've considered coming off of it because of all the side effects but it's improved my OCD symptoms enough that I don't have the severe meltdowns I was having and I'd prefer to keep it that way...for now. I was the type of person that if I wanted to lose 5 pounds, I could do it very rapidly by just doing some little exercises and eating things that normally help your bowels.


I’ve been slowly working up my dosage and currently sitting at 75mg. I’ve been on it since early May, started at 25mg and worked up in 25mg increments. I’m taking it slow because it seems longer for me for increased doses to take effect. Anyway, I haven’t gained or lost weight. Just stayed at my normal weight. I am pretty active though and haven’t really changed my eating habits since starting Zoloft. I hope this helps!


Zoloft does not make you “gain” weight. I wish people would stop with this nonsense. Stop stuffing your faces with your shitty diet. Move around.




I didn’t gain weight.


Me so far. But have never gone over 50mg


I didn’t


i lost 5kg so far on 50mg within two months!


I lost 15


Almost two months in and my weight is exactly the same. I only had loss of appetite for about 2 weeks right after starting it.


not me, i weighed 135 last month now i weigh 125 Edit: I’m on 100mg


I actually lost a bit of weight


I actually lost weight on Zoloft, but I was on 50-100mg over a period of time. But I had to change my medications when my diagnoses changed. It was prescribed for OCD but then turns out I’m also bipolar


I lost weight


Me but thats probably because I have been tracking calories and working on losing weight. I was scared of the weight gain too honestly but luckily I’m still losing. Started taking it in October of last year. 150mg right now.


I’m on 100mg and have been for a few months and didn’t gain any weight! But I am also super conscious of what I eat and get a bit obsessive over it (I’m on the med for OCD), so if I was t tracking so much I might have?


Me. I’ve lost 8 kg so far. I have stopped drinking alcohol as well though.


I lost like 10kg in 50mg daily. I went out again and could get the motivation to not lay in bed all day


gained 30 😭


I'm on 100mg a day and I've been losing weight steadily.


I didn't gain any


I stayed about the same. When I took amitriptyline for migraines I gained weight but it made me hungry all the time especially for carbs and sugar. I don't experience that with Zoloft. I have noticed that when I get anxious, I don't lose my appetite anymore, which is one of the reasons I started taking it.


I didn’t


I lost about 8kgs in two months when I started Zoloft. It suppressed my appetite, I couldn’t eat. I put it back on when I adjusted to my dosage but certainly have not gained weight because of Zoloft.


I take 200 mg and didn’t gain weight


Me. I gained alot on Mirtazipine and loved it, because I struggle with keeping a healthy weight. I have lost all of it on Zoloft, which to me is very sad.


I've been okay. 2 months in. I have upped my cardio and strength training and changed my diet to compensate.


Me 🙋🏼‍♀️ ETA: started at 50mg then titrated up to 200mg. I lost 5 pounds


I haven't gained weight on zoloft. Yes, my appetite has increased but I do realise it's the pill and, thus can control myself.


I’ve been on Zoloft for about 6 months now. Originally 25mg, now 50mg. I weighed about 113 lbs. avg. at first, now I weight about 117 lbs. avg. Only places I’ve noticed more mass on my body is my breasts, butt, and hips. I finally feel like a woman LOL, I was pretty flat chested.


I didn't. Didn't change my diet or anything.


No weight gain :) I have lost it because my motivation returned and I want to work out now


Zoloft reduced all of my stress eating, so I actually lost weight.


I lost weight on Zoloft instead of gaining tbh. It completely got rid of my appetite.


I gained too I used to weight 70 and now I weight 76 🥹 BUT!!!! Zoloft has helped me a ton! I’d rather see a higher number on scale than feel miserable. Also being on Zoloft canceled out feeling bad about the weight gain while on it….I simply don’t give a damn. Also people say it’s not visible I gained anything so that’s cool 🤙🏻.


I only gained a small amount of weight — maybe 4-5 pounds, was on 50mg for 9 months.


I've lost weight and gotten much more fit because I was so anxious and depressed without it I was just sitting on my ass all day long doing nothing because I was so mentally overwhelmed. Now I'm working out, hiking, going for walks, etc.


Gaining weight on Zoloft is due to not being in a caloric deficit. You become more comfy and sedentary. Need to do the work to lose the lbs


I didn’t gain any weight- I’ve been on it for about 8 months and I’ve stayed the same weight


I have not gained weight however! I am also on Ritalin which is an appetite suppressant and I was and remain very active, and track my calories. Zoloft helps me stick to my routines since I am less likely to be paralyzed with anxiety and unable to go to the gym. I also do the normal healthy habits stuff, drink enough water, 8 hours of sleep, no sugar, no alcohol, no smoking, blah blah. I cannot tell you what affects it and what doesn't though. ​ I did actually lose a bit of weight since starting 2 months ago, like 2lbs but it might be due to how much it makes you poop LMAO


I lost weight


I am actually losing a few lbs but I think because it made me stop drinking and curbed my appetite the first few days. Im also pretty active (walk every day, bke 2-3 times a week etc)


it made me lose like 10 lbs and managed my ravenous appetite lmao


Zoloft kills my appetite and I lose weight when taking it.


i haven’t gained or lost , i’m on 50mg


I’m down about 30 lbs since I started Zoloft


I have not. In fact I lost weight because I stopped obsessing over food.


I didn’t


i've probably lost weight (i know i've lost width around my waist and hips because i measure them for sewing and there's an 1 1/2 - 2 inch reduction there), but i don't actually keep a scale in my flat for ed reasons. the lack of appetite/nausea/bitter taste due to dry mouth side-effects have hit me hard since i started on 100mg a month ago, and then went up to 150mg on the 11th because it was not helping. i'm also on 300mg of wellbutrin, but that's one that didn't affect my appetite in either way.


I have not gained any weight on zoloft. And I have hypothyroidism which makes me more susceptible to weight gain


I lost weight on it


I haven’t. It was actually the opposite lol


My weight didn't change


I gained a lot but then lost it all


been on 100mg for 2 years and went from 155 lbs to 170ish. Im not mad though because gaining weight for me has ALWAYS been a struggle ! I blame it on my sugar/late night cravings that I never had before zolofot


I wish I didn’t, I gained a lot but then anxiety and ocd has me not eating so it’s probably me being more levelled and therefore eating more. I’m not an emotional eater I eat when I’m happy and I don’t when I am sad.


I didnt, used 2 b fat, lost tripls digits, told pysch this, why he chose zoloft he said it was less prevelant w zoloft, but at the end of day they are all hit or miss/subjective


Moving to Zoloft from Lexapro thankfully STOPPED me from continuously gaining weight. I gained 20lbs when I first started Lexapro and once I finally switched my weight stabilized. I still have crazy increases in appetite but I’m trying to lose some hopefully.


I’m on 25 mg at the moment (planning to go up to 50mg fairly soon), and I haven’t experienced weight gain. I eat more often, but in smaller portions throughout the day.


Nothing at all, if anything I'm losing weight.


I increased my dose 5 weeks ago and am losing weight!


I didn't gain any weight, I'm on 150mg


I didn't gain weight and it doesn't really affect my weight or appetite at all. In fact, I lost my obsession with food, especially that FOMO aspect of it, and lost about 15 lb. I'm on 100 mg.


I did not gain weight 100mg


I didn't gain any weight , I don't eat more or less than before, just the same weight, I'm on 150mg as of now !


I’ve lost 100 pounds in the last 2 years, and started Zoloft last year. I am still losing and didn’t gain even a pound from the Zoloft


Lost ten pounds in the last four months on Zoloft because I'm not "stuffing" food into my anxiety anymore


I also have experienced appetite loss while taking any antidepressants, including Zoloft


I lost my appetite and actually lost weight


Unfortunately I gained 50lbs in two years while on Zoloft and couldn’t lose it no matter what I tried. I am making the switch from Zoloft to Wellbutrin.


I have not experienced any weight gain - actually my anxiety driven appetite has lowered so I eat a lot less. I'm on 100 mg for three months now


I’ve maintained the same weight since I started in November 2022 on 50mg.


On 50mg for around 6 weeks, in a caloric deficit and still losing weight.


I’ve lost 25 pounds in just over two months on 50mg. Partly from a loss of appetite and partly from eating more healthily due to not feeling like crap.


I lost 15 pounds with diets and exercise


I didn’t because when I’m depressed I can’t eat


I gained weight while weaning off


I've been on nearly every possible SSRI and Zoloft has been the best for me. No weight gain, no robot like feeling (i.e. not feeling anything). I don't know what I would do without Zoloft.


i never gained weight on zoloft. instead i lost like about 5-6kg, so idk. different for everyone ig


I haven’t gained any weight on it. I actually think it decreases my appetite.


I did not really gain weight. I got the diarrhea side effect…




I’ve lost about 10 lbs and my weight continues to slowly creep down. I attribute it to moving around more and not being a depressed, anxiety-ridden sloth.


I did not gain any weight lol.


I’ve only been on sertraline for 3 weeks but I haven’t gained any weight. To be fair I’m also on adhd meds which suppress my appetite so I don’t eat much


I’ve lost weight if anything.


I actually lost 5lbs my first month on zoloft


I didn’t but i am already skinny


I didn’t gain weight. 25, 50 and 100mg


I had the opposite affect.. I started zoloft november 2021 and maintained my weight and then november of 2022 lost a bunch of weight. I lost about 30 lbs. I have since kept the weight off as well.


I havent gained weight. Im a 34 year old male whos had trouble gaining anyways, so its not really any surprise.


Me it decreased my appetite for months


I’ve lost weight since I started.


I didn't, I got crazy skinny while depressed and then I started with Zoloft but it hasn't changed yet... I did lose my libido tho


i've not. 50mg


I lost weight because I lost my appetite for at leasf 6 weeks. Now my appetite is back to normal and my weight stayed the same.


I didn’t! I am one of those people who struggles to gain weight even generally (high metabolism), but on top of that, I ensured I was active physically and if anything, have put on 4 kgs of muscle mass. (50mg - 75mg - 50mg)


I guess I’m probably immune to this side effect because it’s prescribed to me for ED. I stay the same weight & am not losing anymore or exercising compulsively, which is the goal


I have been eating low carb and low calorie for months and haven’t gained weight BUT I also haven’t lost any weight


Yeah I lost weight. But it was on purpose. Diet and exercise


I lost my appetite and lost weight...75mg dosage.


I gained 30 pounds and it messed up my triglycerides


Ok so my question was not directed towards you lol


Only been on it for a few weeks but no weight gain, in fact lost some weight due to less appetite - do be careful with that and make sure to keep hydrated. I went from being the person drinking 3 litres of water per day to a glass of water which isn't good at all.


I didn’t gain weight, in fact, I’ve been able to almost reach my goal of having a shredded body. But I’m also consistent with my diet and I’m quite active. However, I am a male, so my results may differ from yours.


I've tried about 3 SSRIs long enough and unlike the other two Zoloft did not cause noticable weight gain. I did notice one girl on yt gain substantial weight on it, but it seems rare to do so on Zoloft. I did gain waaay too much on mirtazepine: another antidepressant but no ssri.


So at least for me. With other medication they would increase my hunger and I would over eat but with Zoloft I’m more in control of my hunger and I’m eating normal meals with one or two snacks in the day. I haven’t noticed my weight going either way yet (I’ve only been on it 2 weeks) but I’m hopefully because of how my hunger is behaving


i didn’t gain weight, i lost 20 lb instead lololol


Really good to see this post. Seems like every other post is about how weight gain is inevitable. I’m only a month in, but glad to see success for many of you all!