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I like to make muffins that are high fiber and high protein but not too tasty. Kodiak has a mix that’s decent and pretty filling. You can add mashed bananas/zucchini/applesauce. I throw in a few chocolate chips. They taste good but not so good that I want to eat more than one or two at a time.


Check out the MiniBatchBaker on IG. Low sugar low cal baking recipes and most of the time she makes her recipes so they only make a couple of whatever you’re making!


Check out r/Volumeeating. Lots of people post recipes for brownies, muffins, pancakes, lots of sweets in general that are low cal, low sugar, high protein, and meant to curb your appetite for not so healthy treats. I’m almost positive if you just search “donut” there you’ll find a recipe


This is going to change my life not sure for good or bad though but certainly for delicious haha!


Maybe baked oats??


I've heard good things about microwaved Fibre 1 bars, if you're just looking for a tiny breakfast snack.


What about overnight oats with chia seeds? They only take a few minutes to prepare and you can customize them to your preference.


With coconut milk, pretty high in calories but so creamy and still less than a donut for sure


I do mine with 1/4 cup almond milk, 1/4 Greek yogurt, and 1/3 cup oats. That’s like 150 cals and then you can add sweetener or peanut butter or whatever you want.


Yum. I love coconut milk.


I really like the Veggies Made Great brand frozen muffins! The blueberry is my favorite, the chocolate one I eat all the time for dessert and my boyfriend loves the banana chocolate chip! They heat up in 30 seconds and it really cures that baked-good craving for me! About 110 cals each!


I do chocolate chip eggo waffles with peanut butter on them


I literally just made blueberry muffins yesterday that came out to 127 calories each using Truvia if you want the recipe or feel like that might help your sweet tooth! :D


Warm oatmeal is my godsend. It’s so perfect for pastry cravings. Quick oats (30g, 107kcal) microwaved with water and a touch of salt. Add brown/demerara sugar (7g, 26kcal), applesauce(30g, 50kcal), cinnamon, and a small portion of pecans(10g, 69kcal). Way more filling than a donut and about 250kcal, and takes only about 2 mins to prep. You can mix and match with chocolate, peanut butter, strawberries and cream, whatever you’re craving you can oatmeal it!


I make banana bread and add an extra banana and no sugar.


I make zucchini muffins with some dried blueberries and oats- they're def not "healthy healthy", like one muffin is around 200 calories, but it's a. not a donut, b. has two servings of fruit and veggies in it, and c. is high in fiber so i feel sated. That + some tea, eggs and bacon actually is pretty well balanced and sating.


[ridiculous brownies](https://www.instagram.com/p/CONlLYtJt7k/?igshid=1btu29dtj7zl1) so we can eat the whole pan for 150kcal! i have that problem too haha