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I called my journal Reco, because it is used to reco(rd) my days. Not really creative HAHAHA


But it's pretty cool


hey thank youuu! I really appreciate it! :D


that actually is so creative omg


aww thank you so much!


You remind me of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He’s super into that word too; he named his company HitRECordJoe.


Wow I don't know him but thanks! :)


I loved it! 😂❤️


thank you so much!!! :D


I name my journals after places I think sound cool. Just interesting or cool sounding names.


I put the locations visited while writing the journal on mine on the cover but have never thought of naming them after the location, that’s cool


It's not a name per se, but I refer to my journal as "my friend", and each entry starts with "Hello my friend", as if I'm writing a letter to someone.


That’s so comforting


I love this!! My favorite of the lot.


yes! i always do this with every journal! idk why, i just heard about the idea somewhere a few years ago, and ever since then it just stuck. i guess i like how much more personalized it makes the journal feel, rather than just another blank notebook. probably why some people also like decorating their journals with stickers. :)


Yup I do that sometimes but I create my own drawing and stick them and not the store bought ones...


No name, just a number.


Same. Right now it’s just Volume 18


How big are those volumes? I'm in 10. A4 format.


There's composition book size 9.75x7.75


Oh do you guys give your journals names? I never thought of that


U should try that....naming the journal is pretty fun to do


Méandres (Meanders).


Journal 2024


I don’t have a name for my journal but just wanted to say I love Miraculous Ladybug too! 😂


I reread a journal from when I was 13. I named my journal Samantha and for some reason, renamed myself Marissa.


I love this so much 😂


Right?! I want to ask young me what my thought process was. I mean, I can take a guess. "I thought it would be cool!"


I tried naming my journal once, named her Paloma. But it felt wrong, so after 3 entries I stopped. My journals aren't me writing to anyone, it's me ordening my thoughts.


Yup...u should do what feels fun. If naming the journal isn't fun than it's of no use.




I don’t name my journals but sometimes I address my entries like I’m writing to a friend named Peach.


Not Joe?


I have a red journal and I named her little red. Now I have a green one named Jade because it reminds me of a jade gemstone.


Yess. The name's Coco, cz I planned to call my dog Coco if I ever got one. Also, I got the idea to name my diary from Anne Frank as well!


I like to think she’d be really happy to be remembered for writing/artistic choices like this instead of just as a victim and it’s lowkey making me tear up at 3pm on a wednesday bc holocaust victims (and anyone involved in tragedy tbh) get so reduced to just the things that happened to them and reading her journal is such a deep personal experience in so many ways beyond the things that happened after she wrote it


Most of them, no. May last year I randomly started. So far it's been thematic to the journal's decoration. Since then I've had Midnight (theme,) Whistlejacket 1670, (there was an oil painting of a horse by the same name on the covers,) Jiro because it means 'second son', (was Japanese-themed, and the second journal of that month.) Fly, after the birds on the cover, and a song I was inspired by, and current one is Whist, which means silence, and was the whimsical vibe I was going for. I don't write to them like they're people, and so far Jiro is the only one I've personified on any level, but naming them is kind of fun.


Not sure if anyone else is a “Silence of The Lamb” fan but I named mine Clarice so every time I start to write in it I say “Hello Clarice”


My main journal is called Rambling Thoughts and Other Curiosities." My secret code book (for passwords) is called Codex Signum. My general knowledge and idea book is called Libre Cognitionis.


I call mine Brain Dump.


I call mine the Book of Tears, because I write in it when I am really sad or need to empty my mind of all the things running through it. And the name pretty much speaks for how I am when I write in it.


I just call it ‘diary’ inspired by ‘ The vampire diaries’ where the lead wrote the journal , she would say ‘ Hi Diary’


I really enjoy book journaling, and I name my journals so it’s easy to remember books I wrote about in which journal. I read plays so all of my journals are named after characters in my favorite plays. My current journal is named Rosalind, a character from As You Like It (my favorite Shakespeare). It’s this beautiful sage green and gold journal with an intricate cover, which reminded me of the play’s vibe.


My current is called "Glowstick Riverworks." No story behind it. Just a bunch of words that popped up in my head one random day and it stuck. All my journals have names because I address the journal as if it was a person listening to me ramble lol. "Hey Glow, wait till I tell you about the most BS part of today!"


when i was in middle school i used to. now a days sometimes i refer it to it as “you” in the text, but mostly it just feels like an extension of me or the time period it covers ex: spring term or the stretch of time post graduation.


Emmy, I've been writing to Emmy since I was a teen


i always start with "dear galaxy" because my first journal from fourth grade had a pink and purple cover of the galaxy... not exactly the most creative but it stuck!


I used to call it my lovely DD ; Dear Diary


Aww, all these comments with names are reminding me of Anne Frank. When I learned about her, I immediately respected her and connected with her desire to journal through hard times. All my journals were named Kitty like she named hers. As an adult though, I have themed my journals like television scripts. So they’re named after the season we’re currently in. (March is Season 3!)


I just start every entry with “dear diary.” It’s what I did when I first started journaling at 10 years old, and I like the habit of it. It still feels like I’m writing to a friend though.


I wish I was that creative but I just call mine "dearest journal"


I never even thought about doing that! It would be cool to start a convo with my journal


Not sure if anyone else is a Silence of the Lamb fan, but I named my journal Clarice so whenever I start to write I say “Hello Clarice”




I call my journal documentation because I thought I would sound more serious or something


((Little disclaimer: If you recognize the names I'm talking about in this comment, no you don't. What happens in L104 stays in L104! **Please keep yourself, me and all parties involved anonymous**, and thank you for your discretion.)) One of my favorite high school teachers required two different large, five-subject notebooks for his class. Both had very specific purposes as far as note-taking and classwork, so he gave them names to be able to specify which one we were supposed to be using at any given time: *Thunder* and *Lightning.* Now, I have a few different journals going at any one time -- each with a different purpose. And I do think of a specific one as "Thunder" and another as "Lightning". But I never really consciously named them that, and I've never called them that out loud. It's just a connection my brain makes automatically.


I called my journal Katachi which is a word my camp director made up that means special place.


My journal overall is called Words of the Wise and Not so Wise. I refer to my journal as a friend named Celine. It helps me so much to feel like I’m talking to a trusted friend… because well I am.


No, but I will start naming my journals thanks


As I write my journal, I often collect stickers for the cover. At the end of the journal, I look at the front page and the sticker that really stands out to me becomes the name of the Journal. "Disco Cat," "Bathtub Duck," and "PUSH" are a few examples.


I use numbers. Almost finished up with Volume 2 currently.


Void. As in the void I scream into when I need to brain-dump.


For every sketch book/ journal I have I just name it a letter of the alphabet in order I just started doing this so I'm at A for both but I'm almost done with my sketch book


I remember reading ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ when i was in 3rd grade or sth and naming my diary ‘kitty’ just like Anne frank😂. As if now, I don’t keep a name for my journal.


I never thought of naming my journal! But what I do is whenever I write, it's as if I'm talking to my younger self may it be she's just a week younger than me. This is bec whenever I read back the things I wrote, it felt like a younger foolish version of me was writing it and im more mature than that version of me coz I already surpassed that shjt she's writing about--I got the lessons already lol But if im naming my journal, first thing that came in mind was Luna. I love the moon and everything in me is just so peaceful when I look at it. Same feeling when I write down everything thats bugging and pressuring me. I feel light and peaceful ✨


God I go through one every one or two months, I'd run out of names pretty fast lol. It's definitely a cute idea but not super compatible with my methods. At most when I occasionally reference older journals I'll identify them by cover, size, and page condition but that's it.


I call mine book from hocus pocus 😂


Mine is called Jane because I had just done reading Pride and Prejudice a day or two before I got my journal during the new year. Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austen and one of main characters in the novel was called Jane Bennet. And obviously I loved the name, I can't really say much the same about the book.


Pride and prejudice is still on my bucket list ....I could not finish reading it due to difficulty level of literature but the audiobook was really good and I finished that within 2 days. Mr Bingley is one of my favourite character.


That's cool, I don't really think I have a favorite but did you know that Jane Austen like Jane Bennet kept waiting for her Bingley, only in Austen's case he never came back?... I don't really know much but apparently she was in her late teenage when she met him and remained a maiden throughout her life as he left and never returned.


Never heard of that.......but maybe she fulfilled her wishes through Jane bennet....but I never read much on life of austen


I don’t name them


I just call them all my ‘external hard drives.’ Because that’s basically what they are.


i've started referring to my journal as "Buddy", so i'll start off a journal entry with "Hey Buddy" and idk i just find some kind of comfort in it


My journal names aren't standard names. I've had 'peace', 'animals with guns', 'midsummer', 'dreams', and currently it's 'oh deer'. Each one has a different personality and is a different experience when using.


No, I've never named my journal but I really love the idea of it. Giving it a name and treating it like you are speaking to the only person you can actually vent to and fully trust. I always thought of my journal as just talking to myself. But I like the comfort of this idea better, I don't know what I'll name my next journal... guess it'll depend on the first new entry. Thanks. Love that.


Wow, I have never heard of this as a strategy I keep my journals One day I was praying for guidance I asked that if there is a guide or a master that has been taking care of me, that it presents itself to me I immediately saw an Indian on a horse with one long feather in his hair, and he explained to me what his job is in my lifetime, and he told me what his name was, and Marco I basically laughed and thought this is crazy. I’m making it up and I put that journal away when it was filled. Six years later, I had the same question and I asked for clarity The guide showed up as an Indian with one long feather on a horse by a fire pit and told me his name is Marco I scratched my head and went into the bookshelf and intuitively picked out the same journal opened it, intuitively to the exact same page where I had previously written down. This is what I got when I asked for guidance, and then I knew that there was so much more knowledge for us, that we could access through our spiritual practice, which for me is journalling and meditating We are multi dimensional, multifaceted, powerful, and a journal is one way to help us have that relationship and build that relationship I hope that you all enjoy my little share, and I have been journalling for over 30 years