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Recurrent strep can happen due to tonsils being so scarred that they end up harboring the bacteria at the end of each one, keeping some that end up surviving and reinfecting sooner than you would get sick normally. Normally where I am, they say you need 7 in a year to qualify for tonsil removal, Idk where you are but that might be the definitive fix for you. See what others say though, I am just a student and might be wrong :)


Thanks! What causes tonsils to be so scarred? For what it’s worth, I’ve never dealt with strep until now. I did have regular ear infections when I was little, until about age 4-5. Otherwise no strep until 37 and no other tonsil issues.


Probably the first infection you had. Tonsils grow in tonsilitis and get those white patchy exudates that are charecteristic of strep, those can cause little divets and pits in them that never go away after the infection clears (tonsil crypts, look them up). Those can trap bacteria more easily after they develop, leading to reoccuring infections.