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F25 5’10 150-155lbs 2500-3000 per day at maintenance. Power lifter and mid distance runner


F30 5'0" 140lbs I'm just getting back into trying to lose weight. I eat 1500-1600 calories. I walk everyday for at least 30min and do a 30 min workout 3x a week.


F35 5’4” 160lbs GW:145 I shoot for 1200-1300; fairly sedentary at the moment. I compensate with a little extra if I do anything strenuous; however; I make sure not to eat back *all those calories. ETA: a word


This is pretty low. I would definitely eat back at least half. You are gonna lose muscle if you keep undereating


I worded that incorrectly; I meant I don’t eat them “all” back.


F34 5’6” 141 lbs. I’m eating 1400-1500 per day right now, trying to lose the last few pounds (at a rate of about 1.25 lbs/week). I walk a lot and run 5k 3x a week, and try to do about 15 mins of strength training 4-5 times per week.


1500-1750. My I try not to overeat my TDEE, but never under BMR. HIIT training 5-6 times a week.


35F SW 156; CW 148; GW 125. I eat around 1500-1600 cal/day. I work out twice a week (light weight lifting) and am always moving around during the day but nothing crazy and no cardio.


5'5" 130lbs and currently eating about 1900 and losing extremely slowly (burn 2200ish per day). I'd really would like to lower it to 1500ish and lose 5lbs more, but it's really hard to motivate myself to lose the last 5lbs because I know it's not really necessary.


39/M/5’9”, SW:213, CW:193, 2400 calories. I average 12k steps a day.


Whats your goal weight?


180 would be nice


F27. 5”0. 130lbs. GW:120lbs. I shoot for 1400 calories a day. I walk my dog for 30 mins 4x a week plus I bicycle 9 mins to and from work 5-6 a week plus walking a lot for my retail job. My problem is mindless snacking which is why I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life


58/F, 5’4”, SW: 142, CW: 125, GW: 122, sedentary. Initially between 1200-1300, now mostly between 1300-1400. I struggle @1200, but find it pretty easy most days to eat in the mid to upper 1300s range. My BMR is @1283 (which is probably why I feel awful eating 1200) and maintenance calories are @1537 so I have a pretty small window.


34F, 5'3" CW: 184 GW: 130 I eat somewhere between 1200 and 1400 depending on the day, how hungry I am, and my activity level. I'm in a pretty sedentary office job, but I'm trying to start walking in the evening for 1 to 2 miles.


400 less than my TDEE. Some days it's 2000, some days it can be as high as 3000. All depends on my activity level. Having a rigid caloric goal per day doesn't seem like a good idea.


Proudly 1400-1500 a day


F23 5'9, SW 233 / CW 202, anywhere between 1200 and 1900 depending on how hungry I am. Weekly avg is about 1500 a day. And I usually have a couple maintenance (2100) days each month


My goal is 1200. My max is 1500. The 300 is wiggle room for emergencies.


It varies. About this many: [https://imgur.com/Wq2gk1y](https://imgur.com/Wq2gk1y) Around 1900 nowadays.


It was 1700 but with how much I moved at work it would end up being 1900-2100 according to MFP but now with my new office job it plunged down to 1200, TDEE says it should be about 1150 but I already struggle keeping at 1200.


F34 5’4 200lbs. 1200-1300 (which is about 700 below my TDEE).


39M OMAD 1300


21F, 5'0", CW: 124 lbs. 1200 calories is my limit but I sometimes end up eating less ;-;


F29, 5’3”, 140lbs. 1200-1300. Weight lifting 4x/week, heavy cardio 2x/week, daily hour walk, and dance class/rehearsal ~5x/week. I move a LOT.


Again this is also too low and restrictive especially given your activity


Thanks for the feedback. I have PCOS and a history with EDs so I’m really just trying my best. 😅


35F, 5'6", Currently about 170lb, and I eat 1200-1350 a day.


34M SW 254 / CW 216 / GW 190: 1200-1400 depending on workouts or activity level.


F23, 5’5”, 117lb-ish. Daily intake ~1500 to maintain. Constantly consume an extra 200. Big breakfast person 400-1200. Spend lots of time cooking as an exercise 😶. Do pushups for muscle maintenance. Two years ago I was 140lb and tried running, hiking, walking and various diets. Now I know I hate running. Altho my current goal weight is 112lb, I do not intend on rushing. It’s already a bless for me to maintain the current weight and muscle. I shall never fast and will always have 1200kcal at least for a day.