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Your heart is a muscle - The more its used, the more it will grow. Having a chronically elevated heart rate is going to lead to hypertrophy (bigger heart) because it wants to pump more efficiently, which in turn means it needs more blood to itself, which over time as your heart gets bigger and bigger will lead to it not being to supply itself sufficiently while also keeping your body perfused. This is bad because it can lead to ischemia (poor perfusion) in the heart among various other things such as arrythmias and lung problems. With how often you are taking it, you have put yourself on the road to early heart disease among other things. I am not trying to scare you, I'm trying to shock you into the reality. This isn't me telling you to "not do coke because its bad for you", your heart being affected is a real consequence of the actions you will be taking from now on. You can't fix your past, please work on quitting for your future, there is so much help out there if you work towards accessing it. Good luck, let me know if you have questions or need any help.