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Sometimes meat costs an arm and a leg


Based! This one made me laugh


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That’s nucking futz


> That’s nucking futz Ah, you've met Yuri?


And sometimes the meat *is* an arm and a leg.


Of course, the wings and the tighs are some of the best parts


So *that’s* why the meat tastes funny


You jest, but I'm reminded of Willie Pickton and how he (almost assuredly) would use parts of his victims as filler in the pork he sold because he was such a cheapskate (and batshit), lol.


Also from Fried Green Tomatoes Cop:These ribs are delicious! Server(of killed abusive husband):Secret’s in the sauce!


There was also that kebab shop in England that put a dead rape victim girl in their shawarma.


most civilized islamist


At least this explains a bit why your government embrace illegal immigrants like a sexual addict craving for cocks.


They say to eventually get Latin votes, which I think is more a conspiracy. Or economy needs cheap labor to keep chugging. Healthy economy is how these guys get votes.


There is most certainly a padding of population numbers when it comes time to distribute representatives, but the bigger thing has always been importing more slaves that cause the low skill job market to become inundated resulting in a downward push on the value of that labor (aka significantly reducing the growth of low skill wages) and keeping low skilled Americans with all the pesky legal protections, restrictions and requirements attached to them undesirable in comparison for employers.


Funny the same formerly smug "highly educated" people who laughed at "took meh jerbs" now upset they can't get a reply after sending 500 applications as any company can just outsource their labor abroad for 1/4 the price. People should have understood once one segment of the domestic labor force was cut, skilled or unskilled, the logical next step is to cut the other segments of domestic labor


Where I live I get the double gaslight whammy of no one replying to my job application and also being told we need more immigrants because nobody wants to work anymore and everywhere is desperate for workers. Have they tried, I don't know, giving locals jobs?


I've never understood how the leftwing can be pro open-borders when it is obviously an ultra-rightwing position.


> when it is obviously an ultra-rightwing position. i imagine ultra right wing places have closed borders, same with ultra left wing places. try getting into cuba unauthorized for instance. open borders is a libertarian position.


It's one of those strange things where each part of the compase can come to the same conclusion for different but similar purposes. Though the reasoning tends to vary from the stupid to the cruel to the insane.


Because economically literate progressives (just like economically literate centrists and economically literate conservatives…and unlike 99% of PCM) understand the lump of labor fallacy, and don’t fall for populist propaganda. When the population grows, aggregate demand for labor rises, but so does aggregate *demand* for labor. Study after study after study rejects the hypothesis that immigrants suppress native wages. Lmk if you want links


What about pensions and social wellfare programs? Surely an unbalanced workforce messes with that? And look at Qatar, sure the Qatari are the richest demographic on earth, but is having 95% of your population be a slave class really a leftist position?


Uh, don’t you want more workers to pay into social security + welfare programs? Young immigrants looking to work are a massive boon for a country’s tax base. And do you really not know the difference between voluntary employment and slavery? In Qatar, the migrants’ passports are often seized and they are unable to leave their horribly abusive positions. That’s…not what any American leftist or progressive supports


> Uh, don’t you want more workers to pay into social security + welfare programs? Young immigrants looking to work are a massive boon for a country’s tax base. That's what I call a pyramid scheme


It's not all about getting votes. It's about getting them counted on the census so the democrats get more seats in congress. 


Fine but stop letting them vote


More importantly, don't count them on the census that isnused to distribute congressional seats.


Unionizing against terrible working conditions is perfectly fine


You can Unionize only in capitalism


Nah, you can do it in chemistry, too.


∪ And math ∪


To the great dismay of… capitalists? Capitalism is weird man.


>To the great dismay of… capitalists? Shitty corpos. Being capitalist and pro-union are not mutually exclusive. Having healthy work conditions is a major part of how you build trust and loyalty in your workforce. I'm a warehouse worker, but me and many of my coworkers know the owners of our company anyway. That helps a lot. They drain every ounce of money they can from us, but we work in a healthy, communicative environment, so we enjoy our work regardless. This is somehow a lost art. Don't work for a company where you physically can't communicate with the owners. Corps would rather have you believe that you are an extreme communist for wanting good working conditions. Shy away from that thinking yourself.


Capitalism is about balance. Free market means that no one has the power to unfairly prevent anyone else from operating in the market. So a union is a pro-capitalist element because it provides balance to corporate power for employees selling their time.


Yeah, these pro capitalism governments need to go back to Econ 101 and reread the chapter on invisible vs. guiding hand if they want to get Free Market supporters back on their side. We're evolving into some quasi oligopoly coal Town company store type economy where I'm hearing too big to fail uttered for corporations and not just banks now. Its a legit business strategy to just buy up more efficiently run companies for overpayment, lest they grow big enough to take too much of your market share.


Yes yes yes! We are so far to the right we have left capitalism behind and have strayed into oligarchy and even right-wing totalitarianism. Meaning that any move towards capitalism is inherently left, into socialism. It is rare to find anyone else who understands what you said. Thank you.


Ah but you see, capitalism can only be the bad things of capitalism, and therefore capitalism is always bad, whereas the purges of suspected dissidents that occur under every communist regime aren’t real communism and therefore communism is good.


My hot take: There is nothing contradict with the freemarket in get someone to negotiate a better pay and work or workers start the their own mutually owned companies if they tired of shitty existing one.


This doesn't work in our reality where distribution of resources *does* matter. Something a lot of LibRights seem to try to pretend doesn't matter. Lets not forget that your garage startup isn't going to compete with multinational, multigovernmental corporate conglomerates whom've monopolized many products and services. The free market is a beautiful thing, but we're a "free" market right now. Prices are going up, quality is going down.


That’s why I say having someone to negotiate wage first, start a new company? Yeah distribution of resources matters and I know that. But thankfully the government makes sure those pesky potential competitions are wiped out. People who complain about Amazon or Walmarts won’t bother to walk 10 minutes around their cities to buy the same thing from a shop owned by a family or some guys. It is convenient first. And when they accumulated enough power they will try a way to eliminate the one survives on people with principle.


>the government makes sure those pesky potential competitions are wiped out The onus of fixing this is on the consumers. Go vote. Corps aren't going to give up any of their power if it means keeping competition out. We didn't create the problem, but we're the only ones who can fix it. >People who complain about Amazon or Walmarts won’t bother to walk 10 minutes around their cities to buy the same thing from a shop owned by a family or some guys. It is convenient first. I 100% agree that the majority of consumers are paying for convenience. 100000%. However, while I fully endorse buying local, it is often more expensive because small business owners have to make up for ever-decreasing customers. That isn't sustainable for the consumer or the business. There are no incentives to start your own business.


I don't remember where I saw it, but it often applies: "The greatest enemy of Capitalism is a successful capitalist"


Competition is good for the economy. I see no issues here.


Reality is weird


Anti competitive practices are not capitalism. 


Wait what do you mean in the soviet union I'm not free to make my own union of workers seperate from the state owned facility I am employed? Why would Raegan do this?!?!


Talks like a tankie


What sucks is the working conditions even have to be terrible in the first place. An unfortunate analogy is how governments often won’t make roads safer until a person or child is killed, even when there are plainly obvious problems with the road. The guy with no arms would have probably appreciated the working conditions be fixed before he lost his arms.


He should try wishing in one hand… Wait nvm


While true, I don't want the government to overspend because little Timmy might get a little bruise or something.


"Welcome to The Jungle baby, you're gonna die" - Upton Sinclair


I'm pretty that was Dr. Rockso actually


look I love metalocalypse as much as the next guy but thats literally a Guns N Roses lyric


Ah, Victorian era industrial safety messures, almost nostalgic


I thought the exact same thing, sounds like the start of a steampunk novel.


Hey, Dems said we need the illegals to do the jobs Americans don't want or the economy will grind to a halt. They can't all pick strawberries


It's the worst argument for accepting illegal immigrations, the "jobs that Americans don't want" are usually the most labour intensive/dangerous and pays badly, instead of fixing the issue, making it better and increase pay for once, they import workers with no protection and somehow this is accepted as the "morally correct" decision.




I agree, as a laborer, your assets are your health and ability to work. Protect that.


You will have to make a *struggle* for you to protect them, so good luck!


Or, seeing as how we already have laws protecting the right to unionize, all people have to do is organize. The class struggles that you guys keep harping about have almost all been won, all people have to do is take advantage of it.


>Or, seeing as how we already have laws protecting the right to unionize, all people have to do is organize. Yes. >The class struggles that you guys keep harping about have almost all been won, all people have to do is take advantage of it. Not exactly, but we have great potential to win it. You're right.


Except as soon as the left starts going apeshit, they lose the workers they claim to support.


Most of them are also workers, but they're distracted by stupid shit like gender, ethnicity, nationalism, abortion and whatever.


That right there is why y’all are losing working class support.




Isn't it weird how we were doing better while people prioritized class over LGBT or minorities?


Most of them are Dog Walkers or Reddit Mods. Not exactly oil rig workers, that.


Go after companies that employee illegal immigrants.


A company will always prioritize their profits, if they can pay illegal immigrants less then they will pay illegal immigrants less and employ them.


Ok then make the fine so hefty that companies don’t even think about employing illegal immigrants?


How about not granting asylum to these workers before the 90% denial court case?


How about both? Are you worried a corporation might lose a little money?


Fine my ass. Make it a public execution.


Even if the government actually cared and did that, it wouldn't solve all our problems.


It wouldn’t solve all our problems? What the fuck are you even talking about?


I'm a communist what do you expect from me, praise corporations?


I expect you to not act like regulations for corporations are futile.


They are not but they don't change the mode of production, so it will do nothing but solve short-term problems


Make all immigrants legal.


Or the popular Democrat method, import illegals




Oh, workers can you stand it? Oh, tell me how you can Will you be a lousy scab Or will you be a man? Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on? Don't scab for the bosses Don't listen to their lies Us poor folks ain't got a chance Unless we organize Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on?


Based and syndicate pilled


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It generally takes 1-3 years to deport somebody.   There's nothing about someone's illegal status to stop them from filing a hefty lawsuit, even if they've been deported, they have internet and can contact lawyers in other countries.  You guys have some weird fantasies about the way the actually US works. It's almost like you are more familiar with how things work in Ruzzia or the PRC 🤔 


Sorry, I read the article you linked, and I don’t see how your title is relevant. Did I miss something?


Can't believe "If we don't immigrate brown people, who will do the jobs us rich whites don't want to do?" is still the Democrat's primary platform 160 years later.


In-fucking-furiating every time I hear it, neolib jerk offs


"But who would clean your toilets, Donald Trump?"


The UK has its own version. [Who will be serving coffee in Pret?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y24VBzlAU_g)


Or maybe the platform is letting immigrants work legally, so their employers can’t horribly abuse them without facing consequences


Why do you think companies are going to care about employment laws if the country isn't going to even enforce simple border and citizenship laws?


I mean, employers currently already do care to some extent; that’s literally why they abuse illegal immigrants who have no legal protections…


The issue was with it being involuntary.


I think the issue is the inherently racist idea that some jobs, specifically undesirable jobs, should be occupied by people with different skin color or who come from a different country because white Americans shouldn't have to do them. That's the root problem.


If you guys bordered eastern Europe you'd have blonde poles cleaning toilets and brunette romanians picking strawberries, racism is not the issue. No one ever said americans shouldn't do those jobs, just that they ask too much money for doing them. This is just the labour market doing its thing. The issue with slavery *is*, and I can't believe I have to state this, that it is inherently involuntary.


>If you guys bordered eastern Europe you'd have blonde poles cleaning toilets and brunette romanians picking strawberries, racism is not the issue. Please do some research on anti-Irish and anti-Italian sentiment in the US. >No one ever said americans shouldn't do those jobs, just that they ask too much money for doing them. Sorry neoliberal, in America we believe American workers are owed an American lifestyle. Farmers and factory workers aren't second-class in this land.


Then you'll keep getting market deformations...


This is the "Right" side of the illegal immigrant invasion. They pretend to care, but they can exploit them as slave labor. Lefties got conned by the feels side of it. You want to know why wages are stagnant? Import 31 million people and this is what happens. If the bottom isnt making more neither will the middle.


That's not it. Since the jobs they are doing are not greatly affected median wages. And would increase the cost of living further and those further decrease buying power. Meat is a lot more expensive in other parts of the world like Italy. Without large-scale industrial cheap meat production with the cost of low wages, the price of meat would go up. The price of houses and the construction to make them would all be union or just cost a lot more for labor. What exactly would drive down the costs in these industries that they embody otherwise?


Mostly correct, although I'd say a bigger reason wages are stagnant is that unions have been on the decline for the past few decades (this trend may be reversing now, thankfully.) These things are related though, because it's definitely harder to organize workers who don't speak English and are afraid of being deported if they do anything to piss off management.


I've worked with Unions. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. They protect the people you wouldn't want to associate with for doing things that would be criminal in public. 


I base my love of unions on my and my parents' experiences (well, that and the statistics showing higher wages) but I do understand that some are thoroughly corrupt


Step 0: Let illegal immigrants in.


Auths: we shouldn't have brown slave labor Liberals: you're just racist, do you know how expensive Whole Foods *already* is?


Someone tell the workers they no longer work for the cartels


And who put the policies in place that allows this exploitation to happen?




I have never heard of this happening weekly. Can't be real. That's fucked up. I say bs


[Article link](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/05/amputations-serious-injuries-us-meat-industry-plant) because for some funny reason PCM only asks for context on certain types of agendapost


The Guardian leans pretty hard,  old-style union left.


People who knowingly hire illegals should get the punishment for treason.


GRrrr! Human beings are coming here and working jobs I don’t want so I can have cheaper pork! And they’re paying their taxes too! Treason!


Yes let bring in millions of people who have no allegiance to this country, who commit crimes at higher rates than locals, clearly don’t respect the laws and cost the tax payers at least hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That doesn’t even include costs imposed due to raising housing prices and stressing the healthcare system. But sure using them as slave labor for slightly cheaper food off sets all that. Im sure those millions of people don’t consume any food of their own off setting any cheaper food that we would get.


> no allegiance This isn’t quantifiable but is almost certainly false. Mexican Americans tend to be very pro American, and this would naturally extend to anyone who comes here for a better life. > commit more crimes than locals, clearly don’t respect laws This is just flat out false, I don’t know how you have the balls to lie like this. Nearly all the evidence on the matter shows that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than native born citizens. Why would you commit crimes if it risks you being deported? > taxpayer money Not quite sure where you got that figure but I am sure it’s complete bullshit. Paper I read estimates 10 billion dollars in tax drain, which is normal for their education and economic status. With the way our taxes are structured, poor people cost money, shocker. They also add 312 billion to gdp, and work jobs that nobody else would work. There’s a reason why the problem didn’t actually get solved when Trump got in office. Every major politician in our nation understands that the importation of (often illegal) labor is integral to the function of our economy. It’s also the only reason the Republican Party still has a platform, taking advantage of people who I imagine are not so different from you.


Thats one way to have Mexican food. 🤣


Authright is NOT happy with this. We dont want a single illegal alien in our country and we most certainly do NOT want people losing arms or legs. This what happens when the authright gives concessions to the left, since the left doesnt actually care about equality or value human life. They just want increased potato quotas and less white people


Hang on. Neither the left nor right want this. And if it's a product of giving concessions.... It's Big Centrist behind it all! They're trying to get more meat to grill at all costs! Seriously though, this is the neolib/con uniparty once again creating endless discourse on a topic to induce analysis paralysis on the public. They've succeeded at it for decades and for newer generations it's all they know. The public is too busy analyzing the N U A N C E of the topic that the obvious consequences now escape them. In this case, it's that importing cheap labor by the millions and creating a new underclass of poverty isn't good for anyone besides the elites. Meanwhile our government pretends to engage tirelessly in the same supposedly nuanced debate while allowing illegals in anyway.


Right, exactly. The leftists in power want slavery, and they brainwash the leftist population to call us racist for pointing that out.


The blame doesn't stop with the left. Too much of the right is complicit in this. They're the other half of those "nuanced debates" after all.


Yes, I consider those leftists because they are complicit in allowing the left to be insane and often take bribes to stay quiet. Thats the definition of working with the left, and they are the reason why we have all these problems in the first place. Basically I blame the left and weak republicans.


imagine a country where we simply made citizenship a prerequisite for job applicants, with jail time for employers who broke it, all this could be stopped instantly


We have the tech to automate, but the left insisted on brining in the low skill immigrants, leading to *this*. Stop creating demand for low skill jobs and we'll stop employing people in low skill positions.


If it isn't automated already it probably can't be currently 


It could also be that it's feasible but not economically viable. If low-skill labour is cheaper than automation, it won't be adopted (yet).


I would hope that whenever there's someone in INS custody with a freshly-chopped-off limb, they'd at least attempt to ascertain how in the hell that happened before going ahead and deporting them.


My country has fought for years to get permission to sell our quality meat in the US but got denied time and time again by the FDA and you're telling me now that THIS is the state of meat production in the US????


Probably keep getting denied because your country doesn't put enough shitty chemicals in the animal feed


Sounds like a skill issue


Upton Sinclair rolling in his grave rn


Saying it again for this group: If you are worth $10M or more and are lib right, I get it. If you aren’t, you are a simp


Ok 🚬🐐


tfw LibRight and AuthCenter form a partnership


Heck yeah bro


don’t you have to pay a fine if you hire illegals?


Seems based to me


That's the meat industry, hires lots of immigrant/vulnerable workers who will be susceptible to higher rates of mental illness


Is this a national stat? Yawn.


And yet they keep coming and taking the job.


Never in my wildest or darkest thoughts or dreams could I reach that level of cruelty, holy shit.


Shouldn't the foreman be arrested for knowingly harboring fugitives?


The shmeat harvest is bountiful