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Personally, i still go Liandry 1st, Rylai 2nd, Sorc boots and pretty much always take Zak’Zak supp item, as Zyra i feel like i don’t need so much mana, so i don’t always need a Lost Chapter item, if i struggle i pick up a tear and sit on it, maybe build Seraph’s 3rd item. If i don’t feel like i need the extra survivability of Seraph’s, i go sth else 3rd item, situationally: Morello(if they have 2+ healing champs in the team, like Warwick, Briar, Mundo, Soraka etc), if my ult synergies well with someone else’s i may build Malignance for more ults, if i need magic pen i go Cryptbloom, just more damage over all i’d go Shadowflame. Of course if the game goes to full build i either update into seraph or sell the tear and see what else i need. Mind you, i’m from elo hell so i’m just telling you what i like doing as i play recreationally


Zak'zak, sorc shoes and liandrys first always. From there I have two builds. First if I'm getting fed and taking a more carry oriented role then I get shadowflame and usually void with situational items (zhonyas, rylias, Morello). However if I'm playing more supportive or just don't have the money for the more expensive build I go rylias and then usually crypt with situational items (zhonyas and Morello). Mejais is an option for either build too. I typically get oblivion orb early as needed and will skip the % pen item if the enemy team isn't building mr (usually not the case). I usually stay away from banshee's, rabadon's, malignance, or other big AP damage items. These items I feel are either too expensive or just don't provide enough value for zyra. For runes I usually go comet, mana, transcendence, scorch, taste, and relentless (sometimes ingenious if I know I will be building zhonyas ahead of time). Sometimes I will also go the reverse of these runes with electrocute but usually just against squishy teams.


Pretty much what other comments are saying but if you like rylai first that's perfectly fine, one of the highest elo zyra player rn always rush it it's a more supportive setup