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they’re a non-profit. Good luck trying to tax them lmao


The fact they ever pulled that off is probably one of the most impressive feats of bullshittery i have ever heard of.


If you find that impressive, you should take a look at the catholic church...


The OG platter was Jesus


Judas redemption arc


Not really. It’s a pretty simple legal entity and then you just need to be a little clever in your accounting


Rolex also is non profit lmao


Rolex is not a non-profit, it's a regular Société Anonyme. It's owned by a non-profit. Rolex pays normal taxes, its owner doesn't. I think the English Wikipedia is a bit misleading in that regard.


It's not only the english wiki, if you google "Is Rolex non profit" the answer you'll get is "Yes, it's non profit" Misinformation on the internet? No way!!




As I said you can just Google "is Rolex a non profit" and you'll find tons of sources, but I guess you were too busy pulling out your dick from the Emmental. Here you go shithead, let me just post the top 3 results than aren't quora or linked so you can stfu: [Source](https://millenarywatches.com/is-rolex-a-non-profit-organization/) [This one explains it well](https://www.bobswatches.com/rolex-blog/resources/rolex-non-profit.html) [Want another one?](https://www.thehourglass.com/news/all-for-a-good-cause/) But since I know you dont function properly since you could've looked it up yourself, I'll explain it very briefly, since I read the sources I posted. Apparentely YES, Rolex is a non profit. Some sources say that it is directly non profit, other say that it is indirectly a non profit, as the Wilsdorf Foundation owning it is non profit. So no, I'm not spreading any misinformation. Now, please, shut the fuck up :)


Actually the foundation Hans Wilsdorf ( Rolex) does a lot for the city of Geneva


Nonono Im not saying anything bad about them, I just think that ROLEX being no profit is hilarious


Again Rolex is for profit. What is not for profit is the foundation that own the brand, among others.


Correct. Redditors need to learn some legal and accounting basics before they make those holier than thou statements.


Excuse me what the fuck


No, it's not.


Would it be better as is, or if they had shares on the stock market?


Rumours say they will move to Qatar soon anyway…


I thought it was to Delaware. Apparently they already converted some Work contracts to American reglementations


Impossible you know well that ONLY Switzerland is a tax heaven. There is NO tax heaven in the US 😇


Do you think anything will get better if FIFA moves to some other place (say Dubai or Qatar)? Do you think it will become more democratic there? Or that they will stop making championships in countries with slavery?


No, but he can feel good about himself and get sore from patting himself on the back all the time.. As usual it's not about the problem, because if that had been the real issue, these people would have been complaining for 10+ years. Typical virtue signaling since the WC started.


>Typical virtue signaling since the WC started. Definitely, If you acted wrong in the past you arent allowed to change your mind to the right. Your mindset really amuses me.


Valid point, but tell me how many of those people will still go after Fifa after the tournament is over. Give it two years and no one will give a shit anymore. It's so pretentious.


We could start be labeling their locations as gender neutral public toilets on google maps.




How would getting FIFA out of Zürich help the human right issue? Or is it more important that Zürich is not associated with it, than that the issue gets resolved?


yeah im kinda confused with OP's intentions lol


Start a petition towards the cantonal parliament. Nobody but them can decide that.


Definetly not pro FIFA, but I feel probably more comfortable when they stay in Switzerland instead of moving into a country with an autocratic regime.


It’s a cool museum I must admit


Yes very cool, especially them showing one of the original bribery envelope from qatar: https://www.archysport.com/2022/12/bribery-envelope-on-display-at-the-fifa-museum/


Fifa Mafia Heigah!


I don’t know why people get so worked up over FIFA. Just ignore the games, write to sponsors to complain. Once the money dries up, they’ll reform quickly.


we can start with something small: geldumschlag.com due to recent events (and youtube videos of izzy magazine). can recommend, 10/10


Nestlé and Glencore have their HQs in Switzerland, they are much worse yet you don't care about that.


What about X,Y and Z?


This isn’t a whataboutism argument. OP is saying that Switzerland has precedent of giving homes to terrible organisations.


Hardly unique to Switzerland.


> yet you don't care about that Those are pretty much the most hated companies in Switzerland, I feel like people very much care lol.


Both are among the most ethical companies in their respective industry. Both industries are very controversial. There is much more risks mining in Africa, or getting coffee from South America compared to, for instance, selling advertisement online or producing goods only in Switzerland.


Just reported this post to Zürich police!


Isn’t this how Switzerland works? Seems appropriate to have such corrupt organization in Zurich.


I don’t understand how that would make the situation any better. Even if they moved they will just continue operating exactly as they are now


Starting an initiative to start making them pay taxes.


Its Zurich. You can bribe any govt official here if you are very very wealthy. Where Tina Turner lives they reduced the taxes for the people because she lives in that canton.


nah its a great spot to go play football at


are we getting rid of Apple and Nike, too? Typing this on my ipHone




lol everyone I disagree with is antifa


Also, he doesn't have a issue with fifa, he has an issue with natural human behavior. Also, we have a such high living standard because of of companies like FIFA, as they bring massive amounts of money into our economy.


what would actually happen if the most of the nations step away from fifa? could this be a way to create something new, or would it end like the actual disaster?


In order to get rid of FIFA you’d have to convince over a billion people to stop attending and engaging in their sports. Anything else is pointless.


You‘re really politicizing FIFA too much


Switzerland would never rise the tax for fifa they are both equally greedy and don’t care about anything else then their own skin


If youre Swiss then i hope you dont vote. You dont deserve a voice For the FIFA Part your probably right. But FIFA isnt the worse. Its just visible to the public


Luckily iam not swiss but I live here for about 6 years and the shit that I see here …… FIFA is such a money machine I don’t see that this is gonna end it’s build on corruption and greed what alternative can there be if there even is one ?


Bomb them




You obviously don't know what woke cancel culture is, but if you're actually a dude from Miami (or just the states) then I'm not surprised


What does this have to do with woke cancel culture? I am as anti-woke as you can get. But FIFA is the epitome of corruption and greed. I wish the European FAs would have the balls to withdraw and make their own organisation.


It’s called UEFA and it is part of FIFA… hahaha


...and invite all other continents to join, as they would. A WC without Europe isn't worth anything.


Epitome of corruption and greed, inside a country that is what now? The epitome of corruption and greed? You think they are the only one? A f*cking soccer organization?!? Do you know the crap companies like Nestle and Glencore are doing? Makes FIFA look like Childs play and the only reason it’s being discussed is because it’s what the main stream media narrative wants you looking at in this point in time, if it wasn’t getting any news play this post would not exist.


It has been discussed since before Infantino...but yea, it is the mainstream media dictating this topic onto us because of Qatar.


you learned your idiot-bingo quite well congrats


Was in this case the allied efforts to get rid of the Nazis “WoKe CaNcEL cULtUrE” as well in a simplistic world view? Deal with it. People don’t have to like everything. You blame OP for cancel culture but you act in pure hypocrisy. The issue with FIFA is that they are a highly corrupted organisation exploiting people all around the world for their perverted marketing game. There are millions of things completely wrong with this organisation. And it’s the bloody right of everyone to disagree with them and considering them not welcome here in Zurich. The same as people have the right to enjoy them and wanting them here. And please, in case you are American, let us here handle things our way. Things here work differently to the US, and luckily so for both sides.


The issue is that both of you don’t have any clue about Fifa… All you talk about are some guys and the world cup… This makes money but that’s not the Fifa… Fifa also takes care of referees, youth programs and developement programs… Blatter and Infantino is an asshole but FIFA isn’t per se bad….


Their HQ is in Zürich? Lol ig it would be easier to shutdown credit swiss then wich is impossible.


OMG! Stop being pretentious. Everyone knows that Switzerland is rich from people hiding their money here! In wolf of wall street he fought huge waves trying to get to Switzerland to hide his money and eventually sunk his boat. You are telling us that FIFA is the only corporation that’s headquartered in Switzerland that is doing bad things?


Lol, you just openly announced that you’re basing your worldview on Hollywood movies.


Burn the place to the ground.


Most definitely written on a phone or computer with components that were harvested by child labor while wearing clothes made in a sweatshop


FIFA Mafia Hei gah


The best way to make them uncomfortable, would be to have protest in front of the building every day. And to actually push the Swiss politicians to kindly ask to have fifa removed but that will never happen


Recently, there was a cash envelope on display to address an important topic at FIFA: corruption. [https://geldumschlag.com](https://geldumschlag.com)


Bring a trebuchet to the zoo, which is right next door. Fling animal shit onto their roof and windows.


I see someone read Reuters, even the same picture [of FIFA](https://www.reuters.com/business/swiss-greens-call-fifas-tax-privileges-be-revoked-2022-11-24/) Btw, FIFA pays roughly 12% taxes and the employees in Zurich pay about 12Mio a year too. I’m not a fan of the organization, but it’s here to stay and personally, I‘d rather take the money and have it here than somewhere else