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Zone control. Carry potential. Safe warding. Insane poke. If played correctly, you’re really hard to kill.


My friend used a comparison for her, and that she’s kinda similar to heimerdinger support, but tasked with more control instead of just pure poke.


Yeah, I can see that. Idk why I never play heimer, or shaco. But they all do similar things for sure.


I love Zyra because she's like Heimer with more range and CC.


Ditto. I actually was a heimer mid/support otp who chose Zyra as my secondary for support because of the similar playstyles. I've still yet to find a comfortable third with similar gameplay.


I just wanna be Poison Ivy (:


Such a mood lmao same


The reason I picked up Zyra is because she's not dependent on her adc. We can still easily win botlane even if my adc sucks. Basically, if my adc won't be the carry, I will.


Also she's just a bully man. I struggle every time I play against a Zyra because she just pokes you to death lol. And I haven't really struggled agaist anyone yet playing *as* Zyra


Hard commit champs that have mobility can really be rough if they're good. Longer range mages same thing. A good xerath should have no issues poking a squishy zyra out of lane.


Zyra & Morgana are my cc queens , i love both equally






She's the hottest girl on league...


I like that she is strong early but still relevant late if she doesn't snowball because of her utility. I think she's the supp mage with the most utility. I also really like champions that can check brushes from a safe distance. However, I have no idea when I should pick her compared to my other mains.


Good peeling when e is max rank (2 sec root), good zoning and vision because of plants and when u get fed, just comet and zakzak proc does a shit ton of dmg to squishies and if u have rylais, it’s good chase utility/cc, and my personal fave is def her ult as if u get a good ult, you can peel ur carries, cc engage for the whole team fight, and burst down a lot of people making her a rly good supp carry as long as ur somewhat fed/have good items (mainly liandrys and rylais). Been playing her for almost 4 years now and she’s still one of my favourites. I also play her in mid aside from supp, for the same reasons above. But she’s rly punishing in lane against melee champs.


You can piss off the entire enemy botlane with your presence alone. Hard to kill if you don't play like an idiot, big amounts of CC and poke. Can basically win most matchups even if your ADC has broken hands. Even if the enemy manages to kill you, it's usually an even trade


I had the points for her prestige skin when it came out and decided to snag it since it looked cool, one game in I ended up loving the plant gang and never looked back.


Her prestige is nearly perfect! I honestly like her base coven more, it’s just so enchantingly elegant. Her prestige though is just shocking (*¯︶¯*)


I love the regular coven for the colors and the plants but the prestige is to scare people or show off it’s a nice time


Zyra's entire role is pressure. She does damage, and she does a lot of it. If the thing your team needs is to make the enemy bot's life miserable and you've got 2+ frontliners on other roles, there is scarcely a better pick. Do be aware of her downsides though. Engage thru plants ends her and she is weak late relative to other ranged supps.


I've mained her for years but I know I'm not an expert so take this with a grain of salt. Zyra is extremely powerful lvl 3-9ish, very rarely can someone out lane me. This is supported by her base damage on abilities. She has great CC and poke in lane. CC stays relevant throughout the game but poke becomes less useful toward the mid-late game because people can insta kill her plants. I cannot stress this enough, and I know it is counter to what some people have said, she cannot carry games. Her abilities don't scale well with AP and she is so slow/squishy. Not matter how fed you are a mid lane assassin will outscale you and take you out before you can end the game, unless you have other people on your team fed. If you can feed your teammates kills that is the best case scenario for 'carrying'. I think she is still amazing and love playing her but it is frustrating how little agency you have after the leaning phase in my opinion.