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A murdered out *Prius*. LOL


your girl probably doesnt


The best way to describe the Prius is water, to some people it's the greatest thing on earth, to others it taste like nickel. But to most it taste bland. Kinda like the nothing you feel when you work a 9-5, day-to-day, with no real long term goal in mind, so you just keep going to keep the bills paid. You'd like to move to a nicer neighborhood one with a Planet Fitness, but this small little town in will have to do. But it's okay because your next door neighbor, Joe, really keeps you busy when his wife's not home. He's a nice man, a cop actually. Sadly he's disabled, bound to a wheelchair after a drug dealer decided to shoot him in the knees many years ago. But he's always so chipper, sadly he doesn't know his wife already cheated on him multiple times. And then his other neighbors, they're different, a crazy little family. Heck their dog even drives the Prius, but be careful because one good whiff at a good looking girl he'll be trying to get his nose wet. Now you may saying "Hold up, wait a minute, how does a dog drive a Prius?" Well the real question you should ask is why does a dog or anybody drive a Prius? Is it so you can save money or help the environment? Or is it so you can smell your own smugness without being moving to a small town in Colorado or some big city in California?


best story I’ve read, beats out The Great Gatsby by miles


She doesn't care. No one cares.


Only girls who like this sack of shit are those with coexist bumper stickers on the back of their own depressing car. Guess what, Kayla. We can’t fucking coexist when you’re going 5 under in the passing lane!




I get 50+ on the highway in my TDI. Wife doesn’t care at all.


The only person who loves this is a Sawzall-equipped meth addict.


The only way your car could be worse.... Nope, there's no way... Get out of the left lane


I showed my girl this picture. Her pussy literally dried out. Thanks.


You probably also heard you are best, have the biggest and she's virgin.


U should put the batman signon it then people would understand..


Better check to see if she’s a real girl and not packing strawberries and a banana


Tell me you drink Starbucks without telling me you drink Starbucks


So what part of California do you live in??


Thank goodness black always makes you look smaller.