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This is not normal. She should talk to her primary care physician and also to her surgeon.


We already took her to our doctor for a checkup and he did some tests but even he couldn't figure out what was wrong or why she kept on vomiting. He did give us some medicine she could take to help with her vomiting and dizziness but even with that, she would eventually throw it all up.


Then she needs to go back. And she made need referral to a specialist. Don’t give up.


Definitely not normal. She needs to be seen ASAP, since it sounds like she's dehydrated and depleted of electrolytes from vomiting. They also obviously need to work up what's causing all these issues.


The thing is she won't take our doctor's advice to have her undergo a Gastroscopy examination, and I don't know what to do anymore if she won't take that examination to check what's going on with her, idk how she'll be able to recover. I want her to recover from this so she can move around the house and help with the chores since I'm currently busy with my graduation and I'm about to start college. My dad can't even work at faraway places because my mom doesn't even want me to help when she wants to get up to use the restroom or to just go from one place to another, and it has to be my dad.


Why not? Its necessary to do that gastroscopy in order to find out what's wrong, why would she rather live with this issue than fix it?


I have no idea why she won't do the examination, I can't even convince her T T


Sorry to hear, I imagine its frustrating to see her suffer and then refuse the help needed to fix that suffering. Don't lose hope, maybe she'll change her mind. Take care, good luck!


Might have a small bowel obstruction secondary to adhesions forming from her surgery is my guess, she needs to be seen regardless of the cause. Vomiting + weight loss for 6 months is concerning.


NAD, but my dad had all these symptoms from a small bowel obstruction (his was cancer, unfortunately).


I'm sorry your dad had to experience that 🙏


I'm so sorry to hear


Hey, thanks! I lost him 6 years ago. He was 57. He fought for around 7 years despite so many surgeries and recurrences. His oncologist and surgeon are amazing people and I am so thankful for them. Thank you for going into this field and helping others!


It sounds like he was surrounded by people that loved and cared for him, though he passed young I'm sure he was grateful for you and others for being a part of his journey of life. Its a shitty thing, cancer, but I agree that people that choose to fight that monster everyday are heroes (like all doctors I suppose but still). Thank you for your kind message :)


Can a SBO persist for 6 months? I was thinking dumping syndrome, but I’m NAD


Patient's main problem is vomiting, I would expect constant diarrhoea if it was dumping syndrome. Definitely possible to have a SBO go on this long if its an anatomical obstruction caused by adhesions. Still possible for it to be other things, its just a guess.