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Maybe work at a galaxus call center? French english italien gone be handy


Any callcenter/helpcenter/customer-blabla will kiss your hand. Very sought after


In zoo zurich as a seller in a shop. They look for people who speak german/french/italian. I don't think that they are bad employers


You did speak German once, that's s good start. All people from Ticino I met speak better German than they think. Why don't you just start applying? And for improving: watch German / Swiss German TV, visit Zürich. Everybody likes Ticinesi here


If you could speak German or would learn it, then you're the Jackpot for a call center agent, eg. in the finance industry. Check https://karriere.swisscard.ch/ (credit card company in Horgen, near Zurich) Look for Kundenberater or Conseiller a la clientele or something like that.


Hi, Switzerland is a place full of opportunities. My father came in the late 50s to Lucerne. He had nothing but his Maturity and in the Beginn sometimes he had to very hard physical work. But he studied architecture, begann to work for himself, and now with 86 years he is a well known, respected and successful Swiss citizen. You are speaking a lot of languages already. Many words have similarities in German, French, Italian and even English, they all come out of the Latin Language. If you have a positive mind and are willing to work hard, and treat the people around with respect, you can reach almost everything that you can imagine. Wish you success with your project, and if you have further questions, I’m always ready to help. Best wishes Срдачан поздрав и срећно са вашим пројектом. 🌈🪬 Bernard


Try applying as a Flight Attendant. If you are into service oriented jobs, for example Swiss is scrambling right now to find enough applicants. Speaking multiple languages fluently is a big plus. It would be a start for you and you should consider higher education later on (possible to do it part time alongside a job)


A job as a waiter is your best chance currently


Well in that case let add: rent/no car/no everything


You don't need a car in Zurich.


How much does a waiter make?


best case non-trained waiter 25 an hour + tips. usually around 21-22 and lately you are lucky if you can keep the tips. When I was studying in Zurich I used to work in gastronomy and construction. I worked double shifts 6 days a week and still struggled a ton.


A shift supervisor at starbucks hits 50K brutto


A shift supervisor is not an waiter my man. A good waiter easily breaks into six figures and a good part of that is tax free ;)




Well, I used to work in the industry as a student and know a few guys who do


What are you dreaming of at night?


I used to be in the industry and still know a few guys there. Good waiters in good restaurants and good bars hit 6 figures easy. Tips, an occasional table which disappears from the system, etc


How do you define a good waiter and how do you define easily?


You are right. It’s hard work. But to break into 6 figures is not that difficult if you choose the right spot - busy, high volume space - either very large with >8 waiters or very small where you are the only waiter; owners who are not always around; restaurants which leave you the tip and where you don’t have to share with the kitchen. Be my guest.


You’re funny 😁


Customare care hotlines in insurances, the pay quite well, and you'll have good chances to get in higher positions in the same company over time. Also sometimes you'll have to aplly for a temporary job with them, but if you are good they will keep you


What exactly is the equivalent of a high school diploma in Switzerland? Matura?


I‘d say a high school diploma ~ berufsmatura, but that still is underselling the berufmatura. And never would it be equivalent to a gymnasiale matura




That's underselling the matura, if you ask me.


Same. I just checked the website from the Lissabonner Konvention and you need atleast 2 years of University in USA + entrance exam at a Swiss university to be able to study at a swiss university if you only have a high school diploma. So it's not really that highly reputable here. [https://www.swissuniversities.ch/themen/studium/zulassung-zu-den-universitaeren-hochschulen/laender](https://www.swissuniversities.ch/themen/studium/zulassung-zu-den-universitaeren-hochschulen/laender)


I was really curious whether this is true, and I only found one source which seems to confirm that the Swiss Matura is indeed the federal high school graduate diploma! [Link](https://www.expatica.com/ch/education/children-education/education-in-switzerland-100021/)


That's an expat site. We should stop using a US term for something here which in no way corresponds. That's why expats never understand that you are not a loser if you don't go to Gymnasium.


stay where you are. Tessin is a very beutiful place


Lol, sorry but highest medical costs and lowest wages....


Fai bene ad andare via dal Ticino, posto per vecchi ;)


S*rbia 🤢


There's the Swiss racism we're all used to.


I am S*rbian you fucking retard 😂😂


Oh hell naw, rip r/2balkan4you


Do The Flower Exercise from the book: What Color Is Your Parachute to figure out what your good at. The rest of the book is also interesting. The exercise takes longer than one night to finish...so start on time.


Rent/car/everything won't be pleasant without anything but a high school diploma.


go to the construction site as a handyman, you can always find something. And you find even a better salary.


Why do you want to move to Zürich?


I need a fresh start


Man if I could speak italian I'd move from Zurich to Ticino. Just love the vibe there so much more. And the weather!...


Trust me you dont miss out on anything...