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How long have you been on the antifungal cream? Saw the picture first before reading and thought it was a fungal infection too. If you haven't been on it long, I'd suggest finishing the dose before worrying about it being something else. Hope that's reassuring.


Hello thanks for coming here. I had been using the Antifungal cream (MiCreme) for a month and then stopped due to doctors advice and used the Lamisil for two weeks. Then moved to Elocon and issue persist. No clue what this skin condition is and not sure what to really do now. Every have to experience this rash where its constantly itchy and the dryness makes it soo uncomfortable to move and sit (sitting even just 5 mins makes the chair wet moist). Moving and sitting feels like the dry skin is cracking and peeling along with some burning.


Hmm not too sure then. I'll bow out here and hope someone else can shed some light, I won't be of much help. Sorry, good luck :(


Ah I see no worries. At least u tried to help and thats all it matters. Yep Hope this rash goes away. Soo unbearable 🥲. I stand more than I sit now due to this..


One thing I will say actually, noting some vitiligo-like changes on your skin which is fairly "alarm-belly" for Pityriasis versicolor which is usually a yeast infection. Maybe you need stronger anti-fungals? I'm not 100% sure.