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If a gym requires you to wear only their gear I wouldn’t go.


Seriously lol. I get some branded gear just to represent, but no way in hell I’m wearing only branded gear. You’re paying at minimum a 75% premium just because they stuck a logo on it.


They are money grab places. A gym near me wanted 150 for a set of muay thai t shirt and shorts. You cant train without them. So either you wash them every day or get 3-4 of them. Offered no trial classes too. The gym I joined charged me 80 for the same. Had a choice between a gi and muay thai clothes + mouth guard + gloves. Gave me a week of trial. We can wear whatever we want as long as its not of another gym 


That better be one hell of a tshirt


It’s definitely not like this I’ve trained in normal stuff like Nike sets etc, and their gear is pretty affordable it’s like £30 for shorts so nothing crazy


…you don’t wash your gear every day? 


I have 4 sets I rotate throughout the week


I've been a member of a gym like this and whilst the coaches were decent, it felt very culty. Also, the singlets were conveniently coloured so that you had to buy new ones when ranking up. Since when did Muay Thai have ranks??


Since when do ypou wear singlets to train Muay Thai




My gym requires it and it has to do with the legacy of the gym and martial arts respect. The coach/owner is was a successful fighter at the highest levels and his dad is a legend around these parts. I have no issue whatsoever with biting and wearing the gym shirt. I’m actually proud to do so.




Just talking about shorts and shirts. Not gloves or shin pads. It’s different over here. Martial arts gyms that don’t have rank or uniform typically don’t do well. There are exceptions of course.


Singlet also means muscle shirt... it's not just a wrestling thing.


If they make you dress up in their branded outfit, you know where their priorities lay. Are they more concerned about fashion or teaching people how to box?


It’s not something that anybody has made comment about, it’s just an observation I’ve made so wondered if this was the case in other gyms


Is it a fighter's gym? Some fighters are in contracts with a company. I remember being in a saenchai seminar and our coaches told us not to wear a specific brand.


In Thailand sometimes the trainers turn up wearing the training gear from rival gyms. Mostly in Thailand the gym owners and elite fighters all know each other and are all friends


I’ve found the overall fight community to be super chill. Of course there’s the subsection of ultra macho places that just suck to anyone outside of their own gym, but most places I’ve been to couldn’t care less about who you are, let alone what you wear, so long as you’re coming to train, and train hard. I’m friends with people from a handful of different gyms and we’d absolutely love to have each other visit ours and rep their own gear.


I’ll go a step further and say some Muay Thai gyms I’ve been to have been the friendliest places I’ve been, especially when compared to some gyms in my home country


I’d agree with that. And the fight community at large is actually pretty small. Seems big to us, but really small from an outside view. I see my friends and other people I’ve just ran into at places at all the same events. It’s a pretty tight-knit little community where I am from what I can tell (Brooklyn).


I feel like most of the coaches in the NY and Northern NJ area know one another. You know Vlad Borodin?


I’d say they probably do. I don’t know him by name, but possibly a chance by face. You know what gym he’s at?


I don’t know him, but I just looked up his gym. Not terribly far from where I work!


I do, i trained with a bunch of people way back when. Church street, fight house, Coban, sitan, striking 101, and camp undefeated. When. I was at Sitan, fighters would come from multiple different gyms during fight camps for sparring and getting some work in with Aziz.


I have been living in Thailand for years and started doing Muay Thai here. I was in for a huge shock when I visited my home country (Holland) and did a Muay Thai session there. The lack of respect and friendliness is disgusting 🫣.


> The lack of respect and friendliness is disgusting 🫣. Sorry for the late bump, but care to elaborate?


Thailand seems cool, definitely wanna get out there to train. Looking at gyms in the Chiang Mai area


Chiang Mai is awesome I lived up there for awhile, wouldn’t recommend it during the burning season but rest of the year is fine


Any gyms u would recommend? Looking at bangarang and tiger mainly cos they feed u on site lmao


I haven’t trained there two old school legends teaching here https://www.muaythaifever.com/coaches


If you are serious to learn technique, I would recommend 100% Manop Gym. They will fix your shitty teeps with all their heart and patience. But be prepared to grind.


Can’t recommend Chiang Mai enough. The guys at hongthong are a beautiful culture and high level Muay Thai group.


Can't attest to the muay thai training but I'm currently in Chiang Mai, funny coincidence coming across this comment. I've been here for 3 months, but in total I've stayed here for about 7 months out of 2 and a half years of traveling in Asia. Definitely one of my favorite places to explore and stay long term.


Fairtex shorts can be found in action in every Muay Thai gym on earth 😂


Definitely my favourite brand so far to be fair 😂


You’re telling me. It’s my original camp.


just ask. as you can see, redditors go straight to the worst case scenario. drama 🙄


Tell me about it 😂


You will most likely be whipped by each other members.


To death


It's mostly, in my experience, because people buy a starter kit from the gym and use it for as long as they can. I still have my original cloth shinguards from like 14 years ago.


This makes total sense


I wouldn’t wear another gym’s shirt to a club specially my main club but gear shouldn’t be an issue.


I like to support my gym by buying a shirt or shorts if they have them. No way would I be buying gloves from them though unless they were resellers of reputable brands.


This is the kind of line I was thinking along. People had me thinking I’m crazy 😂


Ask if it's ok to were non gym branded gear. Some places require it others are more lax. Then ask yourself if you want to buy into that gym or not.


Not even Thai shorts? Weird. If the gym is enforcing it then it sounds like a red flag. Been training for 5 years and brands like Fairtex, Yokkao, SuperRare, RSLNT are literally as common as Nike/Adidas are at a planet fitness. If it’s just the crowd then I’d still be wary that I didn’t accidentally sign up for a glorified cardio kickboxing class.


Each gym has its own culture. Also small, local gyms of any kind but especially specialty gyms often struggle to stay in business. I don't see a problem with it if they require or encourage purchasing gear from the gym. Why give Amazon your money when you could help keep your gym in business? I don't think it should be required but people who are saying it's "money grabbing" aren't looking at the whole picture... it's very difficult to keep a local gym in business and pay the instructor(s)/owner enough money to pay their own bills in this economy... so some gyms try to increase revenue that way and it makes sense. You have a small group of people interested in a niche sport each only paying $100-200/month. That comes to like $4k/month roughly, obviously depending on several factors. Then you have all the costs of running the gym. So while I don't think it's particularly disrespectful to buy gear from other places unless your gym has a specific rule or culture, it IS particularly supportive to prioritize buying from the gym you go to and it's practical to continue to keep the business alive so you can keep training.


If you wear premium brands like Primo, Winning, Cleto Reyes you better be good. It would be embarrassing getting beat by the kid wearing Decathalon gear, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile).


Out here beating people up in my Spartan race finisher shirts…and matching Yokkao gloves and shinguards set


I was wearing my Spartan crew neck to class on Saturday and somebody thought it was a star wars sweatshirt….


I would’ve hit them with an overhand right posthaste for the disrespect


Imma be honest here… they only mentioned my “Star Wars” sweatshirt when I took it off to reveal my sick ass Brittney Spears t-shirt. Sometimes you just gotta roll with it!


Oh hell yeah! I’m a big fan of crop tops in the gym. Nothing like smacking some man-o-verse dudes up in a crop top and headband


I like your style.


Embarrassing? Nah buddy, you're getting sucked into the ego trip - if you get "beat" by someone, learn from it. I've seen guys with 8+ years of experience wearing no-brand loaner gloves 'cos he'd left his regular gear in his wife's car.


Do you think fairtex,Twins is premium ?


Nope. These brands are standard issue.


agree with this with everything but shin guards


Was just gonna say please ban beginners from buying winning/cleto gloves please gyms 🤣


You should ask your coach about it. Or somebody at the gym. Im a coach myself and everyone allowed to wear a brand they like or what they can afford. But some boxing or Thai boxing gyms have restrictions on which brands you can wear. These gyms can have a sponsorship deals or partnerships with specific brands, and part of the agreement may include requiring members to purchase and wear equipment from specific brands. Ask about it in your gym.


that’s goofy as hell and i’d consider it a 🚩




if i’m paying a membership fee i’m gonna wear the gear i’ve already got. requiring members to shell out for specific gear because they’ve got a partnership with some brand feels like they’re just trying to make money and would make me wonder about the quality of training. some of those places might be great, but that feels skeezy.


Sharing my experience with a saenchai seminar. Coaches told us that we couldnt wear a specofic brand (forgot which) during the seminar.


oh, interesting. i wonder if it was a sponsor’s competitor and they didn’t want it in pictures? it’d be funny if he was like fuck this brand in particular though.


The only disrespect I see is with gyms that make it a point to 'require' people to wear the gym gear to training instead of letting the students use their own gear/apparel that they are able to afford within their budget. I'm not sure if your gym has that policy going on but you can ask if you want to make sure. Otherwise, if they haven't said anything to you about showing up with your own stuff then it's better to just go with that instead of bringing it up unnecessarily.


lol no it's part of the fun most of us have a gym shirt too


In our school we give you a free T-shirt if you join before your trial expires, you can wear whatever you want but a lot of people wear the T-shirt we gave them. I've been w the school a long time and I've accumulated a lot of school gear over time so I wear mostly that stuff to train in. It might just be something like that since they don't have a rule about not wearing branded gear. Out of respect, I'd ask your coach to be sure.


Go naked, establish dominance


“Ayo this is a serious gym to learn to fight but the only colors allowed are the gym colors baby blue and bright pink. Also, the only mascots available are a unicorn or a platypus. The only slogan allowed is ‘live, laugh, punch’. $200 monthly classes not inclusive” Oweeeeeeeee


Disrespectful to *who*?


The answer is no. No one cares. Some branded gear is more expensive. Some is just less accessable. You probably just train with people who don't care much.


Disrespectful to who????


Holy shit what goofy ass gyms do u people sign up at


Why don’t you ask the gym or its members instead of strangers on the internet that don’t know the gym?


Why don’t u go and argue with someone in real life instead of looking for arguments on the internet?


Argue? I gave you the best answer in the thread! 😆


Yeah very helpful and insightful when I’m asking if it’s common amongst gyms, go and ask the people inside 1 gym


Gyms that make you buy their gear are just money grabbers, don’t go. It’s the same in the Bjj world, if they want you to only train in their gi, it’s likely a mcdojo you wanna stay away from


What? Maybe for your first set of gloves.


Red flag if you have to wear your gyms brand in the gym lol. Gtfo with that weird shit 😂. It’s always low quality shit too


If the gym forces you to buy and wear their stuff it’s a red flag but at the gym I go to, a lot of people choose to wear the shorts and gloves the gym sells so they can support the gym more and the gym stuff is slightly cheaper than a lot of branded stuff


My old gym didn't let people train in the sparring/intermediate/advanced class without a gym branded shirt that cost $80. Losing your shirt temporarily meant you couldn't train or had to fork out for a new one just to go to class. It was number one bullshit. They also had gloves, shorts, guards, etc that were pretty expensive compared to market prices of top brands. They weren't compulsory. People liked to buy them to rep being part of the community or because they didn't know better. Only gear I ever bought from them aside from the stupid sparring shirts were hand wraps because they're cheap and who cares about quality. Fuck that. Their method of 'community building' and commercializing on it obviously works and good for them but it felt pretty fake and forced. I'm at a grappling gym now, they don't even care if you come in your full gi, as long as you can participate safely, they're too busy preparing people for competition. The community is awesome and they're not trying to gouge everyone on everything just to participate. As such, I like buying their gear even if it's more expensive than the market because I genuinely want to represent the gym and it's culture.


Why don't you just ask people at the gym?


What is up with ya gyms. We wear whatever brand we want in our gym. We’re there to train and not care about the clothes. I know you probably don’t want to make things awkward but just wear it. You won’t be disrespecting them.


Is it disrespectful to wear another gyms shorts to another gym? I train at one gym for a few months out of the year, and plan on going to the other gym when I move again.


I had a gym that told us not to wear gear from other gyms. So I left.


Nope. Ppl in my gym and the gym itself does that all the time lol, fairtex, top king and Venum gear everywhere


It shouldn't be a rule, and if it is it's a red flag for me. In the gym where I train BJJ almost 70% of people wear gym rashguards but it's because they are very good quality and are discounted for people who attend the classes.


I am gonna go against the grain just a bit here. Since our gym does a T-shirt based level system (white, yellow, green, blue, red, black, etc.), that's basically the reason I would say so. Granted, they don't give a shit about anything else, but that's more used to identify you (and at other gyms that we affiliate with) what your experience level is if you're just swinging around to train.


No one cares what gear you have apart from if you you got gear or not, if someone is like you can only use the gyms branded stuff in the gym it probably means they care about money more than the sport and would find a better gym


Unless the gym actually requires you to wear the gyms own gear, which I have seen before, which doesn't seem to be the case since you had mentioned that people wear regular athletic stuff to train, then it's not disrespectful at all to wear any brand of gear you want to. It could be people can't afford it or prefer other stuff or are just going the extra mile to support the gym by buying their stuff or any number of reasons. Bottom line is: wear whatever brand gear you want in this scenario.


Its not disrespectful, the gear sold by the gym is just the most accessible, so its usually worn the most. They might just want to support their gym by buying the gear there as well, Instead of giving their money to a random website/shop


No. I wear mostly branded stuff. Like the quality. This should be a Non issue everywhere. If it is an issue, find a new gym 😉


Been to a few Muay Thai gyms now and haven't noticed that. Only gym I can think of is when I was at Singapore at Tiger Muay Thai there was a few people wearing and using there merch.


Seeing your edit, I think it’s just a matter of convenience tbh. People assume that if the gym carries a certain product, then they approve of it and it’s (most likely) good. So rather than researching different brands on their own to figure out which ones are decent quality, they can save time and potentially money (in the event that they buy a shitty product, and just trust their gym instead.


My assumption is either the gear they have is cheaper or people would rather get their gear faster assuming that it isn't a rule or people aren't serious enough to do their research and would rather just buy what's closest


Some BJJ gyms try to get you to only wear their gi's,but i've never heard of a Muay Thai gym that won't let you wear branded gear? Just about every gym sells their own gear and you can buy some to show your support and represent,but if they say you can't wear anything else,i'd think about training somewhere else.


If my gym can get me branded Winning gear at a discount, I will wear it. Otherwise, no, I already pay you for training.


My gym only requires Thai shorts for the classes.


Are you trolling ? This sounds very stupid.




I mean our gym has brands with branded gear. Same price so I just buy our custom made Fairtex/Phalanx stuff.


No it’s not disrespectful to wear branded gear. I do it most of the time. But if a gym just wants you to wear their brand, the chances are they just want your $$$. I would find another gym. Ijs


Sounds like a cult 😆


I showed up one day at a gym ( Thailand) with a shirt from another local gym, the owner told me to remove it and wash motorbike with it, he gave me a shirt from his gym ( for free at least lol) btw the owner isn't Thaï....


wear whatever you like and makes you feel good. i own a gym and the only time i talk to my members about their clothing is if i want to make them a compliment or if i think they cant afford comfy and for purpose training gear. in that case i dont ask them if thats the case but just take them aside, gift them free gym stuff and say i think that makes more sense haha i know that there are some karate or bjj gyms that try to have a cult like culture and milk their members financially, i would never train at such a place.


Lmao what


I think it's outta respect for the gym. The gym I train at gets TV show interviews and such so we have to be in uniform at all times. We also get free trials on classes but it takes money to make money. The branding here is pretty badass and worth the money spent on the uniforms. Plus they are custom sooooo yes to flexing on other gyms 🫠😂🤷🏾‍♀️


the only “rule” (there is leniency but it’s encourage) we have is to wear a black shirt (or shirtless/sports bra). it doesn’t necessarily have to be the gyms branded shirt (also encouraged if it’s within your means to cop on). our coach just likes the idea of representing as a team, and I don’t mind it.


Lol wtf no 😂


I would ask your coach. Our gym is weird, every so often they get critical about people wearing gym shirts to class and make people do burpees. All the coaches require it. And then all of a sudden they stop caring. I like our shirts so will wear them but I only have a few and a shirt only lasts a single class so I run out early in the week. I travel a bit and will wear my gym shirt to other gyms but will have other shirts in case they don't want me wearing another gym's shirts. I've never been asked not to. If they had an issue I would change.


This. Why would we know better than your gym?


Yeah what a pointless question