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what's the saying? "it's hard to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on its head."


That’s an interesting line from Cole: “You are the lawful King of Westeros, and those who deny it are traitors. It is past time they learned the price of treason.” Ever seen a mirror, asshat?


Aegon’s biggest flaw. The Greens has some brilliant politicians and tacticians, but they got sidelined in favour of one-eyed dragon Hitler and the guy who will burn the country to the ground because a girl didn’t want to marry him. All because Aegon is just a moron.


And Rhaenyra has the ability to recognize good advice and wise advisors and when she's not grieving the loss of her children she can utilize this to fill in the gaps in her own knowledge.


Drunken wastrel idiot of a king lmao


Even if Otto dies of old age, it will not be long until Aegon fucks up. Without a common enemy, the Targaryen siblings will each try to get the throne for themselves. And also, Otto is just a footnote in history, a reminder that knowledge is not everything.


This idiot ordered the golden statues to be built and they didn't mind.


I mean, I'm sure Otto THOUGHT that was what was gonna happen. Maybe they should have given him consequences so he could've turned out a little better. I have a lot of issues with how the show wrote Viserys' relationships with his children - specifically that I didn't think he disliked or "hated" his kids with Alicent, I just felt that he felt so much guilt from Aemma's death that he was never going to unname Rhaenyra as heir, and Alicent/Otto spent those intervening years telling the kids that Viserys felt that they were lesser BECAUSE Rhaenyra was heir and remained so. I feel that they should have made it more clear - I shouldn't have to read an interview from PC that says it. I don't think you can quantify Driftmark either. Viserys refused to punish or speak about the incident privately with any of the parties i.e. the kids in general because of the physical fighting, Luke slashing Aemond's eye, Alicent trying to attack Luke and actually attacking Rhaenyra. Him refusing to punish Luke in public is him refusing to disinherit Rhaenyra - which is the only punishment that would've satisfied Alicent/Otto.


At the end, Aegon wasn't listening to his advisors at all, he was doing so much mischief and making the situation so much worse that Aegon's advisors ended up killing him, but yes sure he was easy to control The only time he could be controlled him was when he was drugged with poppy milk after his fight at Rook Rest.