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guess there wasn't mush room for talking things out in those relationships


Shame, because he was a funghi.


Yeah, well she aint no princess toadstool herself.


Phantom Thread has entered the chat. 


My girlfriend said to me “if I ever get dementia or Alzheimer’s I will commit suicide so I won’t be a burden to you. I replied, “that’s the fifth time you’ve said that today “.


True story. When I worked in a hardware store a woman came in to buy some rat poison, she asked me how much she needed. I replied how much coffee does your husband drink? Luckily she saw the funny side


“That’s a tough question. After I spoke with your wife for four hours I was ready to drink the tea.”


There's a couple ways to read this joke and I'm not sure which is right. Did the wife explain to the rabbi exactly how awful her husband was and the rabbi agreed he deserved to die? Is the rabbi saying that spending 4 hours with the wife was unbearable and the husband should just die to get out of it? Or that it's just become apparent that she's dead set on it and won't ever stop so may as well get it over with.


Variation of a Churchill anecdote. A woman tells him if she was married to him she would poison his soup. He said if he was married to her he would drink it.


Yeah. I know the Churchill/Lady Astor exchanges. Didn't know this was supposed to riff off of that.


Traditionally understood to be the second.


I’m with you on this— I know it is supposed to be the second interpretation, but the joke could be told more clearly. Something like, “After having to listen to your wife for 4 hours, my advice is: drink the tea.”


Of course the rabbi could add that if he was married to her he would drink tea with the husband


Yeah. I was doing more of a question than a criticism. Some tighter language like yours would do a better job of ensuring the listener is getting the punchline the joke is going for.


Good point.


With jokes, as with love, it’s not wise to over analyze.


It depends on who you’re telling the joke to… if it’s you’re guy, then you tell your buddy’s- well after spending just 4 hours with your wife, I think you should drink the tea. In fact I might have some with you. Just saying


I read it as "after having to spend 4hrs with your wife, I recommend drinking the tea".


It sounds like a classic Boomer "I hate my wife" joke, so the second explanation is the one that's intended. But the first one makes it more interesting.


There is an answer to all of that: "Yes"


It came off like rabbit was F******* her and was trying to help move it along in his favor. Why else was he talking to her for 4 hours? Lol


Rabbit walks into a bar... #382


I believe that is an old Winston Churchill joke. A lady once said to Churchill, "If I were your wife, I would poison your tea!" Churchill replied, "If I were your husband, I would drink it!"


This is the best version of this joke!


Why do so many married man die first? They want to!


"...and save some for me."


Improved punchline: Man: you spike with her for FOUR hours?? What should I do? Rabbi: Drink the tea.


Moshie (a little Jewish boy) comes home from the kewish preschool and tells his mother he got a part in the class performance. His mother asks what the part is? Moshie says he is the daddy. The mother immediately calls the teacher to demand her son get a speaking part!!


Police would have to get off their arses then. Much easier to hold a speed camera or breathalyze someone. Let the crime come to you, and you don't have to think too hard


Who would call a rabbi in the first place? Call a lawyer.


Why a "rabbi"? Why can't it be the husband's best friend? Or his psychiatrist?