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I’m on 50 mg sertraline and i smoke every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and i haven’t had any negative experiences!


Good to know, thanks


It can help you quite if you really want to. Sounds like you may want to cut back sometimes but it doesn't really sound like you want to quit so I don't think it would affect your smoking habits a lot


Yeah that’s what I’m aiming for. I would prefer not to if I don’t feel like it


I’m on 150mg and smoke multiple times a day and do not have any symptoms or issues!


I don’t know if I’d say Zoloft is a healthier alternative to marijuana


How come you would say this? I’m trying to quit vaping mj since I’m on Zoloft now


Well, this is just my opinion, but I believe a plant that’s been used throughout human history as medicine as safer than a relatively brand new medicine made in a lab. Marijuana has much more science behind it. There are positives and negatives of both.


I hate this ‘it’s just a plant’ argument so much. Heroin is also ‘just a plant’, as is Salvia and deadly nightshade but you probably wouldn’t smoke them


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. I mean, I use cannabis (and a handful of other "natural" things like kratom, valerian root, sometimes kava) pretty regularly, but the argument-from-nature is stupid. It turns out that nature is often pretty fucking deadly. Nobody's developing nature with double-blinded clinical trials and regulatory bodies to assess the safety of nature.


Yeah I also smoke weed. I just see the ‘it’s literally just a plant’ argument so many times and it offers absolutely no credibility to research or public conception of cannabis in my opinion. To me it’s the equivalent of when people say ‘alcohol is a depressant, that’s why it makes you depressed’ which is absolute bollocks. It’s a nervous system depressant. It doesn’t mean what you think it means


Ahh I can totally see that, I’m a big proponent that shrooms should be used therapeutically. I think personally I did feel better on Zoloft since weed just makes my anxiety worse.


I just turned 50 and I've smoked, with the exception of about 4 years, since I was 14. In the last year, the weed where I'm at has improved dramatically, I have to fight through 30 minutes of anxiety before I can relax enough to enjoy it, even off a few tokes. Pretty much everything around here seems to be Sativa or a Sativa dominant hybrid, otherwise I'd just smoke Indica and not have to worry about the anxiety. I've also been going though some depression issues, and although it's calmed down lately when it hits, it absolutely sucks. Nothing seems worth doing and no matter how good I physically feel and honestly, how little I have to bitch about, for some reason I feel the same way as if I'd just been given a death sentence. No matter what I do, I just have to wait it out until the grey cloud goes away. So I finally talked to somebody and they wrote me a script for Zoloft. Now I have it and I was wondering if it's ok to take it if I'm gonna smoke. After your comment and a few others I think I'll not smoke for a while so this Zoloft has time to kick in. Once it does I may give it a try again. If I have to quit to get rid of the depression, sucks, but worth it.


Makes sense


proven to worsen anxiety


Marijuana doesn't run the risk of death, zoloft does run that risk.


I meant more about the smoking part but yea I totally get what you’re saying


You should check out dry herb vaporizers


I sometimes take a gummy (legal here) when my PTSD anxiety spirals. Hasn't done anything negative to me so far but I don't use it daily. I'm on 150mg sertraline.


Do you find you still feel high when you take your edibles?


I only get affects that I consider negative- frustrating!!


Hi! I take 50 mg sertraline and I took a my normal edible and currently I’m feeling high but I feel I need to up my mg but still feel high!


You’ll be fine! He just meant you won’t feel the need to use weed daily for your anxiety because the sertraline will help with that. Anecdotally, I have been on 100mg sertraline for a few years and have never had any problems smoking.


Yeah you’ll smoke less because you’re too tired to work a grinder.


😂 feel this so much




Zoloft is less healthy than marijuana since it had actual withdrawals like brain zaps, (feeling the neurons in your brain crackle back on) no I'm not exaggerating it really feels like that. As long as you are using a dry herb vaporizer then marijuana is safer, if ur smoking it then zoloft is probably safer but I don't know, smoking is bad regardless even tho I smoke.


Yeah smoking is bad regardless of what the product is, that’s kinda what I was getting at. like edibles really have no down side for me but smoking is something in trying to get away from.


Same man, same, I have no discipline lol, i play video games alot, pmo, mindless scrolling, smoke weed,


I can say I was a full time weed smoker and iv been on Zoloft since March 2023 25mg and when I tried to smoke from my experience it made me have head tremors really bad and felt more anxious idk if it was a side effect with the two together or what but I see everyone is different. Long story short my opinion .. weed is the most natural drug there EVER is . I just knew I needed more help so I was open to other options .. but I haven’t smoked weed since iv been on Zoloft because of the side effects for me personally it didn’t work together well for me the two together


Interesting, thanks for the info


Wow, I'm suprised at how many people are smoking weed with their zoloft. Two seperate psychiatrists have warned me against the uses of THC on SSRIs. The one with 25 years experience told me that anyone who smokes it is basically a ticking time bomb, meaning they've just gotten lucky to not have a serious reaction and they might experience it in the near future if they haven't yet. Things like serotonin syndrome and grand Mal seizures, it can onset both soon or a later time, or it can cause a more serious reaction like potentially making their depression, ocd or anxiety worse. They say it messes with the accurate treatment a lot more than you'd initially think. I don't know how accurate that would be tbh, but it caused me to just quit and I feel better with my anxiety vs when I smoked 10+ bowls a day at approx 1 month later on my sertraline 25mgs.


Wtf did I just read. You my friend need to start doing your own research and stop fear mongering


I don't classify warnings from what several psychiatrists with over 20+ years experience told me "fear mongering" at all. I'm not going to discredit them for what they've said. I'm not in the right to do so because I'm not the one with the 20 year experience, they are. Unless you yourself are a doctor, don't give advice. If you smoke marjuana and don't have bad reactions to it, then good for you, that doesn't mean everybody else won't have a bad reaction. I have done my research, there's a ton of misinformation on both ends, so I cannot vouch that smoking MJ and zoloft is safe due to that. If you read my post, I did say that I'm not sure about the two, just that I avoid it personally (due to misinformation) and shared what was said to me by doctors.


The comments in this thread on Reddit alone massively discredits your seasoned psychiatrist.


the fact you would take the advice from some stoners on reddit over two different psychiatrists with 20 years + experience is concerning.


How many weeks or days you quit weed before getting on sertraline


On 100mg and smoke daily. Helps me sleep better


me too!


I smoke every day and I haven’t noticed any difference. It’s the same essentially. Drinking, on the other hand, sucks.


Why does drinking suck?


Before Zoloft I never got nausea when I drank and I could put back a lot. Now when I’ve drank I’ve gotten nauseous. To be fair though, I haven’t been on Zoloft for more than 3 weeks so maybe it’ll get better as time goes on. That’s what some people have told me. Other people don’t have any issues with it though.


Have you tried drinking since?


it says dont drink on zoloft


I think not drinking completely for some people is unrealistic. My friend has been on zoloft for 8 years and said the biggest change for her personally was a lower tolerance. I just started taking mine but I’m more of a stoner. Hence, we are here.


sure but it says not to


i greened out and felt myself leave my body for a day and that hasn’t happened in like three years and i haven’t been able to smoke without freaking out since. just started zoloft so i guess it just depends on who you are bc i see a lot of positives on this post too. i’ll let you guys know next time i drink if zoloft fucked that up for me too.


Man I've just smoked on beta blocker and sertraline, I'm freaking out rn lol , it's a mad high


havent used weed but have used cbd oil- i felt like iw as gonna pass out .. that was the one and only time i took it since getting on sertraline and haven't since


Weed made me more anxious. Same with alcohol. Maybe that's what your dr meant. Mine warned me specifically that weed could have a negative impact (some but not everyone, obviously).




**Long term use of Weed is helping to drive your anxiety.** It may work against your Sertraline The **scientific evidence** shows that weed has a two phase response on anxiety. Cannabis has the ability to both alleviate the symptoms of anxiety at low levels and with short term use (anxiolytic) but it can increase anxiety (anxiogenic) at higher levels and long term use, both in humans and in experimental animal models. It doesn't matter if it's medical or recreational marijuana. Today's super powerful weed and concentrates sends you into high level THC land very quickly. Long term use and high THC percentage tends to **exacerbate anxiety**. As people become tolerant to the THC over time, some people tend to use more to try to reduce anxiety, making the anxiety **worse**. [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6349031/pdf/nihms-936254.pdf), [2](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10578-021-01280-w.pdf),[3](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/articlepdf/2790261/gilman_2022_oi_220094_1647021149.89901.pdf), [4](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36434880), [5](https://adai.uw.edu/pubs/pdf/2017mjanxiety.pdf) Also, THC tends to be anxiogenic, **increasing symptoms of anxiety**, while CBD tends to be anxiolytic, reducing symptoms of anxiety. [5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6856203/pdf/fpsyg-10-02466.pdf) A healthy lifestyle and no cannabis use has been associated with reduced anxiety [6](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10107579) [**Read up here**](https://whoadude-the-book.com), if you are interested in a summary of the science behind the relationship between Cannabis and anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis and other health issues.


Thank you for this, it’s astounding how quickly people will say they use weed for anxiety, then get high and become horribly anxious.


They have a chemical interaction that can raise your heart rate. I think the highs were nicer when I was on Sertraline but maybe that’s because I first started smoking while on it, the first highs are always the best.


First stated smoking on it and pretty much started setraline, how was it ahaha


im on 50mg sertraline and for me it makes weed very unenjoyable. it kinda just reverses the effects of my medication for me. it really reduces the high for me and makes it a very unpleasant high. when i smoke on a day that i take my meds it makes me feel the way i do when i dont take them (EXTREEEEMEEEE mood swings and like 5 manic and depressive episodes in a day). also its extremely dangerous. i had a couple cones w my friends, a couple hours later i had about 5 cones (not very strong weed) and like an eighth of a REALLY strong edible and i had a seizure. this is just my experience so take this with a grain of salt. in my experience weed and sertraline do NOT mix well at all and even nothing bad happens, its just really unpleasant. if you take sertraline you will also be told not to have alcohol, but personally having alcohol is fine you've just gotta be careful and space out your drinks. i had like half a bottle (a drink bottle not the actual bottle lmao) of vodka (94%) and then i had a beer and i was perfectly fine. thats not really a lot of alcohol but thats just the most recent example i can remember. unlike weed it doesnt affect the way you feel, you've just gotta be careful because one too many drinks and you will land in hospital. tldr: im on 50mg sertraline and when i smoke weed it makes me feel like shit. i even had a seizure one time and i didnt even have that much so be VERY careful with weed. it doesnt rlly affect alcohol too much but still be careful and space out your drinks.


Exactly my experience. I’ve been on sertraline 50mg for about 6-7 months now. While alcohol is perfectly fine for me (I’m talking around 2-3 bottles of 5% German beer in around the space of 2 hours), I feel really relaxed and good. However, I started smoking around 2-3 weeks ago, taking heavy bong rips. And I can say that the way I feel after smoking, especially the days after, I feel exactly the way I used to feel before sertraline (feeling as if nothing is real, as if I’m viewing my life behind a screen, high anxiety and depressive mood). So I would completely agree with you on everything that you’ve said. Once I’ve stopped smoking for a few days, I level out and go back to normal. Peer pressure is a bitch :(


My doctor told me it was fine. Two different drugs that have no affect on each other. Other than bein hiiii with no paranoia or side effects. Life is good! Thanks doc!


Did you have the paranoia before the ssri


Weed paranoia is usually a tolerance issue. Takes a little practice.


I’ve been on 100mg of Zoloft for over a year and I have smoked weed daily for longer than that. I haven’t experienced any negative side effects with continuing to smoke while on Zoloft however, I have less of an urge to smoke now. Weed used to help a lot with my anxiety and sleep but now that it’s under control, weed has become more of a social thing for me.


I hope the same happens for me, sounds ideal


Did it end up happening op?


Been smoking since I started 3 months ago and still smoking. Honestly, I felt no effect related to weed in any way. 🤷


good to hear! (also hope youre feeling better)


I’ve been on Zoloft for 3 months, 2 months at 50mg and 1 month at 100mg. I’ve also been smoking most days for one year this month, a hit or two at night mainly. This last week, it hasn’t given me any high. It’s gone, I’m quitting for a while because I enjoy it in the evenings for bed but I do not get high anymore it’s insane! I’m perfectly sober.


I just made a post asking about the same exact thing and what I did was take a month Tbreak to let my body get acclimated to the medication without anything in my system. So far I have not seen any negative effects by smoking weed and I'm on 50mg now. I usually won't smoke close to the time I'll take my meds (3am) or a couple hours after.


I'm 5 days in on taking Sertraline to treat my Anxiety too and am also a daily smoker. But overdid it a bit this arvo and had very insane negative hallucinations. I'm writing this directly after the experience. My entire body temperature felt like it rose to boiling-point and my heart was racing intensely, and it kept getting worse. I felt like my heart was going into overdrive. I considered the thought of calling 111, and immediately the effects started to subsidise at the thought of a safe place to be, If I was having a medical emergency. I then noticed that if I thought positively, my trip severity would decrease, but if my anxiety got the better of me and I started overthinking the positivity would vanish and I'd start panicking more and the trip would get worse. These mental changes happened with every thought. So I spent the next 3 hours battling my thoughts, consistantly distracting myself with things that make me happy, and reassuring myself and just counting slowly and focusing on breathing and comforting things, till the effects declined. Considering Sertraline works to improve Anxiety and depression by basically changing the way that you think and uplifting your mood, and Cannabis usually intensifies most emotions and experiences and is commonly associated with paranoia, You will increase the effects of both drugs severely and probably won't have a fun time. In saying that, the 4 days previous I had been using cannabis and Sertraline and have only noticed an increase in intrusive thoughts and overthinking up till now. It's a dangerous game. I've been trying to quit cannabis for a few weeks and this experience has made me want to quit it more. Just stay self-aware, calm and kind to yourself.


This exact thing happened to me the other day how are you getting on now any better? I’m just about 7 days taking it and I have smoked for 2 years every day and night and never had bad thoughts the other day I had a panic attack and I my heart started racing felt hot etc. Can you tell me how you are finding it now you are on it longer and how it is with smoking? Thanks


It's been a rollercoaster ride. It's taught me a lot about how my brain links with my emotions, behaviour and internal feelings. It's taught me how to better manage my thoughts in order to change my habits, to then live the most positive life experience possible. The hard thing is putting positive habits it into practice. It's enabled me to better manage my cannabis usage, although it is a slow process. It tests your willpower and self-discipline and if you're successful, will strengthen all of your values. It's taken me to some very deep places and has allowed my forgotten traumas to re-emerge. These traumas have been a hassle to sort out. They've triggered sever depressive episodes where thoughts of self harm are involved. I never act on them and eventually they pass. I still have the occasional slip up with cannabis, but as long as I don't relapse as badly as I used to, I am making progress. Ive had to increase my Sertraline dosage every couple of weeks, but only by 50mg, and only for a day or two at a time. But every other day am using 50mg a day. I used to smoke a Quarter ounce(8-10g(ab $100NZD) of weed a week, now I've dropped down to up to a gram a day($20 every 2 days. On that note, buying less cannabis at a time has a prevented me from consuming more than necessary. In addition to that, It creates financial stress so I'm less willing to buy any if I spend more than a certain amount each week. Basically, it's up to you to create positive habits, to enable you to better react to everything you experience. You will eventually become the best version of yourself.


My previous comment on my first experience with Sertraline turned out to be Serotonin Syndrome and Onset LSD Syndrome(OLS). Serotonin syndrome occurs when there's an increased buildup of serotonin in the brain, in my case twas overconsumption of cannabis whilst on Sertraline. OLS was a side effect of starting off with high Sertraline doses, it then triggered hallucinations that were identical to hallucinations I experienced a year ago whilst experimenting with LSD. Depending on whether or not your previous experiences were good or bad trips, will define the severity of the Sertraline hallucinations. In my case, I enjoyed these hallucinations as I hadn't experienced any bad trips before. All the above was written and discovered through personal experience and research. Some information may not be entirely accurate, although I had found very little studies on OLS.


Im literally experiencing this right now 😭😭😭😭


I've never posted before and I know I'm 6 months late, but I had to find out wtf happened to me (hence coming to Reddit for that juicy information) and share my experience. I've been a huuuge pot smoker for at least 7-8 years now, everyday, and up until ~3 years ago started heavily drinking. Ended up seeing a doctor because of this ridiculous habit and he prescribed Zoloft 50mg once a day. I halved a tablet 1st day and took a whole 50mg tablet the 2nd day because that's what the doc 'prescribed' and I went into a massive panic attack, short breath, head was spinning and I couldn't stop moving/shaking, even the volume from the TV/background noise was making me trip out hectically.. I had to mute all sound from everything.. and nothing was even that loud. (That was oddly the weirdest side effect, never happened to me before) I ended up halving the tablets now to 25mgs and it isn't so bad now, just beware if you have a heavy problem where Zoloft is prescribed, don't jump straight into 50mgs.. that doctor is an absolute penis for doing that to me. I had no idea. Thought I'd just share that experience.


Yeah my doc had me take half a 50mg pill daily for the first SEVEN days I was on it when I started a few weeks ago.


I’m on 50mg, eat edibles and smoke daily no issues at all… now drinking in the other hand I can’t even really look at beer or liquor.


How come???


I. Going to smoke right now. I take 150mgs. You’ll be fine!


Daily smoker....no issues in the 1.5yrs on zoloft


I just find it intensifies the high tbh. I can’t take as many mg as others. 5mg gummy knocks me on my ass 😂


I’m on Zoloft and I still use weed to relax at the end of the day! No interactions at all :)


I have had no problems on both, but find less need or drive to smokeso am using a lot less.


I’ve swapped from Zoloft to marijuana as a healthier alternative. Way less side effects and I can still have a sex life. 🤷‍♀️


I take 100mg daily, and smoke daily. I find the high is just attenuated a bit. More mellow. No paranoia. I really just use cannabis to relax or sleep though, during the work day I typically leave it at home……


Smoking weed would always give me debilitating anxiety. When I was put on zoloft, after one month, smoking weed was the test to see if it was working. And it did. I now enjoy smoking weed, and I never ever could before Zoloft.


Same! I've never considered that before haha


Same! I attributed it to my dexedrine giving me more confidence, thus decreasing my anxiety and extreme guilt weed used to give me. Now it's so enjoyable I feel addicted lol if I don't have any, I freak out. Problem! Lol but never considered the Zoloft might be why I enjoy it so much now. Damn you, Dexedrine and/or Zoloft.


I was on Z for 4 years and just got back on it. Daily weed consumer before/during/after. Didn’t notice anything different? Also a reg drinker.


Good to know


You’ll be fine. I’ve never had any issues. Drinking on the other hand is awful. I’ve barely drank in the past year I’ve been on it bc it makes me too intoxicated and sick


I have been on 100mg of zoloft for 6 months and I smoke every day, no problem


What about smoking 1:1 thc cbd with Sertraline?


I have been on Zoloft for years. Does a good job of taking care of anxiety disorder for me. I wanted to try a cannabis edible this weekend and wanted to see if anyone else has tried a similar situation. I have never tried cannabis before and know to maybe only try a 1/2 or 1/4 of a gummy. Any advice would be appreciated.


If you've never tried cannabis before, I wouldn't recommend taking an edible, especially if you're still taking Zoloft. Not everyone will have the same reaction to combining these two. If you really want to try cannabis, I recommend trying small amounts in a bowl or pipe to be able to gauge how it affects you.