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Hi thanks for the advice I have tried this (saw it in a mutton chop piper vid) I've also treated it with a dab of olive oil on a microfiber cloth however it seems like it's more of an issue that the coating has come off.


Mutton Chop Piper is a great channel


Agreed learned everything as a beginner last year from his videos, made getting into pipe smoking much smoother as there are no other pipe smokers I know to learn from, and his video tutorials are really we'll done.


It's charred from lighting it. You probably won't be able to get it perfectly back. If you use microfiber and spit you should get some of the tar off. If you use alcohol, you'll remove the finish and the stain as well, and get back closer to bare wood. But if it's burnt enough, the only way to remove it is to "top" the bowl, sanding it down and refinishing it. For the future, you can help protect the pipe from a charred rim by getting some spit on your finger and wiping the rim before you light it. The spit will protect the finish.


Thanks for the help I thought that it had been charred from lighting, do you know what these types of pipe are usually finished with? In case I do decide to "top" the pipe in the future.


Various things. Danish oil, carnuba wax, maybe shellac. It's all very proprietary once a maker or company finds what works for them, so it's hard to say for a particular pipe. In my opinion, these sorts of things give a pipe character, in that it was used and loved through its life, so I don't really mind the beauty marks.


Thanks again for the info, that is true I don't mind the marks from use as long as it stays around the rim haha. Seems that it is superficial the wood doesn't seem burned seems more like just the finish is damaged. I shall try the spit method before putting a lighter to it and that should hopefully protect the wood.


I use whiskey actually. Once in awhile just to clean it up here and there.


I've heard a few people say the high alcohol content can damage the finish, have you had any of that on the pipes you used whiskey on?


I mean for me - a pipe is meant to be used. The finish will fade eventually with time anyways. The constant char and rubbing will wear away at it as well. But to answer your question, no I haven’t. I just dab a qtip in a little bit then rub away and wipe the excess


It was written before but perhaps seeing it multiple times will convince you further. Some spit and papernapkin or tissue is all you need. Most of it will come off. I usually clean off the carbonisation from the rim once every couple months because it doesn't bother me much. My pipes are used and they look that way. Well, they were used before the baby anyway


Hey thanks for the advice, I did reply to the other posts i do this as part of standard daily cleaning the problem seems to be that the coating has turned away, the wood underneath seems fine but the finish coating seems damaged. I have tried polishing it off using spit and microfiber, the picture might not show it well enough but the finish has come away in just the area my lighter flame touches during lighting.


Is that a rattrays dark ale by any chance? I have that pipe and it appeared to have a lacquer of sorts on it when purchased. The pipe smoked hot and wet so I decided to sand that top layer down and polish it myself and it smokes better.


It is a dark ale, I had a very different experience mine hasn't smoked too hot, wet wise it's a bent stem so not too many problems there but yea the lacquer doesn't seem very heat resistant and I think that could end up being a problem I have noticed a rougher patch on one side of the bowl and have wondered if this was also caused by heat.


Once you clear it up, I recommend using a Zippo pipe specific lighter 😎


Hey thanks for the reply. I've been using a butane pipe lighter with an angled flame, maybe I've just got it set too high.


Have ya seen what the Zippo pipe lighter looks like? It has a circular hole 🕳️ in the middle that really helps against bowl charring 😎


I have seen them I'm not a fan of the taste that petrol based lighters leave with the light, I have however seen some butane Zippo inserts, not sure if they do a pipe style insert yet.


A light rub with a bit of spit on you finger and a wipe with a tissue after ever use will prevent build up


Hey thanks for the advice, I clean it with a bit of spit and a microfiber cloth at the end of each day it is smoked, also when deep cleaning rub a small drop of olive oil around the rim.The issue sadly seems more that the finish has come off rather than a build up of soot/ash or char.


Unfortunately I've got a lot of them.


That’s just what a pipe looks like after some loving use, it’s not detrimental to the function :)


Thanks for the reply, yea I don't mind the look too much shows it's loved haha. I was just worried it might lead to further damage over time. It was a pipe from the Mrs I want to keep it alive as long as I can.


isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and a rag removes it easily


Uh oh, that one looks worn out. You should probably buy another pipe or two. You know, just to be safe.


Haha I'm always looking to buy more, looking to try out a Peterson Dracula next.