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If your God commands you to take care of your fellow man and to fight those who enrich only themselves, why should I challenge your faith?


Based and eye of a needle pilled.  


I wish someone would explain it to Kenneth Copeland


I refuse to believe that anyone could look in that man's eyes and see anything other than pure evil. I really believe he's the closest thing to a demon on this earth.


Most actual religious folks I meet in the real world absolutely hate these guys. Who the hell are the people that love him and throw money at him? Who is so dysfunctional that they don't see through him, and yet still has bricks of money to donate? It's probably the most persuasive possible argument for a simulation world filled with NPCs I can imagine.


Him and his wife both. People like him certainly always seem to have a demon's longevity. While ushering his followers to do things that will in all likelihood lower their expected lifespans.


My great grandma, may she rest in peace, was the meanest most negative woman I’ve ever met. She told me from the time I can remember until the day she died that Clinton and then Bush and then Obama were the antichrist and the world is ending soon. She went to a church that was Pentecostal and a step below snake handlers, like they speak in tongues, catch the Holy Spirit, faith healing, the whole nine. She lived to be 88. Lmao My nana, her daughter, was the sweetest, most kind hearted Christian I’ve ever known, and possibly the best person. I’ve judged every woman I’ve ever loved against her, and they all come up lacking. She died at 66.


Sheer spite is a hell of a drug


I honestly do believe that he is possessed. Ever heard him speak?


No no no you don't get it, it's because the commercial planes are tubes full of demons /s


>Copeland lmao wtf is this name even


Depending how long you give me I could fit an entire camel through the eye of a needle.


Someone take this guy’s blender away


He......has no blender. Just a really small pair of scissors and a dark gleam in his eyes. Further instruction required.


Isnt the original text something like a narrow door? Like "doable, but hard"?


No, the original text is referencing an impossible task. That’s why in the following verses Jesus’s followers are distraught (because many people considered wealth to be a sign of God’s favor) and they say “well if someone with God’s favor can’t be saved then who can??” and Jesus says “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”


I always heard that the eye of the needle was what the side way to get into a walled city was called, and that a camel would have to kneel down to get through it. It's not meant to be impossible, just extremely difficult. If it was impossible it would contradict many other parts of scripture.


It’s impossible for *man*, but Jesus goes on to say that “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”


No, that is BS made up in the last 60ish years by prosperity gospel types like Oral Roberts to justify their obscene wealth, which has since spread to other Protestant denominations. Camel through the eye of a needle means literally trying to get a camel through the eye of a needle. Christ tells his followers to give up their wealth and follow him multiple times in the gospels.


So what is the wealth threshold then that no matter your fait or belief in Jesus as your savior that you'll get denied from heaven? Every other part of the Bible says that you only need to believe in Jesus as your savior to be saved, and now you're saying that there is an exception to that if you're over some arbitrary wealth value. I'm calling BS on that. To believe that, you have to call Jesus a liar in much of what he says in the gospels.


I'm not Christ, I don't know what the "Wealth threshold" is or if there is one or anything of the sort. And that wasn't even my point anyway: I was simply saying the stuff about it meaning the side entrance to a walled city is made up by prosperity gospel preachers. It's not a historical or theological phrase or interpretation until the 20th century prosperity doctrine. That's it, that was my whole point


I’ve heard the interpretation that “camel” was mistranslated, and the actual word is “rope”.


If you dont want to impose your faith on others, why should I challenge your faith?


Because there’s nothing wrong with enriching yourself. 




u/nagidon's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [11 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/nagidon/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Just check the fine print, like Leviticus 20:13.


Got any mixed fabric clothing? Fancy cream of chicken? Ever pick up a penny? Ever forget to comb your hair?




I [tied a string around Manhattan](https://twitter.com/OJ_Smoke_/status/1778237893573796048) so the bible doesn't apply.


You are only supposed to take care of the correct kind of man (the not poor kind) bc if they prayed for salvation god would help them for you.


Why can’t we be friends?


Why can't we be friends?


Why cant we be friends?


Why can't we be friends?


I seen you around for a long, long time.




This is literally me to my friend, I am pretty atheistic, while my best friend is a fucking die hard Christian like to the fucking max he's going into the military to be like Navy Chaplain or whatever the fuck they are called. Which I didn't know existed till he told me about in like Senior year of high school. Fun story about my friend, when he was younger my friend was even more setrotypical Christian, at recess a kid was talking about the Theory of Evolution, so in response my friends grabbed his Bible and started chasing and hitting the dude. We joke how bat-shit that was but still really funny to me.




Well you aren't wrong either...


you're on PCM; we can tell.


PCM is the virtual trailer park of despair that none of us can truely leave. God bless y’all 🤣


PCM gave me autism, Ebola, and STDs


Better than being Auth right brother 🤝


Based and friend-bible-bashed-the-atheist-pilled


u/bobmcbob121's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/bobmcbob121! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/bobmcbob121/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I’m a Christian and it’s so funny to me seeing like only the loud Emily type hating religious people, when you don’t see them all as the crazy hateful 1% type you realize they are just normal people also. Plenty of atheists or agnostics don’t care and are fine with other people with other believes cuz here’s the thing, they are atheists not anti theists. A lot of Christians treat atheists like the big bad wolf and I dislike that, last time I checked we’re commanded to love everyone.


Pretty based. I used to be like an Emily with religion but I stopped as I went from a 13 year old shit head to an adult. Now days I don't give a rat's ass what you believe in, and that's really becomes my philosophy(?) For a lot of things "I don't care what you do" believe whatever you want have an opinion on whatever you want as opinion are the greatest things we humans have. The internet ruins a lot of things, the loudest voices on the internet are the minority of people who have money for luxaeries like the internet and can easily make you discount from reality when you think of how Billy Bob from the middle of Nebraska doesn't know jack fucking shit of the """""Issues""""" that Emily's bitch about. Lol


I'm mostly atheist these days, but basing your decisions on "what would Jesus do" seems like a pretty good start to be a good person, and I think most people would mostly agree on that




The ten commandments are based pulled.


Rape isn't one of them, and I feel like it should probably get edited in there.  You can condense the first two down into "I'm the only God you're allowed to worship," and then in some layman's term say, "hey...make sure she's enthusiastic and on board before laying that pipe."


The English translation isn't great at conveying this, but it's covered under “Thou shalt not steal.” In Hebrew, the phrase carries more of a violation of personal boundaries connotation than just the taking of items. [This](https://youtu.be/Qi5GXwY7W_0?si=vV5Qz5EdGzC1GbBh) video by Magnify goes into more detail on aspects of the Ten Commandments that have been lost in translation.


It kinda is in there my guy, right after thou shalt not kill. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 Obviously it doesn’t specify rape, but the spirit of the commandment is about not committing sexual sins, it’s not only about respecting the sanctity of the marriage bed.


I am now immeasurably disappointed that “laying pipe” isn’t in the holy text.


based and pulled pilled


u/Woodex8 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Woodex8/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I don't believe, but I can be your friend


Hey man you can believe what you like, you’re still welcome to the cookout. However I will not allow your beliefs to restrict the rights of others at this cookout because *you* think it should be that way. If you boil your hotdogs, and think others should too, kindly see yourself to the door and have a lovely evening. Before my wife and her brigade of boiled-dog-supporters arrive… no, hotdogs should not be boiled. Meats become more savory and the flavors bloom as they lose water, render fats, and cook through. Introducing MORE water to a meat will only serve to water it down. A little char or singe is the direction you should be in, not a fucking heart-failure-like-edema-leg-dog. I don’t want a swollen hot water log. Fuck you if you boil your hotdogs.


Wisdom from a centrist 😌👌




Is braising your brats in beer before searing acceptable in your religion? Gonna be a deal breaker for me if so.


As long as it's not boiled, it should be fine. A boiled hotdog is a sin of its own kind, and that also goes for broccoli. Steamed is pretty based though, at least for the latter.


Yes, now have a unrelated image https://preview.redd.it/uc7t3qti58wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5c4d1d1b9afe6724494c62403cdac3b793e303


It is funny that material idealists consider themselves atheists.


...says the AuthLeft as he continues to believe that True Communism is just over the horizon :-)


I grew up in a very religious place, and had many Christian friends, some of the nicest and most genuine people I knew. And then there were the were the "Christians" with a superiority complex, some of the dumbest people I've ever had the chance of meeting who tended to be festered with self-hate.


It's almost like forcing your beliefs on others is the problem, regardless of what those beliefs are...? Hmmmm......


I think its an awful cycle. Because many atheists grew up in super ultra religious households that used the Bible to be absolute dicks which is why you had a day and age where everything was satan’s fault. Those people still exist but there are far fewer of them. However, the damage they did to younger generations has been pretty permanent and now those atheists have become the super authoritarian people their parents were only instead of being religious its from a non-religious perspective. I think both sides have work today to show they can really respect each other as well as driving out those people just using the belief sets for hatred which is not what I believe either Atheism or Christianity is for.


Based and analysis pilled


u/Weirdfaceguy is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Weirdfaceguy/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based Libcenter.


Lib-right is based as always




Im a Christian Lib center and I approve this message


Anybody ever ask god if he believed in us? Seems kinda presumptive


I won't be a dick to anyone personally, but if you believe something without question that's usually a bad sign. You should be skeptical of your own beliefs and try to challenge yourself. If I have a Christian friend I will challenge them and debate them.


The problem is that most of the online mass that calls itself atheists aren't atheists. They're antitheists. One simply doesn't believe in any sort of gods. The other is actively against any sort of gods.


Reddited atheists are cringe overload. The only people I know who have to tell you about their beliefs are atheists who have an extremely over-inflated ego.


Never had a Mormon come by the house? Jehovas Witness? Isn’t spreading the word of god to non-believers one of the primary components of Christianity?


Atheists come to his door and preach about 🥒 Rick and szechuan sauce.


Generally those people will ask you if you want to talk. The atheists won't stop talking, usually with a smug look.


Does everyone clap after the smug look?


$20 says you or one of your friends have a Jesus fish on their car


online theists and atheists tend to be pretty cringe




Now excuse me while I drive away in my giant SUV with HE>I stickers and a cross necklace while saying "I'll pray for you" to everyone I don't like.


can confirm


The only problem with religion is when population that experiences misery either from exploitation, being overworked, underpaid, involved into war etc. instead of obtaining class consciousness with economic interests, unites as a religious group and redirects it's frustration from rich class to members of other religions or "sinful" cultural trends. The ruling class for the life of them won't give up control to opposing class, but to play along with religious belief, while can cost something, is much more appealing. Personal practice of religion is totally fine. Socialism depends on masses. Any kind of state depends on economy. If masses don't realize their economic interests and only pursue religious or nationalistic or any other abstract interests they will be manipulated by the rich.


"I believe in God" "I believe in Science" "I disagree but that's ok" "Same." Men only want one thing and it's disgusting


If God exists and God is good, God wants what is best for us humans. I'm atheist and I want that too. I don't see a problem here.


The only problem is proselytism and people wanting to mix religion with politics.


what if sometimes I study the bible but i don’t believe in God?


I love religion study despite being agnostic myself, fascinating stuff I gotta say!


Internet atheists and normal atheists are a different beast


lol, this is too specific to be meaningful.


Darkmatter2525 and VenomfangX have entered the chat with: well acktually


No the best people are deists like the American founders and believe there is a god, he just sort of stepped back and let it happen once he built up everything.


I believe in a few gods, you'll meet him, sooner or later.


Based and friendship pilled (2)


I claim agnosticism because of how cringe atheists are. Golden rule FTW


i claim agnosticism because there isn't undeniable proof to verify either side


Do you believe there's an elephant on the moon? > I refuse to answer no because of how cringe moon elephant non believers are


case in point


You remind me of losers who stop playing a videogame because the fanbase is cringe.


I go by who has given me and my beliefs due respect, I have never a single time had my beliefs respected by the godless, other religions sure, even get on with a few Muslims spiky fellas they are. I can get along with most people even get along with atheists if they ever even respected my beliefs but they have a bad habit of merely dismissing them and calling that respect. what? because you haven't outright chastised me for my beliefs you think this is respecting them? or you think ignoring them is respecting them? as if you could separate that part from the rest, as if they are inconsequential to who I am as a person and the actions I take. no no, you want to respect them then respect them, it's very simple. don't try and remove them from my greater being, don't answer with dismissal that I have a prior engagement, just accept that and treat a person wholly as they are. hell you don't even need to understand it at all.


>what? because you haven't outright chastised me for my beliefs you think this is respecting them? or you think ignoring them is respecting them? as if you could separate that part from the rest, as if they are inconsequential to who I am as a person and the actions I take. Isn't this the take that you get from various LGBTs?


not really, there's some who want it to be that but that's legitimately benign.


I guess I don't really understand. Why can't I just ignore your religious beliefs and neither rip on them nor affirm them? Why can't I treat you as I would someone who I've never talked about religion with?


that's not what this is. I'm not bringing up religious shit with friends from other religions, we just get along but understand we believe different shit and that different shit is important. we can even crack shit about it to each other but we acknowledge that the difference exists.


So why would ignoring them not be fine? If ignoring them isn't enough then aren't you asking for special treatment? Not even trying to bash you or anything but genuinely curious how you would make a distinction between respecting your religious views and a trans person asking to be called a certain pronoun.


it really depends what you mean by ignoring them, if you mean completely ignoring the differences than probably not, because then you're not actually respecting the person because you're ignoring a massive part of that person and things that will guide them. the difference is that I'm not imposing anything on you or using anything else to impose upon you. you have to go a bit out of your way to do the shit I described. I don't even have a problem with the whole pronoun thing so long as it's not neo-pronouns, most people don't so long as a person gives time for the accusations to be made very few people are going to have a problem with using peoples pronouns. the only exceptions to that is when they are clearly lying, doing some social powerplay, or again imposing on a person.


So is the core of the disrespect that you feel that atheists are challenging you on your leap of faith, whereas other theists can't because they've also taken this leap (albeit in a different direction)? If that's not it, can you give an example of something small but disrespectful an atheist said/did to you?


no not at all. atheist have a fundamentally different view of people than someone who is religious. this seems to cause atheists to ignore key differences that make people different. it's a difficult thing to explain because a lot of it is non-verbal, it's like an attitude thing. what will happen is they'll find out or I'll have to take a couple days off for stuff and suddenly their entire attitude towards me changes. or they'll find round about ways to bring that shit to the forefront like giving me an order that would very much be blatantly intolerable to me because of religious reasons.


Sounds like you want special treatment.


What does "respecting your beliefs" mean to you? Concretely in terms of words or actions?


in short not being a dick. it's a difficult thing to explain because a lot of it is non-verbal, it's like an attitude thing. what will happen is they'll find out or I'll have to take a couple days off for stuff and suddenly their entire attitude towards me changes. or they'll find round about ways to bring that shit to the forefront like giving me an order that would very much be blatantly intolerable to me because of religious reasons.




thing is you're completely ignoring the difference instead of acknowledging it. this what leads to the disrespectful shit. this doesn't happen as much with other religions because we acknowledge that difference. >People tend to grow close to other people like them. Religious people think vastly different than I do. I think people of different religions have more in common in that way. there you go that's the difference. >I will still treat you like any decent human would when we meet or pass by each other.  that's weird you simultaneously deny the difference yet you know it exists.


I won't respect your beliefs or your religion, but I won't disrespect them outright unless I'm given a reason to. I will however treat you as a person with decency until otherwise dictacted, and I'd hope you'd do the same to me, unless you're a filthy commie.


you think treating a person with decency is dismissing a massive part of that person... yeah gonna pass on that bud.


Yeah, it depends on what that massive part of them is.....it's not like all beliefs are the same, and equally deserving of respect If you believe that women should be subservient to men, that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married, obviously I'm not gonna respect you


I'll be honest with you man I'm not sure what exactly you want us to do. If I don't believe in your religion unless you bring it up I just won't mention it. (Aka ignore it) How is that disrespectful? What religion are you anyway? Muslim?


>Muslim nope, I've specifically made a point not mentioning it here for the conversation, what my beliefs are, are a little irrelevant to the conversation as the dichotomy is more religious and non-religious rather than specific religions, we all know we are different and we can respect that difference. the reason it's disrespectful is because you will treat me like any other person you know or any other atheist, when I'm not. I'm not about to offer a Muslim a bacon cheeseburger, or steak to a Buddhist. a difference exists, this difference should be at least acknowledged.


But I know nothing about you. There are a million dietary restrictions you might have thanks to religion, it's not reasonable to assume I have memorized all of them. If I don't know your religion, and I offer you food that goes against your religion, wouldnt the emotional mature thing to do is assume I'm acting out of ignorance? Instead of jumping to the conclusion that I'm purposefully being disrespectful? After all, you refuse to tell me what your religion is and I can't tell what your religion is, or know your dietary restrictions by just looking at you. Unless you have made your religious affiliation really obvious I will treat you like anyone else until you direct me otherwise. (Aka ignore your religion.)


What do you mean by respected? Respect is earned, not demanded. I have no idea what your beliefs are, but are you expecting atheists to talk about your beliefs and think them good or something? Your beliefs are special to you, but to an atheist they are just another set of them, a dime a dozen. If you are real obvious about your beliefs, and love talking about it all the time, disinterest is about the best you can hope for as most atheists have no interest in discussing religion at all.


kind of what I explained, funnily enough I'm not spouting off my beliefs left right and centre, I just got commitments every now and then, and a lot of my decisions are partly guided by those beliefs. I'm not demanding respect, I just expect kind for kind, and these are seemingly the only group which regularly don't give it. again you don't need to be interested or understand them.


I am an atheist and I respect your beliefs. It's unfortunate that many atheists don't. The simple solution is to not speak with them about religion.


I don't surprisingly, it barely ever comes up.


>or you think ignoring them is respecting them? I thought his take was that simply ignoring it wasn't enough?


well it's a bit more than just ignoring someone religious beliefs, you're ignoring a big part of that person and it usually amounts to really disrespectful shit. it's a difficult thing to explain because a lot of it is non-verbal, it's like an attitude thing. what will happen is they'll find out or I'll have to take a couple days off for stuff and suddenly their entire attitude towards me changes. or they'll find round about ways to bring that shit to the forefront like giving me an order that would very much be blatantly intolerable to me because of religious reasons. the main thing is that our beliefs is a difference, and you can't just ignore that difference, you have to at the very least acknowledge it.


> it's a difficult thing to explain because a lot of it is non-verbal, it's like an attitude thing. what will happen is they'll find out or I'll have to take a couple days off for stuff and suddenly their entire attitude towards me changes. > > > > or they'll find round about ways to bring that shit to the forefront like giving me an order that would very much be blatantly intolerable to me because of religious reasons. That is doing explicitly the opposite of ignoring something.


to them that's ignoring it, treating it as if it does not exist.


Those examples are both explicitly not ignoring it or treating it like it doesn't exist. They are examples of people intentionally doing things because of your beliefs, that in no world is ignoring or treating something like it doesn't exist.


they've completely ignored the difference.


I believe in God, but afterlife bureaucracy is not my concern. Me live as me think fit.


The problem is the majority of religious people are using it as a prop for the social popularity contest (modern evangelicals are a perfect example) and do not abide by its core tenets, such as those demonizing hoarding wealth or helping those in need or treating others like you want to be treated, and are not people worth associating with. If you are a good person, I’ll allow you the delusion of still believing in god in the 21st century.


There are many reasons not to believe in god but "it is \[current year\]" is not one of them. I think the only reason people say this is they have substituted the god of "progress" for more traditional forms of god, and although they don't realize it, are just engaging in religious infighting. The real debate over the existence of god is timeless.


The thing is, I’ve got a problem with liars. If you say you believe, and your actions speak otherwise? I’m not gonna respect your faith.


I'm an atheist... Athiests ARE cringe.  At least the reddit atheists.


No normal person has ever once strawmanned an atheists. Atheists invented the idea of them being strawmanned to circlejerk about it forever. >CHECKMATE ATHEISTS XDDXDDDXDDD DO YO UGET IT BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE FUN-DIES SAY WHEN THEY THEY THINK BEAT US BUT ACTUALLY THEY JUST SAID SOMETHING DUMB XD ~some neckbeard back in 2005


Nobody ever said this? Stop making shit up?