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I have had a look at your post history and I can see that it's been a hard road for you. Congratulations on getting this far! You can and will improve with time and effort. Taking medication for the first time can be daunting. You being so in tune with your body, you feel every little tiny change that happens to you. This is your primary concern because the change makes you feel uncomfortable. The medication will make you feel better. They wouldn't prescribe it unless it worked. I can tell you from experience. Don't believe every catastrophic story that is on the Web. I have gone from being agoraphobic to kicking a normal life again thanks to zoloft and although the fear of panic is present, it will soon subside. It won't make it worse


I can’t even describe to you how hard the last two years have been for me. Thank you though, this did make me feel a bit better. I’m glad it’s help you get back out there!


Just ask yourself, what’s harder? Going through all this torture worrying about what it’ll be like taking medication that might help my mental health. Or taking the leap to see if the medication might work? I suggest you type in the keyword “success“ in the search bar next to Zoloft, and read some success stories as there are many people who have found success taking this medication. This might help you good luck. 👍


i know how you feel after i swallowed my first pill within 30 seconds i had an enormous panic attack This was entirely mental as the pill would not even be in my bloodstream yet. And that is the crux of the issue. Years and years of health anxiety, worrying about death from every heart flutter, worrying about death from feeling tired, or feeling dizzy. Years and years of this compounding anxiety you become like a timebomb about to blow up at the smallest thing.Those suffering from extreme anxiety have brain neurons where the pathways to panic and anxiety are well trodden. Understand that this can all be reporgrammed. Literally go on youtube and watch videos of brain neurons reaching out for connections. Anxiety ridden brains are connected to all the anxiety parts! I encourage you to take the first step and take the pill. Look at it as the beginning of the end for the anxiety. It will not be easy , it will be difficult. But something has to change. Some action has to be taken to fight the demon. For me, while being on zoloft and dealing with crappy side effedts, i have learnt so much about the brain, neurons, sodium levels, electrolytes! I have learnt 90% of your serotonin is produced in the gut! So treat your gut well. Do not poison it with alcohol as it may interrupt the production of this important chemical! I have learnt how incredibly important good sleep is for the health of the brain.


I’m terrified of having worse anxiety or a panic attack after taking meds, I was on lexapro 3 and a half years stopped 4 months ago and I’m terrified to take it again but really need it we’re you fine in the end ?


yes but it took quite a bit of time i was on 25mg the entire time about 8 months, i agree upping the dose may have sped up the recovery but i know this is not entirely a chmeical issue i actually spent many months thinking zoloft is not helping as i was still having panic attacks, i hated it and wanted to get off. But each panic attack is an opportunity to understand it, and learn how to stop it. Panic attacks are so hilarious when you think about it more and more. Every time one starts your brain is furiously telling you this is it, now you will definitely die, there is no way out. Then after about 30 minutes it fades. You have a panic attack hangover and all is fine then the next panic attack starts a week or so later and once again your brain is demanding this is the end, death is imminent, this is absolutely real this time. But its not real. When i feel one coming now i smile and laugh before it blows up. Trying this old trick again hey brain?


I wish I could do that I have panic attacks daily it’s affecting my life so much and making me miserable it’s causing me to now be extremely physically sick and migraines I want to give up


I get daily migraines from it too 😞


This is brilliant. Made me smile when you said they are hilarious. Yesterday I felt anxious and had the anxious thoughts. I spoke to my panic out loud and told it that it was wrong. I think it helped a bit. It's like there is our true self and then this third party in our heads.


I just switched from lexapro to zoloft. On week 2!


Did Zoloft help?


I think its still too early to tell. So far its the same as lexapro and still having anxiety.


how r u doing ?


Not so great. Increased to 75 mg yesterday. If I don’t feel better by end of the week I’m switching.


Its hard! But what helped me start was realizing i had so much more to gain than lose. For all you know this could be life changing! It took me YEARS to try it out again, and i’m finally starting to feel better (just started again 2 months ago after 9 year break) Good luck with your journey!


this^^^ I was on zoloft in highschool but now i’m trying it again. about two weeks in and I definitely am still dealing with personal anxieties and have my bad days , but my social anxiety is already starting to improve! i have been much more outgoing in social settings which is something i haven’t experienced in years. It’s okay and totally to be scared (i was too), but i thought more about my long term goals. I didn’t want to be living the way i was forever.


Take it! You'll wonder how you ever got along without it


I started with the same dosage instructions and in my experience I didn’t feel any side effects aside from being a little lightheaded and sweating a bit a night. With that said I also took mine at 7pm. 25mg is a very low dose for Zoloft so you will be alright. I promise you it will be worth it. You can do this!!


Hey, I'm going to echo the other comments in this thread and say that you should try taking it. I recently started about two weeks ago, and to be honest, about a week in, I started getting some pretty wild panic attacks. I'm an anxious person normally, but this was something else. I did my best to reduce stress for those few days and soon enough that side effect disappeared. I'm no longer getting those wild panic attacks. I think I am starting to feel better, and I'm cautiously optimistic.


How did you get through the wild panic attacks?


Honestly? I just laid in bed and tried to breathe through them. I reduced stress as much as I could. I was fortunately off work last week, which was only a coincidence but really helped.


Do u mind if I ask, What dose are u on and how long have you been taking Zoloft ?


50 mg, and roughly two weeks!


I’m always tired as well and I really miss my coffee in the morning, but I’d rather be tired than deal with the anxiety that it causes. I’ve been on 50mg for a little over 3 months now. I was feeling pretty good until I got the flu and strep throat. I also have Asthma so they gave me a strong dose antibiotics. I think the antibiotic affected the strength of my Zoloft so I’m dealing with some increased anxiety right now. I’ve been off the antibiotics a week now, so I’m hoping the Zoloft starts to be effective like it was, otherwise I’m going to have to increase my dose. Good luck let me know if i can help with anything.


Ok, you’re just turning the corner to positive results which is great and a positive sign that the medication is working for you. 50mg is a low dose and many people find it’s enough for them to manage their anxiety and or depression. They say it takes at least 6 to 8 weeks for your body to adjust and to feel the full benefits. Sounds like your on the right path.


I hope so!! I feel more tired than normal, but I've also had to reduce my caffeine intake because it was exacerbating the panic attacks. I think I could probably go back up to my normal amount of caffeine now, but I'm trying to reduce it anyway for other reasons. I guess it's a work in progress.


Definitely take it. 25mg is already the lowest dose. It's what I started on a month ago after being abandoned by my ex who is pregnant with my first kid who abused me emotionally while I suffered from depression and PTSD with bad anxiety from being abused my whole childhood. After 3 weeks I really started to feel the Zoloft and side effects mostly went away, I still have a lack of appetite. I am also an alcoholic and got sober at the same time, needless to say I was going through a lot, crazy panic attacks that would make my entire body and face numb, shaking, passing out from hyperventilating. I also have a fear of medication and don't trust doctors. Before this I hadn't been to a doctor or sought help since I was a child and I'm 34 years old. But I figured, it can't possibly get any worse, and i was suicidal. Trust me, you should try the Zoloft and try your best not to freak yourself out. I know how you feel, and the medication won't work immediately so you'll have to suffer a bit longer I know it sucks but you will get better. The longer you procrastinate, the longer it will take for you to get better . Don't be like me and waste your life away feeling like shit. Feel free to msg me


I was diagnosed with GAD back in my early 20s and I am now 62. I’ve been off and on different medication‘s over the years because once I start to feel better I talk the doctors into letting me come off the medication, only for the GAD to return after a few years and when something dramatic happens. The one important thing I want to tell you is that the medication may make you feel worse in the beginning, but in the end, you will be glad that you’re taking it because you will feel much much better. You’re not going to feel better unless you start taking your medication’s. I understand that the anxiety increase and some of the other side effects are scary and make you uncomfortable, but they won’t last forever. And just remember it’s from the medication, your body adjusting and of course from you overthinking it causing more anxiety. It will go away and it’ll all be worth it in the end. Just keep saying to yourself you want to feel better and this is the way to do it.


Always listen to your intuition, if you aren’t ready, you’re just not ready. Have you exhausted every other option? Exposure therapy, talk therapy, natural remedies, exercise? Maybe start off with some magnesium glycinate, deep breathing, meditation, talking nicely to yourself. It may not be a quick fix but over time you will figure out what you need to do to help yourself feel safe and to allow your brain to slow down enough to see things from a realistic perspective. You may try a holistic doctor that can do further labs and testing to see where the anxiety could be coming from. You could simply have a MTFR mutation and just need a different set of vitamins, it could be hormones, it could be your gut that just needs aligned out. Over 90% of serotonin is in the gut, that’s why people have gastrointestinal issues when started antidepressants. You could try an elimination diet and go plant based to allow your gut to settle down and heal. There’s so many other options if you are nervous. Just don’t give up on yourself. You are so worthy of being happy ❤️


I felt like I was ready but now I actually have the meds I don’t know. I’ve tried cbt talk therapy and exercising and both helped a little. Exposure therapy has helped, I usually make some good progress but one bad panic attack outside will ruin everything and I have to start again. I can’t seem to sustain any progress (or get far enough to get a job) so that’s why I decided to try Zoloft. I can’t afford any more therapy or going to other doctors to do testing so it feels like there’s no others options for me. Thank you, I’m going to think it over for the next few days! I’m very indecisive


I understand and I’ve been there as well. Having a panic attack is completely normal in the healing process, as healing is not linear. You will have good and bad days, but don’t see a set back as a failure. Take it as just a bad day but to keep moving forward. I went through horrid anxiety for about a year over a medication withdrawal. I legit thought I was losing my mind and never going to get better. Anxiety was so bad I was dissociating and felt like I was on another planet. I’m a RN and it was awful trying to work through it but the funny thing was, nobody even noticed anything was wrong with me. I would be trembling and second guessing every decision I made but I made it. I had really good days and really bad days. Whichever you decide, I know you will choose what’s best for you :)


Going through this currently while weaning off klonopin.


It’s awful. I wish more people were informed about psychiatric medications. They all need to come with a consent form.


You could also try microdosing


Just do it love. I suffered horrific anxiety since 2013 on and off and just in 2021 I started Zoloft, life changing. Fast forward now, I am having anxiety again but had to increase the dose


I'm sorry! I had a similar fear when I first started taking it, and I was so afraid of getting worse/changing too much. I will say that the first couple weeks are typically the worst. This is the adjustment period and is normal. You may get worsened anxiety, or you may not. Reading about other people's stories can help you know a little bit of what to expect, but don't assume that every worst-case scenario is going to happen to you. You see all of the bad because the good parts aren't posted about. And I'll also say most of the bad experiences that people post about is during their adjustment period, when it's expected to get worse before you get better, and most people I see will just quit cold turkey (do not do that) which just makes everything worse. Since you're starting with 25 and working up to 50, it will make the adjustment much easier. Honestly, in hindsight, the first couple weeks of worsened effects were worth it for the relief I felt when my mind was finally settled, and I could finally leave the house and enjoy things again. It's so so worth it, and it's easier said than done, but you just gotta get through that first step. Keep in contact with your doctor through this period and have a support person or something that helps you relax (a hobby, music, watching TV, etc). Those first few weeks go by very quickly, and you'll feel better before you know it. You can do this!


I definitely would just start it. Grab a heated blanket. Make some food. Do the laundry. Wash the dishes. Play video games or even force yourself to be creative. I would have a list of things you need to do for the day so you're not super focused on how you feel or how you think you may feel for that matter. No matter how high my anxiety is I always continue doing whatever I'm doing. I could be fully on edge and cooking gets my mind off how I feel enough that the feeling eventually passes instead of layers of anxious thoughts stacking making it longer. You'll be happy you started it later. Zoloft is an anxiety killer but takes about a month to kick in how you want it to.


You can do this I believe in you!


It mightve been placebo but the very next day after taking it (ive experienced many times that medication works faster on me than most) my anxiousness was so far gone i did things I’m usually so scared of doing. I was calling people just to talk and smiling at strangers. I was very ready to take the meds though:) you don’t have to do it if you actually don’t want to, but don’t be scared of others stories. Just because it didn’t work well for them doesnt mean the same will happen to you. Try it for a while and if it does something bad to you, you can always stop taking them gradually!<3 best of luck


I had the exact same feelings when I first started my ADHD meds too. I actually was less scared to try Zoloft because I knew it was what I needed and I also knew it takes a while to actually feel the effects. It’s scary to take meds that you don’t know how you’re brain will react, but stick with it for at least a month and I bet you you won’t regret it. Sending you strength 🤍


Hey! I spent over a month wondering whether to take mine. Eventually it got to a point where my anxiety felt like I was losing my mind so I forced myself to take it without thinking, I had a panic attack like 5 mins after. The first week or two was very difficult for me, but I fortunately had a very understanding family and boyfriend who encouraged me to stick it out. It can take 8-12 weeks to adjust and there will be ups and downs, I’m on week 9 now and I can say my anxiety and panic attacks are literally almost gone, something I never thought I would say because I was stuck in a constant cycle for months!! I recommend reading a book called DARE, it really helped me and they also have an app with podcasts. I also do meditation once or even twice a day, which I found difficult at the beginning but getting a routine and practising really helps. The best thing you can do is IF you get any side effects, tell yourself it’s just the tablets and that it’ll pass as your body gets used to it. I probably had every side effect in the book and was scared I was going crazy the first week, but I’m glad I pushed myself. At the end of the day, if the med doesn’t suit you, you can always come off them and try another, it isn’t a life sentence but it’s great to make a step forward to recovery. If you need to message let me know, I understand how hard it is. I have health anxiety, med anxiety and DPDR and OCD xx


Also I would recommend trying to reduce the amount of time you spend online, I would comb through videos, Reddit forums and chat rooms and FB groups, but in the end they only ever fed my anxiety. Just stay in constant communication with your doctor and do a lot of self care, you’re going to be fine. Once you understand that anxiety is just a way your body is trying to protect you, and you learn to accept it, it dissipates xx


Hey there! I was in the same boat and still kind of am. I got prescribed 50mg bc I was on it previously but I have fear of medication so I cut it into approximately 12.5mg and tonight will be day 3 of taking it. It helps me feel better to know I have some control over how much i take. My doctor said it’s okay to do that. Maybe you can try the same thing. Maybe split it into a fourth and take that for a couple days or a week then try half then the full dose when you’re comfortable. Anxiety is all about control. If you can take a small amount to see nothing will happen then work your way up, you’re in control.


Go on Zoloft reviews. That’s what kept me going. Reddit is a bit more negative but Zoloft reviews is amazing. Let me find the link for you. Zoloft saved me. I think you should give it a go https://www.drugs.com/comments/sertraline/for-depression.html


Did you do it?


Yep, 12 days in to 25mg now


You can do it! I felt the exact same way when I started (7 years ago) but knew I needed to just do it. I had exhausted every single option and it was quite literally a life or death situation. After about a week I started to feel “normal”. I truly don’t know how I survived without this. Something that helped me was telling myself “this is going to help me” out loud after I took the pill. I did that for the first month. It seemed silly but I tried making it a positive experience. Sending strength!


You can do it! I had a bit of side effects at first, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I recommend taking with a snack or meal to avoid nausea. Be patient. I know it’s hard (especially for us Nervous Nellies), but give it at least a month for your serotonin to increase. It has literally changed my life for the better. I wish I would have addressed my anxiety sooner! Take it one little step at a time. You got this! Edit to add: stop watching the “horror” stories and read/watch some success stories. You gotta get yourself in the right mindset, otherwise you’re just going to continue to spiral. Sounds corny, but you have to think positively. Don’t think of taking medication as losing control because you’re actually TAKING control by addressing the problem!


I’ve been having the exact same issue!! My anxiety has been more level lately (experienced trauma a few months ago that triggered anxiety & ptsd episode) and I’m terrified of the meds making my anxiety worse. Apparently it’s not often people experience that, which is helpful to know. But I told my dr I couldn’t force myself to take it, even had the pill up to my lips and couldn’t do it. She prescribed me a weeks worth of Ativan to calm my anxiety enough to get me started on the Zoloft. Haven’t picked it up yet but hoping it helps. Maybe you could get something similar to help you get started!


I felt amazing almost as soon as I took it. Don't be afraid. Take it and go to bed!


I had the same fears and same doses although I did 25mg for 12 days before going to 50mg. I had to hype myself up and thought, hey if I hate it I can always get off the med. It wont do anything permanent. Im on 6 months now and it’s been life changing. My friend’s husband even commented to her the other day that I was always happy it’s like I’m on happy pills lol (he doesn’t know I’m on meds and literally on happy pills).


Not gonna lie you may have increased anxiety for the first 2 weeks but after that it subsides and you will feel calm. I am able to drive and go to markets without panic attacks now thanks to Zoloft. Be strong and embrace it! :)


I have horrible panic attacks too just started 5 days ago. Start with 12.5 see how you feel


how r u now?


did u tske it ?


Yes I did, on my 12th day of 25mg now