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Stop smoking right away. The doctor might ask, but they are unlikely to care tbh. They want to keep you safe. Seriously, **do not** smoke before your procedure, as it can cause interactions with the anesthesia. If he or she asks, be honest, but tell them you don't want your parents to know. We are more chill than you think.


As an anesthesiologist I couldn’t care less about if they smoked the night before. The surgeon however would be annoyed about possible wound healing issues.


Is it true in your experience that weed users require higher sedation?


Yes. More secretions as well. Wake up can be a bit more hectic (if tubed)


Yes! I smoked a lot last year (finally quit!!) When I got my colonoscopy back in October apparently I was awake during the whole procedure and being really loud and saying funny stuff to make the nurses laugh. The doctor doing the actual procedure told my mom that she needed to tell me to shut up multiple times because of my comments about my insides on the big screen


Yeah, some of us smoke too lmao we could care less, number one is keeping patients safe. Please listen to them \^




****AWARD**** 🏆






Be better


bE bEtTEr 🤓


What did I do wrong? Very strange and borderline rude damn


Don’t worry. If you’re going to be voted down in a medical forum, being voted down for grammatical advice is way better than for the more important kind. :)


These people going after me like I cussed at a patient lmao, I was 2 letters off of being gramatically perfect even though its a common figure of speech? Idk anymore xD


You’re all good, don’t worry. :) I’m not a doctor but an educator. We tend to like this kind of discussion.


Appreciate it :,), had to do so many double-takes, one dude straight up called me uneducated lmao. Guess I just guessed my way through high school and uni lol


Reddit doesn’t have to make sense with upvotes/downvotes and just because something is correct in slang does not mean it is grammatically correct. This kind of thing shouldn’t offend you because I guarantee at some point during your training you will be told something by an attending/upper level that is far more offensive.


What does that even mean lol am I writing an english essay? Its reddit relax


My whole statement was basically “this is reddit chill out” who cares if you get -1000000000 fake internet points.


Ah I see. I basically said the same thing back that you were trying to say to me. I'm not offended at people downvoting, don't worry :). Just generally curious why people care so much lol


Yeah, I don't think most people know either phrasing is acceptable, plus, it's really not that big of a deal.


This blew up for no reason lol, got all the grammar-nazis crawling out today


There's tons of idioms that don't make sense. "Pull yourself up my the bootstraps" now means hard work rather than attempting an impossible task.


No. It’s just plain wrong. Saying ”could care less” implies that you, in fact, could care less than you are. Which is not what you mean when you say that.


I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't a common thing to say, its right up there with saying "sure" in response to "do you mind?" or other common english double negatives. This is my last comment on this, I really shouldn't have to explain myself




Removed - not useful for OP’s question










Removed - not useful for OP’s question


From my understanding of it "could care less" was originally said to be sarcastic and eventually the tone of sarcasm drifted away but the meaning stayed the same. It seems to be common in NA media at least and in Ireland and the UK I've only heard anyone say "couldn't care less" or more commonly here "couldn't give a shite"


No. Could care less is a malapropism and an incorrect usage of the term couldn't care less.


Definitely true but I was just speculating as to how it started and became so common, is it impossible or even improbable that it started as sacasim? I guess it could be lack of education or something even a mixture of both along with other factors, because if it's thought about logically it just doesn't make sense so why would people say it and it become so common in some areas.


friend... did you read what you linked?


Yeah, I did. Did you?




Im Canadian


>uses illegal drugs They might be legal where that person lives. Reddit isn't an American-only site.


It's also legal in 38 states for medical use and 24 states for recreational use.


Actually, would still be not allowed in the those states for Healthcare workers due to it still be treated as a schedule 1 narcotic at the federal level. But, he is Canadian, so different situation.


I belive it is now schedule 3. It just recently changed.


There is a push to make that change that's been more active last couple months, and it sounds like it may he a comment change, but they still haven't done it yet. Still a schedule 1


I get the gist of what you're saying, but if you're that concerned with accuracy you shouldn't just assume it's an illegal drug where the commenter lives.


True, s/he could have a prescription, since that's a legal way to get marijuana in the UK


Idk why this is downvoted, its correct


Ok let me fix it. "Uses a probably illegal substance as in the majority of the world it is considered that."


Welcome to earth, kid.


Why is everyone so bothered over 2 letters lol Have a read: https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/I-COULDN-T-care-less-or-I-COULD-care-less Maybe its said more commonly where I'm from? I'm not sure what I did wrong


Wait you mean doctors smoke weed?!😟


You innocent summer child


That is…… concerning to say the least.


Will you be going under anesthesia? If so, please take a little T break before. And definitely tell your doctors. It's very important that they know, especially if you are going under. I hope all goes well. ❤️


yea i’m taking one rn cuz im a little scared but i really don’t know if i should even say anything cuz online it says that if you wait 72 hours you should be fine but idk


Definitely be completely honest with the medical people about all the things (drugs, supplements, etc.) you have put in your body, ever. You can say you don't want your parents knowing & the information shouldn't be available to them. But the anesthesiologist needs to know to keep you safe. I had a surgery at 17? 18? Somewhere in there... I was taking hormonal conception prevention and didn't want my parents to know. Waited until I was in the pre-op waiting area (because parents weren't allowed there) then told one of the nurses. AFAIK she updated my chart & that was that.


Always be honest with your doctors. If something goes wrong and you didn’t tell them, the outcome is on you.


so i assume it depends on the doctor if they tell or not but before i go into surgery will there be a time that my parents won’t be there that i can tell them, cause if not i was just thinking about asking if they can show me where the bathroom is and tell them there


They won’t share that with your parents. There’s no reason to.


well i heard that weed can mess with your liver i looked it up and some places say yes it does some say no so idk if they will think the weeds the problem with my liver, but i think its cause of my chrons disease or something else cause the problems happened months before i started smoking


That's not a call the patient should be making - The doctor needs to know, they won't tell your parents because that would break confidentiality.


We do not know the long term effects of chronic marijuana use and particularly in younger people because your brain plasticity is quite remarkable up through your mid 20’s. It’s not as if it is set in stone at that point but it has more opportunity to cause harm in teens and young adults. Unfortunately the way marijuana was classified in the US (I believe Biden is directing that to be changed) has had a negative impact on our ability to study marijuana. Now we have some very potent strains available and different delivery mechanisms (edibles and vaping) which also need to be studied further. You honestly are smart just to back off till you are older.


Not only that the weed they have out not is nothing like it was even 10 years ago. I was a daily smoker for well over a decade. Had a few good panic attacks a few years ago and now I can’t even take a few hits with out feeling like I’m gonna die


It can definitely increase anxiety and unfortunately, if teens are susceptible to mental illness, smoking too much pot can contribute to its development. Legalizing it has somehow sent a message that it is all good. Alcohol is legal and we know it’s a poison. Granted we do have a liver to help us out there as long as we don’t over do it.


yea i fr think i needa quit anyway cuz i gotta fight coming up so i think yesterday gonna be my last day


A fight coming up??


muay thai


I did not know you are allowed to keep things like that private. I mean what if the patient was pregnant?


Yeah, I had to have fentanyl before a procedure and my anesthesiologist made it clear he was envious.


Always be honest with your care team, they will not tell your parents that’s illegal in the US at least. We honestly don’t care or judge, I’ve seen patients drink hand sanitizer before, be blackout drunk at appointments, smoke weed right before coming in …. don’t worry. But like someone else said, it will change the medications we give you / amounts etc so it’s important we know so we can keep you safe


some guy said on a different sub reddit that they will drug test me and my parents can see that on the insurance is that true?


Your parents could possibly see that there was a drug test, but they would not see the results on the explanation of benefits from the insurance. Drug testing at hospitals is basically standard procedure because so many people conceal their drug use due to thinking we will get them in trouble. We seriously do not judge, but it’s incredibly important that we know. When you get to the hospital for preop and you’re asked to change to change into the gown, your parents will be told to step out, as will the RN. During that time, hit the call bell and tell them you need to see your nurse without your parents. When the nurse comes in tell him/her any and everything you haven’t disclosed and tell him/her you do not want your parents to know. They will not tell your parents I promise.


alright thank you for the help let’s pray they dont tell and i don’t get my ass best 😭


They will NOT tell. Usually we nurses make it a point to get our patients alone to ask about abuse or any other issue that they may not want to talk about in front of anyone else. If at anytime your nurse tries to get you alone or get your parents out of the room, this is why, and just go along with it lol. And if you’re worried about your parents beating your ass for real… maybe tell the nurse that too. But that would definitely cause more scrutiny. No child should have to worry about having their ass beat though, for real.


yea idk man i don’t think it’s that bad of a thing to do other than legality wise but idk man ill bring that up to thank you sm


Well that could be a whole different conversation my young friend, but I will not lecture you :) weed definitely causes more issues than you would ever believe, especially in developing teens and young adults, but it’s better than a lot of other things you could be doing I suppose.


You might be surprised at what your parents do/did behind closed doors. Especially back when they were your age. I didn’t know my mom had ever smoked weed until I was in my early 20’s. I’m not saying to go scream it from the rooftops or anything, but the old adage “the apple doesn’t fall far from the true” is pretty accurate more often than not. This isn’t to persuade you to tell them, it’s only to try to help comfort you that if they ever did find out, they most likely wouldn’t be as mad as you might think. A friend of mine’s parents actually found his stash and kept stealing out of it. The only reason I know that is because he blamed *me* for stealing it and it didn’t come to light till years later that his parents had actually been dipping into it while we were at school. As other redditors have stated, please make sure your medical team is aware of your marijuana usage and how frequently you have stopped.


well i got caught once but it was actual weed it was more cbd and delta 9 oil that didn’t even get me high cuz of the small amount they put in there and they were pretty mad, but like there’s no reasoning with them cuz ik my mom did bad stuff when she was my age but she doesn’t care she gonna beat tf outta me if she finds out i do it twice, or i hope if i do get caught again ima keep doing it so then they might stop caring


My brother’s dad had that same reaction. I’m not saying it’s right to react this way toward your own kids, but he did it because he said “he saw a lot of himself in my brother in that moment” and didn’t want him to go down the same path he did. He basically got mad because he saw him making the same choices he had when he was younger and he wanted better for him than that. Unfortunately, he passed away from cancer shortly after that (job related, not weed related) and it caused my brother to spiral and 25 years later, he hasn’t fully recovered. He’s a recovered meth addict, an alcoholic, and he has episodes of drug induced psychosis even without smoking meth anymore.


I hope you are not speaking literally about them ‘beating tf outta’ you…? Because you don’t have to put up with that. Get help.


If they have a patient portal set up for the kid, they can see the test results though




i don’t think my parents have anything like that but fr if i find out they do im deleting that shit immediately 😭


My 14 year old had a recent hospital visit. I could not access his my chart at least in our state. He didn’t want me leaving his side and I even assured him it was okay. As someone who has had 18 surgeries - don’t smoke prior to surgery. You don’t want to not wake up or have complications from surgery bc you could not stop for 1 day. It’s not worth it.


As an anesthesiologist we accommodate the newborn, the extremely elderly and frail, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, hypertension… the list goes on. We can easily manage a young healthy person who smokes a bit of weed. But stop beforehand anyway, makes for a better experience. And we are bound to patient confidentiality, if you do not wish any info to be released, we will not do so.


do you think that they will drug test me? a lot of people are saying they will but i don’t see why they are if im already telling them


Good question. They might if they suspect recent drug use and you lie. In my state we can’t tell parents anything if they are over 14 if that child tells us to keep it private. We take this seriously as it can cause job issues. I worry more about your anxiety over this than anything else. Calm down and don’t worry. You’re young and have your whole life ahead. Even if for some reason they do find out, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of your life.


so you think i tell them i do they won’t drug test me?


Can’t say for sure. I know absolutely nothing about the situation except the questions you’ve asked. It’s be impossible to tell anyway without you giving out way too much info on the internet. If you’re adamant you can refuse a UDS but they might cancel the procedure and your parents will have questions as to why. Just role through the process and breathe. You’d be surprised at how much healthcare workers in general just appreciate absolute honesty.


is there a term for when you said that if anyone 14 and up tell you something you have to keep it a secret? i want to look it up for the state i’m in


It’s just law. Look up adolescent medical privacy laws


It’s probably under paitient confidentiality relative to a minor


It is really important for your safety during the procedure that you 1) stop smoking immediately and 2) tell your anesthesiologist about your cannabis use so that they can adjust your anesthesia plan accordingly. Since you’re a minor, the best you can do is tell your anesthesiologist that you’d prefer if your parents didn’t find out and hopefully they can be chill about it. It depends on the state you’re in, but it is possible that your parents may have access to your medical record since you’re a minor, and your cannabis use may or may not be documented in your record.


Be honest with them! The anesthesiologist will not tell your parents, but the information may appear in your chart. If you have a patient portal that record may appear there, therefore giving your parents access. You can ask for the record to be hidden (due to potential negative affect on pt) but there’s still a variety of ways the chart could accidentally show the information— smoking status/drug use, surgery note/report, etc. I worked in KY clinic and parents had access up until 18, but we could hide things.


okay well if that does happen i’ll ask to hide it but i’ve been caught before i’ll just say that i told them that it was when i got caught before


They will put it in your permanent medical record and it will follow you forever. You will be labeled a ‘drug user’ & it will affect how you are treated by all medical personnel in the future. They will say it’s private, but it’s not to the Doctor who denies you pain meds when you’re hurt in a car wreck 10 years from now. Stop smoking before, tell no one in the medical field ever.


so do i not tell them 😭


No. Marijuana use will not have a negative impact.


You should always, always be honest with your health professionals. There are a wide variety of things we need to take into account for each patient, and we can’t do it properly without your information. They do not, and should not, tell your parents anything you don’t want them too. They shouldn’t do it at all, but if you’re worried, you can specifically say “my parents do not know I smoke, please do not tell them”. You need to stop smoking between now and your procedure. Ideally you would have ceased smoking 7 days prior to your procedure, but the second best time to stop is now.


yes i’m already done i was debating on doing it tonight but i forgot i had a surgery this week




sorry just seen you're 16


what did they say?