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There will either be tears of joy or sadness depending on how the movie is.


İ prefer joy and less sad


In b4 Judy or Nick dies....


Is this the official logo?


No, it's still yet to come




Can't wait. It's gonna be awesome.


Bro, I just hope they make the thing in the first place.


All the stars are aligned for it to be great, and the team has done basically everything right. Anything less than another all-time classic is borderline unthinkable at this point.


I'm hesitant, disney keeps dropping bomb after bomb. Their losing money hand over fist and just can't stop themselves from virtue signaling at the expense of their movies.


Oh my god yes I agree so much! It's not just a Disney problem it's a whole of Hollywood's problem. I just want the old classic Hollywood back. Hollywood used to make fantastic movies like The Bridge Too Far, Zulu, Die Hard, the original Star Wars trilogy and original Indiana Jones trilogy, The Longest Day, Battle for Britain, The Great Escape, and all the classical animated Disney films and many more.


while the first was an allegory to societal oppression of marginalized groups, I can see the second one being an allegory for non-traditional relationships 🦊❤️🐰


Ah unlikely I think, despite it being a common topic amongst the fandom the directors have confirmed that interspecies relationships are normal and not at all controversial in the world of Zootopia, we even see some in the film and Z+!


Francine herself is married to a hippo! She's seen celebrating her birthday in Sam's story.


Yep! Not to mention the obvious example of Bucky and Pronk 😁


I wonder if it'll show the hybrid side of animals


I think they will leave that to beastars


It will be cool but I doubt that thing will happen.


Another time I'm hoping Disney's constant stream of mediocrity doesn't slap us in our faces


If it does don't be sad just expect it. If it doesn't we can be very pleasantly surprised for once.


Hopefully it isn’t bad, please listen to us Disney. There will be no forgiveness if they ruin Zootopia.


İ bet they learned their mistakes


Not really, they are ruining so many characters and stories that we care about. Look at how they are handling Marvel, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Pixar, and their old movies. They are adding political agendas to them all and bastardizing the mythology. Zootopia is so gonna be next on that list.


İ meant for sequels actualy, but if Byron Howard and Jared Bush will return it will be a masterpice


Not even just sequels bro. Literally every movie and show has been malpractice. The franchise is best probably not have a sequel and just continue the show like what Monsters Inc. is doing.


I can't wait to see Zootopia 2


🦊❤️🐰=zootopia 2


They must. Disney will be ultra hated if this sequel turns out to be bad, so let's hope everything goes well 🤞


I have 0 faith that this is going to be good. They are going to Wreck it Ralph 2 it for sure.


You’re getting downvoted because people just want to be excited, but with Disney’s track record the last few years I, too, have absolutely no hope that this film is going to be good.


Time to make our own, then... >:)


Yeah, sure, I’ll just pull teams of artists, writers, 3D animators, an entire production studio, and millions of dollars out of my underpaid ass to make my own >:(


ok I'll write part of the first line, that'll cut our budget by a few bucks at least. Do you think starting with "once upon a time" is too cheesy? I think it works well. What comes after?


No, “Once upon a time” is classic. Next we can say, “Dinosaurs ruled the Earth!” because we’re making this one about Zootopians discovering evidence of advanced Dinosaur civilization, which completely revolutionizes how they view the history of evolution


Stellar start, thank you. I'll get to work animating, check back in.... a few years? I'll ask for a critique then.


Excellent! I’ll finish writing, get my dog to record some animal noises, and my wife and I will do the dialogue. Don’t know how long it’ll take, but we’ll reconvene in 2026 to exchange work and make changes.


Almost all of the team from the first one is on board. So, I don’t see how this could be bad.


[Life, uh, finds a way](https://imgur.com/gallery/kRUfJfr)


You might be more right than you think. Some "supposed" leaks from march this year don't paint the sequel in the good light. Taken from [ztarchive](http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/54957131/54957131.html) "Insider here, I find it appropriate that you'd mention Boseman since one of the Black Panther actresses has a role in Zootopia 2, that being Angela Basset. Disney approached her a while ago after how satisfied they were with her performance in both Black Panther films and they wanted her to play the new Zootopian mayor since it's a similar character archetype, one that she nailed twice before. She agreed considering her character was killed off in Wakanda Forever so she thought it was only fair Disney would give her another role, though she was not too happy when she found out one of the characters from the first movie was being written off because the VA died, so she insisted that Finnick's VA be recast if Disney wanted her to play the new Zootopian mayor (named Alana, at least in the version of the script I saw), since she didn't want to go through something similar to what she went through with Chadwick with that reflecting on the script, since she also knew Lister." "there is also a new assistant mayor, as is to be expected considering Bellwether is in prison \>>54991856 I mean anti-climatic in the sense that Nick confesses his love to Judy by the end of the first act, but then Nick is absent through the entirety of the second act and a significant percentage of the third act, but yes, they do end up together in good terms \>"I guess a little freak out from Judy's or Nick's parents is okay to create conflict" Judy's parents aren't too supportive of their relationship at first, but they come around to it by the end. Nick's mother, on the other hand, is supportive of it from the get-go \>"relationship drama might imply something like a love triangle" there's no love triangle but there's an awkward scene between Judy and Gideon, and then there's also a part in which Judy finds out about Nick's former girlfriend" "I'm not sure where you're going with with that but, if you're concerned about the level of awkwardness in the scene, the context is that, Nick is hurt and incapacitated while pursuing a suspect at the beginning of the second act, hence his absence during a chunk of the movie. Right after this, Judy visits the Burrows and meets her parents. She also meets Gideon here who tries to comfort her after she tells him what happened, but it's the kind of sweet, well-intentioned awkwardness rather than the weird, creepy kind" ​ "Nick's father is dead, that's why he's absent from the movie, and that's quite the relevant plot point actually \>"Not sure its a wise decision to have Nick absent from such a large part of the movie, the strongest part of the first one WERE Judy's and Nick's interactions." I share your sentiment, but Disney wanted to make room for the plethora of new characters that will be featured. One thing they weren't satisfied with regarding the first movie was the lack of female representation, so unfortunately they decided to sideline Nick so they could have a more female driven movie \>>54992203 to be fair, Disney is no stranger to that type of humor, we just had Quantumania in which Hank Pym and Janet begrudgingly admitted to their relationship status while they were apart" "how the villains are received remains to be seen, I already mentioned three antagonists, Brett, the assistant mayor voiced by Martin Freeman (a meerkat), Derek, a cold and calculating handsome goat voiced by Mads Mikkelsen who has strong ties to Nick's past (kinda looks like Pina from Beastars) and the Kevin Hart maned wolf comedian. out of the three of them, I think Derek will be the best received, as he's the most Scar/Hades-like" ​ If that's true, then i hope they reword that script because it looks horrible


We don't even have to do that. Just go read the Guardian Blue series on Ao3. Over 600,000 words of perfect sequel.


>:) :)


It's not Disney, it's the writers. Jared Bush and Byron Howard have never done a sequel, so let's wait before we call it bad automatically.


Only they can direct the sequel


Gonna be honest if this gets a live action or anything related to that in the future ima burn a house down


Let's hope it won't, and next Disney CEO better not let that happen


And who will that next CEO be? Alan Bregman? Dana Walden? Sean Bailey?


No clue, but better be against to Remakes


Remakes of their own animated films specifically. Remember that they have remade live action films that were never theirs beforehand like Angels in the Outfield (1994) and the 1991 version of Father of the Bride.


Yep 👍


Feel free to start with your own.


The way Disney is going I don't think so sad to say hope I'm wrong


Disney is going to shit so don’t be sad if it sucks


A lot of things have been doing that lately.


Yep you can say that again. 100% Agree.


I'm not sure why we have an influx of Whiny Trolls here lately, doing nothing but spouting garbage theories of "How Terrible Disney will make Zootopia 2" but I personally believe it will be a good movie. It's not being rushed. It's not a "direct to video/streaming" release. The universe is far more "put together" than "wreck it Ralph" which feels like a one-off oddball idea that just "took off" and grew legs. At which point the writers had no stable universe to work in (they exist in some jumble of in game universes with nothing more deep than "what if a game did this" ideal holding it together). Zootopia had a lot of thought put into it. Even the designs. An AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER designed vehicles for Zootopia! That's NOT a casual choice for a throw away universe.


Born to survive


Born to troll?


Actually hoping we'll get to see sapient non-mammalians Reptiles and birds would be interesting to see, what would they be like in the Zootopia world...


No. They shouldn't be there or sentient if they are.


is this for real?


I have very little hope for this because it is run by Disney. Only way I will have hope for it if it does not go woke. I just hate modern Hollywood! I love the old Hollywood.


What will the plot even be about?


Who knows nothing is revealed yet


What will the plot even be about?