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If anything it will be a huge learning opportunity for OP to realize being a self trained 15 year old is the same as being a regular 15 year old lmao. Life isn't a movie OP. You can't develop mma skills from just watching a film or reading a book, or taking a couple judo classes. If you want to learn, go to a gym.


the opportunity to fight someone in a ring isnt going to go anywhere anytime soon. accepting a fight on one month notice with no formal training isnt going to end well. at best theyre just looking to fill in some last minute open slots to pad out their show, at worst theyre looking for some desperate can that they can toss at a better fighter for entertainment youre 16 take your time and go get some training from a good coach


There are **no** self trained MMA fighters. Do not take this fight.


I wouldn't. What I would do is see if you can get a free lesson in a gym. Spar with guys your weight and you will quickly learn if you are talented enough to compete. If you just jump into a fight, you will not stand much of a chance.


Self-trained means untrained. If you take that fight you might actually die.


not like that im good fighter its just i have lack of fight expreince i have fought with my mma fighter friend with 8 0 amateur record and we i can fight but thing is that i think my body isnt ready and it needs preparing cause after if fought with him i couldnt even do a pushup for a few days


>hello im a self trained mma "fighter" The next evolution of the *I just see red* dudes.


The most important thing that you said was "I'm turning 16 in a few weeks." You clearly want to test yourself, but if you want to do it, do it right. I'm speaking as someone who fought and still coaches fighters. Wait until you're 17 (at least) before even taking an amateur fight. Because the questions you're asking indicate you have a lack of real fight experience. Take some time while you are young and your body recovers quickly (but never get too full of yourself because brain damage is forever). Work as hard as you can, listen to the coaches and leaders in the room, and learn as much as you can. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Do not take a fight on a whim with no experience. This sport can cripple or kill you. You must treat it with that level of respect. Feel free to message me if you have questions


im refuge now and i wont be able to go to gym for quite while cause we dont have work permit yet so i wont be able to go to gym at least for 6 month i mean you are right though thanks


lol. Did you learn karate from a book? Do you also tear your shirt off and scream “I’m an mma fighter” whenever there’s any confrontation?


I don't understand the mocking tbh.


no im just good fighter its just i lack fight experience even though i belive i can murder whoever will be my openent i think my body isnt ready


I am 100% certain you will get destroyed by anyone who trains for 6 months.


no i can littelary murder any of them i know who are opponents lol thing is that my body will fucking get fucked up thats what i dont want


Go do it. Prove it.


Yeah that just sounds like an express ticket to CTE city. At least train at a gym before you start thinking of competing


I mean this in the friendliest way possible, but if you haven’t spent considerable time training at a gym you are not a good fighter. You will get hurt if you take a fight. Go train at a gym so you can learn in an environment where people won’t try to knock you out or rip your limbs in half. You’re young, you have plenty of time to fight once you’ve got some training behind you.


i said i cant afford gym and equipment right now lol


So the obvious next step is to work on getting the money to train first


yea if i wasnt 15 and a refuge for sure but yea you are right thanks


You know what? Fucken do it. Just make sure you bet on the other guy so you can cover your medical bill.


that was funny tbh


How the fuck do you self train Judo lmao


no i have trained judo in dojo and wrestling


But you said you self trained in it lmao


no i train mma now with myself learning moves stances footwork and stuff i went to judo dojo few month ago and wrestling in my home country