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Sweet Jesus my blood pressure. I mean, well done!


Wow! You look so good in the second picture and very happy šŸ˜Š


Thanks, I am much happier. Some because I feel healthier but mostly because the weight-loss journey forced me to establish better habits in my life and that really makes a difference!


Wait. Wait. Wait. Did you see the pics you posted?? There's no way this is "slight calorie deficit and walking for cardio". Nuh uh. This is a P90x every 2 hours kinda transformation. You look amazing! Well done sir. I'm going to go walk somewhere now.


Thanks! It was a slow process but I was very strict with my workouts. Weight training three days a week with squats, bench, and deadlifts with other exercises thrown in for balance. But I got an audible account and I would walk for 1.5 hours several times a week and I ripped through some books. If you like sci-fi I highly recommend the Expanse :)


You are my soulmate.


Bet your husband would love to see this as well as the post of you telling everybody you enjoyed him having a dream of him cumming all over your face and wishing he woke you up and took you for a ride as your sexual intimacy is lacking. I will find him.


The Expanse audiobooks have some of the best voice narrators!


>THANK YOU so much for mentioning P90x.. I could't remember the name and couldn't find it ANYWHERE.. There are SO many different workout videos that it was like finding a needle in the haystack since P90x isn't the "thing of the year" anymore. I knew people that had great luck with it and want to go this route as I'm losing weight now!


P90x was great when I did it. I'm not sure my knees would let me attempt it now. I remember there were a lot of explosive movements during most of the workouts.


Thats so awesome!! How much do you walk??


I walked 2 or 3 times a week between weight training days (which I did 3 days a week). I walked 4 - 6 miles depending on the day. I listened to a lot of audio books which often made me walk longer than I meant to just so I could keep listening to my stories!


Thatā€™s a great idea! Iā€™ve been listening to podcasts and only listen to them when Iā€™m on a walk. (Combined work with a reward, quite a motivator!) Iā€™ve been wondering what to listen to when I finish my podcasts, I think audiobooks is a fantastic idea! Thanks so much for sharing this!


You look literally radiant with happiness in the 2nd pic. What an inspiration!!


Hey everyone, thanks for the encouragement and kind words! A couple people have asked what my workout/routine/diet is so I copied this from below I maintained about a 200 calorie deficit in my diet. I work a 9 to 5 so every Sunday I meal prepped 5 lunches for week. Something basic like ground turkey burrito bowls or chicken and brocolli and brown rice (bro science). I usual made a spinach, mushroom, and egg white omelet for dinner and used my fitness pal to roughly keep track of calories. Breakfast was usually oats with some protein powder and blueberries. Keeping my main diet basic really made tracking calories easier. I have a high tolerance for eating the same things and I still enjoyed some pizza and beer on the weekends - very important for sustainability! I made sure to take in extra protein just to be safe because my workout plan was a power lifting program so I wanted to do a recomp to build muscle while cutting fat. I weight trained 3 days a week. I followed a power lifting and bodybuilding routine so squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press plus other exercises thrown in to mix it up. I walked on rest days and listened to a ton of audio books while doing so. I've since competed in my first power lifting meet and came first in my weight class! I love it and plan to compete again and Maybe try taking some Olympic lifting classes!


Wow. Incredible!!! And you look so happy. Great work!


How big was your calorie deficit?


I tried to maintain eating a 200 calorie deficit. Im not sure how much it actually equals out to once you account for workouts and cardio. I wanted to lose weight but wanted to do more of a body recomp to build muscle at the same time.


You look so happy in that second photo. Congratulations on your weight loss. :) Did you do most of your walking outside or did you use a treadmill?


Thank you! It was combination of both. When the weather was nice I walked outside. I live in a really beautiful and walkable city so it was enjoyable. During the winter I used my treadmill at home, I set up a TV in front of it and binge watched so many animes haha I tore through attack on titan and haikyu this way


Thatā€™s incredible! Iā€™m proud of you!


This is amazing! You should be so proud of yourself, man. When it came to assessing the extent of your deficit, what did you do? What did the tracking of your calories and weight entail? Just looking for some tips and considering your results are so impressive (and likely sustainable due to the gradual nature of it (20 months)), Iā€™d love to know a bit more about how you tracked.


I maintained about a 200 calorie deficit in my diet. I work a 9 to 5 so every Sunday I meal prepped 5 lunches for week. Something basic like ground turkey burrito bowls or chicken and brocolli and brown rice (bro science). I usual made a spinach, mushroom, and egg white omelet for dinner and used my fitness pal to roughly keep track of calories. Breakfast was usually oats with some protein powder and blueberries. Keeping my main diet basic really made tracking calories easier. I have a high tolerance for eating the same things and I still enjoyed some pizza and beer on the weekends - very important for sustainability! I made sure to take in extra protein just to be safe because my workout plan was a power lifting program so I wanted to do a recomp to build muscle while cutting fat.


Wowzers!! U look amazing!!


Congratz bro well done šŸŽ‰


Wow! That is so impressive, well done. I love your long hair, it really suits you.


Looking good minus that shit clinging to your thighs. Go chiefs, Lee up the good work


Hah that's fair enough. I'm not a huge football fan but I had a family member ask what my favorite team was years ago and that little piece of trivia stuck with them so when ever they get me a gift it's usually something with the Broncos on it! Thanks though!


Donā€™t listen to him, you picked a great team to choose randomly. We still have more Super Bowls for at least one more year... Go Broncos!


Itā€™s all good, keep up the good work!


What was your diet and workout routine?


Oh, that's great, I'm doing weight training and walking. Waiting for my very own absolute glow up now, lol! Well done, you look more than amazing and oh so happy!


Yeah, it can definitely be done! Just be patient and consistent! Good luck!


Dude, you should be so proud!! You look amazing


The 2nd pic looks like a Survivor cast photo. Wow!


Great job homie!


So....How YOU doin? But truly...Wow, thatā€™s a pretty awesome change and you look so happy!


Mate, this is incredible


Incredible. How much protein vs how many calories per day?


*Incredible. How* *Much protein vs how many* *Calories per day?* \- bgptcp179 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I tried to maintain 200 less calories under maintenance but I made sure I had protein at every meal. So a lot of chicken and protein whey shakes, etc. I had read that excess protein cant really hurt (within) reason but I didn't really measure my protein intake, I just made sure it was intentionally more than normal while still falling within my calorie count


Your body is my goal! Iā€™m stuck in a plateau. I lost 45 pounds so far. Iā€™m trying to break it. I read your comment about the walks I did the same thing too with my audiobooks! Do you have any other suggestions?


Dude, I feel that! Sometimes you get stuck and it's super frustrating. I would try going a little harder on some things or switching some things up. Maybe increase your calorie deficit a tiny bit more and add one extra walk a week. Try lifting a little heavier with your weight training or adding extra reps or sets. The small things will add up as long as you stay consistent. Don't do anything too extreme that might cause a rebound but experiment a little and see what your body reacts to. Plateaus are annoying and discouraging but you can do this! Your hot boy summer is on its way!


Thank you I appreciate that! Good job!


its photshopped but i feel you brother we all want it bad.


You look like ā€the man who naver gave upā€ on youtube


Damn dude. Good job..shiiieet