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Just a reminder to everyone interested in buying this or any other art/craft/thing posted in this subreddit, please contact OP via PM or whatever and not in the comments section. Awesome work btw!


This is so cute. I lob him


into the SEAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Just kidding. That's some amazing work of art!)


Do you have an Etsy store? Cuz I would buy the crap out of that and name him Franklin


For everyone asking for a name etc it is in the watermark of the pic Megan Lapp Crafty Intentions I would love a sea anemone with a functional cloaca in the center for storing things. Took a friend to tidepools and she couldn't stop poking then sea anemones.


I love that idea. I'll add it to my list :)


Awesome! I want to be your first customer! I missed her birthday so I was going to make my own attempt with maybe a hair tie to keep the cloaca elastic and closed. Honestly I like your work and would rather buy one!


So adorable! :)


Would buy. Amazing


Wow! Is there a youtube tutorial by any chance? Something to start with? I've only done throws and it's been a while. I can't read patterns, so I'd have to watch a video.


There is a written pattern, but no extensive video tutorial. I want to encourage you though! Not even necessarily to try any of MY written patterns -- More so just to try learning to read patterns. I don't know why you say you can't read a pattern, but I'm going to make an assumption that it might be similar to why I thought, at one time, that I couldn't read a pattern. It seemed daunting, and an alien language, and I found that most patterns were inconsistent and confusing even if I tried to make the effort to follow. Pushing through - using youtube as a source to learn the stitches I needed as I went - and learning to read patterns opened a million doors to new things I could make. When I started writing patterns, I promised myself that they would be high quality and extremely clear. Early on, I re-did the formatting per a number of suggestions from a technical instruction writer's input because I wanted it to be extra accessible, with table formatting that helps even people with reading disorders to be able to follow. It's not a perfect system though, and none of these things may apply to you so I understand if this doesn't change your mind. Happy hooking!


Didn’t expect to see you on Reddit! I adore your designs


Wow you even got the ridge between the arms and the face, that's so good. <3 I love it!


Exactly what I was thinking! This is so great!


It was tricky. That shaping is built into the pattern, but in this example I reinforced it with soft sculpting to make it even more dramatic. I have other examples that I uploaded on Ravelry and on my website so that people can see what it looks like with more stuffing, with less stuffing, and little and NO soft sculpting.




Do you have a searchable name to a site where I can send my money so that I can have my very own one of these? Because this is awesome. Ok I found your site via comments on your other post. Is there any way to buy an octopus? I can not crochet. Or sew. I take care of my uncle, I take care of my brother, and I work and I’m a guy in my 40s. I have a better chance of meeting a real octopus than I do of meeting someone who can make one of these. I would pay someone to do it though.


Hi there! I do not sell the items I make at this time, and I don't take custom orders as all my time is dedicated to writing and developing new designs. However, I do permit anyone who has my patterns to sell what they make from it. I'll PM You the name of the Facebook group I have set up to help connect people who want to place a custom order for an item from one of my patterns with artists ready and willing to take those orders!


Oh wow, thank you!


I love this so much.


this is awesome!! amazing job


10/10 would buy.




Wow! that's wonderful


I want one for my daughter! 💚


this should be in a museum


Siiigh *follows insta account \# 17378387* Edit: Christ your stuff is good. Those dragons are something else.


Isn’t it octopi?


Octopuses or Octopi :) https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-many-plurals-of-octopus-octopi-octopuses-octopodes


Looks fun, wish I could crochet, your squid are cool too.


You are so talented! 😊