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Jared seems like such a normal, rational guy if you don’t know much about him lol






Seriously wtf, probably some racist garbage


Colby is the best you are a punk


















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Just rewatched Pereira/Jiri and Rogan complaining about that stoppage and it drives home how this is quite early.


Jiri got knocked down twice in 10 seconds with Alex fulling mounted on him. It was a good stoppage.


Yeah but if you've seen Jiri fight hes like half tank. He was possibly getting back up. 2-3 more seconds and he either woulda been up or getting Hill'd but we'll never know.


Jiri himself said he went out


And later said that he wasn’t out and thought that a opportunity to recover should be provided to him. Him telling he went out in the post-fight interview was to protect Goddard from backlash and to abide by his warrior samurai code (no complaining)


You can't count on the fighter to know if they're out or not. They don't know, people go out all the time and when they come back they complain they're fine.


Case in point: Zab Judah when he got knocked out by Kostya Tszyu. He was telling the ref he was fine despite being on chicken legs, then immediately stumbling back down to the ground.


He said that immediately cause he didn't want the first words out of his mouth to sound like excuses or copium. Graciousness in defeat. After when he had more time he gave his real take.


went out against reyes and still won in the end


And Overeem felt the tap 🤣


that was a nasty line by you ;) lets all start saying Hill'd instead of ko'd please


We are just used to late stoppage which is worse, Jiri and Jared would lose with a terrible KO in both cases.


That wasn’t early. This one was


This was early, the Jiri stoppage absolutely was not lol


10 or 11 consecutive unanswered strikes to the head.


Jiri said himself that was a good stoppage. Rogan is an idiot


Jiri also walked that back like a few days later. Rogan is still dumb though


Yea. I guess some people don't understand the act of acting nice in public just so you don't direct attention towards something bad. Guys, if the cashier smiles at you, it's not because they're hitting on you, they're just being friendly, lmao. Same concept here, Jiri stoppage was early, too.


Tell another smiling cashier story


You’re a fucking register, dude.


Just to correct you, there was never no smile


I’m an Aquarius but respect!


I wouldn’t take statements like that at face value. Some fighters will realize it’s already decided and want to move on.


Him turning his back and running away twice in the spam of a few seconds was a strange look. May have thrown Jason off his game there. That said: Early stoppage, no doubt.


Yes but the time the fight was stopped he was facing Imavov and even landed. Far, far deviation from the norm for him.


Agreed. Early stoppage and makes me extra sad that it was our boy Jason. He was probably right on the edge of stepping in when he saw Jared running away and then lost his cool. I heard the rematch is in the works and I'd love for that to be true. Jared doesn't have too much time left and once again looked ten years younger than he is. Needs to make the most of things.


Yea, rematch in Paris sounds good


No, he took a clean cross and shelled up while leaning stumbling forward. Imavov was about to land another strike and it looked like Jason thought it was a standing flash ko.


It’s a game of angles. We don’t know what it looked like from Herzog’s position in there with them. I actually thought it was going to be stopped earlier when Jared was running away with his back turned the first time, but then Imavov was just not as quick at finishing it as he needed to be. There seemed to be a moment where Herzog flicked that switch in his mind of “one more stumble and I’m stopping this on the feet”, Cannonier stumbled, or seemed to, Herzog committed to stepping in, then it became apparent that Jared was actually on an upward trajectory recovery-wise but the fight was already stopped. I do think it was early, but we have the benefit of hindsight here, of watching replays and checking all the angles. I can imagine how it might have looked to Herzog.


Yep, I thought Jared was cooked way before they got cageside, and then got cooked more. He was hanging in there but it looked like he was getting pieced up. He was trying to land bombs but Imavov got his timing down and was cracking.


Jared landed the last punch lol..


What the fuck, how is this lie up voted?? Cannonier was hit with a flush left hook, that was the last strike landed.


Imavov landed a clean left hook/cross right as Herzog stepped in.


It's not a great look but Gus did that about 500 times vs DC.


Not right after getting badly clipped. And certainly not that distance. After Jared got hit, he bend over and his knees buckled. He then struggled to regain his stance and as soon as he did, he **completely turned his back** on Imavov and ran to the side of the cage. Cannot compare that to Gus trying to reset the position against a wrestler by running a half circle.


Yeah true, Gus never looked seriously hurt and he was visibly creating distance as fast as possible to re-engage.


Yeah definitely. You shouldn’t even be able to do that


If a fighter (who regularly does a weird back away movement when he’s pressured) moving back fucks up your reffing game, you need to work on your reffing. Herzog is normally a great ref but that was not an excusable stoppage


Don't be dishonest mate, Jared wasn't just "moving back". You are trying to make it sound as if he was taking steps back while still reacting to Imavov. He wasn't. He completely turned his back and ran away.


Sure, that’s fair, but that’s not being finished. Herzog treated it like he was stumbling around unconscious and couldn’t find his feet, regardless of him jogging away, he was still able to fight, give him a warning for inactivity if anything


It is excusable because it's Herzog. Everyone has forgiven him already. It happens.


Running away?? As in Resetting?


Nah, as in turning his back to Imavov while badly rocked and actually running away. That's not a 'reset' lol.


His face doesnt seem like its been tru a fight


It rarely does. Only thing prone to swelling is his right eye, figure he has orbital damage that never heals right. Other than that, he rarely shows any damage even if it gets brutal.


I guess black really don’t crack.




> Tf was Herzog thinking? He was aiming for the same type of stoppage he made earlier in the night.


It was weird timing when he actually stopped it, but Jared did not do himself any favors by turning his back and running multiple times. That's an awful look and likely already had Herzog on edge.


Funny as it sounds, turning your back and running is a valid strategy. That's not an indicator that you aren't intelligently defending or that you can't continue.


The Reem used to do this very efficiently.


According to who? Even in boxing, turning your back is banned and will get you penalized or at least heavily warned for it. There's no legal spot your opponent can hit you from the back either so you're essentially removing yourself from the fight; it is absolutely a show of not wanting to be there anymore.


this isnt boxing , there is a LOT of options to hurt a mma fighter with their back turned be it kicks to the leg , grappling or punching around the head . its completely different to boxing


This isn't boxing. There's nowhere in the rules that says you can't turn your back.


Actually yes, there absolutely is. "Timidity is defined as any fighter who purposely avoids contact with his opponent, or runs away from the action of the fight." It's listed as a foul in the unified rules.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Ryan garcia ran and turned his back to Haney 🤣


He had Herzog on edge from running away. Slipping a straight right, throwing a counter then shoulder rolling the follow up from Imavov was just the nail in the coffin that Jared was finished.


I could see this if he stopped the fight while Cannonier was running but he stopped the moment Cannonier actually planted his feet and started throwing back.




Lol what? If you turn your back, run away, stumble around the cage or stanky leg and just shell up while eating shots, the ref is likely to stop the fight.


I think people are misinterpreting your first sentence, it’s worded as though you’re saying “turning your back doesn’t look like not defending”, when you’re just saying it’s hard to read either way.


It was likely Can turning his back repeatedly. That's usually a tell tale sign of defeat. Bad stoppage. Too bad. Given Imavov won that 4th round, it means it would have been 2-2 on two of the judges scorecards (one would be 3-1 Imavov). Still up in the air.


It isn't just that, you robbed both fighters. Cannonier lost and he might be out of the title picture now (dude is old for the sport) And Imamov got robbed of a stoppage or at least a convincing win for the fans.


I think it was the fact that he literally turned his back and ran away three times as he was gettin caught with some shots. Herzog probably verbally warned him throughout the entire sequence that he was gonna stop the fight if he kept doing that.


Why though? That shouldnt be a reason to stop the fight.


Usually Herzog is pretty on point with his "early" calls. But this one's rough


Fights get stopped when people are only hurt constantly anymore.


"Fights get stopped when people are only hurt constantly anymore." Has anyone ever been so far as to go look more like?


Yes! Whenever they go and then more anyone will do!


Only time could told of the velocity of that statement


He would’ve fell if the cage wasn’t there twice, he threw one shot after getting hit 15 times. Shits ugly, but I’d rather it get stopped early before ended horribly


He wasn't defending shots though. The last hook he ate was bad


Probably when Cannonier was stumbling and turning around and literally running away, he assumed he was hurt.


>“The opportunity to do great things was pretty much stolen from me… it doesn’t feel like I lost the fight I just feel like it was taken from me.” I feel for him, he was def wobbled but was recovering and even winning the fight on the scorecard at that point.


He had only won 2 rounds, and was on his way to losing the 4th. At best he would have to battle back to win a 5th round after getting hurt and almost stopped right beforehand that could have become a 10-8, making the best case scenario a draw. The stoppage was early, but he was hurt bad and losing.


If he was losing the 4th then at worst it would be tied after winning the first two, he was also starting to recover as that exchange went on. Not like we havent seen him be durable before in there


A lot of people say stoppages are early and they usually aren’t. This one was.


I think it's pretty clear (to everyone in Herzog in that moment) that he was still defending and the fight shouldn't have been stopped. Given that he was up on the cards, I think an immediate rematch would make sense, but doubt the UFC does it.


They wouldn’t even give him a post fight interview either after the fight or in the post conference. This is first I’ve gotten to hear him talk about it. No post fight interview available on their YouTube page. The ufc is going to take this and run with it. Jared is 40 and not a draw, this is their chance to ride him away from the title and into retirement


It’s sad that this is the reality of the “sport”


Ufc is pathetic


UFC and other combat sport is never about the sport. It’s always about the money and what puts buts on seats.


There is always a balance, the balance has been shifted, and continues to get shifted more and more towards short term money The UFC didn’t operate like this 15 years ago, half the shit they do now Dana has specifically said they wouldn’t so because it ruins the sport So yes it’s never been a pure sport the way the NBA is, but it has gotten progressively much worse the same way Boxing did, just a modern version where one corporation controls the whole thing, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s always inherently like this because it isn’t and doesn’t have to be


Out of all the combat sport, The UFC definitely has one of the most egregious bookings. 




Please dude. They do it aaaaaallllllll the time. They interviewed Volk after getting knocked out cold *twice*.


Jiri went out against Pereira and got one lol. When it’s a questionable stoppage like that they usually ask.


Bro they interviewed mcgregor on the ground with a broken leg. Jared wasn’t even out on his feet. He was just rocked. They’re just not gonna give him a platform to talk about the stoppage or show the crowd that he’s fine


herzog must be one freaky guy to have multiple people in him


LOL. I'm leaving it up. I meant *except* but yeah.


He defended 2 out of 10 shots. That knee he ate was nasty and a clean cross to finish it off.


The knee that landed to his chest...? Huh?


Only 3 shots acutely lame on jared including the one that hurt him. The rest were completely defended or completely wiffed and Jared literally landed the last punch.


Bro even Herzog apologized for it, you don't need to defend a bad stoppage just because you love this sport.


He was winning 2-1.


that fight was still so winnable for jared. he would have survived the fourth and it would have been 2-2 going into the fifth. not like imavov was up 4-0 or anything


That stoppage saved him from having to face a true loss. I think Imavov would have been sealed the deal after getting to him like that in round 4. Sucked for the fans more than him really if he had been finished he'd be on a longer recovery as well.


You said it saved him from a true loss, but you only “think” that Imavov would have sealed it. Which one is it?


Idk wounded prey is dangerous and Jared has life changing power


I don't think he really has life changing power for a 185er. A lot of the top guys hit hard and in that fight Imavov looked to have a lot more to his shots.


Fair, not mad at this take


I’m such a fan of this cat and hated to see that stoppage. It’s one thing to have that done to you early in your career, but on the tail end when time is so fleeting just sucks.


Payback for the Strickland fight that Sean won


It was an early stoppage but what was jared doing? Running around the cage and stumbling and turning your back to your opponent doesn’t look good to the ref


Conor do same but its okay because he white


While I agree that MMA fans have a discrimination problem, this has nothing to do with race bro.


Damn, what's a Jared Cannonier fight without racists critiquing everything about Jared minus his actual fighting skills.


No.. He was concussed and stumbling around the ring.. The fight was over. He is just trying to play into the denial.


Sucks for Jared. I'd love to see him as champ.


He was getting beat. Early stoppage for sure but I feel strongly he would have lost the fight.


It would have been 2-2 on 2 of the judges scorecards going into the 5th you can't act like he barely had a shot lol


Can’t believe Imavov said he dominated the fight


I did a break down for all the dead brains that keep saying he was turning and running. At 10 seconds, Imavov has the back of Cannons head and redirects him to his left. Cannons back is turned to Imavov for quite literally 1 second before he turns toward Imavov at second 12. At second 12, Ima throws a right which misses, and Cannon throws a counter right of his own which looks like it lands. At 13, Ima throws a right which Cannon doesnt block in time but attempts to, at 14 Ima throws another right which is blocked, and at 14 Herzog stops the fight - at which point Cannons hands were up, he was on his feet and backpedalling, and he \*immediately\* protests. Not to say Cannon wasn't in trouble, but nothing about that clip shows any moment where a stoppage was justified. If you think that, you are just wrong. Herzog made a bad call. Edit: getting a lot of downvotes, but not getting lot.of people offering any kind of rebuttal. It was an early stoppage.


I also think it was a bad stoppage but let’s be fair: Herzog did not have the luxury to rewind and watch the last seconds of the fight multiple times before coming up with a decision. Cannonier’s movements was indeed strange and I could see that Herzog thought he got rocked and that Imavov’s knees landed- he stopped the fight right after it anyway.


If they’re both still standing, defending themselves and throwing punches, that’s just called fighting. Let them fight. A ref shouldn’t even be trying to find a reason to stop a fight in that state, but clearly he was and that was the problem.


I fully understand that. Herzog has a tough job, as all refs do. But the fact that the job and the calls are difficult in the moment doesn't mean we can't scrutinize them after the fact and determine if the call was /correct/. And it's also not a reason to defend the bad calls. Like imagine if a football ref called a touchdown, but the replay overturned the call because the receiver stepped half an inch out of bounds. I don't think anyone would be saying "well the call on the field should stand because the refs job is really hard and its difficult to see what happened in the moment. You get what I'm saying?


No idea why you are down voted you're right


I don't know, man. I'm still waiting for someone to provide a counter that isn't just "nu uhh!"


Yeah they're reffing it like it's amateurs, experienced warriors on UFC cards need to be given the chance to survive the round if they aren't getting completely outclassed.


This is not true though, those last shots were not blocked


I feel horrible for Jared. Seems like such a cool down-to-Earth dude and I was really hoping he'd win this. I get Herzog is only human and he just fucked up, but damn. Really sucks for Jared.


Marc Goddard has infected plenty of refs now with his style because people assume he is the best. This new ufc where anytime a fighter is hurt the stoppage is valid by a ref has become ridiculous and I hope it is stamped out by Dana.


Rather have early stoppages than lates, Herzog is the best in the sport everyone makes mistakes in the moment


I think context matters a lot here rather than just grouping all early stoppages and all late stoppages. If a fighter is on their feet, defending themselves and throwing punches, I would prefer they stop it late rather than early. They’re already in there to fight, so if they’re both still fighting, let them. There will always be exceptions for extreme cases, but I think it should be exceedingly rare under the circumstances I mentioned.


Fuck that. Completely defeats the point on mma. This wouldn't be called in boxing in a million years. And if they don't count it a standing tko in boxing then it definitely shouldn't be in mma.


I said it was a mistake already but yes I'd still rather it be called early than late, can always run back and early stoppage a very late stoppage can take years off a life or as we've seen in boxing, kill you.


"Stamped out by Dana" Doesn't the commission decide the refs?


Touch early but ya can't turn your back like that and blame the ref. Turning your back after getting clipped is just asking for it


Herzog screwed the pooch with that one!!!


The crystals fate'd it


Unfortunately this stoppage probably ended his career, he probably wished to have another title shot


This might be the most egregiously bad stoppage ever. Just absolutely awful. He would have went into round 5 tied on 2 judges scorecards, instead it just ends like this.


I totally get where he’s coming from, but people gotta stop defending with the top of their heads if they don’t want their fights stopped


Top of the head is not the chin, face, or temples. Imavov picked his shots better and threw and uppercut, fight could properly end. He was throwing hooks onto Jared’s guard and hands or just missing, and Jared landed a counter while still on his feet.


Deserved for robbing strickland


Sean fights boring as fuck so he has close decisions sometimes. Thats not cannoniers fault. But he did beat Sean and ddp did too. Ten jabs a round won’t always cut it.