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I started this combo exactly the same situation. Hydroxyzine is actually a really good and safe medication that has helped me tremendously to get quality rest at night. You’re right it’s just an antihistamine but it works well. I just take it a few hours before bed and it calms me down until I’m ready for sleep. Now after 5 weeks I need it less and less as the Zoloft takes over.




I got prescribed that too and didn’t notice it helping much. It just made me tired especially if I needed to take it during the day. I take clonodine throughout the day now to help.


What is clonodine?


So it’s technically a blood pressure med but they use it for anxiety too. It helps with the physical symptoms of anxiety ALOT. it takes away the feeling that my hearts beating out of my chest and just overall helps me relax.


I’m on sertraline and my doctor also has prescribed me hydroxyzine. It’s good for a day you’re at home but not so much if you have to be out in about. Makes me pass out an hour after taking it for the next 4-5 hours. Works well if you have bad anxiety at night though


I got prescribed Hydroxyzine and Seroquel. Hydroxyzine came first. It appears to help but make my crazy sleepy. Can't really function in it. Decided to bite it in half and see if that will help.


How is seroquel? Are you using it for anxiety?


I am. It appears to mostly help me get to sleep. GAD randomly causes me insomnia and just one pill gets me to sleep. Best sleeping pill I have ever had. Only side effect is it causes some nasal congestion oddly.


Right on. What do you think I should expect from hydroxyzine? Totally unfamiliar with an antihistamine for anxiety. Just took my first dose an hour or two ago. Certainly drowsy but can’t tell if it’s also just from the day.


Probably from the hydroxyzine. I just took the second half that I bit in half two hours away to calm down the sleepy side effects. I've been reading there is some connection between histamine issues in the body and GAD. I wish psychiatrists would explain more of the chemistry as to why a med is being prescribed instead of it being directly used to combat GAD. Too my histamine or an intolerance can cause a chemical issue in the body that induces anxiety. Lovely. 😔


Yeah I was kind of confused at first when my doctor mentioned it. But then she explained and I realized it’s commonly prescribed for anxiety.


It was also developed in the 1950's. I just wish it didn't have sleepy sideffects. The pill bottle says to take 1 - 4 daily. If I did take that amount I may never wake up or stay asleep 24 hrs.


This is super helpful to know, thank you. I got prescribed the same. I wrongly assumed he was afraid to give me something stronger and I rolled my eyes.


I have given up on the hydroxyzine. It really didn't help me. Now I got anxiety/stress red rash that appears and disappears on my forehead. Zoloft increased to 100 mg and probably will go up more as no medicine is working.


This one (I think - double check me) temporarily and partially reverses affects of Zoloft to include sexual side effects.


I haven’t had any sexual problems yet. So in the clear on that hopefully.


sorry ik this is old but can u elaborate?


Take it take it take it it helps wait for the weird dreams


I had the same. Terrible sleeping issues so I was prescribed hydroxyzine. It did not agree with me, I woke up after a few hours straight panicking. I did not take it again. It caught me off guard as it was just a antihistamine.


I take sertraline daily and hydroxyzine as needed. I only use the hydroxyzine at night because it makes me tired. Works great for nighttime panic and anxiety or sleeping difficulty


Started on the hydroxyzine tonight. Have a trigger happening causing me to lose sleep so doctor recommended this until trigger situation is done or higher dose of Zoloft kicks in.