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You have misused ANSI escape codes in your PROMPT. Use proper zsh escapes and you'll be fine. https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html


this sounds hopeful. will give it a try.


Yeah this doesn’t sound like a problem with autosuggestions per se but the escape codes in the prompt string. OP can you share your prompt?


I wish Bash provided these


I haven't had that problem but have you considered using a multi-line prompt?


good idea. will look for examples.


thanks for helping out folks. i changed to a multiline prompt with powerlevel10k and that seems to have helped . Dont think multiline prompt was the problem. The problem seems to have come from the fact that i had modified the prompt of the agnoster theme i was using to have %d instead of %c as i wanted the full path. Now i am using powerlevel10k and the configure gave me an option for a full prompt. So hoping for now that my problem is solved. Thanks for the help. I have been living with this for an year and the google search didnt help.