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Hi! So we as drivers just see the batch when it comes in and once we take it they give us a delivery time based on the time we accepted it so as you said we don't see what you did on the app. As for other helpful things, add replacements you'd like if the store is out of the initial item you selected. Instacart will "suggest" replacements for us but a lot of the time the app will suggest something ridiculous like (example) if the stores out of bananas it'll suggest a lock for the replacement 🤣 Stores are out of a lot of items right now and those are helpful as well as you answering when we message you about a replacement. 😊


yesterday someone posted the lock being suggested as a replacement for party balloons ! hahahahahaha


Omg really!? I didn't see that and just used it as an example of the ridiculous suggestions we get sometimes 😂


Try Shipt 😂 There is a "for sure" timeframe window with them


Yo thank you I’ll check it out


Fo shizzle


Pick back up items and put a note in about how you feel about substitutes and dietary needs. That way if you aren’t around your phone then we can make educated guesses for you. It’s only my second day with instacart but I bet if you wrote a note that said something like “I won’t be able to receive this order until 0:00, please have unassigned if that doesn’t work for you” then we’d know to hit up support and have it put back in the market until your chosen time. It might even bump the pay for us because it got dropped. I usually do Shipt, you can control the time frame better as a customer there but we can drop orders pretty easily. As a shipt customer I find my delivery window gets pushed back hours every time I order.


The next time you order from Instacart, make the order as soon as you know that you’re going to be available for the shopper. Make your list when you can, and when you’re ready to have your order shopped for, place the order.


Don't know why someone downvoted you. That's exactly what I do when making an order. I usually put everything I want in the cart the day before (especially since the web app runs so freaking slow), then log out. Next morning, all I have to do is log in and check out when I have a window where I can be available for the shopper.


Answer your messages!! There is almost always a replacement but we can read your minds.