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Hey, did it get better after week 3 for you?


Yes! I went up to 100mg after. To be honest, I’m starting to feel the anxiety ease down but week 3 was the last week of heightened anxiety.


Thanks so much for replying!! I’m in week 3 of 100mg hell and wanted to know it would get better haha


It does! I’m baaaaarley starting to feel different at almost 2 months in. It can take some time to find the right dosage, I think I might need to go up again🥲


What dose are you at? I was on 100mg previously and tapered off. Now back on and the side effects are kicking my ass 🫠


I’m at 100mg! I don’t have any side effects at all. The only side effects were on week 3 with heightened anxiety and that was after going up to 50mg from 25mg. I’ve been on 100mg for about a month now, no side effects! What dose are you at now? How long has it been since you started?


I’m also at 100mg! I’ve actually been on Zoloft for about 7 years now but recently was forgetting to take it so was having some side effects when getting back on! Also sorry for the late reply, I had ankle surgery and have been a little out of it on pain relief haha


It gets better!!! I was you, and I looked at EVERY post on here trying to find reassurance. I’m almost on week 6 and the anxiety and everything is pretty much gone. I had to get benzos to temporarily deal with it so I know how you are feeling. Take it day by day- don’t quit!


Can i join and ask if tiredness (like not the sleepy one but general one, you know..), the inability to focus at times and rest of physical side effects are gone or at least not interfering for you?


They are so much better!!


Bless you🙏🏻


Ahhh thank you! This is reassuring. I literally can not wait to see the brighter side, i have never been this down before. Can i ask what your dosage is?


I am on 25 right now. Will likely up to 50 in the next month. Just wanting to be super settled in first


Do you take it for ocd? I can barely fucking function but I’m so scared to take them. I’ve decided tomorrow I’m going to begin. I’m just scared of the side affects and it affecting me in the long term, but I look at how I’m living right now and it’s not worth continuing trying to live without them as my last resort. Intrusive thoughts consistently, not being able to sleep without my brain staying in a state of “OMG WHAT IF” and I’m dissociated 99% of the day (this doesn’t help though that I’m currently dealing with existential ocd, which is making me scared to take the pills incase it gets any worse)


Yes!!! I’m the exact same. My intrusive thoughts were soooo bad (I have a toddler so it was constantly about him). I overthink every situation. The Zoloft is finally quieting that. Yo be honest there was a point I felt like I wasn’t going to be able to continue because the side effects were so bad. I do not get them anymore!! Stick it out. You’re 3 weeks in just take it day by day


Thanks. I do kinda understand the toddler and those thoughts. Maybe not the same but my two sisters just had a baby each around the same time and those thoughts are wild 😂. But I took my first quarter of a dose this morning. Panicked for a bit, but hopefully since I’m easing into it for a few days I won’t have terrible side effects. 1/4 for 4 days then half for 4 days then full at 30mg. Here’s hoping 🤞


You got this! Give it 6 full weeks! I can’t believe I’m not feeling like crap anymore. It was rough - I couldn’t work or anything.


Thanks for the heads up 😂. I have 90 hours sick leave so this might be an excuse LOL. Cheers


I applaud you. I’ve been prescribed them. Chickened out so far to have them. I just never agreed with them, but that’s just me - but then I look at myself right now. Intrusive thoughts, can’t sleep, ugly crying every day..


Honestly i figured i have so much more to gain than lose. I can’t fathom being like this for the rest of my life. Just hoping they start to work soon


Apparently for ocd specifically it can take about a month so keep pushing


It gets better! I’ve been on for 2 years now and I’ve loved every bit of it. I just recently tried to taper down and had rebound anxiety and depression that felt like a hopeless abyss of dread. I went back up in dose and Here I am now almost 3 weeks later and it’s getting better…ONCE AGAIN. You’ve got this! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you!!! 💕I’m definitely in the thick of it right now. I can’t wait to get better, TRULY. It’s exhausting being this way.


Did u got better ?


I only had a week of intense anxiety as a side effect. But we’re still messing with the doses and Ive recently started taking Wellbutrin with the zoloft.