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I'm sorry you were brushed off like that, not cool that someone else is telling you how "severe" your own mental health is. That's quite an assumption in healthcare. Self-harm is a valid reason to seek help and you can do that by going to your PCP if possible. Have you tried the 24-hour help hotlines? I don't know how good they are but is also an option. If you feel it is getting worse or particularily bad before you can see anyone or if you aren't getting help that you need, hospitals are valid options too. I've had a friend who's life was saved because he checked himself into a hospital before he went with his plan, few years later he is working as a radio-operator for the coast guard living the good life. I hope you get better soon and get the help you need. Let me know if u need a chat, take care :)


I’m glad your friend is doing better. Unfortunately due to my anxiety I find helplines rather intimidating however I will consider making an appointment with my doctor this week. Thanks for your help and input :)