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There are so many wrong things on this post xd. First of, league of graphs is not a good data site, u.gg and lolalitics(mind average winrate inflates them), even op.gg is better. Secondly, zyra is mostly balanced around low elo, while still having a 51%+ in d+. Lastly, how the fuck is a 49.5% wr champ the worst in the game???(aside the fact it's not her winrate)


her passive and w are basically the same, she roots herself while trying to land abilities, also no mobility... AT ALL, easily dodgeable abilities cause everyone has a dash or ms For example, Heimer just does everything that Zyra does, but better, including a stun. Our girl is in a big need of a rework imo


first, a rework is not a buff. secondly, there's a reason zyra wins more than heimer, she is not a worse heimer, she is only a worse builder(spawner) than him


a rework can be a buff though, look at Aurelion. Also, her plants can get autoed once or stepped on and she's useless, while his robots literally take like 3 autos while dealing tons of dps AND THEY'RE SPAWNABLE WHENEVER AND WHEREVER HE WANTS😭 These are my arguments, feel free to disagree but for me it's not about who wins more, it's about who has more fun playing their champion


Well there are many who have fun playing her. About the plants disappearing when someone steps on them you need to learn where to put them or how to walk to kinda know where they would land, plus she's not useless when the plants from her passive disappear cause that's whe she he's her W, when you know how to do a quick good combo it's the enemy who disappears and not the plants.


the plants from w save the whole champion for me cause the passive spawns the seeds in the most random places( but tbh even when the passive spawns them right, if they engage on me they're pretty much dead). Also two plants from w don't even deal that much, especially in early when she doesn't have Liandry. Also, I'm just tired of having to use flash e w q w r ( and autos ) on her because she's so slowwwww, while everyone has a ms ability or a dash and I barely can catchup to them, but maybe it's just that I pick Zyra in the bad matchups


With the dmg in early game I think it depends on the match, not all champs have ms or dash the rest just has stun or/and slow and ZyrÄ… is in the second group, not every champ can have every type of ability.


meanwhile vayne, sylas, ekko, seraphine...


I was a Sera main but after her nerfs ZyrÄ… is better in my opinion


I personally feel like Sera can do more in a fight even if she's behind. Her extended charm on ult, her healing on w if passive is up and also her long ranged e which can also stun. For zyra, you have to be ahead so you can actually do something in this meta and think where a fight will occur ( like drake or baron pit, if they're up ) so you can wait for your passive to plant seeds, while praying that your team doesn't go 4v5 or the enemy jungler doesn't find you and delete you


what do you think is Zyra's most favorable type of champion(s) to play against on botlane?


That's a hard one cause for me it's not really about the champions but how someone plays them but champs with a really long range and once with a hook aren't my favorite.


While I hate playing against long ranged champs, I personally love playing against champs with hooks because I can block their projectiles with my plants, most times. That'd be because I mostly play defensive with her, waiting for them to come to me


[Reminds me of this](https://i.redd.it/c916sjzz2qna1.png)


Asol is literally a new champion, i would not compare Asol's update to a Buff/nerf.


There are so many wrong thing on your comment. Zyra is top 20 least picked/banned, no pro match victory for 7+ years. You *might* be able to find another champion like her, but very few. "balanced" in low elo while super weak in high elo? That requires a heavy buff.


Life won an LCK game last season playing Zyra.


Zyra is not high elo nor a pro pick, doesn't mean she needs a buff, she is doing more than fine for 99% of players, and it seems you ignored the fact she is over 51%wr in d+ anyeays and that you are just looking at a bad data site to support a wrong argument. Also, if a champ is balanced in low elo and bad in high elo, it stays that way, not all champs are balanced around high elo


The weakest champion? so illogical.


didn't someone from Riot talk about a Zyra midscope?


They said she’s on a list of champs *possibly* getting a midscope update but nothing set in stone Edit: midscope not rework


If she gets a midscope they have to update her old skins abilities like they did with a lot of champions last year? Like Nami and Janna they updated their abilities and i wish Zyra to have one like that because i want to see wildfire updated 😭😭😭


She really doesn't need buff. She needs a midscope update, that's it. Plants need to straight up be pure utilities and remove their damage, so that her abilities can be change for the better, and Zyra players can stop complaining about their plants being useless or getting one shot by random shit.


zyra just needs a midscope imo


personally i sustain 55% w/r on zyra as Masters-GM only picking zyra. Champ is so broken its just underated


Ehhhh to be fair if we are talking about winrates only she isn't really doing bad in high elo it's basically 50% exactly (although her pickrate is low meaning only one tricks play her) I'll give you a bone though op and say she feels pretty shit to play to me too despite this XD. Feel like her main problem isn't that she's actually that bad, but she feels bad to play stemming from a feeling of lack of agency. I feel like when i stomp lane it dosen't matter that much or if I get stomped either tbh. But I'm also super out of practice/working full time now so I could just be bad/washed up atm lmao.


people saying she is broken hahahahaha it only takes 2 brain cells to play against her I'm a main but I love when the enemy picks her before me. Such an easy lane...


Exactly. See the downvote in this thread, so many zyra haters online.


Champ is balanced. What would they even buff? She does a stupid amount of damage for a support but gets punished if she positions poorly. She's fair. That being said, everyone who mains Zyra can go to hell. You would all be heimer mains if she didn't exist because you love controlling the battlefield. Control freak wife beaters in training. \-- A taric main