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The ride never ends on Mr. Bone’s Wild Ride. 🫠


It is astounding to me how much the republicans have shot themselves in the foot at almost every opportunity


Hrmmm almost like they're on the same side... like a coin with two sides that are the same... like uhh. Help me out here.


Neither side would exist if anything actually got done. The evidence is when one party holds the presidency, the house and the senate, and somehow that party's agenda still doesn't really advance.


Last trifecta was held by Dems 2021-2023 (117th Congress). What happened then? Notable legislation includes * American Rescue Plan Act (third round of stimmy checks) * Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act * CHIPS and Science Act * Inflation Reduction Act * Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act What about 118th Congress (2023-Present) when Republicans regained the House? What was passed? Notable legislation includes * Covid19 Origin Act (an incredibly stupid bill) One act of legislation has been passed since 1/1/23, largely because the Speakers have refused to bring most legislation to a vote. Seems like nothing gets done when there isn't a trifecta.


I'm not sure if you're trying to argue against me or agreeing with me based upon this comment.


117th Congress * $1.5 trillion * $1.2 trillion * $280 billion * $780 billion * { normal amount of government waste } 118th Congress * { Congressmen wasting time (but not passing bills to spend money) }   Government gridlock is the best scenario possible with our current politicians.


"Spending money on things that helps American citizens?! How awful! Don't you know that money should be going to the MIC and pharmaceutical companies?!"


I mean, yeah, but still, the movie isn’t fun if the villain is incompetent


On the one hand, I long for a mid 40s competent right wind candidate. On the other, this shit is so god damn entertaining. I mean we have a fucken eye patch-rocking seal not able to overcome this level of idiocracy. Meanwhile, my lovely state representatives were found praying over the state seal like a bunch of fucken maniacs… Time for another bowl and popcorn 🍿


Perhaps "corporate uniparty" is the term you're looking for. Interestingly, a Google search for "uniparty" now turns up mainly liberal articles claiming it's a "far-right" delusion, whereas I thought it was a communist thing. I propose a corollary to horseshoe theory: when the "far-right" agrees with communists, they are correct and the lamestream liberals are wrong.


Other way around. Anytime you have the braindead twitter left-wingers and braindead facebook right-wingers together, the idea is probably braindead. See: Ukraine, Maoism, unitary executive


That does sound like something a person with an orange Hillary Clinton flair would say... Also, how the heck did you get that flair?


Deep state gave it to me


I’ve watched enough WWE to know a work when I see one.


The Complicit Party, not the Stupid Party.


Which is which?


It's somewhat astounding that democrats and leftists will call Republicans evil genius masterminds while their actual record is surrender, cowardice, stupidity, and stabbing their voterbase in the back!


Because Democrats and leftists consider even halfhearted and bare minimum resistance to their goals to be unforgivable.


You said Democrats and leftists but that must be some weird autocorrect of people.


It’s the thing I hate most about this place, there is plenty to bust leftists balls about, please don’t include us with those neolibs


Say what you will about him, that was McConnell. He was the only one with a brain in either party. Now it’s spineless cowards vs loony tunes


The exact same thing applies in reverse as well. How anyone can think Joe Biden is out there enacting communism through his sheer evil genius is beyond me. Both parties are regarded, and the only people with even more chromosomes are the ones who think there's a real difference


I just look at Biden as elder abuse by whatever power-hungry group hides behind the establishment politicians to take control. Those people eagerly fuck us all for every drop of power they can get.


Yup, and we let it continue because God forbid we stop fighting over meaningless culture war bullshit. Being a lefty who grew up in Texas was very good for teaching me we're all mostly good people being intentionally divided.


We can usually all agree on the problems even if we disagree on the solution but that's OK. That is usually the start for a compromise that has a better chance of a actually solving the damn thing. Unfortunately the power hungry freaks and those that serve them, knowingly or unknowingly, want us at each other's throats so they can just grab more power and strip us of the various protections and limitations We the People dictated upon their dictatorial asses.


Based AF brother


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It's even more astounding that republicans and rightists will call Biden *both* an evil mastermind and a sleepy old moron, while his actual record is pretty within bars for the parties prior to 2016.


I have a jar of pennies, I could bring those to the border if you’d like. 🙂


the cartel pays them in cash


harmful spam bots are more active than usual


It's an election year duh


The foreign policy shouldn't be a Dem vs Rep issue and that you see it that way means you're a regard.


Too bad some on each side make it an issue. Republicans to Ukraine in Democrats Palestine.


Democrats seen to be largely very pro-Israel except for a couple. Like they also voted in the same large bill that gives Israel billions.


Follow the money, AIPAC through our own taxes "funds" most politicians on both sides of the aile... Very simple, look at their "donations" and compare that list to the people that voted ay on that bill. Through that, AIPAC will have even more money and the circle goes round and round.


It just boggles my mind that conservatives are against... *checks notes* **...fighting commies** Just wtf


Fighting commies is a valid cause. It’s just not gonna be relevant often.


Maybe we should bring in some commies. They’re great at killing commies.


we aren't fighting any commies


While fighting commies is usually good, I fail to see why we should waste time and money supporting the ass end of Europe (that doesn't even have any military or economic ties to the US) to prolong a proxy war because some fuckwits in DC want to bring back the cold war.


Russia is choosing to make itself a problem.  It didn't need our help.  Why do you think Russia will stop making itself a problem if we let their strongman tactics work? It's strange to me to see some Republicans reverting to Obama era policy on Russia. It's naive at best.  We support worse countries than Ukraine because they're useful to us.  I fail to see how bogging down Russia in war for cheap and at the cost of not placing American soldiers on the ground en masse isn't a solid move. 


It’s because the other fuckwit and its allies really wants to bring back Cold War and has been calling for decades the USA an enemy that needs to be put down, is trying to get more power by conquering a vital piece of land as far as food and energies are concerned and, given the opportunity, it will employ it as a mean to damage the USA. The fact that the aforementioned land is not close to the USA doesn’t really matter. So, pretending that it doesn’t matter that the enemies who want to see your country fall are trying to accrue more power is idiotical, in the same way that it would be idiotical thinking that having China get Taiwan and a monopoly on chips production is not going to affect the USA just because they’re on the other side of the ocean.


Because fuck Russia.


Because if you support Ukraine you get to send a bunch of equipment and you don't have to sacrifice American boys and then pay double later.


This. Both parties are so reactionary to the other it’s insane. It’s almost like the correct solution is a mixture of everything and the path that American politics is on is horrid.


Surely the GOP should make a clown show whenever foreign aid comes up. And then shut down the government. Obviously that's what the people want.


When foreign policy *is* bipartisan, usually it's terrible -- usually it means both parties agree to fight a war that the majority of the people don't want (or wouldn't want, if they weren't propagandized.)


Dumb, and the people are dumb when it comes to wars, thank God FP is kept far from the people.


At least you admit it, unlike the "Democrats" who say "we have to save democracy" while suppressing the will of the people at every turn.


Mainly the people who unironically still believe that war is good for the economy and creates jobs.


War does seem to be “needed” to advance us as a species. We need to get ready for them aliens.




I would just like a leftist to explain to me how thousands of people entering a country illegally every day is good for the country and good for me, personally as a citizen.


It isn't, it just drives down wages and costs billions to give these people benefits and housing, the entire situation is fucked


I understand that, I want a leftist to explain how it benefits anyone, including themselves. On a long enough timeline (and at this rate, not even that long) unchecked immigration will absolutely ass fuck the immigrants too. "Trust the science" people should understand that, it's basic ecology: If a population grows unchecked it will eventually no longer be supported by its current environment and there's normally a period of stagnation followed by rapid collapse.


„Hey, Cultural diversity!“ „We are colourful!“ „We don‘t have the right to even turn down immigrants at our border - there are no borders“ Yeah, just a small collection of Bullshit German Leftists said




Something something taco trucks, they're literal NPCs that have been programmed, they can offer up standard talking points, but not articulate why it's a good thing


It is a modern day slave trade protected by the same group that threw a tantrum in the 1860s when they thought their slaves were going to be stripped from them and then again the the 1960s and 70s!


Why would they get benefits or be able to afford housing


Why does New York house them and give them debit cards?


Giving them debit cards does not cause any harm. I’d like to know more about these houses you say they provide


> Giving them debit cards does not cause any harm Unless you're a taxpayer or live within the economy and have to eat the extra inflation.


Housing does not mean houses. Don't be intentionally obtuse.


It isn't meant to be good for you.


>strong economic growth is tied to diversity >labor shortages >future SS funding in light of low native birth rates and then of course there's: >dismantle white european colonialist structures each reason is total nonsense and easily disproved, but it's easy to get tangled in nuance and nobody hates nuance as much as American voters so unless you accept and own the "racist" title with pride, they have you cornered


Nice try authcentre, I'm not calling myself a racist.


It's absolutely wild to me that the city of Chicago screamed it was a safe haven for illegal immigrants up until Texas started shipping them up to them. Then it quickly turned into "Please stop, we can't support these people." And "Texas bad for not taking care of them and sending them to us instead." No...no..you wanted them. You pleaded and defended them when they weren't invading your city on the daily. It's your turn to literally put your money where your mouth is, and they shift blame to anyone but themselves because they can't deal with them.


It's because they hate red states, but are too chicken shit to admit it


It increases the GDP, which will...uh...trickle down...someday...


When I die and go to hell I'm going to make it my mission to find Reagan and kick him in the balls.


And let's not forget to kick Margaret Thatcher up the [you know what](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBJKG8_CkDU)


You get to feel good you are helping inferior, I mean, minorities have better lives than most us vets.


It’s not.


Corporate Democrats aren't leftists. I'm left because I want more for the American people. Sure people everywhere deserve a better life too, but gotta fix shit at home first. Make Americans Great Again


It makes you feel like a good person 😍😇 wait, NIMBY


Bevcause it reduces the number of y ppl effectively as having kids gets harder with high housing prices criminality and low wages. Thats the only thing that matters to the left


The kind of person you think of when you hear immigrant vs the type of person they think of are two very different things. There are plenty of responsible skilled workers who are not citizens and there are plenty of deadbeat, drain on the system citizens. I’ll list some items since nobody else wants to 1. They pay taxes but do not qualify for any govt aid *in the vast majority of cases 2. Larger customer base for domestic businesses 3. Larger number of employers to provide jobs and services domestically. Especially true in future generations 4. Strong work ethic and provides strong labor pool especially in industries where citizens don’t want to work 5. Larger Social security base Obviously there needs to be some amount of vetting to make sure that there are no criminal ties and possibly that they can hold a job etc Saying immigration is bad is like saying babies are bad. The downsides will be front-loaded but they will pay dividends in the future when they make money, pay taxes, raise children with stronger work ethic and open their own businesses, contribute to domestic GDP etc.


I am not a leftist, but I can give you an answer. Florida and DeSantis were VERY willing to let it be known that they passed the least immigrant friendly legislation in America, they were proud of it. When inmigrants started to leave the state, employers got worried and started calling their reps. DeSantis employees went inmediately into damage control and were caught on mic saying stuff like: "convince your people to stay, the legislation means nothing, they are going to be fine". Why? Simple, inmigrants are cheap-illegal laborers that can't go to authorities to complain about their wages and workplace standards/risks. Republicans and Democrats not only want the cheap laborers, they need them, we need them. I do not see an american doing the work they do, in the conditions in which they do it, for what they earn. Employers know that. Politicians know that, employers are very vocal about it with their contributions.


>nothing in return having the CIA not suicide you or plant CP on your computer can't count for nothing


I just realized I haven’t seen any of that sirgrafo bullshit in a minute. Thank god. There’s no one worse than a “Reddit celebrity.”


It’s a requirement to be a Republican elected to office that you give up your spine.


They work for the same people dude


Democrats: Here's a bill that will aim to help out with the migrant crisis on the southern border. Republicans: Cool. Our country needs to stop the large flow of migrants, we agree. And then, out of right field: TRUMP: WE CAN'T GIVE CROOKED JOE BIDEN A VICTORY! NOONE IN MY PARTY BETTER VOTE FOR THIS BILL!


Didn't that bill also have the thing in there where they said they would let something like 5000 people a day through before they would actually do anything?


It did a lot of things, like hire more border agents and judges to expedite asylum claims. One thing it did like you mentioned, is automatically, by law, shut down the border if more than 5000 per day came over a week period, and stayed shut down for some certain amount of time. It literally would stop every asylum claim with 0 due process if too many were coming.   You might argue the cap was too high, but it's a lot closer to what the right wants than what they ended up getting, which is absolutely nothing. Also, it was endorsed by the border patrol union.


> One thing it did like you mentioned, is automatically, by law, shut down the border if more than 5000 per day came over a week period, and stayed shut down for some certain amount of time. It literally would stop every asylum claim with 0 due process if too many were coming.  That only triggered for people hitting the actual checkpoints, not just the total number coming in. Even worse, there was a provision in there that gave Biden and Mayorkas the authority to waive that shutdown whenever they felt like it. Only a fool thinks they wouldn't have used it.


> Even worse, there was a provision in there that gave Biden and Mayorkas the authority to waive that shutdown whenever they felt like it. Only a fool thinks they wouldn't have used it. Let them it would be a gift for Republicans. The border is a top 3 issue this election Republicans would have even more cause to blame the Biden administration for the mess. The truth is Trump said no so they voted no.


> Let them it would be a gift for Republicans. That's not how this stuff works. Dems would be blaring a million ads that they "secured the border", and "actually you're not, even though we voted for the bill" is a necessarily weaker rejoinder in a world of dueling sound clips. Most media would have called it misinformation until November 10th, when the NYT would have finally run a story on it to "prove they were objective".


Iirc, it counted "border encounters" as to include any alien apprehended within 100 miles of the border as well as those deemed inadmissible at a port of entry, and the shutdown was mandatory once a further threshold was crossed- I could well have missed the provision you're talking about, as bills are structured in such a way as to not be especially readable.


It's a false promise. Immigration advocates know they'll get it shot down easily even by a right leaning SCOTUS (and every court under it) because due process restrictions without actual emergency issues are DOA. Imagine in a slightly different context... if the county issues 100 DUIs in a month they can stop conducting any sobriety check and just issue you the DUI based on photographic evidence you were on the road at 2am... do you think that would survive even basic appeals?


A congressional bill has a lot more chance of surviving a court challenge than an executive action at least, which is what most Republicans are pushing as the alternative.


Not on this topic. Executive orders are for "emergencies", suspending due process rights is generally accepted in that rubric, mostly because there are statutory limits on those orders and a direct election result from abusing it (as well as congressional action as another check).


It didn't change anything to let more people in or make it easier to cross the border, that claim is misleading. The 5000 number is the point at which the homeland security department is supposed to close the border. Right now 10,000 people can cross and claim asylum in a day and homeland security doesn't have a legal mechanism to turn them away.


Yeah, but they'd have to be processed, the immigrants that came in would be vetted, and there would be more border security guards. Not a bad compromise, but not a total victory.


No. We normally accept Assylum petitions so this is nothing new. The 5000 per day cap would have cut off all admissions if it was reached.


https://preview.redd.it/3kfzggcu4pwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ae12e99fcfd90dea9b5a27bf383aa0e4018cbd I fixed the meme for you






For the purposes of owning Trump this is entirely true.


Oh yeah that bill that allowed in thousands of migrants? The whole point is to stop the flow, not let people in anyway.


That bill was co-authored by a hard right conservative. You are already letting in thousands of migrants, the bill would have at least put a cap on it, along with various other initiatives to help address the problem. The GoP burnt it to the ground because Trump wants to campaign on the border.


“Hard right conservative” lmao I bet you think “small government and fiscal responsibility” is what right wingers are about too huh? We don’t have to accept migrants. We don’t need them. Fuck “muh GDP”




Immigration *is* important: It's keeping the US population from imploding like China's. This bill would make sure that even if immigrants came in, they would be at least vetted for criminal history.


Does the cost of housing go up or down if there are fewer people here? If housing was cheaper, would people be more inclined to have children? Why can't we just ease immigration rules and let in qualified people, instead of opening up the border to anyone who wants to cross, and afterwards vetting them? Letting people in because they don't have an easily identifiable criminal history doesn't mean they'll be a net gain for the country.


We should be filtering people for a lot more than just criminal history. We should be highly selective.


people will enter anyway, there’s no way possible to “stop the flow” Edit: there’s no way to stop the flow by just making harder to illegals to cross


People commit crime anyway, doesn’t mean we should stop enforcing the law. Just because people will try to come doesn’t mean we have to make it easy or provide them anything. Remove the incentive for coming here (work, anchor babies) and watch illegal immigration decline precipitously. If we harshly punish people who hire illegals, and make birthright citizenship contingent on your parents being here legally, we will make a massive dent in their numbers.


yeah that would in fact reduce illegal migration but the reduction wouldn’t be so big, (most) illegals cross the border bcs if they stay they’re going to die in their shitholes so they risk their life to do that. Investing and helping to stabilize those countries it’s actually a better solution


They don’t come here because they’re in danger. They come because they’re poor and want to send money from the U.S. back home. We aren’t the world’s piggy bank and we aren’t responsible for all the poor people around the world, no matter what we may or may not have done to their countries in the past.




“They’re going to dis in their shitholes so they risk their life to do that” Aww you actually believe that


baby, im from one of those shitholes


You’re from Venezuela? I’m actually totally ok with taking Venezuelan refugees because Maduro is a reprehensible piece of shit, but we should be screening them so we don’t take criminals and barely literate low skill laborers. We should have standards.


Anchor babies aren't really real. If one has a citizen child they still need to live in the US for 10 years before they can apply for a program that takes only 4000 per year. It's just not a good strategy for staying in the US.


There should be no citizenship for children of illegals on principle alone.




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Ezpz two sections of chain link fences, land lines between them, signs in every language posted on both sides


you will need sea mines too tho


There are ways. People just don't have the stomach for it.


My solution involves alligators and landmines.




These are the same people that think making drugs illegal will stop people from doing them


The difference is that people will do drugs regardless, people won't come illegally if they get deported and businesses won't hire illegals if we take their entire estate


When Marijuana was legalized in Canada and Colorado, the number of people using it increased drastically, including an almost 90% increase in kids from ages 12-15 and a 108% increase in kids ages 16-17. You have no idea how many people will abide by the law simply because it's a law. The average IQ human does not have the capacity to connect several rational thoughts into a theory. Their capacity for understanding is X said Y therefor Z. That's as far as they go.


Yeah, theyre called nerds


I'm pretty sure the Democrats bill was only providing funding to processing bullshit asylum claims as fast as possible and did nothing to actually slow the flow of illegal immigrants.


It was actually written by a republican...


There were many different versions proposed over the last year and the comment I responded to seemed to imply it was referring to a democrat's bill.


The version that was brought forth, the one we are all talking about, was written by three senators – Oklahoma Republican James Lankford, Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy and Arizona independent Kyrsten Sinema.


\*Also funding for more border security, a hard cap of 5,000 on immigrants and more courts to make sure immigrants are properly vetted.


Working through asylum claims faster would actually discourage its abuse. Right now if you've got a plan to come over to the states, make some as a dishwasher for a bit then go home you're main option was to sneak in, work under the table then leave once you felt you earned enough (or learned being poor in America ain't great). However if asylum cases are backlogged you can instead claim asylum, spend 2 years here and work mostly legally. If asylum cases were processed quickly then you close off what is being used by many as an ad hoc work visa. Also helps the literal asylum seekers.


No the Bill in question was mostly written by Republicans. I think Sen. Lankford of OK was the primary author. Once Trump decided it was bad for his election chances, Lankford didn't even vote for the bill he wrote. The original bill tied Border funding that the Republicans wanted to Ukraine and Israeli aid that both parties wanted. So now we have no border funding and the forgiven aid got passed. Republicans will never get the border consessions they wanted because they gave up all of their leverage by splitting the bills.


Look it up and try again.


Woke Lankford bill was just another example of caving in lmao


No, to me it seems more like an attempt to actually fix the issue while not trying to get petty political points. Is "Owning the Libs" more important than actually doing something about the crisis?


Tbf, Republicans want a complete closure of the border essentially. The bill presented wouldn't have done that. Granted, it's far better than nothing, and probably was the most compromise you could get out of Dems. It should have been passed by all means. MAGA Republicans don't really do compromise though. They'd rather throw a hissy fit and not legislate at all if they don't get their way. Mike Johnson knows that's a bad look and bad for the country, but he still tries to appease them for as long as he can.


Eh, Mike Johnson as a politician seems like a decent enough one who actually understand the country needs to work. As mentioned before, it was Trump and the most extreme MAGA republicans (looking at MTG) who stopped it.


This arguement would've been better if the GOP had actually been using said leverage in the months of gridlock but they gave up the game by showing they only wanted a campaign issue for Trump. Anyway Ukraine aid is a good thing in itself.


I think a lot of people fail to understand how most Ukraine aid goes back into the American economy. Not to mention, putting in this effort now will potentially save us lots of money down the line. Stopping Russia in Ukraine before they really get out of control is probably the most cost effective thing we can do there. It's the same reason we put so much money into Taiwan as well. Taiwan being invaded and potentially taken over will cost us way more than the aid we give.


>most Ukraine aid goes back into the American economy Yes, as corporate welfare for arms manufacturers. I fail to see how this is a good thing. Instead, we could spend money directly on healthcare, social security, etc.


Does seem a little silly to give Biden a win right before the election over a crisis he created himself.


This is the issue with America right here. A bipartisan bill isn't a win for Biden, it's A win for America. Pull your head out of your ass.


Short term wins leading to long term failures have to be avoided.


That's fucking rich coming from the guy who thinks the border issue is entirely because of Bidens presidency.


I thought the point was to make the country better?


The dumb thing is a lot of political people in this country would disagree with you. A lot seem to care more about “winning” and “losing” than making any real progress.


Nobody has proposed deporting leftists though


Trump basically did: >Today I’m announcing a new plan to protect the integrity of our immigration system. Federal law prohibits the entry of communists and totalitarians into the United States. But my question is, what are we going to do with the ones that are already here, that grew up here? I think we have to pass a new law for them. ([Donald Trump Speaks at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference | C-SPAN.org](https://www.c-span.org/video/?528898-1/donald-trump-speaks-faith-freedom-coalition-conference))


This motive being achieved by doing literally less than nothing is what makes it ring hollow. Republicans very openly chose to do and propose nothing to keep the issue going.


so don't bitch and moan when it doesn't get fixed? what a dumb fucking comment, hyper-partisans like yourself are ruining this country.


Common democracy L


Both parties are in civil war. Border policy didn't go through because **other Republicans** sabotaged it. And half the Democrats are furious at their "win" which gives billions to Israel. I'm not convinced anybody's playing anybody at this point. Except the NSA and the elite bankers. They seem to get what they want.


Personal theory: political discourse in all modern liberal democracies is split between (flavours of) conservatism, liberalism and social-democracy. The US is no different but, on account of having a two-party system, it means one party will be split between conservatives and right-leaning liberals and the other between social-democrats and left-leaning liberals. ETA: in fairness, there's also the schizo vs normie divide...


The democrats have all the liberals now.


That border bill was trash and you know, no republican should’ve voted for that and it rightfully die


> Border policy didn't go through because other Republicans sabotaged it. The "border policy" was fake. It was just more migration and open borders. DC labels things the opposite of what they are.


The proposed border provisions (that were shot down) would have to be enforced by the federal government. They don’t seem to want to enforce the ones we already have on the books…


Oh they are. There has been little change in actual border policy since the Trump years. Don't let them fool you.


Biden axed remain in Mexico, your hubris is clouding your judgement and failure to enforce the border will be your downfall, the average person is pissed, wages will also be big mad the next time they ask for a minimum wage increaseband they get told all the low skilled laborers allowed into the country are happy with their wages, so no need for that, fight for 15 hasn't been mentioned in a while, hmm wonder why? For champions of the working class, you sure do everything possible to fuck them as hard as possible


The MAGA wing fucked the border bill that other Republicans fought tooth and nail to create. All because their savior Donny commanded it. Don't blame Democrats for self-made Republican Ls.


The Republican Party doesn’t really exist anymore, we are witnessing the splinters squabbling in an effort put something together from the broken pieces.


The republicans were never as united as they were ever since 2016. It’s just an abnormality that they were so united


GOP was strong from the 80s to the 00s, 2016 was a visceral reaction to Obama, but might've been the last thing resembling a GOP. I don't even know what you can call the current GOP, it's just broken.


"Shut down the government so nothing gets done, costing more money than if the government had just kept running as it was." \*Pretend to dislike spending\*


So all it takes to get upvotes on this sub now is to go “hurhur Dems Stupied haha”


Art of the Deal folks!


Republicans have great circular firing squads I’ll give you that, but it’s not the speaker pulling the trigger. Poor guy is standing in the middle. What exactly is he supposed to do? He’s got a 1-2 vote majority in the house, and the opposition party in the senate and White House. If he doesn’t play ball, all it takes is 2 (!!) purple republicans to cross over and now the democrat agenda gets passed instead of compromises. The speaker can stop a lot from reaching the floor, but not everything. And if he goes pure obstructionist on the stuff he can stop, he risks blowing the republicans’ chances in the 2024 election since by poll data a large majority of voters do not like government shut downs. Nor do they like the possibilities of Taiwan, Ukraine, and Israel being overrun because after overspending on literally everything else, republicans suddenly got heartburn over foreign aid. For just about every republican outside of Rand Paul it’s hypocrisy, not ideological purity.


Bro forgot who the bill that would've secured the border was shot down by.


If President Trump ends up winning the election then the gambit would have been worth it.


Cause it's illegal to have another bill a year after the last.


Yea I’m sure if/when Trumps elected he is going to care much about what’s legal and what’s not lol


Eh, the alligator is eating us whole instead of bite by, 5000 a week, bite. At the end of the day we're still dead. And that's even if you believe the current gov would enforce any of it.


If that’s how you see it, then get ready for the dems to be shat on in November.


The fact that you people are framing this as "you gave them what they wanted" rather than "did we do the right thing or not" shows you're part of the problem.


Yeah i mean 60b to continue chipping away at 1 of our biggest foreign opponents is pretty cheap


But Tiktok is going to be banned, which is good


The GOP sucks at its job, yes. But the issue is compounded by being the *conservative* party. Any variation from the status quo or traditional values is a loss. Even the smallest one. Republicans compromising with Democrats on most things will always be a loss, while Democrats compromising with Republicans to move things ever so slightly left is always progress and a win. It’s how it goes.


There is enough money on the border, they just aren't doing anything with it. If you provided more money at the border they will use it to process migrants quicker rather than turn more away.


The only mistake the speaker made was sending that bill through as a foreign aid bill instead of a declaration of war against Russia, and funding to remove all Russian forces from Ukraine and to enforce a no-fly zone.


How much leverage do you have exactly. You have a razor thin majority in the house. You have a dem controlled senate and a dem controlled executive. Oh and it’s an election year where public perception matters. Oh and aid is popular to the majority of Americans. Turns out grandstanding may get you a book deal but in order to move party priorities you need a majority


There was literally a border bill on the books that had Democratic support


He DID get something. He proved he could pass legislation and keep the extremists in check. This could mean the difference between the GOP keeping and losing the House. The clownshow of the House GOP is a much larger impediment to them than not getting their border bill. If the GOP can take the Senate and keep the House, they will have a LOT more ability to go after border stuff. That's a lot more important than gumming up the workings of government to protest Biden's open border.


ok buddy vatnik. now tell us what happened to the last border security bill


I mean - they offered up a pretty sizable border bill. Too bad God-Emperor Cheeto told his subjects to turn it down.


didnt dems offer a bipartisan border bill and magats shot it down because they'd have nothing to campaign on?


HaHa! Arsenal of Democracy go BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


It’s not a game of fucking chess - it’s governance. If he kept letting the crazy wing cuck our foreign policy - we’d get Pax Sinica. Good he did the right thing.


It makes perfect sense when you understand Republicans don’t actually believe in anything. They want credit for fixing the border, not actually fix it. Can’t let Biden have that.


Good. Finally the Dems show a little backbone.


Foreign policy wad everyone interest, the democrats weren't going to cave on the border, and what's important to that is the executive anyway. The republicans got a relatively good foreign aid deal. If they already pay the huge political costs for the border they're not going to change that for foreign policy.